
Chapter Four


Three Years Later…

Viletta tossed and turned in her bed, sweat beading on her forehead from the darkness that was plaguing her dreams. She'd never had nightmares before. After all, she was the goddess of dreams and darkness. But this was different. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't grasp for anything solid in the pool she seemed to be drowning in. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up, gasping for air like she hadn't had a breath in years. She leaned forward, covering her face with her hands. What was happening? Nothing like that had ever happened to her, and she could hardly hear the difference in her beating heart.

She choked out sob, allowing herself to cry since she was alone. Her body stiffened when she heard a knock on her door, and before she could tell them to go away, it opened. Her fury soared and all her rage almost let out in one surge of power, until it crashed back against her like a wave when she saw Kurogané stick his head in, his jade depths watered with unshed tears. "Kurogané?" she asked, almost unsure if it was him. "What are you doing in here?" she sniffed, wiping at her face before she crawled out of bed and walked over to him.

The nightgown she was wearing was shorter than anything he'd ever seen her wear, but still classy. She kneeled before him and studied his face, only seeing the slight fear because she'd only just experienced it for herself. "Are you okay?"

"No." he whispered, reaching out and cradling her face in his hands. "Because Viletta isn't okay."

Her eyes widened slightly. "What?" she breathed out.

"You had a nightmare." The Uchiha explained. "I felt it, so I came to check on you."

"You felt it?" she asked. "But how?"

He shrugged and lowered his hands. "I don't know." He said, blinking away his tears. "Do you want me to sleep with you? It might make you feel better."

Viletta blinked, actually blushing. "Wh-what? But you're just a boy…I mean…I don't think your mother would be very happy about that."

"She lets me sleep with her and my dad when I have bad dreams." he said in explanation. "And it makes me feel safe and loved. I want you to feel that too, cause' you felt scared and alone when you had your nightmare." He told her, reaching out and taking her hand. "But you're not, cause' I'll always be with you."

She stared at him, still in awe of this small boy. "Alright…" she nodded, lacing her fingers with his as she stood and walked with him over to her bed. He crawled onto it before she joined him, still watching him curiously. "I've never had a nightmare before." Viletta admitted.

"Did you see something scary today?" he asked, getting beneath the covers but still sitting.

"Not anything different than usual." She sighed, moving beside him and laying back down.

Kurogané lay down as well, seeming to think about it. "Well…my mom says sometimes dreams reveal your subconscious. So maybe it was something scary that you never knew scared you?" he wondered.

"It couldn't be that." She shook her head, closing her eyes. "It was about darkness."

He frowned, before scooting forward and wrapping his arms around her waist, snuggling against her. "I will keep you safe Viletta." He murmured, closing his eyes.

She exhaled, relaxing with him and resting one of her hands on his head. "Thank you Kurogané."

"You're welcome." He said. "I love you Viletta."

She opened her eyes once more in shock, though she didn't move in her attempts to look down at him. "I…you're very special to me as well Kurogané…sleep well." She smiled slightly, dozing once more.

Kurogané fidgeted with his dress clothes, keeping his complaints about how uncomfortable they were to himself, so that his mother didn't give him a look. He and his family were standing in the throne room along the wall, many other dragons and members of the Uchiha Clan present as well, and flanking the long red carpet that led to the throne Viletta sat upon. He looked over at the queen, once more thinking how beautiful she really was. She looked all the powerful Death Goddess she was, wearing a strapless black dress that was decorated with sequins and beads, giving it a shimmering look to match the crown sitting on top of her head.

His jade gaze went to his father then, who was standing to the left of the throne, dressed equally as nice as the queen. "Mommy, are the other Ageless really coming here?" he whispered, looking up at his mother, who was standing behind him and Izumi.

She nodded. "Yes sweetheart. Even your cousin Ryousuke."

"Ryou!" Izumi squealed with delight, getting disapproving looks from the other dragons in the room.

"Shhh…" she pat her daughter's head and stood straight.

"How come?" he asked, making sure to keep quiet. "I thought it was hard for Aunt Talia to leave the sky."

"It's a lunar eclipse." Izayoi explained. "Where the moon covers the sun and leaves the land in darkness. Talia can slip away during this time and meet with the other Ageless."

"Oh." He said, returning his attention forward, since one of the heralds entered the room.

"Presenting Lady Valencia, Queen of Elysium, and Goddess of Life." he bowed.

In walked a woman that looked very similar to Viletta then, though she had a much cheerier disposition. Her light green hair was cropped short like her sister's, though it grew longer on the right side until it touched her shoulder, her bangs framing sparkling hazel eyes. She had on a white dress that fastened around her neck, leaving her shoulders and back bare as it clung to her petite frame. A diamond was cut out of the top of the dress, revealing a bit of skin and cleavage, the sparkles in the dress only accentuating her pale skin. At her waist the light material flowed out, giving her a more regal shape as she walked down the aisle.

