She was woken up out of nowhere as a crashing sound filtered through the peace of her dreams. Her body jolted up immediately as blue eyes shot wide open to look around the dark room, nothing but strands of moonlight was showcased through the area as she shifted out of bed and looked around.
"What the hell?" She thought aloud as a shrouded figure lay on the floor besides broken fragments of glass. A shiny reflection gleamed under what little light she had as she crouched down and turned the figure over. Realization immediately dawned on her as she ripped the mask off and stared down at her beloved's bleeding body.
"Kagome…" He whispered out painfully before grabbing his side and coughing. Her body seemed to move on its own as she helped him up and laid him on her bed.
"What happened to you?" She questioned frantically as she worked to take the cloak off, blood was everywhere on him as a huge gash marred his usually flawless skin. His blood poured like a small fountain as she grabbed a towel from the closet and applied pressure. He was losing consciousness fast and she was running out of words to say to him as she closed her eyes and allowed her magic to tickle the surface of his flesh. A pink glow emitted from her hands and danced towards the wound sealing it up immediately as she opened her eyes back up and took the towel off.
"Kagome…" He called to her once more as she moved to get up, his hand shot out immediately and held on to her as her nightgown began to slip off her shoulder.
"Lava, I have to go and get something." She stated softly before taking her free arm and moving to put the strap back into place. His grip loosened after a few seconds allowing her the freedom to get the things she needed.
'Oh kami-sama, what happened to him? I hope he'll be okay.' Her mind was racing at a hundred miles per hour while her face showed a calm that rivaled Sesshomaru's. She grabbed a bowl, filled it with warm water and some alcohol before chanting a small spell and mixing it with her own healing energy. She proceeded to collect some bandages and a new change of clothes for him before going back to his side and cleaning him up.
"Why are you crying?" He questioned in a whisper as a tear fell on his chest, she didn't respond as she kept her focus on cleaning the wound. As worried as she was she wouldn't lose her cool as she wiped a few tears away.
"It's nothing." She replied with a small smile before rinsing out the washcloth and wringing it out once again. After she was satisfied with her work, she got up and dumped the blood filled water before sitting him up carefully and wrapping a bandage around his torso.
"Your tears say otherwise." He finally stated as he leaned back against the headboard.
"You worried me, it's only natural for me to cry when I'm worried." Kagome bit back as she wiped her forehead of the sweat she accumulated and stared at him. His pale skin looked beautiful under the moonlight as silver strands framed his beautiful face. If it weren't for the sheet currently hiding his lower half Kagome would have probably died already as she gulped and looked out the window.
"Come here." He called to her as blue eyes narrowed. "Please, I need you by my side." His red eyes gleamed in the darkness causing her walls to tumble down as she let out a sigh and walked over to him. A rare smile formed on his lips as he pulled her down and held her to his chest, content with the way her energy connected with his.
"Can you please enlighten me now?" She whispered as her arm found its way across his abdomen.
"We fought against a powerful shinma, I miscalculated the situation which caused me this injury. It seems he carries a powerful miasma, a powerful poison he had been using to take down others. Miyu sent him to the darkness before we could understand where he obtained such power." A long forgotten fear rose in Kagome's chest as she thought about Naraku and the same power he held. He sensed her distress and gripped her tighter before nuzzling his face into her hair and inhaling her scent.
"What if?" She began and stopped as he ran his claw up and down her shoulder eliciting a shiver to run down her spine as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation.
"It does not matter at the moment, that's business I shall attend to later on." He whispered before engulfing her in a heart stopping kiss. Kagome was breathless by the time he let her go as her chest heaved up and down. He smirked at his handy work before settling back down and being content to have his priestess in his arms.
A/N: I just wanted to add a little fluff in there. I figured why not?