A/N: Alright, here's the final chapter! First and foremost, I want to thank Thegraybluekitten, emberstar55, isthisparadise, garryxmrchairfan, polka dot, promocat, Adria Zoi Parzifal, Aservis Roturier, Evan Berkoweicz, un ventilateur, and an anon for their reviews; I am so appreciative not only of the praise I will cherish, but also of the criticism I will use in future writing. However, most of all, I am thankful for everyone who followed the story thus far and stuck with me this entire time. It means the world to me... No, fuck that hackneyed shit, it means the entire multiverse to me.

Without further ado, I give you the epilogue.

Chapter 10 Songs:

Love Song- Jack Off Jill (cover)

Everlong- Foo Fighters

It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish- My Chemical Romance

***(The last song isn't so much a fit for the chapter; to me, it just seemed like the relevant feel-good song they would play in the credits of a really spiffy movie. I hope this fanfiction would qualify as a spiffy movie. xD)

Disclaimer: I honestly wish I could do some big reveal at the end of this story and unveil my true identity as Yana Toboso, but unfortunately I can't... How very anticlimactic.

Warning: Ain't no vanilla sex for demons.

Chapter 10: Epilogue

The first night they lay together, in the garden, was the first and last time that Sebastian told Ciel that he loved him.

Ciel already knew, after all; a demon's love was eternal. Even so, Sebastian still found a far subtler method of conveying his affections, though it wasn't particularly orthodox. Neither of them were really one for turgid, verbose confessions, so Sebastian found a way to symbolize his love with a simpler three-word phrase. A sententious response, one that he always used to answer his master. After all, he had only one response now, for eternity, and Ciel had told him what it was.

Ciel, on the other hand, never once admitted his love for Sebastian. He didn't need to, because it was there.

It was there in the negligible brushing of hands that lingered too long. It was there in both shouted orders and whispered requests. It was there in the strands of silver that hung connected between their lips after divesting a body of its soul. It was there in Ciel's bed, writhing and sweating and intertwining its limbs into his sheets. And it was there afterwards, years after Ciel stopped sleeping, but would shut his eyes anyways, just to be able to unashamedly nestle into the warmth of the demon at his back.

And for Sebastian, this was more than enough.

Ciel gnashed his teeth as he was hurled against the sheets, his face striking the mattress, before being abruptly reentered. As he gasped and choked for breath, he was already winded from his most recent orgasm as well as the impact, and the hand pressing down on his back to secure him in place hardly helped.

Sebastian moved both hands to grasp Ciel's arms, gripping slightly above each elbow, and used them as leverage, jerking the boy's entire body back to meet his thrusts. Shivering as he was mercilessly, relentlessly pounded into, Ciel couldn't help marveling over how much he'd bruise from being tossed around like this, but it wasn't of much significance; contusions never lasted anymore on his porcelain skin, vanishing in minutes, as if their depletion was no more extraordinary than a smudge of dirt being rubbed from a marble statue. Even so, what truly drove him mad was, despite the smatterings of inky bruises across his skin, it was obvious that Sebastian was still being gentler than he could've been. He had long ago deduced, from the wonderful tingles still shuddering through his body, that Sebastian was more than capable of making him scream or cry whenever he pleased.

Nostrils flaring, Ciel's face was ground into the sheets repetitively as he tried to lift his head, inhaling in sharp bursts so he wouldn't asphyxiate, relishing in the heat that was driving into him. Though Sebastian's hips snapped forwards swiftly, it was becoming clear that he was reaching his end from the occasional erratic twitch, from the loud moans that could only convey deteriorating self-control. As he hammered into his partner, he wrenched back on Ciel's arms exceptionally hard and the boy grit his teeth, smothering the urge to yelp. He was still euphoric, but not enough to diminish the jolt of fresh pain carving its way down his left arm.

His butler's breathing finally hitched, pleasure usurping his composure; the earl emitted a sharp cry as his arms were tugged a final time, arching his spine into a vicious curvature, before being hoven to the bed once again. Pressing deeply as plausible and nearly crushing Ciel, the demon groaned in rapture in a way that seemed to resonate in his chest, reverberating through the body caged under him. Sweat dribbling in rivulets of off his body, Sebastian thrust a few more times into Ciel as he finished, though not in the rigorous, animalistic way from before; this time, he was slow and leisurely as he rocked into him. Ciel, responsively, could not be more satisfied. He was delighted to see Sebastian's sides trembling and heaving from the raw pleasure, to see his all-powerful demon groping and clenching and clutching him to his chest, as if he was the sole necessity to his own survival, and he needed nothing more.

