1 Year Ago: Santa Barbara, California

Fitz paced the floor of his office in never ending circles. He was about to make one of the most important decisions of his life and he couldn't calm his nerves. Was he making the right choice? Was he a fool? Round and round he went on restless legs, unable to stand still for more than a moment. Unable to stop the wheels in his head.

"You're going to wear a hole in the carpet," came the soft voice of Amanda. He looked up at her and smiled awkwardly as he plopped into a nearby chair.

They had become friends since their lunch a year ago. Fitz knew she had a bit of a crush on him and she was a pretty girl but he had no interest in her. He had no interest in anyone really. She was a good assistant and an occasional friend but nothing more. He enjoyed their friendship as it was and just hoped he wasn't leading her on.

"Your father's secretary just called," she began and he groaned at the mention. Her name was Stacy and she was all boobs, blonde hair, fake nails and zero brains. She was a walking stereotype and he knew she was screwing his dad. Amanda, knowing of his disapproval, snickered a bit before continuing. "He's ready to see you. "

Fitz started to walk past her out into the hallway that inevitability lead to Big Gerry's office when he felt her hand on his arm. He looked up at her again and she smiled warmly.

"Good luck."

Fitz nodded and swallowed as he headed out. Shit, she has it bad.

1 Year Ago: Washington, DC

Olivia grabbed her purse off the hook and practically flew out the door of her apartment. She was going to be late if she didn't move now and Olivia Pope was never late. She hated being late. She was so distracted checking the time on her watch that she didn't notice the person in the hall until she had collided with him.

"Ugh." Olivia looked up and mentally slapped herself for being so distracted. "Mr. Davis," she said apologetically. "I am so sorry. I wasn't looking and..."

"Nonsense," he replied. "You have nothing to apologize for. I wasn't looking either. And please Olivia, call me Marvin. Mr. Davis makes me sound so old."

Olivia smiled up at him and nodded her head. "Okay. I don't mean to be rude, Marvin, but I have to get going. I am going to be late for work."

"I'll walk you to your car," he replied with a chuckle. "How are you liking DC, Olivia?"

"I love it here," she said with a friendly smile. "I love how fast paced everything is. "

"Ah, youth," he replied. "My youngest son, Edison, feels the same way. He just moved in across the hall."

"Oh really," Olivia said as they finally reached her car. "I will have to introduce myself to him."

Mr. Davis smiled and nodded his head. "I am sure he would like that. You have a good day young lady."

1 Year Ago: Santa Barbara, California

"What did you say?" Big Gerry was a tall man and his voice was loud, booming in fact, particularly when he was angry. And right now he was angry. No, he was furious.

"I said I quit, Dad."

Gerry stood up and smacked his hand down on the table. There was barely contained rage in his eyes and Fitz thought briefly about how Mellie often fixed him with a similar glare. Two peas in a pod, he thought. Don't know how I missed that similarity.

"Over my dead body," Gerry boomed. "Over my god damn dead body, Fitzgerald!"

Fitz stood from his seat and brought himself to full height. He wasn't a child anymore and could see eye to eye with his father. When he was younger Fitz would cower at his father standing tall. But that was when he was a boy. A little boy who both idolized and feared his father. He was a man now and needed to act like one.

"You don't have much of a choice, Gerry," Fitz said calmly. "I am adult and it's about time I start making my own decisions. I am not a puppet you can make into the image of what you wish you could be. I am my own man and I have had enough."

"I will disown you and make sure you never work again, Fitzgerald."

"You've always been more bark than bite. Consider this my two weeks." Fitz shook his head and left the office.

Fitz stormed into his office and slammed the door with all his might. His father was an epically frustrating man. Despite calling his bluff, he was aware his dad was also an exceptionally capable man. He could ruin his life with just a couple phone calls. Fitz sat down and rubbed his hand over his face and through his hair.

He picked up the phone as he tried to steady his ragged breathing. His father had the ability to enrage him so much he could swear steam left his ears.


"Cyrus," he said with a sigh of relief at the older man's voice.

"Hey, Fitz. How goes the single life, " Cyrus laughed.

"Cy, I quit."

"You did what?!"

"I quit my job at Grant & Associates. "

"How did Big Gerry take that?"

Fitz laughed ruefully and shook his head almost as if it would change things. "Listen, I need your help."

