So...yeah...sorry. Not the most satisfied with the chap...but...kisses. Drop a review and tell me how it was, or about any mistakes. It hasn't been beta'd.


Chapter 2: Nightly Sneaking

Five years hadn't changed Namikaze Natsumi all that much. Sure she looked more mature now, but overall, she was the same blonde that took life by the horns. Natsumi sighed as leaned back into the seat of her Aston Martin V8 Vantage. She sat at a red light and thought back on the call she had received from her eldest brother Kurama. He told her, that for a TV show or something, all the influential families would be living with them.

What the hell. Who's bright idea was that? Did people really want to see the intricacies of the wealthy that much?

Natsumi shook her head and concentrated on driving, it was 3 in the morning, if she were to losing control now...

Everything became a blur as she sped up, normally she wouldn't drive this fast constantly, but she was tired and at the current speed she would reach the main house in less than ten minutes. She could keep her eyes open for that long, but anymore would be pushing it. So she took in deep breaths and stretched her eyes wide open and exhaled, speeding up just a bit more. Thankfully her predictions were correct and reached the mansion in just under nine minutes. She let out a breath of relief as she pushed the gate opener, and drove her car in. As she neared to garage, she pushed the second Bluetooth button. As the garage opened just enough, she drove her car in and parked in the empty spot.

Natsumi turned off the engine, grabbed her bag and took out her cellphone. Exiting the car with cellphone on one hand, and bag in the other, she kicked the door closed with her foot. Walking out of the garage, she closed it behind her with the app on her phone and then clicked on Kurama's name.

"Moshi moshi?" Answered a groggy voice not 30 second later, "Naruto, why are you calling so late?"

"Aniue, where are you?"

"In my room, you know, trying to sleep."

"Ok. Open the door," Natsumi said quickly, ending the call right after. She quietly and slowly made her way to the front door, after all there was no reason to wake up the dogs, and a sleepy Kurama was a slow Kurama. She reached and waited at a closed door for almost two minutes before her phone rang. In one quick motion she answered and pressed te phone to her ear, "Yes?"

"Naruto, where are you? I opened the door."

Natsumi's smile dropped slightly and she held in a large sigh, "which door did you open?"


"The front door dummy."

"Front door? Give me se-wait! Are you outside?!"

"Yes. Now please be quiet and open the door."

She stood there for another 20 seconds before the door flung open. Behind it stood her extremely handsome brother.

"Tadaima, Kuu-ni" she said, grinning ear to ear at him. He stood there though, and stared at her for a few moments before he pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Okairi, Hime."

One Month Ago

The Namikaze Family sat together in their living room, looking up at Senju-Namikaze Tsuande, staring at her with incredulous looks on their faces.

"Excuse me, but please repeat that Oba-sama, I don't think I heard you correctly."

"I'm sure you did Kurama, but I'll say it again, so it sticks this time. I have recently been told that the public of Japan feels as if we are too out of reach for them. As if we ourselves aren't human like them, like they can't reach us. "

"We are out of reach for them, though." Many heads nodded in agreement.

"Shut up, Deidara. This is bad, you idiots. If the public doesn't connect with us, it could lead to declining profits and none of us want that, nor do we want the Hyuuga's or Uchiha's using that opportunity to try and catch up to us."

"Agreed. And what exactly are we going to do about this?"

"Were you not listening before Yahiko? We're, for the next two or three months, are going to play host for the other families. It will be reality T.V., we're going to show the public that we are normal people just like them...and to show that us 'big' families are close and not at each others necks." Tsunade explained, air-quoting the word big.

"Wait. That's not what you said before! You're lying, please tell me this is a lie!"


"Oba-sama...which families?"

"Nagato, sweetheart-"

"Which families Oba-sama."



"Fine!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up to the ceiling, "The Uchihas, the Hyuggas, the Harunos, Yamanakas, Naras, Inuzukas, Aburames and the Akimichi."

"Hold on," Sasori said, getting up from his place on the sofa and walking to the middle to stand in front of his grandmother, "the Hyuggas and Uchihas, I can understand. But the others families, they're not even near the Uchihas. Why are they going to be here? Also how in the world do you expect all of them to fit in our house? It's big sure, but not that big."

"Sasori, please, I've already thought about all of that. It will only be the immediate family-"

"That's still too many people."

"And you be sharing rooms."


"Yes, Kurama. This is what's best for the company, so we are all in agreement, no?"

"Do we even have a choice, Kaa-sama?"

"Minato, don't be silly, of course you have a choice. You can agree and be relatively happy, or you can disagree and sleep with one eye open for the rest of your lives."

"Well, I think it's a great idea."

"See, Kushina agrees."

"That's because she's as demented as you."

"What was that husband?"

"I said it's a great idea and we'd love to do it."

"Great! That's it, you can all go back to doing what ever you were before." Tsuande made a shooing motion with her hands, before she turned on her heel and walked to the door way.

"Wait! When does it start?!" Kurama called back.

They watched, eyes narrowed, as their mother/grandmother walked faster to the door, stopping right underneath it. She stood their for a moment, before replying in such a soft tone that they had to strain their ears to hear, "tomorrow. Bye."