She stopped before the steps leading to the throne and curtseyed, a smile playing at her lips. "Sister." She greeted as she rose, before nodding to the Moon. "Kai."

"Valencia." Kai bowed slightly in respect.

Viletta stood, walking down to her sister and giving her a small smile. "It's good to see you Val…it's been a while."

Valencia giggled. "Yes it has Lettie. You look great." She said, hugging her. "Happier."

She nodded, hugging her sister back. "Yes. I told you of my present. He's very cute and sweet. I believe he's sweet on me."

"And who wouldn't be? You're a treasure to behold." The younger woman smiled. "Will I get the chance to meet him while I'm here?"

"Of course." Viletta chuckled, looking over at Kurogané. "Come here Kurogané." She called out, gesturing for him to join her and her sister, making all the dragons tense, some in jealousy and others in surprise, since their mistress had never called one of them out of line before.

Kurogané glanced over to his father, who motioned with is head for his son to obey. And so, without a second thought, the young dragon walked forward, stopping next to Viletta and bowing to her sister. "Lady Valencia." He said politely.

"Oh Lettie, he's so cute!" Valencia practically squealed, lowering a bit so that she was on his level. "And he looks so much like his father." She smiled, patting him on the head and straightening. "You and your mate must be very proud Kai." Her hazel gaze moved to the white haired man.

Kai nodded, a small smile coming to his face. "Thank you Valencia. We are."

Viletta looked down at Kurogané fondly, offering her hand to him. "Would you like to stay with me during the meeting?" she asked.

He took her hand without thought. "Really? I can?" he asked excitedly, glancing to his sire once more.

Kai chuckled. "If none of the others have a problem with it, I don't see why not." He said.

"I'm okay with it." Valencia said.

"That just leaves Mrs. Sunshine." Viletta sighed as the doors burst open and the room practically brightened with the woman who walked in.

"Hello everyone!" the blonde declared, waving to everyone as the messenger tried to run after her.

"P-Presenting Her Majesty! The Majestic Sun! Talia!" he wheezed out, trying to catch his breath.

Talia giggled, walking forward, her long blonde hair cascading around her and shimmering as if it were emitting a light of its own. She was a petite woman dressed in magnificent robes of white, red, and orange, her dress was made of many overlapping layers. It was strapless with a high front and angular cuts, her arms covered with sleeves that were worn like gloves, and had red and yellow poking out at the end, revealing just her fingertips. "I have arrived!" she declared once more.

Walking behind her was an ebony haired man that was clearly an Uchiha dragon, for he looked similar to Izayoi, though his eyes were a deep forest green. Next to him was a boy of Kurogané's age, who had hair as bright as his mother's, which only accentuated his green depths. And while the boy was dressed in the colors of the sun, his father wore black robes.

Viletta squinted, "She certainly knows how to make an entrance."

"Of course." Kai chuckled. "Why else are the sunrises and sunsets so beautiful?" he asked, stepping forward and taking the golden haired woman's hands in his own. "Talia, it's great to see you. You look radiant, as always." He greeted, leaning down and kissing her cheek.

Talia's smile only grew. "Oh Kai! How I've missed you so. How you manage to live down here in this dreary realm truly amazes me!"

The dark haired woman rolled her eyes. "I don't think it's dreary." She grumbled.

The blonde blinked and looked past Kai to Viletta and chuckled. "My, my. Do my eyes deceive me? If it isn't Death herself with an adorable little attachment?" Talia smirked, walking over to Viletta. "It's nice to see you Viletta, but you don't look too happy to see me." She said, reaching forward and poking her fingers to the other woman's face and forcing her to smile. "There! Much better!"

Valencia giggled. "Careful Talia, she bit me the last time I did that to her."

Kurogané frowned. "Aunt Talia, this is not the place to be silly." He reprimanded.

The blonde boy huffed, his deep gaze on his cousin. "My mom is not being silly, she's being friendly."

Talia glanced down at Kurogané before patting his head, "Well aren't you turning out to be devilishly handsome, just like your father."

"Ryousuke's not looking too bad either." Kai commented, nodding to the younger blonde. "Glad he doesn't dress like an emo the way Sanosuke does. I don't think you could handle two of them." he snickered. Sanosuke rolled his eyes, choosing not to comment.

She giggled and looked back at her husband lovingly. "I wouldn't have him any other way. He's perfect." She said softly, meeting his gaze before he looked off, though she knew it was only because he was slightly embarrassed of her praise.

"Aunt Talia can I come to the meeting?" Kurogané asked, wanting the attention back on him, since he had been enjoying it. "Dad said I could if you agreed."

Talia blinked, looking up at the others. "Children in the meeting? Are you sure?"

Valencia shrugged. "I don't see a problem with it. Lettie wants him there, and Kai said it was alright."

"Alright." She nodded, glancing over her shoulder. "Ryousuke, would you like to join as well?"

