A loud smack resounded in the dressing room as Miyuki dropped her drenched shirt. Her fingers slid down the zipper as another smack was sounded. Her garments were discarded and she was in a simple undershirt, bra and her panties. Her eyes remained on the tiled floor as she watched little droplets fall from one strand of hair and the next. The soft pitter-patters hypnotizing and unperturbed, leaving the girl in her own world.

The clothes that were now pooled at her bare feet were seeping onto the tiled floor. The discarded skirt left a shallow puddle around her. She crouched down, gracefully balancing herself on her toes as she watched the droplets cause a ripple effect. Her head didn't turn as she heard the curtain be slightly pulled back; she was too entranced with what seemed like a never-ending ripple effect. The circles just got larger and larger only to be disturbed by another drop.

"Miyuk-chan" a soft and concerned voice pulled her out of her little haze. The small girl stood and turned around, facing Haruhi with her head cocked to the side. Haruhi's concerned face turned into a friendly one as a smile adorned her fair lips. "I got you something to wear," she said as she handed the barely dressed girl her new dry attire. Miyuki took it from her without a noticeable expression "Thank you" she spoke inaudibly as she started to strip off the rest of her clothes, not caring whether Haruhi was there or not. The taller girl's face turned red as she quickly left and closed the curtain, giving the girl some privacy.

The raven headed girl pulled on the clothes she was given, which wasn't much. It was a sheet of white cotton, a simple summer dress that bunched below her tiny breasts with delicate trimmings along the V-neck cut. It reached mid-calf and made her look much younger than she was.

There was still yet another hour to go before the club closed, due to the little mishap and disappearance of some of the hosts for even such a short time, they had to make it up to their costumers, so yet another hour was added to the clock of departure. Kaname sat at his designated table, he was what Ruka stereotyped as the boy which every girl wanted in her life, their knight in shinning armor; not a prince like Tamaki that would sweep girls off their feet by sweet and dulcet words, but the man that would protect them with his very last breath. The gallant, the heroic, and most attractively put 'The Guardian Angel' Type. It was a bit too cheesy for his liking, but Miyuki agreed to it so he had no choice in the matter.

Kaname paid good attention to his costumers, listened to them and giving them the swooning answers which they were all begging to hear. Even with Miyuki on his mind, his façade never dropped. His darkening knuckles made him feel only the slightest bit regretful and ashamed for hitting Kyoya, but still, the guy was asking for it. The way he carried himself as if he knew just about everything, his little unnecessary inquires. When he started to think of it, why was Kyoya even out there with Miyuki to begin with?

The air between the boys was a tense one, but their smile never faltered nor did their composure. The costumer's happiness came first.

Still in the changing room, Miyuki had no plan of leaving it any time soon. She was embarrassed to be completely honest. First, Kyoya must've entered with a reddened cheek, herself and her brother following behind him. Her face was hidden in her brother's chest as she held onto him for dear life. Who knew what was going on in the heads of the other people in the room? Oh, and the glorious part of being drenched and Kyoya himself not so dry. A very lasting impression it must have been, unfortunately, she didn't want the impression because clearly, one could only take it in a negative and even promiscuous way.

Miyuki held out the wet dark sweater before her as she squeezed it the best she could, trying to rid of any of the water. Once she was satisfied with the dampness of it, she nestled into the corner, laying the sweater beside her as she gripped it. She closed her shell-pink eyes and counted backwards from sixty…fifty-nine…fifty-eight... Hopefully no one would bother her before the hour was up.

Waiting for one minute to the next, she had only reached up to fifty-four before she drifted off in a dreamless sleep. Her body exhausted since her anxiety got the best of her today. As the Onyx-haired girl was lost in her own abyss, a soft knock bounced off the cubicle. "Miyuki-chan?" Haruhi's familiar voice called out as she pulled the curtain open. The sight of Miyuki curled into the corner, her sweater held in a loose hug made Haruhi sigh, not out of annoyance, but one which had her innate kind smile following after.

"She fell asleep," the brunette announced to Kaname with a small sweat drop. Kaname rolled his eyes at his sister's careless action, the least she could do was lay on a couch. "Excuse me, ladies" he apologized to his costumers before giving them a slight bow. As he was heading to the dressing room, the rest of the hosts —minus Kyoya and Haruhi, rushed past him, all of them wishing to see Miyuki asleep. It was safe to say that Kaname had never met such an odd group, and he still wasn't sure how he felt about most of them, but there were a select few that he appreciated.

"Ah! My little pet, how cute!" Tamaki whispered with excitement as he was instantly by the petite girl's side, petting her head as if she were some domesticated animal. "Pet?" Kaname questioned confused at the blonde's behavior. "She does look like a kitten" Kaoru said softly, an endearing smile on his lips. Hikaru raised his eyebrow at his brother, the smile on his face was a curious one and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy because of it.

"Yes! She'll be our pet!" Tamaki exclaimed rather loudly, both twins quickly hitting him on the head. Kaname glared at Tamaki "Pet?" he repeated, not liking the word at all. "Uh…Honey-senpai…what are you doing?" asked Haruhi as she passed by the changing room, stopping abruptly at the sight of the boy that was crouched down by Miyuki's sleeping figure. He had what looked like a collar in hand with a heart tag with 'Miyu-Miyu' engraved across it. "Better question…where did you get that from?" the twins chorused.

"Takashi and I were talking about how much she looked like a cat yesterday, ne Takashi?" Honey asked the taller boy cutely before he unclasped the collar/necklace and went to put it on Miyuki. Kaname grabbed the shorter boy by the collar, pulling him off the ground and handing him to Mori, all the while rubbing the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his cool. "Idiots" he murmured to himself.

Kaname bent down and picked his doll-like sister up, her arm hung to the ground, as her grip on the sweater only tightening. "Okaasan" she mumbled in her sleep before she hugged her brother, a gentle smile placing itself upon on her thin lips. A discreet, lopsided grin crossed Kaname's features before he quickly wiped it off and passed the other members. He wasn't going to let his mask falter around them. "Neko-chan" Tamaki mused as he went to pet her again, but the glare from the older Nakahara sent him off to his own dark and upset corner.

As the last hour for the day was passing, Hikaru noticed his brother's constant trips to either get something from another member, or a little snack for their costumers, even though they never asked for anything. Kaoru would only insist that they were too shy to ask and would get up to get something, all the while he would pass by the couch where Miyuki was sleeping in. He'd stand there for a good half a minute with that same smile that curdled Hikaru's blood. What was that smile…? His mood obviously dampened, not even Kaoru noticed, and right then, he never felt so…alone.