A/N- So here's the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer- None of the characters mentioned are mine, just the storyline.

It was depressing. Her house was depressing, her empty back yard was depressing, her cooking was depressing, hell, even her damn cat was depressing.

Depressing because it was hers, and only hers. Jules had no one to share anything with, and it depressed her. She was so used to sharing as a kid, growing up with four brothers made it a common thing. And now, she was always alone, just her and the cat. She didn't even like that cat, it was mean. It would hiss at everyone, including her.

Jules used to lay in bed and think her whole life was depressing. But not tonight.

No, not this night, this night Jules lay in bed thinking about nothing other than Sam. Sam Braddock, a man that she had spoken probably no more than fifty words to, and yet here she was, not able to take her mind off him. The man who shook her world only by saying hello. Was this what love at first sight felt like? No, no way, Jules hardly even knew how to love, little lone having love at first sight. Besides, she doesn't believe in that. There's no way you can fall in love with someone just by them saying hello. No, not possible. That's not what this was. So what was it then?

As honest as her little crush seemed, there was a problem to Jules' little fascination with Sam; no matter much she was attracted to him, he is, well possibly belongs to SRU. That could cause a problem. She knows that you're not allowed to date other SRU members, it is strictly against policy, but that little voice in the back of her mind continued to remind her that Sam isn't exactly on her team… So it would be okay right?

Wait! No, absolutely not, that would not be okay! What was Jules thinking!? She had worked so hard for this job, and she definitely didn't want to screw it up by getting personal. She would just have to swallow her feelings for Sam, and ultimately suffer the consequences. No matter how much Sam tries to 'woo' her, she can't give in, not if she cares about her job.

*Next morning*

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Dammit!" Jules growled as she looked at her alarm clock, realizing that the alarm had been going off for nearly ten minutes. Jules was never one to sleep in, and was under no circumstances a deep sleeper -She can thank her brothers for that. One too many jokes played on an unsuspecting girl while asleep ruined her trust.

Jules flew out of bed and into the shower in record time. Letting the steaming hot water run down her back as swirls of shampoo danced along the edges of her face, threatening to sting her eyes. Not even sure all the shampoo was out, she dashed out the shower, and started to dry herself and brush her teeth at the same time.

Throwing on whatever she could find, Jules was out of the house within five minutes, and in her jeep, on her way to work. She'd been hoping to make up some lost time by not stopping at Tim Horton's, but there wasn't much point, in exactly three minutes she would be officially late, and she was stuck in morning traffic in Downtown Toronto. Wonderful.

It had taken her seven minutes to get to work; one of the plus sides of living close by, but unfortunately Jules was left entering the building approximately five minutes late. And to make this day even better, her phone started to buzz just as she stepped off the elevator; it was a text message from Spike.

Where R U? Ed's pissed that you're late!

Great. Just what Jules needed.

She tapped the 'reply' button on the touch screen and was about to reply when: Bang.

Jules stumbled backwards, obviously shocked at the impact. She reached down to get her phone, that had been dropped, but stopped as she realized that the person she walked into was already getting it for her.

Good Lord, I need to pay more attention to where I'm walking! Jules internally reminded herself.

"Here's your pho-"

The man stopped short when he realized who he was talking to.

Jules' heart stopped for a moment when it dawned on her.

"Well good morning Constable…?"


"Callaghan. Good morning Constable Callaghan. Can I get a first name?"

"What are you doing here again today?" Jules asked him, completely ignoring the question he asked.

"C'mon, don't tell me that you're not happy to see me?" Sam asked, turning his charm on.

Jules rolled her eyes at the man in front of her. "In your dreams Braddock." Actually, in her dreams…

"Well, you obviously remembered my name! One could mistake that as interest you know." Sam gave her a most dazzling smile of perfect white teeth.

Jules huffed, blowing her bangs slightly to the side, where they belonged. "In case you forgot Sam Braddock,I'm one of the lead negotiators and snipers of all the SRU, it's kind of my job to pay attention to detail." Jules began to walk down the hallway to her Locker room; Sam fell into step beside her.

"Uh huh, excuses, excuses."

