Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice nor do I own any of the Young Justice characters the only characters I do own is the characters that I created for this story. Please R&R

Chapter 2

Isabella went and couldn't believe in what she just saw. She couldn't believe in what they did, after she went and ask him to not make them a part of that part of their life. The thing was how she was going to in contact with Bats. She could just go to the Wayne Manor but she has a chance of running into the boys and Richard. There is another option but she could end up back in jail and then she have to rely of the other members of the Light for help; seeing as she gather herself into the ranks and was in there circle a year after giving up the boy and putting a few member of the light in a solitary jail deep within the earth that she design herself, but let Batman have the credit.

At the moment she couldn't let him get away what she had done.

She was Ace… the strongest of all cards… it was time due that she made an entrance… let them try to capture her if they can….

It was the same day that the Jewel was stolen. Nightwing was talking to the Dark Raven through the Screen since becoming of age where he thought it would be too old to be a part of the junior league; he left the team in Ravens hands. Being Nightwing protégé and his son made the team all the more in better hands. As they ended their fee; Nightwing was shock that the boy couldn't remember Isabella more so that she didn't notice that it was them that she was playing around with; even the fact that she let them go with only a few little cuts on their faces. Could it have been possible that Isabella went and forgot her own kids after leaving them with him and Bruce? If that was the point she could have gotten rid of them as soon as she found out that she was pregnant. But then again it could have been too late before she found out.

These thoughts filled his mind on more than one occasion. Isabella left the boys in there care at the age of five but couldn't understand why she would keep them for that long then just drop them off at the manor. After all these years he still hasn't gotten over the fact that he couldn't even start another relationship because how of the everyday reminder of her. Even his relationship with Zatanna didn't last long with him always comparing the two and started to become distant in order to protect himself from being hurt.

It wasn't a surprise when she dumped him and said that she never knew what he was thinking whenever they were together. So just like Bruce he feels like he was going to go and put his work first. He was going to have to put this behind him one way or another; he just didn't know how.

Okay this might be one of this one of the stupidest things that I have done since my younger days.

Isabella just went through the Watch Towers Zeta-Beam without being seen and without having the Tower going into full alert. She didn't come with back up and she knows the consequences for breaking in the tower she could be sent to an underground jail with the other toughest villains and also members of the Light; or there could be a low chance of her going to Arkham but seeing that she escape her chances of going there are low.

Having her back toward the wall she walks into a room. Slowly opening the door she sees that Batman was in a room by himself. She closes the door and closes it.

"I thought all communication, were all through the cave," he said.

"And I thought that I could trust you," Batman turns around and face her. "My sons… our sons… you promise that they wouldn't end up in this life… you promise that they wouldn't end up like us."

"There stubborn"

"That's not a reason to give in what they want! That's not a reason to give in! You knew my wishes and yet you let them do this!"

"It was there choice," he said. She walks over to and puts her hands on both arms of the chair.

"Well, now I'm going to make my own choice and you might just loose both of your protégé," the door opens.

"Batman, I need to…" it was Nightwing he came to a full stop when he saw her. "Isabella"

"Richard," she smile then she glare at him. "It's good to know that you here, it's wouldn't be right to just let Batman know all of the information now would it?"


"Oh, I'm just going to take back what is mine," she said. "Well I think that I over stay my welcome," she touches the Ace of Spades on her chest. "Oh and I do still believe that the junior league is still stuck in that mountain," she suddenly disappear.

"What was…."

"The boys see if you can get in contact with them," Batman said.

"Nightwing to Dark Raven come in," Nightwing said. "Dark Raven do you copy… Nothing but static. I'm going to head towards the cave," Nightwing ran out of the room."

Ace walks through the Zeta-beams surprisingly there wasn't anyone inside. She heard the television and went and rolls a little ball inside of the room soon gas started to escape and anyone who was in there went and fell asleep. She looked over and didn't see Dark Raven or the Dark Knight. She walks around the cave until she came to a familiar door.

It was the door to her room. The room that she used all those years ago…

Putting her hand on the handle she found that the door was lock; touching the Clover on her arm she reach for it once again then the door open. There were layers of dust everywhere, like it hasn't been used in a while. Then she notice at the side table there was a mask. Picking it put see seen on the inside that it was a inscription.

"To Isabella, From Richard, I love you."

Tears started to form from her face, but she quickly wipes them away. She left the room closing and locking the door behind her. She walks towards the gym and sees both of her boys going at it. They were sparing with each other.

"Leonardo, Gabriel," they both stop and turn towards her.

"Ace what are you doing here?"

"Don't be angry with me," she said. "I just need to talk to you. Can you two come with me?" They both look at each other. "Just like you fathers," she said. "Well, I don't bite"

They both nodded at each other before leaving with her.

It was too late. Nightwing got there too late. The team was asleep and barely waking up before he got there. Dark Raven and the Dark Knight were nowhere to be found. He went through the security system and was shock to find that the boy left with her on their own. What could have made them want to go with her, all she said was a couple of words and their names.

"Batman… their gone," he said.

"We'll wait," Batman said. "They'll come back."

They arrive at an apartment it wasn't much but it had room for the three of them. She walk into the room and waited until the close the door.

"Can you guys wait for a moment while I change," she took of her mask and headed towards the bedroom when she came out she was holding a couple of clothing. "You guys can change into this if you want."

"Where fine just tell us how you know our names?" Gabriel said.

"Always the curious on Gab," she grabs a photo album. "I'm just surprise that you guys haven't look at you baby photos this could go a whole lot easier. Start from the back."

They open the book from the back. And saw a graduation photo that was profession taken.

"This is," all she did was shook her head. As they started to turn more and more pages they saw all the awards that they had receive in school their birthday parties and everything else then it got to when they were younger one picture stood out the most it was a picture of them together when they were young. They turn the last page then it was a picture of her holding them in the hospital.

Leo closes the book.

"You're our mother," Leo said.

"Yes," she said.

"You left us," Leo said.

"I didn't leave you I…"

"And you're a villain," Gab said. "How can we trust you?"

"I'm a double agent," they both shut up. "As you know my dad is the joker and I was force to come along and keep Robin at the time busy. But one night Bruce… Batman caught me and helped me get out. I wanted to get out so I made a promise that if I ever help my father again that I would become a double agent, and I did I lost my memories for a moment so I didn't remember, when I regain my memories I tried to pretend as long as I could but I couldn't anymore, I found out I was pregnant. I wanted the best for the both of you so I ask Bruce to take you at the age of five. You two were very smart boys and I wanted what was best for you even if it wasn't me."

"Does dad know this," Leo asks.

"No," she said. "Bruce thought it would be best not to tell him."

"What made you change your mind now after all these years," Gabriel said. "It's been eleven years."

"I ask Bruce one thing," she said. "I wanted you two to grow up as normal as possible. I didn't want this life for you. I didn't want you two to be drag into this cycle of having to risk your life every day. If Bruce ever did come to me and said that you die I don't know what I would do." They didn't say anything they were all quite. "You don't have to forgive me for leaving you with them; you don't have to forgive me for becoming what I am. I just couldn't hold back any longer and when we had at it the other day and I saw you faces, all the walls that I put up, just fell," she said.

"This is all too soon," Gab said.

"I understand," she said shaking her head and standing up. "I'm here when you need me, and tell him I'm taking a break," she said as she looks out of the window. The both of them got up and left the apartment. When the door closes all of the tears that she was holding back started to flow down her cheeks. "They come back I know they will," she said as she looks out of the window.