"Yes." The blonde boy nodded.

"Then it's settled." Talia clapped her hands together.

"That's no fair!" They all heard from the side, and soon saw Izumi running up to her father. "Daddy how come I don't get to come?! Me and Kuro are the same age, and I'm older than that annoying sunspot!" she said, tugging on his sleeve before pointing accusingly at Ryousuke.

Kai looked down at her. "Would you like to come to the meeting Izumi? It might bore you, and you have to be quiet and behave the whole time." he warned, placing his hand on top of her head.

"Can I?!" she gasped, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Sunspot?" Talia blinked, her eye twitching a bit. "And what does that mean?"

Izumi looked over at her aunt, hiding behind her father's leg. "I heard Kuro say it!" she confessed, pointing at her brother now.

"Well it's true." Kurogané said. "Ryou's just not as brightly overbearing as the sun, so he's a sunspot."

Izayoi gasped, hurrying over to them, though she looked nervous from all the looks they were getting. "Kurogané, where did you hear that?!" she scolded, noticing Viletta looking away nonchalantly.

"Can't say." The ebony haired boy said. "I promised not to tell."

"I can guess." Kai sighed.

Talia's shining amber depths darkened dangerously as she glared at Viletta, though it might look to someone who didn't know her that she was just staring intensely. "You called my son a sunspot? He is my heir and rightfully so, barren darkness."

Everyone's eyes widened, and Izayoi gripped her son by the collar and pulled him away from Viletta, who was the only one who didn't look shocked. "Oh no…" the dragoness swallowed. "This is not happening…this is not happening."

"I beg your pardon?" Viletta seethed.

"I didn't stutter." Talia replied.

"Let's not get into a fight now ladies." Valencia said calmly, stepping between the two. "We're here to discuss politics and have a party to promote the peace and goodwill between us."

"That and there are children present." Kai reminded.

Talia's dark look vanished and was replaced with a smile once more. "You're right Kai!" she said, taking her son's hand. "Come on Ryousuke, let's go get situated in the meeting room."

"Izumi." Kai said, offering his hand to his daughter. She took it and they began to follow the blondes, while Sanosuke walked over to stand with his family.

Valencia smiled at her sister. "Come on Lettie, the sooner this is over the sooner we can party." She laughed, walking after the others.

Kurogané looked up at the ebony haired woman and took her hand once more. "Are you okay Viletta?" he asked.

Viletta stared after them, a frown on her face. "Yeah." She said softly, walking forward and bringing him with her. They went into the room where there were four different styled chairs. Viletta snapped, making three other chairs appear. Viletta sat down in the black chair with an underworld style look, while the others took their respective chairs. Izumi sat beside her father, and Ryousuke was beside his mother. Kurogané took the chair between Viletta and his father, feeling so grown up in that moment, since they had allowed him to be in the meeting.

"Alright, let's get this underway." Kai said. "What's the news from your realms?"

"Nothing much to report from Elysium." Valencia smiled. "Everything's peaceful as always, though the birthrate has been steadily increasing in the human realm. I've been needing to create more souls lately."

"That's only because war has once again plagued mankind." Talia sighed. "Men are spending more time with their wives and their beds, thus conception begins. Not to mention all the children being fathered with the rape of other women in the assaults, and of course there are prostitutes used in war."

"They must not be very good at killing each other then." Viletta leaned back in her chair. "Death has been rather slow."

"Humans are becoming better fighters." Kai said. "And their battles are planned, so it must be taking a while for all of the necessary troops to reach the chosen battlefield."

The dark haired woman huffed. "How I despise humans."

"Come on humans aren't so bad." Talia smirked. "Just because they feel things we alive spirits do doesn't mean they are terrible."

"I think they're funny to watch." Valencia giggled. "They're so emotionally based…it's like watching children in an adult's body."

The blonde nodded. "Running around like dogs chasing their tails."

"What about you Lettie?" Valencia asked, looking to her elder. "Anything to report? Your Reapers seems to be doing excellently. Their performance lately is the best I've seen in centuries."

Viletta nodded. "Very well. I've actually been thinking about doing some…reconstruction when it comes to the Death Reapers. Maybe increasing their numbers…but I don't want anyone to be alarmed with that. It's not like I'm forming an army. But I thought things might run more smoothly with more, so in death I could give warriors a second chance at being a Reaper and helping."

"I think that sounds like a great idea." Kai said.

Valencia nodded. "A lot of the human warrior's souls deserve a second chance. They're good men." she smiled.

"I agree. I was thinking of giving them a choice between going to Elysium right away or being a Reaper and earning something higher than that. But I don't know what." Viletta explained.

"They could always live with me in my estates in Párras. It's much grander than the rest of Elysium where the souls go." Valencia suggested with a smile. "Some could even be given the option of becoming one of my angels, to help me create and distribute the souls. It might be a nice change from what they did serving you."

