
Eclipsed Moon


Usagi leisurely walked down the street towards the park, really wanting to relax on such a fine day. The sun was out, birds were chirping happily in the trees, and everyone was happy. When she walked towards a secluded section in the infamous park, laughing and voices were heard.

"I can't believe Usagi is so stupid! She fell for all of our tricks!" More laughing was heard.

"We didn't even have to plan anything. She's so stupid, we could completely ignore her and she would still think we're friends."

"Maybe we should finally kick her out…"

"We wouldn't have to be friends with the ditz anymore. It's a great idea!"

"How about this. At the next meeting, steal the crystal, do some serious harm to her, and force her to resign as Sailor Moon."
"Great idea! Let's schedule it right now!" Rei picked up her communicator and pressed the button to contact Usagi. The small beeping noise was surprisingly heard, not very far away. The inners were filled with dread at what was going to happen next.

Usagi stepped out of the bushes, her eyes icy blue and empty, as if her life had been drained away. Something in them showed extreme anger towards her 'friends'.

"I truly thought you were my friends." Her tone was even lifeless. But Ami, amazingly, coolly replied.

"Just goes to show how idiotic some people can be."

"And I'm not one of them." Usagi turned to leave, but still spoke. "As of now, I am no longer Sailor Moon. You all can go around wearing short skirts and get your ass kicked without me, but after the little stunt you all pulled, I'll laugh in your faces." Makoto stopped her.

"If you're no longer Sailor Moon, hand over the Ginzushou." Usagi smirked coolly, and willed out the crystal. It was different, and it glowed with a strange light.

"Take it if you can. I highly doubt it." Mamoru walked over to grab it, but the strange light blew him back. Minako glared at he the best that she could.

"I would advise that you get away from here, and do it fast."

"I would advise that you don't tell me what to do. It might bring harm to you someday." With that comment she walked away into the suddenly cold and breezy morning.


Usagi walked down a busy street of Tokyo, a million thoughts racing through her mind.

'I should try to leave this place. There's no doubt the senshi will try to come after me.' At that, her communicator started beeping. She gazed at it with the faintest traces of humor in her eyes, before answering.

"Usagi! We're sorry about what we said earlier! We need help!" She glared at the tiny face of Jupiter on the screen.

"You expect to have me come running back to you because you said you're sorry? No." She turned it off, and after thinking for a second, dropped it and crushed it beneath her heel.


That's it for the first chapter of Eclipsed Moon! I would really appreciate feedback, and any ideas to get me started on the next chapter. Ciao!