"Anything for you, kid. What's up?"

"I know that you work for my dad technically and own your own firm but I want your help setting up my own law firm. I know it's a lot to ask and..."

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Fitz sighed and ran his hand through his hair again. "Cy, I think this is what I need."

"Then I am on your side."

"Thanks, Cy. That means a lot."

"I will call you later and we can work out details. I have a meeting in 5."

"Sure. Bye. Thanks again."

Fitz put down the phone and blew out a breath of air. He was taking his life back. First a divorce from Mellie and then leaving his dad's company. Surely he was becoming the man Olivia had always known him to be. Now if only he could find her.

He opened his laptop up and searched her name one more time. As usual, the search came up empty on information about her. He shook his head. Why was he looking for someone who didn't want to be found? He just couldn't shake the voice in his head telling him not to give up. Maybe you should see someone about voices in your head, he thought. And talking to yourself.

1 Year Ago: Washington, DC

Olivia knocked on Cyrus' open door before walking in and shutting it behind her. She placed a cup of coffee on his desk and sat down in a chair.

"You wanted to see me?"

Cyrus gratefully took a sip of the coffee and nodded his head in approval. Large cup, heavy cream, two sugars and a shot of Bailey's. Perfection. "Yes. Liv, have you ever heard of a fixer?"

"A fixer," she said as she raised her eyebrow. "No I don't think so."

"A fixer is someone who specializes in Crisis Management. They take an issue and use all resources at their disposal to spin it for the best outcome there can be."

Olivia nodded her head and took a sip of her coffee before replying. "So kind of like PR?"

"Yes but much more complicated. I would like to take this firm into Crisis Management and I think you would be excellent at it."

"It definitely sounds like something I would enjoy," she replied with a slight smirk.

"Thought so. I am assembling a team to work on this case." He slid an envelope towards her and she put her cup down to open it, quickly glancing at the information.

"Senator Bryant," she murmured. "45 years old. His 22 year old secretary is claiming he promised her a promotion in exchange for sex. How original."

Cyrus chuckled and took another sip of coffee. "Think you can handle it?"

"Consider it handled."

"Excellent," Cyrus said gleefully. "Let's go meet the team."

Olivia arrived back at her apartment later that night. She was so distracted texting on her phone as she exited the elevator that she didn't notice the man walking towards her also looking at his cell phone until they had collided.

Seriously, she thought, twice in a day. I need to pay attention more.

"I am really sorry," she said as she looked up at a tall man around her age. He was smiling widely at her and she instantly recognized who he was.

"Not a problem," he said with a smile. "I don't think either of us was paying attention. I'm Edison."

He stuck his hand out for a handshake and she put her hand in his, watching as his much larger hand enveloped her smaller one. She looked up and smiled at him.

"I'm Olivia."

"Ah. So you're Olivia. My dad mentioned you," Edison replied. "I was just headed out to get some pizza. I just moved in today and there's no food in my fridge yet. Would you like to join me?"

Olivia held up the take out bag that she had in her hand and smiled apologetically. Edison nodded in understanding. "Well then," he started.

"I bought enough for two…if you wanted to join," she interrupted quickly. Olivia wasn't sure what came over her but she suddenly felt the need for a companion. Edison seemed nice, simple, easy and she felt she deserved that. Things had been so complicated for so long.

"I'd love to."

Olivia threw her head back in laughter as she listened to Abby chatter about her new boyfriend. She had spent the majority of the evening with Edison eating chinese food and finishing a bottle of wine. It was nice. It was easy and simple. He was easy and simple. There was no spark or fire between them but he was nice. The conversation flowed easily between them and he made her laugh. It was all so… easy and simple. But it left her with the feeling that easy and simple might never be enough.

"So please tell me you had more than popcorn for dinner," Abby said with a laugh.

"For your information I had Chinese food and wine."

"Drinking alone now?"

"I wasn't alone."

"What," Abby shrieked in her ear. "Were you with a man? Did you get some!?"

Olivia laughed and shook her head, pulling the phone away from her ear in an attempt to save her eardrums.

"You are insane," she said with a laugh. "Yes with a man. No I did not get some."

"Oh my God! Tell me everything. "

"Abby! You act like I have never been around a man before."

"You are basically a nun, Liv. Come on! Details please!"