The instant Sebastian disentangled his body from the younger demon's, Ciel flipped over onto his back beneath him, wearing a rather petulant smirk.

"Good boy," he remarked in an insipid tone, as if he had just watched a dog perform a rather vapid trick, before reaching up to pat him on the head, tousling his ebony hair ever so slightly.

Sebastian wore an exasperated expression for a moment, before releasing a defeated sigh and slumping onto Ciel's chest. Looking back onto the night he had taken Ciel's virginity, he never would have predicted both the voracious appetite and unruly behavior in bed that it would evoke in the boy later. Not that he particularly minded.

Ciel's demeanor softened at this, and when the demon lay his damp cheek onto his bare clavicle, the earl couldn't help the swelling he felt in his chest, and affectionately reached down to touch him. However, searing needles of pain pierced his nerves the instant he lifted his arm, and he hissed abruptly. The grimace etched onto his features deepened when he realized that Sebastian, in all his carelessness, had nearly ripped his arm from the socket.

"Was all that really necessary, though," he mumbled, more as a statement than a question, once he had regained his breath; he was equally irritated with the fact that Sebastian was still less out of breath than he was, and Ciel had hardly budged a muscle the entire time. Flinching at the momentary pain, he popped his dislocated shoulder back into place with a nauseating crack.

He wondered if the reason Sebastian took him so ruthlessly derived purely from his own urges, or if it was inadvertent reimbursement of some kind; Ciel found roughness to be preferable anyways, but only to a certain extent. As the circumstances played out, his human body had halted his natural aging in the duration of his late teenage years, the same time he had become more comfortable in his demon form. While he found he could alter his age however he pleased when shifting into his illusory human shape, he consistently occupied his oldest body. A few times, due to Ciel's aesthetic practical adulthood, Sebastian had actually been the one to submit to him, and on his own request, due to how desperately he craved to feel his master's essence within him. However, Ciel was never gentle, simply because he knew he never had to be. Sebastian never limped for long, he figured. Regardless, he wasn't sure if Sebastian did not, even teasingly, plan on returning the favor in full.

All he received in response to his rhetorical question was an ambiguous smile, which didn't really set about reassuring him either.

Tilting his chin up ever so slightly, Ciel stared down contentedly to the demon he was bound to, watching him languidly lick at his sweat-slicked stomach, lapping up any of the milky white evidence of Ciel's orgasm. Angling his head with curiosity, Ciel's face remained placid as his fingers toyed idly with strands of Sebastian's hair, softly knotting themselves into his raven locks. In actuality, Ciel couldn't comprehend how Sebastian never grew tired of it.

"Be careful, Sebastian," Ciel gibed. "I hear gluttony is a sin."

The butler chuckled earnestly. "All of the sins I ruin your body with," he murmured suavely, "and you choose to chide me on gluttony."

With a smooth sweeping motion, Sebastian rolled onto his back and airily lifted the teen with him, maneuvering him onto his side so that he could lean on the elder demon's chest. Ciel's mouth twitched upwards at the corners, and he lifted his head enough to permit Sebastian a quick peck. He stretched like a sulking cat, curling his back and raising his arms, before rolling to face Sebastian and nuzzling coyly into his frame. Once the boy was snug and situated, his arms roped around the back of Sebastian's neck, the butler cleared his throat.

"Oh, I meant to tell you. Uncannily enough, I ran into Grell Sutcliff a couple of days ago when I was running an errand for you. He showed me something interesting in the soul counters about Vivienne Croft. You remember her, don't you, master? She was involved in the first contract we had together."

"Yes, I recall her… Is that all he tried to show you?"

"Naturally not, my lord," Sebastian chuckled. Ciel looked equally amused, but the flippant hint of protectiveness did not go unnoticed when he pressed closer to Sebastian, the grip on the back of his neck tightening.

"Believe it or not, my lord, he was actually more interested in asking me what happened to you," the crow demon informed him, cautiously tracing his hand over the boy's healing shoulder. "You have more friends than you give yourself credit for."

The boy became meditatively still for an instant, all of his lethargic movements ebbing off; he had expected a comment about how much trouble he had stirred up for the reapers, but not that. He reflected on it for an instant before swallowing thickly and shaking his head, dismissing the notion.

"Anyways, what was the news he had about Vivienne?" Ciel asked, changing the subject.

"She's dead," Sebastian announced, before elaborating. "It appears that her illness was progressive with age, and she fell into a consumption a couple of months ago during pregnancy. Both she and the child passed away, unfortunately. As I predicted, she never lived to be as old as her mother. She did succeed in being happily married though, which I suppose should come as some relief."

