Okay. This is the last one shot I'm writing before I focus on Trial by Fire.

The summary is:Tensions are running high in Fangtasia. Pam overhears Jessica and Tara talking, and Pamela eavesdrops because she has a vested interest in her progeny's conversation. She ends up explaining to Tara what it means to be a vampire, and describes the legacy Tara is now apart of. The timeline for this story is set for right after Mary Ann was killed by Eric and Bill. So somewhere at the beginning of season 5. A week or two after Tara was turned.

Origins will be split into two parts, with the next chapter coming shortly.

In a day or so.

Read and Enjoy people.

"She's such a-"

"Uncompromising bitch?" Jessica finished Tara's sentence helpfully, her lips threatening to break out into a smile. "I know. I know. That's everyone's first impression of Pam, but she's not that bad." At Tara's frank look of disbelief, Jessica rushed to defend Tara's Maker. "She's not. Look-I can't say she doesn't have a mean streak because she does, but she's also a woman of many layers. Underneath the sarcasm, the disdain for humanity, and the scary attitude-Pam is really cool. You want her in your corner." She nodded sagely-trying to impress Pam's few good qualities on the dark skinned woman.

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" Tara asked, her voice raising a few octaves in disgust, as Jessica's asinine words fell on deaf ears. "Pam is not "cool." Tara imitated Jessica's awestruck tone mockingly. "Pam is fucking crazy."

"That is one of her layers." Jessica agreed, her face wilting a bit. Convincing Tara that Pam wasn't the vampire version of the Anti-Christ was proving difficult. How do you surmise someone's existence in a few words? There were not enough adjectives in the dictionary to accurately paint a picture of Tara's Maker. Pam was tenacious-yet world weary; She was self absorbed-yet loyal. She was ornery-and yet there was a veritable softness to her. Nothing about Pam could be simplified to a few meager sentences.

And to make matters worse, Tara had a very justifiable reason to hate and fear her Maker.

Jessica wasn't present when her friend became Pam's progeny, but she did hear rumors.

Pam tried to kill Tara.

She tortured Tara's cousin.

She threatened Tara's girlfriend.

None of Pam's actions in the past were meant to endear herself to the dark skinned woman. And although Jessica had not been privy to many of Tara's stellar interactions with her Maker, she could only assume they were fraught with tension, and hostility. Pam wasn't one for regrets, or apologies, and Tara expected both from her-not only that, but Tara wanted absolute contrition for taking her choice away. Tara never wanted to be a vampire, and Pam never bothered asking her. Even now, Pam didn't seem to care that Tara was combating a lifetime of self deprecating emotions, which were spurred into a frenzy by a brand new tide of baby vamp hormones, and instincts. Even as Tara crumbled under the weight of these unfamiliar urges, and the insatiable needs tantalizing her senses-Pam insisted on ignoring her progeny's suffering. Affecting a mask of indifference.

But appearances can be deceiving.

Jessica knew in her heart of hearts that Pam wasn't making Tara miserable for the fun of it.

Although, that would be a very Pam-like thing to do.

Cruelty was an effective weapon.

But it wasn't the only weapon at Pam's disposal.

Jessica had been on the receiving end of Pam's teaching methods, and the blonde was a firm believer in the laissez fair doctrine. Although she left her alone to make her own mistakes-Pam left her no illusions about still being human, and had helped Jessica make the transition from "An ignorant Baby vamp that was in love with Hoyt"-to "A Recovering monogamous vampire, who stupidly fell in love with Jason Stackhouse." A boy that Pam described as, two sandwiches shy of a picnic basket.

And his intellect was debatable…

But that wasn't the point.

The point was, Pam was pivotal to Jessica coming to terms with her vampiric nature, and because she spent more time at Fangtasia than she did with Bill-she knew Pam wasn't all bad.

And she was gonna prove it damn it!

But how?

She was beginning to notice Tara's stubborn streak, so anything less than tangible evidence would not suffice. And Pam was the last person to leave anything of sentimental value lying around, if in fact, she owned anything of sentimental value. And the only other person that might have something relative to this conversation, that might even comprehend what something of personal interest to Pam might look like was Eric. And Eric Northman was not a vampire Jessica wanted to meet in close quarters, especially to ask about Pam.

Being in his presence was petrifying.

The absolute power that poured off that man was a huge deterrent to conversation.

Not to mention even if she did summon the nerve to speak with him-she had no idea where he was.

Neither did Pam.

That didn't leave her with many options…

She was cooped up in the basement of Fangtasia with Tara, taking a small respite from the evening crowd upstairs. Fangbangers avidly threw themselves at the dark skinned woman not realizing how tentative her control was, and not caring. The foolish mortals were oblivious to the Baby vampire's hunger. They had no idea close they were to death; how drinking them dry was a constant desire of Tara's. Jessica remembered the impulse, and did not relish the experience. That's why she had demanded Tara take a break, and dragged her downstairs-mindful of Pam's amused gaze following them as they left.

