A/N: This story is going to be about Chihiro's arranged marriage to a family friend. At the second half of the story something happens & she meets Haku again. Continue reading to find out what it is! (:

Summary: Chihiro is now 17 & arranged to be married to a family friend. She doesn't like the idea at all or the boy she's supposed to marry. What happens when tragedy strikes and Chihiro is sent to the Spirit World? Read & find out. ChihiroXHaku fanfic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Spirited Away. :/

Chihiro was now seventeen years old. She was practically an adult. Shouldn't she be having fun, living her life to the fullest? To be brutally honest, Chihiro would do that but lately she had been having trouble sleeping. She'd go to bed early and wake up outside with no remembrance of how she even got there in the first place. On top of that she kept having these odd dreams about a dragon, a girl wearing pink named Lin, and an evil witch named Yubaba. That's not all . . . she also dreamt of a magical world. A world where she was important and highly respected. Except in this story, she won't be dreaming and the Spirit World will become her home.

When she was thirteen, she had tried telling her parents about the adventure they took together. She told them about Haku, Lin, Yubaba, No-Face, and many other creatures she had met. Of course her parents wrote it off as an over-active imagination. No matter how many times Chihiro disagreed with them she knew they would never understand (even though they were there as well). So, she gave up on trying to tell them her story.

Over time she began to forget about the adventure she had. By the time she was fourteen, she didn't remember it at all. She'd get flashbacks or see glimpses of her old friends in her mind occasionally but other than that she just couldn't seem to remember them at all. One night, she slept-walked to a place that looked like an abandoned amusement park with a train station connected to it.

"Where am I? Why does this place seem so familiar?" the seventeen year old girl questioned herself and realized it was a few hours before sunrise. She began to explore the place herself. Taking a half hour to look around the sun finally rose and she gave up on trying to remember why she slept-walked to that strange place.

"Good morning, Chihiro you're up earlier than usual." Her father greeted as she stepped inside the door.

"I ummm woke up somewhere. It's happening again, the sleep walking thing." Chihiro said in a nervous voice as she approached her father. He was sitting on a blue love-seat and reading a newspaper. He glanced up at his daughter.

"Do you need to see that counselor again?" Her mother, Yuko Ogino, chimed in as she entered the living room with a cup of tea in her hands.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Chihiro nodded her head approvingly. Her mother glanced at Chihiro's father who nodded accordingly. Chihiro's mother grabbed her phone and began to set up another meeting. She had started seeing a counselor when she was twelve, when her parents decided that she was taking the story a little too far. For a long time Chihiro didn't enjoy seeing her doctor, but once she started feeling comfortable with him she told the story to him. Her doctor said it was easy to create a world of your own when under a lot of stress or feeling neglected by your family.

"I have something else to tell you, too." Her father spoke up then coughed lightly. Chihiro looked up at him as she took off her shoes and set them by the door.

"What is it?" Chihiro demanded before sitting down on the floor while crossing her legs.

"You've known this for a while now, but you're engaged to be married. You have been since you were three. This is no surprise but you will be married by the end of the summer. Your mother and I feel that this is the best thing for you. He's a friend of mine's son. Do you remember Takashi? He came over for the holidays a few years back." Her father, Akio Ogino, explained with a straight face. If her father was anything, it was stern. Chihiro wasn't sure how to process this yet. Yeah, she knew she was supposed to marry a family friend . . . but did it have to be Takashi? They've hated each other since they were little. It wasn't fair. Shouldn't she be allowed to pick who she wants to spend the rest of her life with?

"Yeah, I remember him. He hates me, dad." Chihiro scowled at the floor.

"I'm sure that isn't the case, Chihiro. Nobody could possibly hate you. Besides, his family is very much respected in the city. If we ever had any trouble the Watanabe's have always helped us. Now it's time to repay them back for all our trouble." He said before sipping on his tea. Chihiro frowned at her father, he just didn't understand. The last time he visited he had cut a chunk out of her hair as a prank.

"So you're telling me that I have to marry my enemy? And you want me to*shivers* have his children?" Chihiro complained in a shriek.

"It's an agreement we already made with his family since you were both very little. Chihiro, I want nothing but the best for you and his family is quite wealthy. I know you'll be taken care of and respected if you marry Takashi. Please stop making things difficult and appreciate this." He said in a firm voice, stating that this discussion was final. It meant there was no argument and her father's mind had been made up for seventeen years. Chihiro knew that he was too stubborn to change his mind now.

"If this is what I have to do, I'll do it. And I'm not going to fall in love with him. That much I can promise you, dad." Chihiro said before standing up from the floor. Chihiro's father watched her leave the room. It only took several seconds before Chihiro was safe and sound in her room.

