Smoke started emerging from underneath her as she was on her way out of King's Landing. Her motorbike's engine made a screeching noise before it came to a stop. Before she was even able to utter a curse word, rain drops started falling. It came out of nowhere and Arya was convinced that the Old Gods and the New planned this to prevent her escape from King's Landing.

It was now a lot darker than it was five minutes ago, making Arya regret not planning her escape back to Winterfell at a more convenient time. But there was no time for planning. Her father was arrested for fraud shorty after Robert Baratheon, CEO of Stag-O-Metal, died following an accidental shooting at a hunting trip. Her sister Sansa was under the watch of the Lannisters when Arya first heard of her father's arrest. There was no possible way that Arya could've left King's Landing, had she tried to take Sansa with her.

Arya had to go back to Winterfell. She had to tell Robb, her mother, and their lawyer – Rodrik Cassel – of what she heard in the dungeons of King's Landing about the Lannisters' plot against her father. It was a miracle she was able to escape from the Lannisters, and there was no way that a broken engine was going to stop her.

As Arya was walking her bike along the King's Road – the two-lane free way that connected all of the major cities of Westeros – she saw neon lights for what she could only hope was a gas station. The closer she got the more obvious it became that it indeed was a gas station, with a car repair shop peaking through the back. Tobho Mott's was written across the front.

Arya walked towards the gas station's shop's door and peered inside. It seemed as if the gas station was closed, which made no sense to Arya. It couldn't have been any later than 8 o'clock, but as Arya looked around the pitch black she realized that she must've been walking for longer than she had thought.

Suddenly Arya felt something hit the back of her neck, which made her turn around. She saw two men – no they were definitely not men, boys – eyeing her, before one of them spoke.

"And who do we have here?" asked a scrawny blonde-haired kid, tossing a rock back and forth in his hand. Did he just throw a rock at me?

"Can't be older than twelve, this lad, and OH! WHAT IS THAT? Is that a motorcycle? Can you even reach the pedals?" asked the other one who was fatter and taller than the blond one. Arya felt another rock on her, this time hitting her face.

"I can reach the pedals, alright? My fist can also reach your face if you decide to throw another rock at me, so I suggest you back off!" threatened Arya.

"He's a feisty one, this one, isn't he? Where'd ya get the bike, boy? Did'ya steal it?" asked the fat boy as he neared near Arya and gave her a light shove.

"LEAVE HIM BE!" said a stern voice coming from behind Arya. As she turned around she saw a man – yes, this one was definitely a man – walking towards the three of them with an angry face. "I thought I told you two to stop hanging around here after the shop closes, didn't I?"

"We were on our way home when we saw this bike thief try to sneak into the gas station's shop. I bet he was trying to steal something from there too!" said the fatter boy.

"Ya like picking on the little ones, don't you? Do you just go around throwing rocks and shoving everyone who you think is a thief, or only those you know you can beat in a fight?"

"He can't beat me in a fight," said Arya. "I am stronger than I look."

The three of them chuckled at her sudden remark.

"Nobody is fighting here on my watch. What can I do for you lad, should you be out here in the night all by yourself?" asked the man.

"My bike broke down. I was hoping to have it looked at," replied Arya.

"The shop's closed, come back tomorrow morning," he said.

"I can't come back tomorrow morning, I have no where else to go, my BIKE IS NOT WORKING" screamed Arya.

"Alright, wheel it inside. You two," said the man pointing at the two boys "scurry along now, you lot got an early shift tomorrow morning."

The two boys gave Arya disapproving glances for her having gotten them in trouble with whom she assumed to be their boss. Whatever, thought Arya, I'm sure I'll have to deal with more bozos like these two on my way back to Winterfell.

As Arya was about to wheel her bike inside the shop, the man turned around, quickly scanning her from top to bottom.

"You're a girl, aren't you?" said the man, certain of his observation but still feeling hesitant to ask.

"Yes, so? Does that change the fact that I need my bike fixed?" asked Arya.

He chuckled. What's so funny?

"I'm Gendry, by the way. Gendry Waters," said the man with a huge grin which made Arya blush.

"Just call me Arry," she replied as she finally stepped into the shop, with the sound of raindrops disappearing behind her.

A/N: Hello everyone! I will post new chapters as soon as I finish them, hopefully at least one chapter a day. I have some idea of where I want this story to go, but comments will be much appreciated! Happy reading!