Talia gasped, nodding. "Oh what a splendid idea! Serving in death to be able to help give life. That sounds marvelous. Only for the most valiant of souls."

Viletta seemed to agree as well. "That does sound like a reasonable offer. I could have a minimum serving time of one hundred years and they can move on or stay, whichever they prefer."

Kurogané raised his hand, seeming eager to speak. Kai arched a brow. "Yes Kuro?"

"How come they wouldn't just want to stay here?" the young dragon asked innocently. "This place is great."

Valencia chuckled. "Trust me child, if you've ever seen my home, you would understand why it's such a good offer. It's the grandest palace in the sky." She sighed, just thinking about it.

"You haven't even seen our sky palace Kuro." Kai said. "You might like it there better."

"But Viletta doesn't live there." Kurogané blinked. "If Viletta's not there I won't like it."

"But Kuro," Izumi smiled at her brother. "The sky palaces are the most beautiful things in the universe!"

"Nuh uh!" he argued. "Viletta's the most beautiful thing in the universe!"

Talia chuckled. "Wow, I was misinformed on how attached this little dragon was to his mistress."

Viletta's gaze narrowed. "Don't patronize him, he's just a child."

"One that loves you as much as his own mother." Kai added.

Kurogané huffed. "Hey, don't talk about me like I'm not here." He complained.

"We're supposed to be acting like we're not here Kuro." Ryousuke crossed his arms. "So hush up."

Izumi nodded and 'zipped' her lips, before smiling at her cousin and looking up at her father lovingly. Viletta glanced at Kurogané for a moment before focusing on the others. "That was all I had to say on the matter."

"Then I say we're about done with this meeting." Kai said. "Nothing changes with the lunar and solar patterns, so it mostly revolves around you and Valencia."

"Party time!" Valencia raised her arms in the air and stood.

"Yay!" Izumi cheered, standing as well and trying to pull her father up. "Daddy will you dance with me!"

"Of course princess." The white haired man chuckled, rising from his seat.

Kurogané looked up at the woman next to him, before he stood and bowed to her. "Can I have your first dance Viletta?" he asked.

She looked down at him, about to inform him that she did not dance. But at his excited look and the uncertainty in his jade depths, she allowed a small smile to form. "Yes. You may have every dance if you so wish."

"Great!" he smiled, taking her hand and trying to pull her from her seat.

"I get your second dance, right mommy?" Ryousuke wondered as he and the elder blonde rose to leave.

Talia smiled at her son, snuggling closer to him as she brought him in for a hug. "You could always ask your father for my first." She giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Oh no." he shook his head. "That's dad's special right. But that's okay, cause' when I get married I'll always get my wife's first dance." He smiled.

The Sun gasped and shook him a bit. "No! No getting married for my precious boy!"

Ryousuke blinked, startled by her outburst. "But mommy, I want to be happy like you and dad are."

"Why can't you be happy with mommy and daddy?" she urged.

"I am, but I want more." He said. "Dad said it was a good dream to have."

"You're only eight." She scolded. "You don't need to be having dreams like that." Talia grumbled, taking his hand and dragging him over to her husband to give him a piece of her mind.

Viletta sighed, watching the scene as she walked out with her sister and Kurogané. She snapped her fingers and cleared her throat. "Everyone will be converging to the ballroom. The rest of our guests should be arriving soon."

Everyone nodded, before beginning to make their way into the ballroom like their queen had dictated. "Who else is coming Viletta?" Kurogané asked her.

"Valencia's helpers, high ranking undead, types like that." she said, walking with him. "The other three are really the only ones who enjoy the party. I personally do not like having that many people in my palace."

"Then maybe next time it should be in one of the other palaces?" he suggested. "So you can leave whenever you want."

"It usually is." Viletta looked around the ballroom to see the party had already been underway with music and entertainment. "But since your father and I were already here, they decided to have it here for convenience."

"Oh." He nodded. "Let's dance Viletta, before it gets too crowded."

"Alright." she said a bit softly as he led her onto the floor. "I don't…know how to dance very well."

"Me either." He said, placing his other hand on her waist as they started to dance. "But we can try our best."

Viletta nodded and looked down in attempts to watch their feet so she didn't step on his. They continued to dance like this, both of them watching their feet and missing the looks and comments they were getting, not all of them positive. When the song was over they stopped dancing, though Kurogané took Viletta's hand and kissed the back of it, like he had seen his father do to his mother all the time. "Thank you for the dance Viletta."

The queen appeared embarrassed, actually blushing from the action. "Um…you're welcome." She nearly whispered. She stared at him for a while before dismissing herself and saying something about seeing her sister.

Kurogané looked after her, before walking off of the dance floor so that he didn't get trampled by the other dancers. Izayoi walked up beside her son and rested her hand on his head. "Well that was sure nice of you to dance with Her Highness."

"I think it was nice of her to dance with me." he countered, looking up at her. "Since she coulda danced with someone else, maybe an adult or something."