She disappeared from their sight faster than the Flash on coffee. Silence followed her statement for a moments before, "OBA-SAMA!" rang throughout the house, from her equal parts enraged and dumbfounded grandchildren.

The Namikaze-Uzumaki's looked at one another in utter confusion, she wasn't serious, was she? They could barely stand those people at social functions, but now they had the eat with them daily? Share walking space with them, daily? Share the same breathing space with them...daily?

Somebody was going die before the show finished. Probably an Uchiha, though those Hyuuga's were an almost equal bet...then again that Inuzuka brat was coming close.

Kurama breathed in deep, and released before he spoke first, "Otou-sama, she's kidding right?"


"Please tell me she was lying, tou-chan."

"I th-"

"Someone's going to die. I vote for the Uchiha."


"Yahiko, which Uchiha and what about a certain Hyuuga?"

"Hey! I'm trying to-"

"When have you guys known baa-chan not to go through with what she says?"

There was silence at Nagato's question, before collective sighs flowed through the room.

"Only with Natsumi."

Which meant that the show would go on. The men, for they hadn't been boys in years, could feel the headache to end all headache begin at the thought of all those pricks inside their home for months.

"Kurama, or one of you call Naruto ad tell her what's going on, and if she loves us she'll come home and make the next few month bearable for us all."

"Dad, you know she likes-"

"Well guess what? Naruto is the name your mother and I gave her, it is the name on her birth certificate, so it is the name we are going to call her."

"Dad. You picked that name from Jiraiya ji-chan's book. That would have been fine too, you know, if Naruto as a boy!"

"Just call your sister Kurama."

Kurama rolled his eyes, their parents were something else. Either way, he stood up to go and call their youngest. It had been eight, nearing nine, months since he had seen her, and damn did he miss the little spitfire.

The rest watched as the eldest son walked to the hallway. He was the closest to her. Which was weird because he was a full nine years older than her. Though she was very close with the rest of them, and she would do anything for them, just as they would for her. Only Nagato and Kurama could convince her to do something she didn't/wouldn't want to...and for this...they had to pull all stops. So Kurama was really the only choice.

They waited with bated breath, as low arguing filtered in through the open doors, only for it to suddenly stop. They looked intensely as Kurama walked back with a large smile on his face and hope began to fill them.

"She said yes?" Deidara asked excited.

His smile got even bigger, "no." He watched with no small bit of amusement as all smiles dropped from their faces.


"She said 'no'. She's apparently too swamped with work at the moment and coming is not possible."

" you're telling us that we are going to have to go through this without her?"


"Kill me now." Yahiko said, the rest of his family nodding their head with the same sentiment, even Minato and Kushina. As well as they could handle and be nice to the them, it only worked for a limited amount of time. In small doses, not for a prolonged period.

Minato sighed, as patient and saint like as he was, unfortunately, only three of his kids had inherited that, the rest were as explosive as his wife, some if not more. Though to be perfectly honest, they all had quite explosive tempers when it to do with any injustice against their only daughter, and infinite patience with her. He had never seen such dotting siblings in his life.

He supposed, in retrospect, it was a good thing she wouldn't be coming. He had skyped with her a week ago, and she had grown into a beautiful, spitfire of a woman, not that he hadn't seen that coming. He knew that if anyone were to look at her in any way, he'd have to prepare for a lawsuit, so yes, as sad as he was, he had found that silver lining.

The days passed, and the families all got situated in the Namikaze house. For the first few weeks, the hostility couldn't have been anymore obvious. The cameras, of course, had picked it all up. The headlines always read that, they didn't like each other, that someone had caused someone else to breakup, and so much more ridiculousness. As the days went by, everyone was in a silent agreement, to keep themselves calm and to appear as if they were, if not friends, acquaintances. And so a month passed, calm and much less volatile, until the heiress made her return.


The two siblings walked quietly up the stairs and to Kurama's room, her room doors were locked and probably fulled with dust by now. As they entered, she dropped her bags on the floor and jumped onto his unnecessarily large bed, as Kurama moved her bags away.

"You said you couldn't come," he stated, both confused and elated. Natsumi shrugged from her place cocooned around Kurama's giant pillow.

"Natsumi." He demanded, making his way onto his bed. He stepped over her and sat down crossed legged to back, watching, amused, as she twisted around so they were facing each other.

"I was busy when you called. You know I opened up a new shop, there was no way I could have just left when you called. But on the other hand, I couldn't just leave you all to fend for yourselves, could I?"

She answered with a sly smile on her lips, "so tell me, what have you all been up to?"

"You don't watch?"

"If I had time to watch , I wouldn't be here. It was work and sleep this past month."

"I see. Well the short version is, they came, we were like snakes and mongooses for two weeks, it

started cooling down last week and now the arguments during meal times are down to three."

Natsumi started chuckling, out of the eight of them(parents included), only their father, Kurama and Nagato didn't have a short fuse. As for Sasori, while most believed he was even tempered, was actually quite a dick that got back three times as hard on a person, and they were left wondering what happened to them.

"So it's a good thing I-"she paused, yawning loudly, "came, huh?"

