A/N: Hello everyone, well I recently joined the Teen Wolf fandom and began shipping Derek and Stiles. I was watching the show the other day when this story idea popped into my head. It's basically a Spy AU. I just thought Stiles would make a terrific hacker and Derek would be a freaking awesome spy. I even came up with a name for their organization! Everyone else will be in here as well and I even kept Laura alive so you can all silently cheer anyway I hope you enjoy it.


Watcher-team, Espionage, Recovery, and Extermination

Derek stepped out of his silver Camaro and adjusted the earpiece that was tucked and hidden in the shell of his ear. He looked around himself before walking across the street and into the large building in front of him. He had a simple mission today, Laura had said that she wanted to give him a break but when he had refused she compromised and gave him a simple mission. After all he couldn't refuse those, even if Laura was his sister she would've fired him immediately. He pulled a card out of his pocket and flashed it at the security guards before walking inside the building. So much for tight security. He walked down the hall casually until he reached the gallery that was filled with people in suits and fancy dresses; of course he blended in just as well what with his ironed suit, black tie, and polished shoes. Hell Laura even forced him to shave for the mission. He grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing server and took a sip, he grimaced a bit, god awful fancy drink.

"How's it moving along Derek?" Derek felt the urge to grimace again when he heard a boy's voice through the earpiece. He hadn't even gotten the chance to filter through those who were attending. He glanced around and felt a grin tug at his lips when he saw the man that they were after. James L. O'Kelly, he had information that he shouldn't and that was a problem for their employer. "Derek?" The voice asked again. Derek started towards the target.

"Not now Stilinski" He muttered just loud enough for the boy to hear him. Derek still thought Stiles was too young for this job even if he was only a hacker and technician. Stiles had only been seventeen when Derek's sister had recruited him after the idiot had almost hacked their database. That had been two years ago when Derek had been twenty, now the boy was the head computer tech. It pained Derek to admit it but Stiles was rather brilliant. However the boy couldn't shut up to save his damn life.

"Do you see him? We have a time limit and if you can't get him tonight his plane leaves for China tomorrow at four a.m. and we won't be able to get at him again unless Laura ships us out there and you know she'll be mad at you if-"

"Stiles" Derek interrupted the hyper active computer geek. "Can you do me a favor?" Derek had stopped over by a wall waiting for the people surrounding O'Kelly to disperse a bit so he could get closer.

"Sure Derek, what do you need?" Stiles asked. "Does sourwolf need some back up?" Derek would glare at the teen if he wasn't in a van three blocks away.

"No Stilinski I need you to do something more difficult than that" Derek smirked as he imagined the boy jumping up and down at the thought of doing something more challenging than sitting and clicking buttons; which is exactly what the boy was doing.

"Oh goody a challenge! Do tell!" Stiles held his breathe in anticipation. Derek held back a chuckle.

"Quit talking" And with that Derek clicked a button on the earpiece shutting off communications before heading towards the man he was after.

Meanwhile Stiles had thrown his headset across his desk and was now glaring at the bright computer monitor like it was the one to cause Derek's rudeness. Stiles popped some curly fries in his mouth and typed a few things on his computer. Which may or may not have been a letter of complaint to Laura about Derek. Once that was done Stiles swerved his chair around to look at other monitors that had images of the security camera's he had hacked earlier. He could see Derek walking towards the target and Stiles brown eyes narrowed. So he turned his attention away from the rude sourwolf to look through another camera. "Shit!" The hacker cursed and slid across the van floor to get to his headset. In his haste he pulled the plug out and he cursed again glancing back at the monitor.

There were two men with guns walking up the steps of the building that Derek was in and they didn't look like they were just coming to admire the art. Stiles finally plugged the headset back in just as he heard a shot, he put the headset on and turned it on while he turned to look at the screen again. One of the security guards was lying in a pool of his blood and one of the men with the guns was holding the gun to the other security guards head while the man was on his knees quivering. Stiles looked away just before the shot rang out. He couldn't watch that he just couldn't. He shook his head trying his best to clear it. "Derek!" Stiles heard the low growl of irritation.

"What Stiles?" Derek asked as he leaned against a serving table. He was just about to get to the guy when Stiles had yelled in his ear. Stiles looked at the screens to pinpoint where the shooters were.

"We've got a pair of party crashers with weaponry" Stiles informed the man. "They just shot and ki-lled" Stiles voice cracked and he coughed to clear his throat. He wasn't used to seeing killings that was more Derek's territory. So he was trying his best to stay professional. If he didn't he was sure to get an earful from both Derek and Laura later. "They're in the hallway opening and should get to the gallery in four minutes and twenty-eight seconds" Yes Stiles had timed Derek's walk from the door to the party hall; it was important and rather handy. Derek sighed through the connection and Stiles frowned.

"Can you think of a way to stall them? I need to get O'Kelly out of here" Derek asked. He knew Stiles had practically wired the whole building last week when he and another agent, Issac Lahey, had snuck in under the guise of maintenance workers. Hopefully he had hacked something useful. Stiles thought quickly going over the mental list of everything he had wired. He had tapped into the lighting, security cameras, and emergency systems. Oh! Ohohoh!