"She doesn't really like to dance all too much. I don't think there was anyone else she would have rather danced with than you." she smiled, running her fingers through his hair.

He smiled slightly. "You really think so mommy?"

"I know so."

His smile widened. "Will you dance with me?" he asked.

"Of course sweetheart." Izayoi let him lead her out. "After all, Izumi was dying for mine and your father's dance to end."

"I bet she was. Zuzu was eager to dance." He said, beginning to dance with his mother.

They continued their dance before Izayoi sighed. "So are you ready to begin your training soon as a warrior dragon?"

"Oh yes." The young Uchiha nodded. "I want to be able to protect Viletta always."

"I know." She nodded. "I just want to prepare you…because it might be more difficult for you than any other dragon before you." she said. Seeing his protest she continued before he could get a word in. "I'm not saying you are weak in any way Kuro…but just promise me you will stay strong and never let your will be broken."

He looked up at her curiously, before nodding. "I promise mommy. I'm an Uchiha, and the son of the Moon. Nobody will break me."

"Good." she smiled, before the earth rumbled, causing the palace to shake. Everyone stopped dancing when another tremor shook the chandelier.

"What is that?" Talia asked, looking around, since the music had stopped and they could hear a soft beating coming from the ground.

"I don't know." Kai said. "But it can't mean anything good."

"Where's Viletta?" Kurogané asked, looking around for the dark haired queen in a bit of a panic. When he spotted her standing across the room with her sister, he ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Viletta, what's happening?"

She looked down at him, unable to hide her irritation with his attachment to her person. "I don't know." She said, moving out of his grip and walking forward. "But it doesn't sound good." Viletta snapped her fingers and a massive scythe appeared in the air before dropping in her hand. She slammed the butt on the floor and three shadows appeared before her in an explosion of black mist. "Something is wrong." She said. "And I have a very bad feeling about it."

"We will check it out Your Majesty." Hei said.

"Count on us." Liam nodded.

Viletta let a dark mist surround her and suddenly she was out of her gown and in a tight black cloak that fastened like a shirt but slit all the way up to just below her bust. She had on black shorts and black boots to complete her attire and then pulled up her hood, looking just like the Grim Reaper she was. Talia frowned and walked over to her and Valencia. "This is a strong aura." She informed them, her dress shimmering into a pair of golden leggings and a sparkling golden top. There was a quiver of arrows on her back, looking as if they were made of gold and a bow as well.

"A very strong aura." Valencia agreed, her clothes beginning to shine before her dress disappeared. She was now dressed in a white tank top and shorts, with a pair of knee high boots on. She too had on a cloak, though the hood stayed down, and a staff appeared in her hands.

Kai snapped his fingers and was instantly dressed in a tight black outfit with hints of navy and silver, a sword attached to his waist. "We need to get the children and civilians out of here." He said, looking to his wife. "Izayoi! Get Kuro and Izumi and take them away!" he called to his wife.

Izayoi nodded and grabbed Izumi's hand before running to grab Kurogané's. "Come on!" she urged, before there was a loud crack and the shake threw everyone off balance.

"Go!" Kai yelled when Kurogané attempted to check on Viletta. Izayoi jerked them towards the doors where everyone was exiting.

"Mommy!" Izumi cried out. "What's going to happen to dad?!"

"What's going to happen to Viletta?!" Kurogané asked, his jade gaze on the dark queen.

"They'll be fine. We just need to get you out of here. So once we get out of the palace I want you to transform into a dragon and you follow me. Do you understand?" she said, looking back at them and giving Kurogané a hard stare.

"But…" he began to protest.

"Do as you're told Kurogané!" his mother yelled. "Please!"

"Yes ma'am." He looked down as they ran.

Viletta leaned forward slightly as two black wings formed on her back out of dark energy. She took Kai's hand and shot up, breaking through one of the massive windows. Valencia did the same, grabbing Talia's hand and taking off after the two. They flew straight towards the darkest part of the underworld where the heartbeat seemed to be coming from, and then a clawed hand shot out from the pit, gripping onto the edge and pulling itself out of the hole. "Oh no." Viletta went wide eyed. "It's the Hydra." She said just as it climbed out and the heads roared.

Kai cursed. "How do we get it back down there?" he asked.

"I have to seal it once more, but I can't until we get it back into Tartarus." She said.

Talia scoffed. "Then let's get it back in that hole." Talia shouted, swinging forward and dropping down, drawing an arrow before firing them off at the beast.

Valencia gathered light energy to the tip of her staff, before firing it off at the creature as well. Kai looked up at Viletta. "Try dropping me down on top of it." he suggested. "Maybe I can knock into one of its heads and send it backwards."

"Alright." Viletta nodded. "Be careful." She surged forward, dodging one of its heads as it tried to attack her, before she swung around and threw Kai straight for the creature's abdomen.