She let her mind wander off from one subject to another. First, she thought about her sleep walking problems. Then, she tried to remember how she got to the abandoned amusement park by walking alone at night. Had she been there before? She wasn't sure. It just seemed like complete Déjà vu. Once she finished thinking of that, her mind wandered back to the matter of the present. She was to marry Takashi. An enemy of hers since her pre-school days.

"This is so dumb. He doesn't even like me!" Chihiro yelled into her pillow in an angry burst of emotion. Chihiro remembered the last time he came to visit them.


They were both twelve years old. Chihiro's family and the Watanabe family were fishing together in the same boat. Of course, they had to sit beside one another. She noticed Takashi was looking at the bottom of the lake that was a good 40 feet deep. The water was a clear blue and looked cold, Chihiro could see the grainy sand at the bottom of the sea.

"What are you looking at, Takashi?" Chihiro questioned while she bent over the side of the boat to see what he was staring at.

"Catfish, there's a bunch of them under the boat." He answered her as she bent herself even farther. She couldn't see anything at all.

"Where? I don't see any." Chihiro informed as she looked down. Takashi looked at her a moment, with a hint of a smile on his lips. It wasn't the smile she was used to seeing from him either. This smile was diabolical and completely evil.

"Down there!" Takashi shouted before pushing Chihiro off the boat and into the water. The water was freezing and Chihiro began to flail her arms feverishly. Both sets of parents looked to where Chihiro was nearly drowning. She opened her eyes and found herself under water, in shock she took a deep breath and sucked in water. Her lungs tightened up and she managed to swim up to the surface she gasped for air.

"Help me!" Chihiro cried out while coughing up water.

"Hang on Chihiro, Takashi is coming to get you!" She heard her mother scream from the boat. By then Chihiro's head was back underwater. Before she blacked out, arms wrapped around her and lifted her up onto the boat. When she opened her eyes, she saw nobody other than a drenched Takashi who had a fake-worried expression on his face. Immediately she pushed him away as his mother gave her a towel and wrapped it around Chihiro. Both kids shivered beside each other. Chihiro knew Takashi had pushed her in. He only saved her to make a good impression on her parents. What a scumbag!

"What happened?" Chihiro's mom questioned her as she wrapped her arms around her kid. Chihiro turned to look at Takashi who happened to be glaring at her. Almost daring her to tell them the truth, for some reason she gulped out of fear. If Takashi was good at anything, it was making misfortunes look like accidents.

"I think I accidently slipped. You guys know how clumsy I am." Chihiro told them a little white lie.

"Be careful, honey. You almost drown. You know you can't swim well." Chihiro's father informed before giving her a peck on the cheek. Chihiro nodded her head. After that excitement, their parents began talking about adult things and Chihiro was once again alone with Takashi. She was cold, shivering, and had a towel wrapped around her all because of the jerk she was sitting next to.

"Why did you push me over the edge?" Chihiro demanded in an angry whisper. Takashi simply smiled at her.

"Because I knew you couldn't swim, that's why." He replied with a fierce glare. Chihiro wanted nothing more than to be as far away from him as possible and that wasn't possible while they were still on that fishing boat. All that time she thought Takashi was shy, now she knew he had been planning her death for the past few years. Why did he hate her so much? They were to be married at eighteen and they both knew it. So, why act like this?

"You know we have to get married, right?" She questioned him before wiping her nose.

"Yeah, I'm not an idiot. It's just that I don't like you. In fact, you're the last person on earth that I want to be married to and we have no choice or say in it." Takashi admitted in a huff. Chihiro understood how he felt, she didn't want to marry him either. She guessed the only way he thoght he could get out of it was if he murdered her. Honestly, she didn't blame him for thinking that. She thought of it before only she never dared acting upon it.

"I hate you, too. Let's just agree to stay as far away from each other as possible for the rest of our lives. Especially after we're married." Chihiro offered in a calm voice. Takashi turned to look at her with an estranged facial expression. It took a moment for Takashi to gather his thoughts on the matter.

"Fine, deal." He held out his hand. Chihiro shook it then dried her damp hair off with her towel once she was finished. After that they didn't say a single world to each other for the next five years. That was just the way she liked it. Besides, if they had to spend the rest of their lives together unwillingly then they'd have to do it their way. By not speaking at all.

*End Flashback*

Chihiro sighed heavily. She didn't want to be married yet. She'd be eighteen in just a few months and that's when she was supposed to be married to Takashi. Chihiro picked up a picture frame on her nightstand, her mother had given Chihiro a picture of Takashi a few months ago. He honestly hadn't changed that much since they were twelve but he certainly looked more mature and manly.

"I have to marry you." Chihiro whispered sadly to the photo. The image of Takashi almost seemed to glare back at her in response. They both didn't like each other and soon they'd be forced to marry. Silently, she wondered what living with him would be like. Would he ignore her? Would he torture her? She just didn't know. All she knew was that she didn't want to marry Takashi. If he was anything like he was when they were younger, he was going to be intollerable.