Tara didn't know it yet.

But Pam was always watching her.



Pam's gaze never strayed too far from her progeny's; nor did it ever linger on her for too long.

But it was always there.

That's how Jessica knew that Pam cared. Despite verbally denying everything, Pam had made a cognizant decision to accept Tara as her progeny, and now was submerged in all the protective instincts that came with being a Maker. And even though Jessica had been accused of being dimwitted many a time, she knew that Pam was making a reluctant transition of her own. Making Tara tread the same path Jessica had been forced to walk on was hard on the blonde vampire. Because Tara was hers. Standing idly by while the dark skinned woman endured the early stages of being a vampire alone must be hell on Pam, even though she made a grand show of being amused.

But Tara had to do it alone.

Because she was in the newborn phase Pam had affectionately dubbed "Growing Pains."

No one could do or say anything to resolve that for her, because it was that insufferable phase when a vampire became acclimated to their instincts.

Right now all of Tara's instincts were screaming that Pam was a spiteful bitch.

And that was something that Jessica could help with.

After all.

She'd just had a spark of genius.

"Come with me." She glanced back at Tara conspiratorially, and felt a maddening amount of glee, and amusement when her friend didn't move. One dark eye brow went up incredulously as Jessica began to walk leisurely up the steps. "Come on Tara. I just had an idea. You'll like it." She prompted her wary friend, trying desperately to keep a devious smirk from creeping across her features. Tara had trust issues. One mischievous smile would ruin her chances of doing this, because Tara would never leave the basement.

Pam's progeny studied her for a second before sighing despairingly from her position at the bottom of the stairs. "I've known you for a week, and I already know when you're up to trouble." Tara slowly began making her ascent up the steps. "Whatever you have in mind, better be good. Because if Pam kills me-I will come back and haunt your ass for the rest of eternity." The dark skinned woman promised flatly, her hazel eyes darkening to a deep auburn hue.

Jessica smiled weakly.

"It'll be worth it." She assured Tara feebly, praying to every deity listening that she wasn't lying.

Gallivanting across Bon Temps as a vampire that was cursed with hearing Tara's vengeful Southern drawl for the rest of eternity was an idea that she refused to entertain. Jessica already heard voices sometimes-phantoms from the past. When she allowed herself enough time to think-and become downtrodden by events she had no control over, she'd reminisce she was at home in the Hamby household, and would allow her parent's squabbling, and her sister's youthful voice lull her into a false sense of security. Times like that were rare and Jessica had learned to treasure them, because the memories served as a balm to wounds she never knew she had.

Before she was rudely reminded of the present.

Where she was going to live forever.

And watch all of her friends and family wither away.

And then the memories became the sweetest kind of torture because she would never get that time with her family back.

She wondered if Tara had realized this yet?

Jessica doubted that in the midst of all the drama anchoring Tara to the present-that her friend had even considered the future. And the trauma living for eternity will cause her. The reason Jessica was intruding all over Pam's territory, and mending broken fences between Maker and progeny was because she was worried. Earnestly worried-about her new friend. Tara hadn't realized it yet, but her human friends and her human family were temporary. Eventually. Inevitably. Every last one of them would die, and Pam-the one Tara was so intent on loathing, would be the only one left to guard the remnants of Tara's sanity. In a hundred years, Pam was all Tara would have left.

Jessica was envious of her.

She'd be lucky if Bill sent her a greeting card in a hundred years.

Her Maker was not cut from the same cloth as Pam; He had been bred differently, and approached his position as Maker differently. Jessica was not his, like Tara was Pam's. She was his progeny, and there was a viable connection between them, but it was platonic, with very little foundation. He tolerated her, and contributed just enough for her to feel grateful to him, but that was it. It was nothing like what she could feel and see forming between her friends in Fangtasia. Tara had not entered a nest of ill-bred vampires, she had entered a family of the undead with Eric at the head, and Pam at the heart, breathing life into Fangtasia, and making sure Eric's blood continued to pulse through his veins.

If Tara ever learned to adjust, Pam could become her lifeline instead of her tormentor.

Which is why Jessica was walking with purpose- weaving in and out of the crowd to get to Pam's office behind the bar, and dragging an unwilling Tara behind her. Vibrant music pulsated through the room, and bodies melded together, grinding rhythmically to the beat-Filling the air with the delicious smell of human perspiration, and the siren's call of human hearts beating together in symphony of dissonance. Consequently, this made it harder to slip seamlessly through the crowd, and delayed Jessica's mission. Sighing disparagingly, Jessica quickened her step, making a hasty retreat to Pam's office behind the bar, and practically bulldozing past the door. Tara shadowed her silently, oblivious to a pair of glacier blue eyes observing her quick exit.