Kurama shrugged back at her, "it could go either way Natsu, you know that. As better as it will be for us, you have the worst temper out of us all. You really are our mother's child."

"Shut up." She retorted, yawning again, smacking Kurama's leg. She looked at the watch in her wrist, the hands on her watch pointed to the time being four ten in the morning.

"Damn. four-ten already?"

"Great. Now I can't fall back asleep."

"Nii-chan...who are you trying to fool? I'm currently watch as your eyelids struggle to stay open. Talking about not being able to sleep, please." Natsumi scoffed at him.

"It's the thought that counts."

"Wrong use of the phrase."

Kurama scoffed, "says who?" He questioned bemusedly, pulling his youngest sibling into the open space between his legs.

"Everyone that has ever used it-nii-chan please." She retorted, struggling to get out of his hold. Unfortunately for her, his arms wrapped tighter around her waist, pulling her even closer to his chest.

"Naruto. Stop struggling. It's been almost a year since I last saw you," he stated as he rested his chin on her right shoulder. "The others got to see you at least twice, while tou-san, kaa-san and I only got phone calls, texts and the occasional skype. So get over it. We will remain like this until I have regained my full needed dosage of Namikaze-Senju Uzumaki Naruto."

"'re being ridiculous. Maybe you should get a girlfriend...or boyfriend. Whatever you heart desires."

"Am not," came a muffled reply from her hair, "now shut up."

Natumi rolled her eyes and relaxed into her the warm safe place of her brothers arms. She had missed this too. His hugs always made her feel the safest, even more so than the ones from either of her parents.

A soft smile lit her face, "nii-chan?"


She grabbed his arms and squeezed them tightly under her palms, "I missed you too."

Kurama smiled into her hair, "I know. After all, who wouldn't miss the awesome big brother that is I?"

The two chuckled at their inside joke before allowing a comfortable silence to envelope them. They sat like that for a while, enjoying each others presence, before the question Natsumi was dying to ask couldn't hide itself anymore.

"Anybody dead yet?"

Not expecting the question at that moment, Kurama was so taken a back that loud boisterous laughter escaped from his mouth. Blue eyes widened as Natsumi clapped a hand over his mouth,

"Shhh! What's the matter with you? Do you want to wake the entire house?"

His body still trembled with laughter as Kurama pushed her hand off of his mouth. He shook his head in fondness towards the beautiful woman that she was, though she's always be that little baby he'd seen in his mother's arms on her bed in the hospital. The little baby he and his younger siblings had vowed to protect with their lives. The little baby that in every way possible was the prefect mixture of them all. The little baby who was without a doubt, their little baby.

"You are too much imouto."

"What did I do?"

"The first question you ask is 'has anyone has died'. What about your family?"

"Nii-chan please," she said said in exasperation, "if anything had happened to any of you, my phone would have blown up with all the calls and text coming from not only you, but ever other person that has my number and watches the show."

"Then you would have known if you someone had died."

"True, but I also know that hiding something like that would be easy for you, especially if you all work together. But okay, so if you haven't killed anyone, who have-" she yawned again, "who have you been close to killing?"

Kurama smirked as he pulled his comforter around them, "At least one person from each family."

Natsumi giggled softly, "I'm proud of you all."


"You didn't succumb to the urge."

"Yes well, it's been a tricky month. There is still time. Please don't make our effort go down the drain."

"I make no promises, but I will try."

"That's all I ask. Now we are both tired, so please let's sleep."

Natsumi nodded in full agreement,"let go of me."


She sighed through her nose, "whatever, let's just sleep please."

"As you wish hime."

As the two laid down, Kurama pulled his comforter on top of their bodies and up over their heads. Though Kurama hated sleeping like that, he knew his little sister loved to sleep with her covers over her head. He remembered when it had started. She was a child and they had watched Ju-on, and from that moment on, she had been so terrified of all thing ghosts related. There was nothing she was afraid of, nothing other that ghost. Which was stupid because she knew they weren't real, but as Natsumi said, 'even if I don't believe, that doesn't mean I'm going to go looking for it or mess with it'. Though, of course, as she grew older, she would slowly pull the comforter off her head as the night went on.

Kurama smiled as her heard the soft breathing already, he combed his fingers through her hair. She must have been really tired, but last he had heard she was in Akita setting up her new shop, and having to drive down from Akita to Tokyo was at least a seven hour drive using the Akita Expressway. It was tiring just driving two hours, seven was too much, especially alone. Kurama lightly shook his head and pulled her in closer, as much as he knew it was weird for two grown sibling to be doing this. But she was his little hime, from the moment he(and the others) had seen her in their mom's arms, and she would remain his(their) little hime, even after they all died. Even if she was no longer small and cuddly, but a beautiful woman standing at 175 centimeters, and from what he could feel, well muscled.

But that didn't change anything.

Now the only problem was, keeping the other boys(for they were boys to him) off of his little sister and stopping her from completely demolishing any sense of ego and pride the other families had...on national tv.

Kurama let out a tired sigh and allowed his eyes to slowly close. There was no use trying to figure it now. He would deal with it when it came to it. His eyes fluttered shut as he entered a deep slumber.