"He lives in the building. He is nice. Driven. You can tell he is a workaholic like me. He seems... normal. Easy," Olivia said. She looked down and let out a soft sigh.

"So then what's the problem?"

"I didn't say there was one."

"I can hear it in your voice, Liv."

"He's not... what if I don't... I mean..." Olivia shook her head slightly trying to collect her thoughts. "It has been four years and I still dream about him. I miss him all the time."

"But he is gone."

"I know, but, I...I," she stuttered. "I can't help wondering if I should have fought harder."

"Is it too late now?"

"I don't know. I... I am terrified to find out. I don't know if I can handle knowing."

"Then maybe it is best to move on. Give this Edison guy a chance. Maybe easy is good."

1 Year Ago: Santa Barbara, California

The bar was dark and crowded with people trying to let loose after work. He stood at the bar and waited while the bartender poured him his fourth scotch of the night. Or was it his fifth? He couldn't remember and he didn't care. The scotch was making the joy he felt pulse through his veins and he welcomed the respite from his usual mood.

"Hey you," she said as she sidled up to the bar. She smiled up at him and he returned the smile in kind.

"Amanda," he said pulling her into a hug. "They told me you planned this whole thing. Thank you!

She smiled up at him sweetly and nodded her head. "Not a problem. It's your last day. We had to celebrate! Besides, you deserve to let go."

He leaned back against the bar and grinned. "I do. I have been so stressed between the divorce and my dad constantly on my case. Not to mention how busy we always were. And..."

She was suddenly really close. He was about to ask what was wrong when she pressed her body against his.

"Wh-what are you doing," he stammered.

She ran her hand down his chest, resting it on his belt and smiled. "You deserve a little stress reliever. Let me help you. "

She started to move her hand lower and he stumbled back a bit trying to get some distance. What was she offering? Did he want it? How long had it even been...

"Oh, Mr. Grant, " she said as she reached out to steady him. "You're a little drunk. Let's get you a cab?"

He nodded his head as his mind whirled around the evening. He was a single man. He could have whoever he wanted. There was no wife to be faithful to. There was no Olivia. Olivia. Fuck. He wanted Olivia. He looked down at Amanda as she helped him into the cab and sighed. She was no Olivia. She wasn't even close. He suddenly felt like he might be sick. It was then he noticed Amanda sliding in beside him.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking you to bed," she said with what he assumed was supposed to be a seductive gaze.

"Amanda, no," he said.


"Go back to the party. Thank you for a great evening but I just... you're my friend."

She exited the cab in a huff, slamming the door behind her and mumbling. He shook his head and gave the driver his address. Wow. I sure know how to pick them, he thought.

1 Year Ago: Washington, DC

She couldn't stop staring at him. It wasn't that he was particularly gorgeous or that she was just so enamored with him she couldn't tear her gaze away. It wasn't that the movie they were watching was boring or that he was chewing his popcorn or sipping his wine too loud. She had taken Abby's advice and given easy and normal a chance. Easy and normal was sitting here beside her and she couldn't stop looking at it.

"What," he laughed when he caught her gaze.

Olivia shook her head and forced a smile on her lips. "Nothing, nothing," she murmured. "I think I am just tired or something. It's been a long week."

"Well," he said as he put his hand on her leg, "maybe we should go to bed."


He put his glass down on the coffee table and scooted closer to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"We've been dating for a month, Liv."

"Thank you for dinner. You should go," she said coldly, turning her gaze to the movie playing on the screen.

Olivia sunk down into the couch and buried her face in her hands when she heard the door slam shut. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she just let easy and normal in? Edison wasn't model gorgeous but he was handsome and he was good to her. So what's the problem, Olivia, she chided herself. She shook her head and polished off the remainder of the wine in her glass. The problem was that he wasn't Fitz. That was always the problem. It was a problem that had haunted her for four years and she had a feeling it would haunt her for many more.

She stood from the couch and headed off to bed for another night spent alone. Another night.

A/N: Well, quite a bit happened in this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. I really wanted to show the growth in these chapters of their time apart and how they became who they are and I hope you have seen that. Neither of them is really right without the other and that says a lot. Next chapter, present day makes a comeback and you'll find out how Fitz found Olivia. How do you think it happens? I look forward to your reviews. They seriously make me smile.