As soon as they were both in the room, Jessica all but slammed the door shut.

"Thank god." She breathed, all but sagging against the cracked plaster behind her. Relief in spades tore through her, as she reviewed the last several minutes of her life.

Sneaking past Pam was no easy feat.

And somehow she doubted they were successful.

Pam saw them.

And did nothing.

Allowing them the luxury of privacy.

Most likely because she wasn't interested in the past times of Baby Vamps.

"What the hell Jes-" Tara began to voice her displeasure about being kept in the dark, but Jessica wasn't having it when they'd already come this far.

"Shut up for a second, kay?" She cut the dark skinned woman off, her gaze fixed on the door. When she was positive Pam wasn't going to come barreling in at the slightest provocation, she allowed herself a breath to calm her nerves before all but gliding around the desk, and plopping down into the comfy office chair-A.K.A Pam's seat. Tara watched her do this with an increasingly irate expression that only darkened when Jessica smiled at her.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Tara whispered heatedly, picking up on the need for subtlety.

"I wanted to show you something." Jessica whispered back, her eyes meeting Tara's for a fleeting moment before dropping to the laptop on the desk. Moving quickly and efficiently-she opened up the portable computer, and waited for the screen to light up. As soon as the Window's logo graced the darkened panel, Jessica logged into Eric's desktop-fighting the compulsion to shut the laptop and flee-This wasn't the first time she'd signed into Eric's computer, but she was hoping it would be the last.

Jessica was a curious thing.

And curiosity sometimes led her to explore dangerous territories like Eric's computer files.

Pam's Maker had no idea she'd been exhuming private information from his hard drive, but after the first time Jessica managed to find juicy morsels hidden in his computer folders-she couldn't stop looking up things. She felt like a miner excavating for gold. Eric had everything from the current revenue of Fangtasia, to the name, history, and medical information of all his employees on this computer, and by all his employees-Jessica meant everyone who worked in Eric's jurisdiction-including Pam.

Ignoring Tara's murderous glare, Jessica clicked on the encrypted files, safeguarding all these people.

A password box barred her from entry, prompting her for the one word that would unveil every secret hidden in Eric's harddrive.

Jessica's fingers hovered indecisively over the keys before typing one word:


The name meant nothing to her.

But it was a name Eric mentioned in passing.

And he did so with such reverence, that Jessica took a mental note of it.

She never found out who Godric was, but in time she found out that his name was the password to every encrypted, locked, or hidden file on Eric's computer. And she abused that knowledge as much as possible, as often as possible because it was the quickest way to learn anything in Fangtasia-bar none. Godric, was the magical key to every lock Eric did not want picked. So naturally-Jessica picked anyways, and found herself absorbing a wealth of information no one wanted to tell her.

Information she now planned to share with Tara.

Pulling up Pam's folder, she purposefully angled the computer towards her now fuming friend.

"Bitch, who do you think you ar-" The complaint died on Tara's lips as her hazel eyes flitted from Jessica to the picture on the screen, and the name next to it. "Pamela Swynford De Beaufort." Tara sounded out each syllable of her Maker's name like she was savoring the sound, or pondering its inherent value. Jessica was surprised at the genuine wonder in Tara's voice like she was saying Pam's name for the first time. And enjoying the way it rolled off the tongue.

"That's your Maker." Jessica pointed to the elegant woman on the screen, who was wearing Pam's trademark smirk.

Tara studied the woman, her eyes roving over the beautiful alabaster skin, and comparing it to the Pam of the present. They were eerily similar, but there was one thing that separated them. One aspect of the past that did not correlate with the present. "That can't be Pam." Tara snorted, looking away from the alluring doppelganger.

"That is Pam." Jessica argued obstinately.

"It's not." Tara insisted. "That can't be Pam." She repeated, adamant in her disbelief. "The woman in that picture looks…" The dark skinned woman stopped speaking abruptly, her lips pursing into a thin line as she gathered her thoughts.

Jessica blinked uncomprehendingly.

"She looks what?" She gently prompted her friend, eyeing her like one would a confused child.

Tara sighed softly, and her gaze drifted back to the computer where Pam's wicked smirk greeted her. "She looks human." The Baby vamp stated simply, stunning Jessica to silence. Of all the things Tara could have said, Jessica was not expecting that. Nor was she expecting the quiet look of contemplation that followed that statement. "She even has a human name." Tara's intelligent gaze continued to sweep across the screen-searching through the scrupulous amount of information presented to her for that one line that would damn Pam forever, and solidify in her mind that her Maker was the epitome of evil. "She was born in England for Christ sakes!" Tara threw her hands up in frustration.

"Not exactly what you were expecting, huh?" Jessica replied smugly.

Tara rolled her eyes. "No. It's always a surprise to find out your Maker is a British bitch from across the ocean instead of the narcissist across the street."