Kai straightened out so that he flew faster, making sure his feet were before him. He hit the Hydra with a thump, knocking it backwards a bit, but not enough for it to fall back into Tartarus. Landing on the ground in a crouch, he cursed. "We'll have to do it again!" he shouted, rolling out of the way of an attack and trying to get out of range.

One of the heads shot towards Kai, about to snap at his arm when two golden arrows shot straight into each of its eyes, making it roar out in agony. Talia ran over to Kai, pulling back another arrow and aiming for the burning red of the monster's eyes. "What's the catch with this thing again?"

"Don't cut off its heads!" Viletta yelled, twirling her scythe in the air before swiping at the air and unleashing massive waves of dark energy.

"For each one you cut off two more grow in its place!" Valencia added, sending her light energy at it as well.

Kai raised his arms. "Viletta, come throw me at it again!" he said.

Talia grabbed Kai's arm and ran away from the Hydra, since it was focused on them now. "Kai I don't think you getting thrown at it is going to be enough, you're just not big enough." She called over her shoulder, dodging behind a rock as Viletta and Valencia landed beside them. "Okay, I have an idea."

"What is it?" Viletta asked, leaning closer.

"We can't hit it back in with force since it's got its footing is pretty solid. Valencia and I can use her thread of life, and I can lasso it and attach it around its legs, and then we can try throwing Kai again and it'll trip back and become tangled. Even if it doesn't fall back into Tartarus, we can use our energies to shove it back in."

Valencia nodded. "That sounds like a pretty solid plan."

"Let's do it." Kai agreed.

"Should I distract it?" Viletta wondered as she peeked over the rock to see it beginning to head in the direction of her palace.

"Yes, keep it in one place and try not to make it stomp too much." Talia said, pulling out an arrow as Valencia began weaving light from the air. "I'll work as fast as possible."

Viletta stood, letting her black wings form once more before she took off. Valencia looked over to the blonde. "Are you ready?" she asked.

Talia nodded, and notched her arrow. "Let's get to work." She said before running off with Valencia and beginning their entrapment.

Kai ran out as well, staying out of the Hydra's sight but close enough to where Viletta could easily grab him for when it was time to throw him at the beast. Watching the entire ordeal, he was pleased to see that things were going well so far. Viletta was doing a good job of distracting and fighting the Hydra, while Valencia and Talia set up their trap. His eyes squinted as he saw a tiny black speck flying towards the beast, and just as he began to wonder what it was, it shot out a small stream of fire at the monster. Kai gasped. "Kurogané!" he screeched, knowing only his son would be foolish enough to fly out into this battle.

Viletta stopped, hearing the name, looking around before she froze. "What are you doing?" she barely got out, terror ripping through her for the first time in her long existence. "Get away!" she screamed, just as the Hydra lifted its clawed hand and smacked her from the air, straight into the ground.

The little dragon roared out, though it wasn't a very intimidating sound, before it flew down to the ebony haired woman to make sure she was okay. Landing beside her, he crawled over to her and cooed, nudging her cheek slightly.

The death goddess struggled to get up, blood dripping down the side of her face. "What are you doing here?" she glared, shoving his face away from her. "Are you stupid?! This is too dangerous for such a young dragon." She scolded, looking up just in time to see the Hydra's foot coming down on them.

She gasped and forced herself up, holding her scythe up and stopping the foot, though she was struggling to hold it from squishing them. "Go!" she screamed, unable to stop the tears that were now spilling from her emerald depths from the pain of the pressure she was fighting. "I won't be able to recover if I lose you."

"But I don't wanna lose you!" Kurogané cried out, flapping his wings in an obvious struggle on what he should do.

Suddenly there was a massive roar, but it didn't come from the Hydra, and sounded more feminine than anything, despite it being terrifying. The foot moved back to reveal a massive, slender black dragon, diving between the Hydra's many necks and spewing white hot fire. It was just the size of the Hydra's body, but it didn't let up in its assault. It rammed against the monster over and over, but Talia and Valencia hadn't finished yet.

It flew back for another attack, but as it dove, one of the heads caught it in its mouth and whipped the dragon off, making it hit the ground and cause a massive crater. "Izayoi!" Kai shouted.

Izayoi struggled to get up in her dragon form, but was obviously injured. Her red eyes glared hatefully at the thing trying to hurt her child. The Hydra returned its attention to Viletta and Kurogané, who was trying to help his goddess remain standing. Its claw lifted once more and Viletta tried to ready herself to protect Kurogané again. Izayoi screeched out in fury as the claw came down, and she shot at the Hydra, hitting it so hard it stumbled back towards the hole. She roared again, slamming into it again and again, her actions only making it angrier.

Kai ran up to Viletta and Kurogané and flicked his son in the side of the head, making him whine out in protest. "You are in big trouble once this is over mister." He scolded with a harsh look, before returning his stormy gaze to his angry wife, who was still attacking the monster.

