Chapter 10: A Gift to a Friend

Drake walked back into the waiting room where he found everyone asleep in their chairs. They all had a long day and they deserved to sleep before things would start to get bad. Chie was laying her head on Yosuke's lap, Yukiko was leaning on a drooling Teddy, Nanako was was laying on Ryoko surprisingly the two seemed to have gotten along, Kanji had Rise's head on his lap as he tilted his head back into sleep. The only one awake was Loki who was sitting in his chair looking at his watch. Drake took a seat next to him.

"Hey….I need you to do me a favor."

Loki looked at his other self and smiled widely.

"Well well well! What can I do for you now?"

Drake put his hands around his mouth and whispered into his companion's ear.

"I see….I think I can pull a few strings. Give me 5 minutes."

Loki stood up and walked towards the restroom in order to keep out sight. Drake sighed loudly and tilted his head back to look at the celling. He began to countdown from 10.


The room suddenly started to change form. Drake stood up and began to walk forward fully aware that his clothes were beginning to change as well. His Casual clothes suddenly formed into a tuxedo. The Waiting room had transformed into a giant Ball Room. Everyone woke up and found themselves in new attire. Rise was now wearing a beautiful red dress that matched her hair. Kanji, Yosuke and Teddy were now in tuxes. Yukiko and Chie had their dresses too in their favorite colors no less. Nanako Awoke happily to find at how wonderful everyone looked and herself as well in her blue dress.

"What's going on, How did I get this suit and where are we?!" yelled Yosuke. Chie couldn't believe what was happening. "This….is just like our prom, Yukiko we are in our prom dresses!" yelled Chie.

Suddenly a piano could be heard throughout the room. A man with his eyes covered by what seemed to be a purple scarf was the one playing the music. A beautiful woman with blue and white hair walked forward into the microphone and began to sing. The song was the one that would always play in the velvet room. Ryoko began to look for Drake knowing well that he was behind this. Loki teleported behind the group and began to clear his throat.


Loki pointed towards the back of the room which now had turned into a beautiful staircase leading into an upper room. Yu and Naoto began to walk out hand in hand both looking confused as ever. Yu was in a tuxedo and Naoto was in the most beautiful black dress anyone has ever seen. Naoto hid behind Yu embarrassed about being seen in a dress in front of the team. Yu smiled at her and put his arms around her. "This is your moment…enjoy it now that you are with me." Naoto felt tears coming down her face but she stood firm and held Yu's hand tightly as they slowly made their way downstairs. The team was surprised at how good they both looked and they began to clap and cheer. Ryoko found Drake doing what he usually does at party's supporting a wall and drinking. Ryoko stood next to him with a little pink blush on her cheeks. "What is all this?"

Drake finished his drink and looked at his beautiful teammate.

"Just a favor for a friend is all; you should go enjoy yourself you don't have to worry about me."

"I can't enjoy myself if you aren't there to have fun with me."

Ryoko was worried about Drake. Everything that has happened means his life would be in danger once again and she can't bear the thought of losing him. She grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly.

"Promise me…..Promise me you won't die."

Drake tilted his head down slightly letting his bangs cover his eyes.

"I won't…but there is always a chance and if something happens I need you to focus and help them no matter what."

"If anything happens I am not leaving your side. I won't let anyone hurt you."

"You look beautiful"

Ryoko's face turned red as a tomato at his comment. Drake never complimented her on anything other than her strength. Drake turned towards her and put his hands on her cheeks getting his face as close as he could with hers. Ryoko was shocked he had never been this close before and she began to feel like she was melting by his touch. He began to get dangerously close to her lips. She closed her eyes wishing he would hurry up and kiss her already. He stopped and whispered to her.

"I will be the one protecting you. Let's dance….and remember this moment forever."

Ryoko felt tears fall from her eyes and she buried her face against his chest. He escorted her into the dance floor. Yu and Naoto began to slow dance in the middle of the room to the music the Nameless one was playing. Belladonna's voice made Naoto cry a little because of how sad and alone she sounded. Naoto couldn't put her finger on it but she felt like she had herded this song long ago. Yu got closer to Naoto and gave her a deep kiss. "I love you Naoto." Hearing those words made it hard for her to keep it together. She kissed him back as passionately as she could. "I love you too Yu." Yosuke and Chie had partnered up for the dance. Rise forced Kanji into dancing with her knowing well that he hated dancing with the passion. Teddy, Nanako and Yukiko danced together happily even if Yukiko was the one showing them both how to dance. The night that was full of terror and sadness had suddenly changed into a night of love and happiness. Yu and Naoto had reunited in the best way possible, the gang was enjoying themselves and the thought of what was to come was gone. However no one noticed a figure outside of the building spying on them with binoculars.

Iwatodai station

Elizabeth, Claudia, and Margaret Teleported into the train station with an unknown figure wearing a hooded black coat behind them.

"It's almost time" said Claudia giggling like a little girl.

Elizabeth looked at the person behind them and smiled widely.

"Come on look at how different this place Is. Welcome home….Minato"

The figure removed his cloak slowly letting it fall to the floor. The boy moved his blue bangs out from his eyes and looked into the distance. Minato was finally back after years of being asleep. Minato smiled and began to walk forward knowing where exactly where he wanted to visit first.

Claudia suddenly teleported in front of him holding his evoker and his sword that he used to destroy shadows.

"Take these with you. You will need these soon; Elizabeth will summon you once everything is ready."

Minato grabbed his gear and nodded silently at her. He placed the evoker against his head and closed his eyes. Memories flashed through his mind of all the times he had to pull the trigger. Slowly he placed his finger onto the trigger and pulled it.


End of Volume 2

This volume had no action in it but the next one will have A LOT! Don't believe me? Check out the Preview.

Preview of Vol. 3

Both Inaba and Iwatodai Teams had arrived at the Gym. Everyone was sitting on the bleachers waiting patiently. Drake was on the court standing next to Claudia in one corner, Yu was on another corner with Margaret, and Elizabeth was in another with hooded man. Claudia spoke up "We are here today to determine which one of you is the strongest. This battle will be fierce and will be protected and hidden from everyone outside of the building. If anyone of you in the crowd tries to interfere in this battle we will be forced to strike you down."

Claudia pointed at the man next to her. "Drake Luna will be my champion and he will be fighting for my honor."

Margaret pointed at the man next to her. "Yu Narukame will be my champion and he will be fighting for my honor."

Elizabeth pointed at the man next to her. "Minato Arisato…is my champion."

The Iwatodai team gasped as the hooded man threw his coat across the room revealing his face.