Hey guys this is a story about my OC she comes into Yugioh world out of nowhere but yeah here it is

I slowly walked upstairs sat at my computer and turned it on. I never really liked living were I lived, no one cared about me, everyone hated me. The only thing that really made me cheer up was watching Yu-gi-oh, I always liked watching duels and thought it would be cool if it was real. So many people acted like I don't exist and others notice me too much and like to beat the crap out of me, and my family thought I was only good for cleaning since I was adopted.

My favorite parts are when Joey gets angry and makes one of his comments but I also love it when Ryou is all innocent and when Bakura takes over I don't know why but I almost feel like I connect to all the characters in a way. I was always happy to see Yugi or Yami or any of the characters, they made me smile.

Then my 'mother' called for me to come downstairs I turned left my computer on and walked down stairs. "There you are now go and clean the dishes!" she yelled I walked over to the sink were my 'brother' was he wasn't very pleasant. I picked up one of the dirty knifes and began to wash it, "Hey your doing it wrong kid" he shouted and he shoved my head in the sink water now I was mad but tried to keep down my anger. "Please don't do that again" I told him in a bored tone. "Oh then here he grabbed my brown curly hair that went down to my shoulders and threw me to the ground.

I yelped when I hit the floor then my 'father' came in "stop sleeping on the job" he ordered and took one of the kitchen knives and threw it near me and it made a cut down my right arm I screamed in pain as my 'mother' saw me she looked at the blood on the floor "How dare you" she screamed and kicked me in the arm that was bleeding I screamed and tears came to my eyes and they all joined in kicking me in the side the head and stomach.

Just then I saw a yellow glow come from my forehead and everyone backed away in horror "WHAT IS THAT AN EYE?!" Yelled my fake brother I tried to stand up then I saw the light get brighter "HANNAH STOP THIS NOW!" they all screamed then the light surrounded me and a blacked out.


"Hey are you okay" I heard some ne say in a light voice I opened my eyes to see a group of people surrounding me then I realized something it as the group from Yugioh! Tea, Joey, Tristan, Ryou, Yugi! "Um y-yeah" I said slowly this had to be a dream it had to be but then I felt Ryou put his hand on mine then I freaked out

"EEP" I shrieked and Ryou took his hand away "Did I do something wrong?" he asked with a slight british accent "Oh no I... was... just caught off guard is all" I said waving my hands in front of my face.

"Oh ok" he said then he put his hand on my arm I fought down a blush god he is adorable! "What happened to your arm?" he asked he sounded concerned

"Um I just fell is all" I lied I didn't want to worry anybody 'why do I feel like I'm connected to these people' I thought 'they are just characters' I winced as I felt my side begin to bruise from when my adopted family kicking me

"I think your hurt worse than that" Yugi said "Come on lets take her to my place" Yugi said everyone nodded and Ryou picked me up bridal style I tried so hard not to blush as we went to the game shop "How did you really get hurt I heard Tea say, "well um my adopted family liked to beat me up" I replied and everyone looked at me like I was nuts for not telling them "Why didn't you tell us?" Joey asked freaking out in his Brooklyn accent I started to laugh a little

"What's so funny?" he asked "Your accent, its kind of funny" I replied he anime fell and we all laughed it hurt my stomach to laugh so I stopped and we finally got to the game shop. "Grandpa hurry this girl's hurt she needs help" Yugi shouted and his grandpa came running to the door he looked at me all bruised up and my arm covered in dry blood "Oh my hurry get the first aid kit, put her on the couch" the short old man said Yugi nodded and him and the others ran up stairs and Ryou set me down on the couch and he sat next to me

"Are you going to be okay?" Ryou asked his brown eyes looking right at my light blue eyes "Um yeah I'll be fine, it's not the first time this has happened to me" I told him reassuringly but he looked a lot more worried after I told him that. God why did he have to look at me like that? Then the others came down with a first aid kit.

'ok this has to be a dream, I mean this cant be happening there characters' I thought I was really freaked out

'Should I tell them what happened, how I got here' I thought as they all treated my wounds I decided the answer was no they wouldn't believe me

then I let go of him "Thank you" I said "so what's your name?" Tristan asked "It's Hannah, Hannah ummm I actually don't know my real last name. My adopted name is Ito but please don't call me by that.

"Well consider yourself part of the gang Hannah" Yugi said "Woah what?" I was shocked how does Yugi make friends so quickly? I don't get it.

"Um, well I should get going home" I said standing up even though I had no idea how to get back "What? but wouldn't your family just beat you up again?" Tea asked "well that's not happening" Yugi said "Uh what are you talking about?" I asked now I was confused "You can stay here we have an extra room"

That did it, I didn't know what to do. I was a huge Yugioh fan and I always thought it would be cool to live with Yugi but he's insisting I stay! Oh my god this is really strange

'but this could still be a dream so I'll just play along' I thought "Um are you sure?" "Yeah" "Ok then if you insist" I replied

"I'll call the school to tell them that you will be starting there tomorrow" Grandpa said I freaked out I couldn't go to school here that isn't even possible sure I'm smart I don't mind but this is the Yu-gi-oh world or was it a dream I guess I would find out eventually.