"Ya know, if you're serious about wanting a spot with SRU that cocky attitude of yours will get you no where real fast."

"Nah, I don't think I have to worry 'bout that."

"And why not?"

"'Cause I have connections." Sam winked at her.

Jules rolled her eyes, thinking nothing about what he just said.

Sam decided to change the subject. "Seems like you were in a pretty big rush." He commented.

Jules sighed, not even bothering to look at the time again on her phone. "Yeah, I'm late." She quickened her pace to the Locker room.

"So I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're late because of your 'gentleman' that the tall guy mentioned yesterday." Sam said, smirking when Jules turned on her heel.

Jules glared at him. "Not funny."

"But that is the reason, right?" Sam pushed even further.

"No. It most definitely is not."

Sam nodded. "Going through a rough patch?"

Jules huffed at him. "There is no'gentleman' okay. That was just Ed playing the annoying big brother."

"Uh huh, sure." Sam said, clearly indicating that he didn't believe her.

She was about to give him a snarky remark when none other than Team One exited the briefing room and saw Sam and Jules. They immediately walked over to the pair, Ed leading the pack.

"Why hello there Officer Callaghan, nice of you to come to work today." Ed said sourly to her. "I see you've met Braddock once again." He said, turning all of the Team's attention to Sam. Sam could feel the team's eyes on him, looking him up and down. He just stood tall, like he had always been taught. Jules, however, once more tried her best to stop the light blush that she felt creeping up her neck and making its way to her cheeks.

"He better not be the reason you're late." All eyes settled on Sam. But he refused to falter.

"WHAT!? NO! There was a car accident on the way over; traffic was backed up for miles!" She semi-lied, not wanting to give the team that idea at all.

Ed gave her a skeptical glare.

"Constable Braddock, you best go get ready before you're late for your first day." Greg warned him, speaking for the first time.

"You made the team?" Jules asked, shocked.

"You seem surprised." Sam told her.

"You seem surprised." She shot back at him.

"You both better go get ready. Now." Ed certainly was not in a good mood today.

Jules left the group quickly, not wanting to be stuck on truck duty for the next two weeks. Something she wouldn't put past Ed.

"Alright Team, let's hit the Gym, Workout starts in two". Sergeant Greg Parker declared. Team One started to head for the gym, but not before Ed shot Sam a glare over his shoulder. Sam couldn't help but send a silent prayer of thanks that he wasn't placed on that man's Team.

Lost in thought, Sam had started to walk to his own changing room, but stopped when he heard someone running up behind him. He turned around to see a man approximately his own age, with brown hair standing before him.

"Um, hi?" Sam said when the officer said nothing.

"Hi, I'm Officer Scarlatti, but you can call me Spike, that's what the rest of the team calls me."

Sam paused, as if he was pondering the name, and then nodded. "Hi Spike."

"And I've already heard that you're Braddock?"

"Yeah, Sam."

Spike gave Sam a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you Sam."

"Nice to meet you too Spike." The two men shook hands.

"I know that I'm not on Team Two, but I saw you talking to our dear little team member over here, and I just wanted to say welcome to the SRU. It's a tough job but I'm sure you'll do great!" Spike said, giving the man a light slap on the back.

"Uh thanks." Sam was definitely not expecting this on his first day, not at all.

"If you need anything you can always come see me, or my buddy Lewis." Spike pointed out Lew who was already running full tilt on the treadmill with earbuds in.

Sam gave Spike a warm smile. Nothing like finding an ally right off the bat. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

"And don't worry about Ed; he's like that to everybody." Spike felt the need to reassure Sam. As much as Spike liked and respected Ed, he always worried Ed's tough exterior rubbed off the wrong way on Rookies.

Sam nodded. "No worries, I know a couple guys pretty similar from my old job."

Spike wanted to hear more, but was summoned to the Gym by Ed yelling "Wrap it up Scarlatti, those donuts aren't getting burnt off by themselves."

Spike shot Sam a "told you so" look. "See you around Sam."

"Catch ya later Spike." Sam called as Spike took off towards the state of the art work out Gym.

"Oh, and by the way," Spike called over his shoulder. "Her name is Jules."

Sam smiled to himself; this was the beginning of a great friendship.