Talia and Valencia ran up to the group, both panting. "New plan!" the blonde declared. "I've got two lines wrapped around both back legs. Valencia will get the ends and we're each going to hold one and pull away from Tartarus. As long as Izayoi keeps up her rage and power and battering him, her shoving and our pulling will topple it right back to where it belongs."

"Alright." Kai nodded, before giving his son a harsh look. "Get out of here Kuro. If I even think I saw you, you're going to be locked in your room for a week." He threatened, pointing off.

Kurogané lowered his head slightly. "Yes father." He said sullenly, taking to the air and flying off as quickly as he could.

Kai waited until his son was safe before sighing and looking back at the others. "Come on, I don't know how much longer Izayoi can keep this up." He said, heading towards the legs to get a rope. Valencia followed after him, using her powers to get the ropes ready for them all.

They each took a hold of one of the golden strings and pulled together, keeping their grips as it got harder and harder to hold them steady. Izayoi shot back, before hissing venomously and facing off all of the Hydra's heads. She took off once more, her wings beating so hard, they could feel the wind from the ground. She slammed into the Hydra after narrowly avoiding its snapping sets of jaws, and continued against it, feeling its weight shift as it fell back. Talia yelled out, as did the others as they jerked back, forcing the Hydra to fall into the massive hole it had come out of. It screeched, attempting to claw its way back, but they released their hold and Izayoi dove down and sent it back into the hole, but not before one clamped down on her side and dragged her down.

"No! Izayoi!" Kai shouted, immediately running forward to try and help her in any way he could.

The dragon's claws dug into the side, trying to stay above the darkness as it was dragged down. Viletta grimaced and stood, taking off and jumping into the hole, slashing the head that had Izayoi and blasting the Hydra down with her dark energy. "If you ever come out of there again you will cease to exist in all realms!" she screamed, holding her hand up, making a few signs before darkness swirled and shot down into the void, swallowing up any and all sounds coming from below. A vacuum started sucking in everything in the void, and Viletta gasped when she was pulled to it.

A tail wrapped around her and she looked up to see Izayoi fighting against the force and clawing her way out of the hole. When they were finally out, she released the death goddess and collapsed to the ground, wheezing and panting before she shrunk down into her human form, which shown just how grave her wounds were.

Kai ran up to her, sliding to a halt and lowering. "Izayoi, my love," he said a bit sadly, bringing her head up and cradling it in his lap to try and make her comfortable. He brushed some of her hair from her face, tears entering his eyes as he looked over her bloodied and battered form. "You're too brave and courageous for your own good." he smiled slightly, lowering and kissing her forehead.

She looked up at him, appearing exhausted. "That piece of garbage tried to attack my baby." She breathed out. "Of course I was going to kick its ass."

Viletta walked over with the help of her scythe and looked down at Izayoi. "Thank you." She said, before looking off. "You're an amazing dragon."

"I'll say!" Talia smiled, hurrying over to them. "Though we need to get you back to the palace to be healed." She said, looking back at Valencia as she came up to them.

"I can heal her right now, at least enough to stop the bleeding so that we can move her." Valencia said, her palms beginning to glow as she lowered down and placed her hands over the biggest gash to mend it. "Luckily none of your bones were broken, otherwise it'd take a lot longer to mend."

Izayoi closed her eyes and breathed out as she was being healed. "Where is Kurogané? He's safe right?" she asked, reaching out for Kai's hand.

Kai took it and held it tightly, but not enough to hurt her. "He's safe. I sent him back to the palace." he assured her. "We're going to have to punish him severely for this. I know he was trying to help, but he did more harm than good."

She nodded, opening her eyes and glancing at Viletta. The queen sighed, "I will deal with his punishment personally." She said seriously, beginning to walk off.

"We'll be inside once Valencia finishes." Kai told her. "And Viletta," he said, making her pause and glance back. "Be stern, but not harsh." He advised.

"I won't start until you arrive Kai." She said, not bothering to look back. As they were entering the palace, the Reapers appeared before them, bowing to Viletta. "We reinforced your seal and double checked everything else down in the pit. There shouldn't be another break." Liam informed her.

"Excellent." Viletta nodded, gesturing for them to rise. "Hei. Get Kurogané for me and bring him to the throne room. I will be waiting there for him." She said, walking past them.

"Yes my queen." Hei said, disappearing in a black mist to get the dragon. He appeared in the suite the Uchiha family had been given in the palace, and found the young boy sitting on his bed, wearing a pair of loose pants and a shirt. "Kurogané." Hei said, getting the dragon's attention. "Her Majesty has requested your presence in the throne room. I am to take you to her."

"She's mad…isn't she." Kurogané said, looking down. "Cause' I got in the way."

Hei held in a sigh. "I find its best not to assume what the queen is thinking." He said. "Now come, she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Kurogané huffed and glared at the Reaper. "I know." He said, getting up from the bed and quickly putting on his shoes and following Hei to the throne room.

