Disclaimer: I do not own the Winx Club

Author's Note: Sorry it's a bit short. I promise that the next chapters will be longer. I might lengthen the chapters later so keep checking back.

The air was dense, it dripped with frustration and anger. The tension could be felt throughout the bodies of the duo; it sparked and radiated under and up their limbs. The clouds cast shadows on the earth as if telling the feuding couple that this was the wrong decision. The girl's hair on her neck was bristling and her lips were pulled back in a snarl. The man's fists were clenched and his eyebrows were tense in hate. In an attempt to make the couple stop shouting the sky opened up and rained upon the duo. The rain hit their skin, reminding them of the day they met and the day they had their first kiss. The effort was to no avail. Each person had made their bed and were going to lie in it.

"I can't believe you," the girl spat.

"Me? I can't believe you," he snarled. Their faces were inches apart and there was passion that leaked into the canyon between their heads, but that passion was not a beautiful passion, it was a hateful fervor.

"You are so difficult. You could have avoided this by not interacting with that, that slut!" the girl hissed. Her eyes had began to form tears and on threatened to fall off the edge. She shook her head in an effort to clear her mind, but it was filled with the memory of walking in on him and another girl, naked.

"Maybe I wanted her," he smiled, pleased that she responded as if she had been injured.

"That's not what your explanation was when you begged me to take you back," she coldly replied.

"I didn't beg," he objected.

"So you down on your knees claiming you loved me wasn't begging?" she sneered. He was trying to hurt her and she would show him that it wasn't going to work, even if she felt like shit on the inside.

"I've never loved you," he took a shot at her. That was the breaking point. That was the end of the argument.

"Well I'm glad to know that now so that I don't commit any more of my life to you," she said, her voice cracking and breaking with each word. She turned away from him and walked in the opposite direction down the sidewalk.

She was finished with him and his mood swings, finished with his inability to tell her how he felt or to even warn her that she was being overbearing. She was sick of his jealousy and would never be able to get the image of him and the other girl out of her head.

They had been at a party. It was a few years after they had graduated from Alfea and Red Fountain, respectively; she was around twenty one years old and he was twenty two. She hadn't seen him for a while and decided to investigate. It was nice to see her friends, but she wanted him to be there with her so that she wasn't so alone. After she had said goodbye to Bloom she had ventured upstairs to find him in case he was feeling sick and had to lie down. She heard noises and grunts outside of one of the doors and opened the door to see if he was in there doing something. What she saw had nearly broken her heart.

"Riven," the girl gasped in shock. Her mouth was hanging open like a dope and her eyes were opened wide with disbelief.

"Shit, Musa it's not what it looks like," a very naked Riven quickly said. His bottom half was covered by the white cotton sheet that was also covering the body of the blond in his bed. Musa had never seen the girl in her life and never wanted to see either of them again.

"I think it's exactly how it looks," Musa cried out. She turned around and ran out of the room as the tears began to stream down her face.

After that incident they had had a ton of arguments, usually ending up in either Musa or Riven storming off. He had tried to explain himself and assure her that he loved her, but in the end she decided that she couldn't trust him which led to that fateful day where they finally broke up, for good. He had blamed her and she had blamed him for their problems and they definitely didn't part on amicable terms.

It had been five years since the day they had broken up and Musa had become a superstar. After the breakup, she dedicated her life to singing and it paid off in the fact that she became a hit overnight. She kept in touch with the Winx Club and still used her magic now and then, but she wanted to try to keep it in the past considering it brought up not so good memories of Riven for her.

Riven had joined up with a special tasks unit for the Magix government. He was finally using his specialist training for good. He slept with the occasional female and hadn't really changed from his cocky self. He had honed in on his skills and was considered a top agent for the government. He had seen Musa rise to stardom and although he would never admit it to himself, he was proud of her. The other thing that he would never admit was that he really missed her. He missed not being able to come home and tell her all about his job. He missed her singing beautifully in the shower and he missed the scent she always left in his apartment. He figured that after what he did she would never want to speak to him again, nonetheless see him again, but fate would have it that they would need to see each other a lot more for the greater good of Magix.

