Hey guys! It's the last chapter of this story! Yay! It's kinda short but whatever. I'm kinda sad. My schedule was a lot worse than what I have expected. Don't get me wrong, I know there are things much, much worse in life… but still, it's depressing xD

Disclaimer: hhunfortunatelyfrhforklkemehibfhjrjkñdontjjgttiowntrjhakfloedbzhuiploe! (Unfortunately for me I don't own DBZ!)

I hope you enjoy this last chapter of this story :)

They had returned to Dende's village after getting the last Dragon Ball from the Grand Elder. Moori and the Namekians were happy they had managed to get all seven Dragon Balls together. After placing the seven shining Dragon Balls to the floor, Goku turned to the little Namekian that has been helping them with their search. "Dende, the Grand Elder said we've gotta summon the Dragon in Namekian language. Can you do it?"

Dende nodded. "Yes, I'll do it."

Gohan smiled brightly. "Thanks a lot Dende!" Dende smiled in reply. In this little trip, he and Gohan had made friends. The half-breed was a nice kid, and told Dende about Earth while they were travelling. Dende was amazed by the planet Gohan described, and he hoped someday he'll get to visit it.

Everyone was expectant. They all wondered how the Namekian Dragon would look like, and what differences would he have with Shenron. Those who haven't seen Shenron in the first place—like Chi-Chi and Gohan—were just curious of how a Dragon coming from the Dragon Balls looked in general.

"Takkaraputo popurunga pupirittoparo!" Dende shouted the password to summon Porunga.

The Dragon Balls shone, and the sky went dark—something that never happened considering Namek had three suns. The Dragon came out with a blinding light. When the Z-Fighters could see him, they were impressed by the Dragon's tough look and how he differed from Shenron's appearance. Dende was also shocked, as he had never seen the Dragon before either. Moori, Cargo and the Namekians also stared up at the Dragon. Basically, everyone was staring at the Dragon with their eyes wide.

Seeing the Dragon's muscles and tough look, Oolong couldn't help but yell out, "Holly shit! That Dragon's on steroids!"

Bulma hit Oolong hard in the head. "Oolong! Shut UP!"

"What? You gonna tell me it's not true?!" Oolong shot back.

"Oh my gosh, it's huge!" Gohan yelled, surprised.

"His name is Porunga, and his name is translated into Dragon of Dreams. I've never seen him before, though," Dende explained, shock in his young face.

"You guys!" King Kai called. "You guys! He's been summoned!"

"Who's been summoned?" Yamcha asked.


"Who's Porunga?" Tien inquired.

"The Dragon of the Namekian's set of Dragon Balls!" King Kai explained, somewhat frustrated.

"WHAT!" Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo and Chiaotzu looked to each other. "Does that mean… we're gonna be revived?" Yamcha couldn't help but ask. "So soon?"

King Kai nodded. "Apparently, it wasn't so hard for Goku and the others to collect all the Dragon Balls."

"Hear that, Tien? We're gonna be wished back!" Chiaotzu was celebrating. "All right!"

Tien smiled. "That's right."

Piccolo's face betrayed a little smile. He was happy to know he'd be able to see his little friend—Gohan—again. Besides, he would finally be able to fight against Goku. There was no way he'd kill the man, Piccolo realized. Gohan would hate him if he did. And, in all honesty, Piccolo didn't want to kill Goku anymore. Ever since he saw Goku throw his life away against Raditz to save his son, that wanting of killing Goku was starting to fade. Fact was, Piccolo felt neither happy nor sad he had finally done what he had trained for. He even had… respect for the man. Gohan came back to his mind again. No, Piccolo decided, he was not going to kill Goku. He was going to fight him, yes, but not kill him. They were still going to be rivals, but not enemies—not anymore.

Yamcha was happy. "Finally! Now we'll be back on Earth with our friends!" he exclaimed. 'And with Bulma too.' He had missed her while being dead on King Kai's planet. He couldn't wait to see her again and let everything be normal again.

They couldn't wait to be wished back!

"You have collected all seven Dragon Balls," Porunga's words boomed. "And now I have been summoned. Think wisely and I will grant you three wishes that are within my power."

The Earthlings blinked. "Three?"

"That's right," Dende replied. "You get three wishes."

"Oh man, check that out! We get two extra wishes!" Krillin exclaimed. "So, what should we wish for?"

"First, what we came from," Roshi responded wisely. "Dende, could you ask the Dragon to bring back to life all the people killed by the Saiyans on Earth, including our friends?"

Dende nodded. "All right, I can try." Dende told Porunga the wish in Namekian.

"Your wish is unacceptable," was Porunga's answer. "Only one life can be restored from each wish that you use."


"Oh, no… What a pity," King Kai muttered. "It seems the Dragon can only revive one person per wish. That means, only three of you will be able to be wished back."


"But we're four!" Tien complained. "That means one of us gotta stay here!"

Yamcha crossed his arms. "Just for you to know, I am going to be wished back."

"What!" Tien glared at Yamcha. "Oh no, I think you're the one that should STAY!"

While Yamcha and Tien argued, Chiaotzu gathered some sticks. "Why don't we draw lots?" he suggested.

"No way! You and Tien are one pack!" Yamcha complained.