"Ok! I've got it!.." He paused briefly as he typed on his computer and clicked the emergency systems and set them to go off in one minute and thirty seconds just enough time to warn Derek.

"Well are you going to tell me the plan or not?" Derek said as he watched O'Kelly greet more people. They were running out of time.

"In about sixty seconds the emergency sirens are going to go off and the residential sprinklers are going to unleash about twenty-four gallons of water per minute onto everyone's heads; as well as signaling the nearest fire and police stations, that should give you enough time to grab O'Kelly and skip your way out singing 'London Bridges are Falling Down'. " Stiles let out all in one breathe and was smiling smugly to himself as he leaned back in his computer chair. Derek just blinked as he took it all in. Well that was a pretty damn good plan actually, although the snide singing comment wasn't needed. Derek actually grinned a bit.

"Remind me to buy you a large order of curly fries from Arby's after this is done" Derek stated and Stiles spun around in his chair. He rarely got a compliment from Derek; and yes coming from Derek that was a huge compliment, but of course Stiles wanted to see how far he could push it.

"And a milkshake?" He asked hopefully.

"Don't push it hacker-boy" Derek warned but he was still grinning. Stiles shrugged and looked at his watch they had thirty seconds.

"Hey sourwolf you've got twenty-nine until the gates of a watery hell open" Stiles quipped back and smiled when he practically heard Derek's scowl through the headset.

"Shut it geek, I'm moving in now just keep your eyes out for any other problems" Derek started walking swiftly to O'Kelly weaving his way through the people. Stiles huffed at the geek comment and muttered a retort.

"I prefer tech savvy" Stiles swerved his chair and watched the screens. He counted down from ten in his head and smiled when he remembered the best part of his plan, Derek would get drenched as well. Derek counted down as well and grimaced when the water came down hard pelting everyone; he grabbed O'Kelly's arm and dragged the nearly blinded man to the back entrance. Luckily Derek had packed along his specialized sunglasses, they were designed to fit to his face so that nothing could get in his eyes and that included water so he could see just fine. He did his best to ignore the shrieks and squeals from the party goers behind him. He finally dragged the man outside.

"What is the meaning of this!?" O'Kelly yelled in Derek ears once he cleared the water from his eyes. Derek just continued to drag the loud man through the back alley they had ended up in.

"Hey Stiles think you could get over here and take O'Kelly?" Derek heard the O'Kelly ask –loudly – who he was talking to. "And make it quick?" It wasn't a request. Derek didn't do the talking, he picked them up and handed them off.

"Aw poor sourwolf he has to socialize~" Stiles laughed and slid open a small dark window, sticking his head through. "Hey Boyd! Derek says it's time for pick-up and he says to make it quick" The dark skinned man looked at him with a frown.

"Don't yell Stilinski I'm sitting right here" He mumbled something else that Stiles couldn't hear and shifted the gears, so he could start driving, and then he pulled out. Stiles ducked back and slid the window closed again.

"Alrighty then!" Stiles chimed. "Boyd seems depressed since Erica couldn't come along tonight~" Stiles smiled when Boyd yelled an 'I heard that' in reply and Stiles laughed.

"Can't you be professional Stiles? Just once?" Derek sighed as he tightened the handcuffs that he'd put on O'Kelly while Stiles had talked. The man made a bunch of loud muffled noises through the gag he had in his mouth; Derek had no doubt that they were insults.

"I could but then your life would suck" Stiles laughed again before popping more curly fries in his mouth. Derek just shook his head and leaned against the building. He only stood straight when he saw the white van pull up at the end of the alley way. He grabbed O'Kelly by the back of his neck and lead him towards the vehicle. The man struggled but his strength was nothing compared to Derek's so it was no problem. Stiles opened the back doors and hopped down stretching his back until he heard pops. Derek tossed the man into the van and took the black suit jacket and tie off. Stiles reached inside the van and handed Derek a bag. Derek lifted an eyebrow and opened the bag; inside was a set of dry clothes he looked at Stiles for an explanation. Stiles shrugged.

"Ask your sister she told me to have a spare set of clothes for everyone in the van at all times" Stiles paused before sitting on the edge of the van. "Also if you hurry there is a public restroom about half a block that way" Stiles pointed behind Derek. "It'll close up soon but it's probably the best place to change" Stiles smirked. "Unless you'd rather be wet for the rest of the evening" Derek scowled and smacked Stiles head into the van door. "Ow that hurt Derek!" Derek just turned and walked away. Stiles huffed before he stood on the bumper of the van with his hands on the roof; he looked down at O'Kelly with a frown before swinging inside and kicking the man in the face, effectively knocking him out. Stiles apologized in his head before closing the van doors, stepping over O'Kelly, and knocking on the glass to signal the go ahead.

A/N: I might just leave this story here or I might continue into a longer chaptered fic but I haven't decided. I hope you liked it! Now I'll go hide in my closet and fantasize about the wonderful reviews I definatley WON'T get.