When they reached the large double doors, Hei opened them and bowed. "Uchiha Kurogané, Your Highness." He announced, stepping to the side.

Kurogané moved slowly into the throne room, as if trying to prolong his punishment. Once he was past the doors Hei closed them to give the two some privacy. He stopped once he was at the bottom of the steps leading to Viletta's throne, and met her gaze with hesitant jade eyes.

Viletta sat on her throne, her elbow resting on her arm rest as she tapped her finger against her temple. The blood was now dried on her face, but she didn't seem to care about the injury as the two stared at one another for what seemed like ages. Kurogané began to squirm under her relentless stare, and even when the door opened in the back, she didn't look away. The form stopped behind him, and he stiffened when he heard his father's voice. "You may begin now." Kai said without a glance at his son.

The queen let her hand fall to her lap and then stood from her place, watching Kurogané like a cat watches a mouse. "Do you have any idea hove foolish and stupid and absolutely irresponsible what you did was?"

Kurogané looked down in shame. "…yes." He said softly.

"A dragon always follows his mistress' orders. I understand you're half Ageless and that does put you apart from the other dragons, but you do not go flying into something you do not know how to handle. You don't even know how to fight yet!" Viletta actually yelled, becoming worried that she was losing her cool. "You could have died Kurogané. You're just a child, and you need to understand your limits. Your mother almost lost her life protecting you."

His lip quivered, and he looked up at her with watering depths. "I just wanted to help!" he defended. "I promised I would keep you safe, and an Uchiha never breaks a promise!" A tear rolled down his cheek and he hastily wiped it off on his sleeve. "I didn't mean for you or my mom to get hurt." He said in a softer tone, lowering his arm.

"You promised your mother you would stay away." Viletta snapped. "So you are a liar!"

"But…" another tear fell, this one going ignored. "But you're more important to me than a promise."

Her hard expression faltered and Kai could clearly see the shock that was otherwise not portrayed on her face. She quickly schooled her features and straightened in attempts to keep her anger. "I told you to go!" she snapped. "My orders are absolute, and you should know better Kurogané. If something had happened to you…" she faltered once more, never having been so choked up before. "You are not trained in battle or anything but flight. You are to never attempt anything such as that again until you are properly trained. Do you understand?"

"Yes." He nodded quickly. "I understand."

"As for your punishment, you will be secluded to your home, and may have no contact with me for five days. Anything else your father decides will also be put into effect." She said, the horror-struck look on his face practically breaking her heart.

"But…five days is so long!" he protested.

"Kurogané." Kai said sharply, making him bite his tongue.

Kurogané sniffed. "Yes Viletta." He whimpered, looking at the floor once more.

"Be gone with you." she dismissed, before walking off her pedestal and leaving the throne room from the side entrance.

Kurogané hesitantly looked up at his father. "She…she didn't even let me say goodbye." He cried, his tears free-flowing.

Kai held in a sigh. "That's why it's called punishment Kuro. Now come, your mother has been healed and wishes to speak to you." he said, leading his son off.

They went back to their suite, as by now Izayoi had been moved into her and Kai's room. Kai entered, glancing back at Kurogané, who hesitated in the doorway. Reaching out, he grabbed him by the upper arm and dragged him inside. "Sweetheart, Kurogané's here." He said, making the boy stop next to the bed. "Viletta banned him to our rooms for five days, and he is forbidden to have any contact with her."

"Well that's some punishment." She said softly, sitting up slowly.

Kurogané gasped. "Mommy, don't strain yourself." He said, reaching out and placing his hand over hers, his tears still fresh in his eyes. "I'm so sorry mommy! I didn't mean to make you get hurt! But I wanted to protect Viletta, cause' I promised her I would." He cried.

Izayoi took her son's hand and pulled him up on the bed with her. "You can't do that Kurogané." she said, hugging him tightly. "You're too little Kuro. You have to be able to protect someone or else you're just a liability."

"I didn't know." He said, burying his face against her as he snuggled close. "I won't do it again, I promise. I never want you to get hurt ever again."

"Then become strong." She whispered into his ear, burying her face in his hair. "Be strong and let no one be above you, so you can protect all who are important to you. Never let anyone be hurt again."

"Yes mommy." He agreed softly. "I will."

"I think Viletta's punishment is bad enough." Kai spoke up. "Unless you feel the need to add anything."

"No." Izayoi shook her head, lying back against the headboard with her son in her arms. "I think that's enough."

"Is there anything I can get you my love?" Kai asked, watching as his son got more comfortable against his wife.

She nodded. "Some water would be nice, and something to eat. My throat is so dry." She smirked, giving him an endearing look.

He returned her look. "As you wish." He said, before leaving them.

"I'll become strong mommy. I'll be the strongest ever." Kurogané promised in a whisper, enjoying her loving, protective embrace. And he would become stronger. So strong, that he'd never have to leave Viletta's side ever again.