A/N: And ... I'm back! :D After ten days of exam and almost after two weeks of writing a HHr :)

Anyway, this is not a one shot, making it a multi chapter. Although I don't know how many chapters will this story be of. All I know is that I was inspired to write this story by Jane Austen's infamous novel 'EMMA'. And to warn you, this story may get extremely girly. So don't blame me for that. All the incidents and events in this fanfic takes place in the year 2004. And did any one of you watch 'The Bling Ring'? I really want to watch it but the theaters here in Dubai don't have a release date -.-

Anyway ... Enjoy ^_^

Disclaimer: I only own non Harry Potter characters. Hope I have made myself clear :P

Hermione Granger was one peculiar young woman. Famously known among the Wizarding world as one third of the 'Golden Trio', Ms. Granger was nothing but a young woman of twenty four, aspiring to become one of the well known wedding planners in the magical world where the wizards were marrying their match every here and there. But all she was for now, was a children's Healer in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Hermione loved her job very much. Being in love with children, she enjoyed healing those little angels and loved their adorable childhood mannerisms. Her friends used to say that she had to grow up. But our Ms. Granger completely denied the fact that her behavior was like that of a three year old's. Of course she had to. After all, she wouldn't like to be embarrassed after the title she had been given.

One thing about Hermione was that, she was a match maker. And no one except for her dear daddy Jacob knew about it. He used to say to his mates that 'my baby girl is a Cupid in disguise.' Maybe he was right because the reason behind the last five successful marriages in the last five years was his daughter Hermione.

Well, now we know why Hermione wanted to become a wedding planner. After doing a match making, with a hint of magic, she wanted that couple's life to be a complete heaven. And for that, she wanted to organize weddings. Hermione had a little secret too; she was a die hard romantic. She believed in Prince Charming or a knight in a silver armor, saving a damsel in distress. For her, every love story was like Swan Lake, or Rapunzel or any other fairytale to be named. She believed that every girl has her own fairytale and was destined to meet her guy one or the other day, fall in love with him, marry and have cute little adorable kids with him and live happily ever after. And that is why, she decide to bring two souls together for hers as well as their very own good.

At this very moment, she stood as her sister's Maid Of Honor in a muggle chapel as the elder Granger girl repeated her vows her hand resting on top of her husband to be's on the Holy Bible. The brunette's face glimmered in excitement as her sister exchanged shy looks with the her man.

"Do you Charles Arthur Weasley, take this woman, Meredith Elizabeth Granger as your lawfully wedded wife?"

The man exchanged a look with Meredith and said "I do."

Hermione couldn't help but give out a dreamy sigh, when she found Charlie's Best Man, her friend Ron, shaking his head at her funny behavior, exchanging a small smile. She couldn't help but blush, when her sister finally said "I do.", bringing her attention back to the couple standing in front of her.

The priest then finished the 'holy matrimony' by saying his last lines. "You may now kiss the bride."

All Hermione wanted to do was to cry at the sight of her sister kissing her newly wedded husband, softly, yet lovingly on the lips. The chapel burst into a hall of applause as the couple broke away and smiled at each other.

"May I now present you, Mr and Mrs. Charles Weasley!"

The familiar applauding was heard once again, as the married couple, followed by the Best Man and the Maid of Honor, started walking away from the altar. Ron offered Hermione his arm and she gladly accepted it.

"Congratulations." he whispered into Hermione's ear. She could sense a tone of teasing in his voice.

"Why so?" Hermione asked.

"Well, you've finally got my brother married to your sister. And on your sixth successful match." Ron replied with a slight smirk. "Really Hermione, you've got an obsession of playing a Cupid."

"I just like people being happy with the ones they love. That's all." Hermione replied simply. "I mean, look at you and Luna-"

"I've already thanked you for that." Ron mumbled as his ears turned into the same shade as that of his hair, at the sight of his two month old wife as she gave him flying kisses.

Hermione couldn't help but give out a small laugh. Ron was truly in love with Luna. After he tried to date Hermione after the war, the two learned that they were better off as friends. And our little witch knew that Luna Lovegood had an interest in her friend. So she started their match after almost four years of courting, Luna was happily married to Ron.

"I know you have." Hermione said, giving a kiss on his cheek, as they stopped outside the chapel. Meredith came walking over to them, enveloping her sister into a hug.

"Thank you so much Minnie." she said, giving a kiss on her cheek. "You did it again."

Hermione gave out a small laugh, breaking away from the embrace. "I had to do it for you Ditta. I love you."

"I love you too." Meredith smiled and then showed the beautiful bouquet in her hands. "Hermione, I want you to have this."

"No, I don't deserve it." Hermione said, refusing the beautiful roses. "At least not for now."

Meredith understood and nodded. She knew how her baby sister was; a dreamy little princess.

"Throw the bouquet! " Someone screamed from the crowd.

"Yeah! Come on! Let's see who the lucky one is!"

The sisters chuckled when the Meredith threw the bouquet and turned around to see who the lucky girl was.

Hermione too looked eagerly to know who her next prey was. To her disappointment, the bouquet was in the hands of the girl she had least expected it to be with. A bushy haired blonde, with pink braces and hairy arms looked excitedly at the bride and exclaimed in surprise. And to Hermione, she was nothing but a challenge.

"She looks like the old version you." Ron said into her ears. "So, is she your next target?"

The brunette just gave her friend a smirk. "She certainly is."

A/N: Okay ... so I had Hermione' s imaginary elder sister married to Charlie Weasley just because his life is barely mentioned in the book. All I know is that he is a dragon trainer working in Romania. Anyway, who is this next target of our Golden Girl? And if you are thinking about me mentioning about Harry, it's on the next chapter. For sure :)
Until then, let me know how the starting was and I will give you virtual double chocochip cookies ;)