Methinks the Lady doth protest too much.

Jessica shook her head, and opted to try a different more direct tactic. "You can't hate her forever Tara. Pam is not your enemy." She reprimanded her friend sharply, and was met with harsh resistance.

"And why can't I?!" The temperature in the room plunged by several degrees, as two very young, very volatile vampires faced off against each other. Tara slammed her hand down on the table, cracking the wood, and arresting all of Jessica's attention. "Even if she's complicated or has several layers like you said, that doesn't mean I should spend the rest of my life trying to understand her. She tried to kill me. She fucking turned me into this…thing!" Tara gestured to herself angrily, as her body shook with unrepentant rage. "And she didn't do it for me. She did it because it was convenient for her. So she could use me." Jessica watched in horror as the emotions Tara had foolishly bottled for the past two weeks, all trickled out at once in the form of blood tears.

It wasn't that Tara hated Pam.

Pam had fucked up the trust, but Tara didn't hate her.

Despite their morbid past, and their uncertain future, Tara couldn't help herself; she wanted Pam to care. She wanted it so badly it hurt.

"She doesn't give a damn about me." Tara's last sentence came out brokenly. In a way that was so hollow and defeated, that Jessica could do nothing but watch as her friend unraveled in front of her.

"You want her to though, don't you?" Jessica read the open yearning in Tara's face, struck dumb by her friend's raw visceral reaction. Pure undiluted anger electrified the air as Tara tried to reign in her conflicting emotions. She hated Pam, but she needed her; she resented her, and yet Pam was the only consistency in her life. Warring emotions of desire, and despair tore across Tara's face as she tried to come to terms with her paradoxical relationship with her Maker. Pam meant everything and nothing to her. Tara could no more abandon her than she could accept her. Unable to succumb to hatred; and unable to ease into her role as Pam's progeny-Tara remained suspended in fear. Battered by a lifetime of betrayal, and molded by a string of lies and false promises. Tara had been conditioned to fear change. In the same way she had been conditioned to fear stability. Pam represented both of these terrifying concepts-and that made her Maker the one person Tara couldn't trust herself completely with.


After an undeterminable amount of time, no further along in her ruminations then when she began agonizing over Pam-Tara exhaled heavily, unable to meet Jessica's expectant gaze. "I don't know Jess." The dark skinned woman admitted finally, unable to express herself any clearer.

Did she want Pam to care?

Past experience dictated that she say: No.

The preferable response was: No.

Why then was the word "yes" hovering on the edge of her lips?

Jessica took pity on Tara, unable to look at the abysmally lost expression on her friend's face any longer. "Hey. Tara-look it's not a huge deal. I didn't show you Pam's file to make you miserable. I just wanted you to know she wasn't all bad. I'm sure she cares about you in her own way." Jessica smiled uncertainly-an inkling of regret forcing its way into her voice. Jessica didn't think this through. Instead of helping Tara she'd managed to make things infinitely worse for the dark skinned woman.

Wiping the crusted blood from her cheeks, to rid herself of any evidence of tears, Tara shook her head balefully. "Let it go Jessica…"

Saluting sloppily, Jessica let the matter drop.

She wasn't one to rub salt in an open wound.

Next to her, Tara abruptly stood up shoving away from the desk in one fluid motion. "Let's get the fuck outta here-before you decide to do something else stupid." Tara sneered, a fraction of her dark humor returning. Ignoring any residual tension left over from her emotional escapade, Tara slammed the laptop shut, banishing Pam's humanity to cyber space, and to the darkest recesses of her thoughts.

Jessica smiled indulgently. It took an obscene amount of effort to swallow her indignant response. "Yeah. Yeah."

"And where do you think you're going?"

Both girls became utterly still as Pam's sonorous drawl washed over them, simultaneously captivating them, and petrifying them.

Jessica swallowed hard.



And that's the end for now.

I really wish I could tell you where this idea came from, but I have no clue.

Writing this chapter felt terrible because it felt like I was using A stream-of-consciousness method. Which if you don't know what that is-it's fucking torture for any writer that likes concise and profound work. Jessica is not a character that thinks in profound terms though. She seems to be one of those characters that's suffering from youthful ideals, and baby vamp urges. Her feelings, and emotions , and actions are all over the place. So the scattered way this chapter was written was to illustrate "the Hamby thought process" and Pam and Tara's relationship from someone else's perspective. The main point of the story doesn't even show up till next Chapter, and next chapter will be written in Pamela's point of view. Next chapter will also revolve solely around Pam and Tara instead of the awkward friendship between Tara and Jessica that the show didn't even go into depth about.

Sorry if reading this first chapter felt tedious.

There is a point to it.

So, bear with me!

Oh yeah, and just of curiosity, how was the second episode of season six?

I have to wait for someone to post it online to watch it….