"What? Me and Tien don't cheat! How dare you?" And so, Chiaotzu joined the argument. As the three friends glared at each other, Piccolo stepped forwards.

"I'm the one that needs to go!" Piccolo proclaimed as he walked towards King Kai. Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu stopped arguing and glanced at Piccolo with dumfounded looks. "I need to talk to Gohan, right now."

"WHAT?" King Kai demanded.

"Please sir!" Piccolo was not backing down. "I've got an idea…"

"You should make up your minds fast. If you have nothing to wish for, then wish for nothing three times so I can leave!"

"A dragon with a sense of humor, huh," Krillin couldn't help but joke.

"Guys! We gotta hurry up!" Dende exclaimed.

"Great! What do we do?" Bulma asked.

"Gohan! Can you hear me?" Gohan couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Piccolo…?" the boy muttered hopefully.

"I can hear him too!" Roshi stated. "But I can't see 'im!"

"King Kai must've helped Piccolo to contact us telepathically, similar to how I contacted Master Roshi so that he would bring me back to life," Goku deduced.

"That's right, Goku," Piccolo replied. "Listen to me guys! Use your first wish to bring me back!"

"WHAT?" Yamcha shouted.

"Hey, no fair!" Tien argued.

"BE QUIET!" Piccolo yelled back to them. "Listen, wish me back. If I am revived, that means Kami will be back too. And so will be the Dragon Balls. You know what that means."

"He's right!" Goku realized.

"Yeah," Krillin nodded. "And if the Dragon Balls are back…"

"…We can summon Shenron," Roshi continued. "And if we summon Shenron…"

"…Then we can revive everyone that was killed by the Saiyans in only one wish!" Bulma finished. "Awesome!"

"Oh, man! How come we never thought'a that?" Launch wondered with a smirk.

"Yeah, that's it! That's a great idea!" Tien thought out loud.

"You're the boss!" Yamcha complimented.

"You rock, Piccolo!" Chiaotzu added.

King Kai nodded. "I never thought of that…"

"Alright! Dende, wish for our friends, Piccolo and Kami, to be brought back to life. They're halves of the same whole so it only counts as one life," Goku explained. Dende nodded and did as told.

"Now, for the second wish…"

"Revive Chiaotzu!" This time it was Tien's voice. "He's been already wished back with the Dragon Balls, so it wouldn't work on Earth. We gotta do it here!"


Dende told the wish to Porunga, who granted it. For the third wish, they asked to transport themselves and their alive friends on Other World to Earth. They bid farewell to the Namekians and were tele-transported to Kami-sama's lookout. When they arrived, Gohan was extremely happy to see Piccolo. Even Chi-Chi couldn't help but smile. Though she disliked Piccolo with a passion, she knew how much he meant for her son, and it seemed that even her husband was on good, friendly terms with the Namekian.

Kami told his friends he sent Mister Popo to revive everyone else. Soon enough, they noticed the sky getting dark—sign the Dragon has been summoned. Not long after that, the sky cleared and Mr. Popo came back with a smile, stating Shenron had granted the wish. It seemed Tien and Yamcha had started their journey back to the Check-in Station before they were even revived because they didn't take long in arriving. Kami went to get them from Other World and brought them to the Lookout. Everyone had a tearful, happy, reunion. They talked, hanged around, and spent time together. They talked about their future, and what was waiting for them, each with a smile in their face.

They were all happy to be together again. Since this battle, everyone found out how much the others meant to them. Death and trip to Namek had helped to make their bonds stronger. They were a family that cared for each other and didn't leave anyone behind. The heroes of the Earth—who were congratulated by King Furry, who had searched for information of who were the fighters who fought against the Saiyans, and, getting information from Capsule Corporation and the Tenkaichi Budokai, managed to find out who were the brave fighters; the Mysterious Boy who had defeated Piccolo Daimao and his friends—now lived a peaceful life, not worrying about fighting androids or wizards like they would've on another universe.

In this world, their biggest concern was to live their life to the fullest—together!

There! Last chapter up! I didn't put in detail their life after Namek so that you guys could use your minds and think what happened with the characters. So, you can decide if Goku and Chi-Chi have more kids, if Tien and Launch get together, if Yamcha and Bulma stay stogether, if Krillin meets the human Eighteen and marries her, or something nothing to do with all I just said. You decide! ;) Hope I didn't rush it up too much, though... xD

Blazingnyancat: Yeah, but I said in the first chapter Frieza wasn't going to appear on this story. DBM is doing a special of the Namek saga without Vegeta (in where Frieza wins). If you haven't, you should check it out! :) Thanks for reading my story by the way!

good sayian: Here it is! I hope you liked it! :)

Thanks for everyone that has read, reviewed, favorite and/or followed this story! I appreciate it! :) Also, please check my other stories. Maybe you'll like some of 'em! ;P It's kinda funny how I ended up making a story that I hoped to be friendship/family to a somewhat humorous story... Well, then again, that's DBZ! xD Please review and if you want, write whatever you think that happened to Goku and his friends after Namek. Do they really lived a peaceful life as I said? Or maybe they don't? Please tell me whatcha think! :)

Until next time, guys! And thanks once again! Sayonara! :D