"Musa?" the voice on the phone asked.

"Who's this?" Musa asked. Her assistant had told her she had a phone call, but the caller hadn't disclosed their identity.

"It's Layla," the voice identified itself.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I have good news, bad news, and more bad news," Layla said.

"I'll take the bad news first," Musa began to be worried. It wasn't normally like Layla to call her. They usually texted and then would get together at a club to catch up. Layla was working with a special tasks force, different from Riven's, that dealt in evil wizardry and such, basically your average Baltar, Darkar, or Tritannus.

"Well there's a new evil lurking and I'm afraid that I have to ask the rest of the Winx Club to help," Layla used their old moniker to describe the group of close friends.

"What evil?" Musa asked curiously.

"We're not sure, but I definitely need you guys to help. That's the bad and good news. The bad being that there is evil lurking, the good being that we will all be working as a team again," Layla clarified.

"I haven't used my full powers in five years," Musa chuckled lightheartedly. The evil didn't faze her that much since she had dealt with evil in all of her years at Alfea. She was also happy to be able to work with the group again.

"Wait, what's the other bad news," Musa asked, remembering Layla's comment.

"Well, you see," Layla paused, "when I say the whole group, I literally mean the whole group. Bloom and Sky will be there, so will Stella and Brandon, Tecna and Timmy are going to be on communications and tech and Flora and Helia will be there," Layla hesitated with her last piece of information.

"Please tell me that you didn't call him to join to," Musa let out a labored moan.

"He's one of the best for the Magix government. I wouldn't have asked him if I thought we wouldn't need him, but we do need him," Layla said.

The line was silent for a good minute as Musa tried to process what Layla just told her. Layla basically told her that her ex-boyfriend would be joining them on a mission and that Musa would be expected to work with him.

"Musa?" Layla hesitantly asked.

Layla heard a large groan on the phone and understood that Musa had needed time to fully comprehend the situation.

"Does he know that I will be on the case?" Musa asked.

"No," Layla squeaked.

"What?" Musa exclaimed in horror.

"I didn't tell him because I wanted to be sure he was in and I thought that that piece of information might have swayed him one way or another," Layla explained.

"Layla, I swear I will hunt you down and hurt you," Musa began to threaten.

"We're meeting tomorrow at seven in the evening at my apartment to go over the basic details, see you then," Layla hung up the phone quickly.

The line went dead and Musa began to pace about her apartment. She was, what was she? She was confused. Many emotions were flashing across her face and she wasn't sure what she was more of. She was angry? Definitely. Sad? That was a yes. Hurt? Of course.

"Crystal!" Musa called out for her assistant.

"Yes?" Crystal came into the room. Crystal was a bit older than Musa and treated Musa like her own child, which Musa didn't mind that much.

"Cancel everything for tomorrow," Musa grimaced. She looked down at the clock and realized that it was late. She dismissed Crystal for the evening and heading off towards her bedroom.

She walked over to the closet and reached up on the top shelf to grab the box down from the wooden board.

The box had a thin layer of dust on it and an even thinner layer of dust in the shape of fingerprints.

She carefully lifted the lid and placed it on the floor before hopping up onto the bed. Musa pulled out the stack of photos that was in the center of the box. There were other little knickknacks, but Musa decided to shuffle through the photos.

There was a photo of her and Riven sophomore year. It was when they were dancing at the party after they had defeated Darkar and the Trix.

There was another photo of her and Riven during their junior year. He was sitting on his bike looking at the camera with a grim look on his face, although it was common for him to have a grim look. She was facing the camera and had a pleased smile on her face.

Musa sighed and tucked the photos back into the box. She was sick of the walk down memory lane and decided to get some shut eye for the long day that was ahead for her in the morning.