Harry was staying with me most nights as we stayed in Anne's former home and she and Alexander got settled into their new home after their honeymoon. It felt as though my stomach was growing bigger by the day and I felt as though I would pop any day. I was with Anne helping in her shop when an unexpected visitor came in.

"Hello there, may I help you with anything?" I heard Anne say as I sat in the back room working on clothes for the baby.

"Yes, actually. I am looking for Sarah Burwell, formerly Martin, and was told she would be here," I heard a familiar voice say but I couldn't quite place who the person was.

"She's just in the back, allow me to go get her," Anne said and I heard her walk back to where I was. "Sarah, there's a man here to see you. I'm unsure what it is he wants," she said to me as I stood up, seeming to be unsure about this new arrival and why he wanted to see me.

"His voice sounds familiar, but I can't quite place where I recognize it from," I said quietly so the man couldn't hear as I walked to the front of the shop with Anne. I stopped short and felt as though I might faint when I saw who was waiting for me.

"Hello Sarah," he said with a smile as I just stood there with my mouth open.

"James Wilkins. Oh my goodness, I can't believe it," I said and gave him a hug the best I could with my large stomach.

"Here, sit down, Sarah," Anne said, bringing me a chair.

"Thank you, Anne. James, what in the world are you doing here? Aren't you afraid of what people might say about you?" I blurted out without even thinking.

"I grew up here, so I figured I might as well come back and see how the town is doing. Maybe even help out where I can. Both of my parents have died and being their only child I have a fairly substantial inheritance. What better way to gain back my neighbors favor than helping get the town back on its feet?" he said.

"I think that is an absolutely wonderful idea James," I said and went to stand up again, but felt some kind of liquid running down my leg and there was a sudden sensation of pressure low in my stomach I hadn't felt before. I grabbed onto James for support and looked at Anne with wide eyes. "The baby. It's time," I said to her.

"I'll go find Harry and the doctor. You need to go lay down," Anne said, turning me around to go to the house connected to the shop and she rushed out the door.

"Let me help you. I've got you," James said and I put most of my weight into his side as he helped me get on the bed once we walked there. I couldn't help but let out a scream as I felt what I assumed was a contraction as Aunt Charlotte told me I would feel.

"Go see if they're here yet," I practically yelled at James as another sharp pain went through my abdomen.

"Sarah!" I heard Harry call before he rushed into the room.

"Harry. Thank goodness you're here. The baby is coming, but something doesn't feel right," I said, panting, before letting out another scream. The doctor came soon after and I wasn't sure how long I would have to endure this. My labor was going along very quickly and I had the urge to push just as the doctor came in. The entire time I was trying to have the baby Harry was by my side, not leaving once. By the time I finally had the baby I was exhausted and wanted to do nothing but go to sleep, but as soon as I heard my baby cry I wanted to hold it and make sure it was safe.

"You have had a girl, Mrs. Burwell," the doctor said and I beamed up at Harry, tears running down my face. Harry took our daughter from the doctor once she was cleaned up and I could already see the love and admiration he had for her as he looked at her before handing her to me. She was a beautiful baby and I was just happy to see that she was healthy.

"And her name?" Harry asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I was just going to ask you that," I said, looking back up to him.

"Gabrielle Elizabeth," he said after a few moments of silence.

"That sounds perfect," I said with a smile, just enjoying the newest addition to our little family. After two weeks we started staying in our own home again after having stayed in town for the last bit of my pregnancy in case something happened. It didn't take long, of course, for my family to visit so they could see the baby. Aunt Charlotte and Father's baby was toddling around now, practically running everywhere she went and I was glad to see everyone in once place again.

"She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," Father said when he got to hold Gabrielle for the first time. I had always heard from others that when your own parents become grandparents, they would love their grandchildren just as much as their own.

"How did you pick the name?" Charlotte asked me, rubbing Gabrielle's head while Father held her.

"Harry picked it out, actually," I said, looking his way as I said it.

"Well I think she has a perfect name," Father said, not looking up from Gabrielle.

A/N: So. Here's another chapter! I found the beginning of this chapter randomly in my Google Drive and just went with it. So here it is! If you have read this THANK YOU!