Distantly, as if recollecting fragments of a dream, and image of the moribund little girl drifted into his mind, plucking her thumb from her mouth and beaming at him. "So she had no heir?" Ciel asked casually, though he was actually startled that so much time had passed. For the first time, he actually pondered eternity in a different light, a lurid one in which he'd heard Sebastian describe it to him before, but which he'd never fully comprehended. Was this is the first inconsequential sampling of it? How many lives would spark and be extinguished in the blink of his eye, how many monuments to the ages would erode beneath his fingertips? How many empires would rise and fall as he meandered through them over the years, an unchanging specter forever to haunt the surface of the earth? How many had Sebastian seen? He told him stories, obviously, but only fragmented wreckages, not the entire image itself, and Ciel found himself feeling devoid.

"No, my lord. It is suspected that her husband inherited the estate." Sebastian seemed to notice a paramount shift in Ciel's aura, despite how miniscule it truly was, and he cupped the earl's cheek in a gesture so gentle that it was nearly an inquiry.

"Does that mean it's as I expected, then?" Ciel suggested. "No heir to carry on her name, all of her belongings and her home gone to waste in the hands of some uncorrelated man… Camilla's sacrifice really was in vain." Admonishing himself for his foolishness, Ciel splayed his own hand over Sebastian's on his face, and let it rest there; he exhaled a sigh when he felt Sebastian's thumb tenderly brush across his cheek. A phantom condemned to scour the earth for all time would undoubtedly travel alone. He would never travel in desolation, and because of the partner he had at his side, he would be anchored in timelessness. Sebastian was the one way that eternity was more than bearable.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Sebastian replied. "The human life is such a transient, trivial thing that it's hard to judge accordingly. Thousands upon thousands of mundane, banal lives, flickering by in moments, seemingly purposeless. When phrased like that, it seems that the only purpose any of them strive for, through whatever means they choose, is a brief happiness; something that distinguishes the value of their time on earth more than any degree of fleeting importance. A happy life is never lived in vain, regardless of how quickly it's over with... All things come to an end, my lord."

Ciel interpreted his words with respect and some degree of poignancy, pressing closer to him. With their bare skin flush against one another's, Ciel could feel the warmth leaching from his body into his own, and hear the comforting, if not mildly illusive, palpitating in his chest, branding him as alive. A beautiful monster's heart that could never truly expire, that he would belong to until the end of time, even if they were both dragged deservedly to the depths of hell. His pulse was a promise, everlasting.

"That's not true," Ciel scoffed with cemented conviction, before searching for some degree of affirmation. "Some things don't end… right, Sebastian?"

The older demon smiled affectionately, using the hand still cradling Ciel's cheek to raise his head, smoothing his fingers down his jawline so that his hand rested beneath Ciel's chin. The boy's expression never wavered as he stared into those indulgent crimson eyes, or even when he felt a pair of alabaster lips hovering tauntingly over his own, whispering, in a breath lighter than the stroke of a feather, a certain three-word phrase across his mouth.

"Yes, my lord."

And for Ciel, this was more than enough.


I absolutely loved writing this fanfiction, and therefore I hope at least some of you enjoyed reading it! I know many of you don't want it to end, and I share your sentiments, but this story has run its course, and I would detest if it were to lose its luster from being dragged out... Anyhow, I'm sorry if the epilogue is not to your liking, but I found it to be conclusive enough x0 I can't imagine Ciel and Sebastian ever being all sweet and saccharine and fluffy ad nauseum x) Regardless, being able to write this and hear your feedback has been a gift in and of itself.

Speaking of, if you've been following the story along but you've never really favorited or reviewed, it would make me ecstatic if you would! Just dropping a little comment or telling someone you like my story would make my entire life, you know, since it's finished anyways. I meant it when I said your words mean the multiverse to me, and I love you all so much!

As far as the Incubus epilogue, as well as the other Kuroshitsuji fanfictions I've been working on, I'm dismayed to tell you that they won't be up for some time now. I apologize profusely, but I am simply too bogged down with colorguard and school right now...Eventually though, I'll finish them. I plan on doing a Ciel x Alois fic as well... and perhaps a minor oneshot or sequel following Eudemon Everlasting... I'm not sure.

I'm also considering writing fanfiction for other fandoms... You know what anime I just finished? Mirai Nikki. Phenomenal fucking show right there. But you know what? I'm literally too fucking content with its ending to ever consider writing it 0.0 It's strange...

Anyhow, my other work will be up soon enough, and I genuinely hope Eudemon Everlasting was to your liking! Please review, and PM me if you have any questions or comments irrelevant to reviewing. ^-^

I'll be back soon, so don't you, forget about me~ *Breakfast Club fist in the air*

This is Stevie, signing off~