Okay so here you go! Sorry it's been so long, for anyone who still reads this story. I was actually excepted to this program to spend a month studying at Stratford Festival drama school (which is like shakespeares globe theatre of my country)! So I was away at that all of July! Hope you like this chapter...
Catelynn and I both stood up from our chairs and walked toward the window. The library was on fire. Dogs in the town were barking and people were yelling for help. We both looked to each other before Lady Stark worked on closing the window and I turned around. A man was standing, dressed in all grey clothes, in the middle of the room, not three feet from where we were standing. The gasp I let escape my mouth caused Lady Stark to turn to me.
"Your not suppose to be here." He said in a deep voice. "No ones suppose to be here. It's a mercy. He's dead already." The unknown man said looking towards where Bran was lying helpless and pulled out a long knife from his belt.
"No." Lady Stark screamed as she ran forward with her hand out to stop the man. He grabbed her hand pushing it away and slapped her round the face causing her to fall onto the bed. Pulling her up by her hair he brought the knife to her throat only to be stopped by Catelynn's hand on the blade. Blood rushed down her arms as she let out a determined yet painful grunt pass through her lips. Snapping out of my reverie I walked silently behind the man and grabbing the empty metal chamber pot hit him over the head with it.
He threw Catelynn to the ground roughly before turning back towards me and pushing me into the dresser and grabbing my hair he pushed my skull against the corner of the wood. Falling to the floor I saw the man slowly walk towards Bran, while breathing heavily and as he got his knife out he was taken to the ground by Summer leaping on top of his body. The only sounds in the room that could be hear were the heavy breathing of Catelynn and I, the screams of the unknown killer and the tearing of flesh.
When Robb had come back into the room he was, to say the least, surprised at what he found. Blood smeared from one end of the room to the other, furniture had been knocked over, his brother's direwolf had blood stuck in his fur, his mother was covered in blood and sitting on the floor, Katrina was breathing heavily and had her eyes stuck on a dead body that was lying next to his brothers bed. But the most surprising thing in the room was that in the midst of all this, Bran was sleeping silently with a peaceful look on his pale face.
Robb had immediately taken his mother to see the Measter and had his mother tell him the story. When he came back I was still in the chamber.
"I've put guards on every room in the castle. You should go see the Measter." Robb said grabbing me by my arms and pulling me up from the floor.
"I'm fine Robb, truly. I just need to sleep." I said leaning against him as we walked out of Bran's room.
"If you have a concussion, sleep is the last thing you need." Robb said pulling me in the direction of my room.
"I promise Robb, I am fine. If I still feel badly tomorrow I will see Measter Luwin."
"Fine." He said finally after heaving a great big sigh.
As we walked to my door, I noticed one guard outside my room. "Umm Robb…"
"Do you think you could sleep in my room?" I said shyly, not meeting his eyes.
"Why are you scared?" He said jokingly.
"No! Forget it." I pulled out of his grip and walked towards my door before he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.
"I was joking." He said smiling. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked into my chambers. My room was not extremely fancy seeming as I wasn't actually a Stark. I had a fairly large bed with fur pelts on it, an armoire, a makeup table and a bathtub behind a dressing screen.
Robb walked ahead of me when we walked into my room. He took off his long wolf pelt lined cape and placed it onto the back of a large leather chair situated next to the fire. I moved around Robb, placing my own powder blue cloak onto the lap of the chair and moving to sit on the bed.
Robb cleared his throat and sat down next to me.
"What was the fire about? Do you know what caused it?" I asked trying to relieve some of the tension. Although Robb and I had been friends all our lives, we had never entered each others rooms after Robb had turned fifteen, Lady Stark had deemed it inappropriate.
"I have no idea. The guards say it was most likely to distract everyone from the fact someone was going to kill my brother."
"Well, he didn't get away with it!" I said trying to lighten the dampened mood. "We should go to bed." I said getting up and crawling under the covers. Robb smiled and nodded absent mindedly, following me under the covers.
"Your brother will wake up soon, I know it." I whispered into the dark as Robb blew out the candle one of the maids left for me by the bed.
"Oh yeah?" He said turning, so that he was facing me.
"I just know."
Turning around in the morning I came face to face with Robb. During the night we had connected our bodies together. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, my head resting on his chest and his chin on top of my head. Slowly untangling our legs, I moved to put some space between us. Raising myself from the bed I slowly put on my robe being careful of the noises I was making, as to not wake him up. Before slipping from the room I gave a small smile to his sleeping form, he looked so innocent when he slept.
Walking out the door I quickly made my way down to the dining area where Theon was sitting.
"Good Morning." I said brightly.
"Morning." Theon grumbled back with sleep still woven into his voice.
"Is there any news?" I questioned to Theon as I sat down on the wooden bench next to him.
"No, Lady Stark is still resting and Measter Luwin is with Bran now." Theon said solemnly. "But The little lord will be okay." Theon said confidently as he gobbled up his porridge and eggs. Just then the door opened and in walked Robb, his hair sticking up at odd angles, his shirt just tucked in and his eyes unfocused. He stumbled his way over to the table and sat down next to Theon. Giving me a small smile, Robb and Theon started to discuss 'men' things so I quickly ate my breakfast and excused myself. Rising from the table I slowly walked back up to my room.
It was then, walking down the halls of Winterfell that I really noticed how empty it felt now that Jon, Sansa, Arya and Lord Stark were gone. Arya would most likely never shot another arrow and scare us like she had just a few weeks ago, Sansa would never help to stitch me another dress or do my hair, I would never hear one of Lord Starks rare northern laughs, and Jon and I would never speak again. There was still time to see Lord Stark, Arya and Sansa but Jon had taken the black. His visit's would be far and few, if he even had any. It suddenly hit me, Winterfell would never be the same again.
Please review it is honestly the thing that makes me wanna write more! Also I am looking for a beta and I don't know where to find one so if anyone is one or knows where I can find one that would be great!