Disclaimer: I only own Rosie.


"Ouch!" Rosie shouted. She jerked her right arm back away from Bones. She was in sickbay, sitting on one of the cots. Spock stood alongside her cot, silent and unmoving, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Now see here," Bones was standing in front of her, tweezers still clasped in his hands, "I've cleaned up and healed all your other cuts and bruises, Rosie." He gestured to her face and legs before continuing on. "I can't fix up this arm unless you let me get the debris out. Unless you want me to permanently seal these here little rocks into it." There was a little glass jar on the table next to Bones with the few rocks he'd managed to pick out in it.

"It still hurts," Rosie grumbled, holding her arm back out in front of her again, offering it to the doctor. "You could be a little gentler." Bones wrapped his hand around her wrist, placed the tweezers back around the little rock he'd been working on, and tugged again. "Ow!" Rosie shrieked again as the rock pulled free from her skin.

"What the hell happened?" Jim barreled into medical at the same time, knocking over a tray of tools. He scrambled to pick up the things he knocked over, plunking them back onto the table once he righted it. "I tried to get here faster, once I'd heard you'd transported directly to sickbay, but I couldn't get off the bridge for a while and I…"

"I'm okay, Jim," Rosie cut him off. She looked over to him as Bones grasped her arm again, answering the question that was screaming through Jim's head before he could even voice it.

Jim moved to the sit on the cot next to Rosie and grasped the hand that Bones wasn't holding. He flipped the hand he was holding over and over, scrutinizing it. "Bones is already done with that one," Rosie told him in as calm a voice as she could. "Really, it's fine. I'm fine."

Jim looked at the hand and the arm, seeing all the lighter colored patches of new skin where Bones had used the regenerator speckled up and down the arm, and snarled, "What happened?"

"I believe I can detail the events for you, Captain," Spock spoke up for the first time since Rosie had been taken into sickbay.


The planet they'd beamed down to was inhabited by humanoid-like aliens. They were technologically advanced, so Spock hadn't been concerned about using the tricorders, but hiding the ship and his Vulcan appearance had been of the utmost important to him as the native aliens had yet to left the planet or had any contact with other alien species.

Hiding the Enterprise was the easy part; the ship was just going to stay high up in orbit around the planet. Rosie was going down to the surface, wanting to get some readings on the amounts of the element bermanium that was in the soil for some research projects. Jim had insisted he'd beam to the surface with her, but Rosie had told him no and suggested Spock instead, as she and Spock could collect the readings faster. Spock had argued that he shouldn't go down to the surface because of his appearance. After some bickering amongst the three, they'd finally settled on Spock going with Rosie, as long as he wore some strange prosthesis on his ears to cover the points, making them appear human.

Spock was clearly uncomfortable with the prosthesis, but he made no complaints as he and Rosie beamed down. They'd met with a few individuals of the native species, explained that they were just looking for some scientific information, and went on their way. They didn't realize that a few of the individuals had followed them however.

They were almost done with their readings when everything went to hell. Rosie was taking a few more measurements, glancing down at her tricorder. Spock reached up to rub at one of the prosthetic ears again and somehow, managed to knock it off. The sudden appearance of his pointed ear alarmed the individuals following them.

Spock realized it, hearing the footfalls of the natives running at them, and was able to step out of the way. Rosie, however, was still focused on her tricorder and didn't know anything was wrong until the native man's hands slammed into her shoulders, hard.

Spock had reached for her, to stop her, but he hadn't been quick enough. The hill she rolled down hadn't been steep, but it was littered with tiny, sharp rocks. She'd managed to slow herself with her arms, as well as covered up most of her face, but the damaged was done. Her face and legs had been scraped up, but her arms and hands were the worst, the little rocks on the hillside becoming embedded in the soft skin.

Spock had made his way down the hill to her as quickly as he could without falling down it himself. When he'd reached her, she was sitting upright, glancing at her hands, stunned. "Are you alright?" he'd asked, kneeling down next to her.

"My uniform dress is dirty," she'd answered, not even looking at him.

"I do not understand."

"My uniform," she gestured to her red, standard-issue dress, "it's dirty. Dusty. I want to brush it off, but I'll make it dirtier with the blood."

"Enterprise," Spock called the ship on his communicator. By her illogical responses, he was starting to suspect she might have injured her head. "Two to beam directly to sickbay."


"My suspicions were incorrect however. According to Dr. McCoy, there was no evidence of any trauma to her head," Spock finished relaying the events to Jim, although it had taken him longer than he'd anticipated due to Rosie randomly shouting "ouch," interspersed with Dr. McCoy muttering "damn it."

Jim had sat quietly throughout the story, gently squeezing Rosie's hand when he knew she was in pain. He didn't speak after Spock finished either.

"You are angry, Captain," Spock observed. "I apologize for not reacting sooner. I did not realize that Lieutenant Commander Moure…"

"Rosie," Rosie reminded the Vulcan again. "Ouch!"

"Rosie," Spock corrected himself. "I did not realize that Rosie was directly behind me, or I would not have moved out of the man's path."

"It's not his fault, Jim."

"It's not his fault?" Jim echoed Rosie's words. "It's not his fault? Of course it's his fault!" Jim rose from the cot to face Rosie and Spock. "I didn't want to send him down! He didn't want to go down to the surface! Said it was unsafe. Would violate the prime directive if they saw that he was an alien species. I should've gone down with you! How could you let this happen to her?!"

Spock stood stoically while Jim screamed at him. However, the argument was causing Rosie to tense up, making Bones' work much more difficult. "Enough already!" the doctor finally shouted over the Captain's rant. "Get out of sickbay right now. Both of you."

"What?" Jim's rant ended as quickly as it began.

"Your arguin' is making my patient here anxious," Bones glared at the Captain and First Officer. "And being anxious is making it more difficult to get her cleaned up. So get out. And don't come back. I'll let you know when Rosie's in her quarters again." Spock nodded and left silently, but Jim still stood there gaping at the doctor. "You got cotton in your ears, Jim? Get out before I have you removed."

Jim managed to find his voice again. "Yeah," he cleared his throat before continuing. "Yeah. Okay. I'll see you soon, Rosie." He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead before hustling out of sickbay.

"Goddamn hobgoblin and a goddamn idiot," Bones grumbled to himself as he went back to picking at the debris on Rosie's arm. He looked up and caught a glimpse of her face. "Hey. Hey, darlin'." Bones put down the tweezers for a moment. He placed a hand on each of her shoulders. "Don't you worry about them. Jim's just bein' overprotective and goin' crazy with it. He doesn't know what it's like to be in a real relationship. It's still new to all of us, tryin' to adjust to your new relationship. Let's just focus on getting' you fixed up, alright?" When Rosie nodded, but didn't reply, the doctor continued on, "I'll talk to him later."

The rest of the next hour, Bones worked in silence, cleaning and fixing up Rosie's arm.


A/N: I'm back! Here's the first chapter of the sequel I promised! Hope you guys enjoyed! Any feedback is always appreciated, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment or pm me if you have anything! :)