"If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die." Caroline wheezed out. She was lying on Elena's living room couch dying. No thanks to Klaus. Currently the only thing standing between her life or death.

"Then you will have died and Tyler would have learned his lesson the hard way." Klaus stood across from her leaning against the frame. Arms crossed over his chest not making eye contact. He blinked rapidly. He could feel her eyes burning holes in his head. He knew if he looked at her it would be all over. He would feel the guilt he told himself wasn't there. He'd heal her.

"How could you have done this to him? To his mom? To me?" Her voice stuttered with her heavy breaths. She paused in between each question, forcefully.

"I'm a thousand years old, call it boredom." He tilted his head. Still not making eye contact.

"I don't believe you." She drew in a sharp breath.

"Fine then. Maybe it's because I'm pure evil and I can't help myself." His eyes fluttered. Hurting himself by his own words.

"No. It's because you're hurt." Her teeth were clenched, weather it was in pain or in frustration he didn't know. However, her words struck him and he tilted his head to look at her. A glaring frown still intact.

"Which means, there is a part of you that is human." He pushed off the frame and moved towards her. his eyes thinning to a slit. They stared each other down as he walked in front of her and sat down on the coffee table. He clasped his hands together between his legs.

His lips parted but he paused to think of his words. "How could you possibly think that?" His eyebrows drew together.

"Because I've seen it. Because I've caught myself wishing that I could forget all the horrible things you've done." She had to pause to take in short gasps of air. Each of her words hitting him. His once hard features turned slack.

"But you can't can you?" His eyes glistened. His swallowed hard. He knew her answer.

"I know that you're in love with me. And anybody capable of love, is capable of being saved."

Klaus let out a shaky breath as he turned away from her. His eyes shone with unshed tears.

"You're hallucinating." He spoke it more for himself.

"I guess I'll never know." Caroline let out a humorless chuckle. Her eyes slowly slipping shut. Her breath slowed to a bare hum of life. Slowly draining from her body. Her chest gave an involuntary jerk and she choked on air. Her body convulsing in rivulets of pain. Her fingers curled around her sides, her brows drawn together in pain.

"Caroline. Caroline?" Klaus clenched his jaw. She wasn't answering him. Her body ceased motion and a slow drawn out breath left her. He sniffled and pursed his lips together. He glanced away, telling himself not to heal her. But another breath left her body and he looked back at her. Who was he kidding? He let out a sigh and shook his head. Klaus slid his hand under her neck and lifted her up. He slid onto the couch behind her. He paused and looked at his festering bite on her neck. Each tooth mark identifiable. It was red and irritated, the veins around the mark an angry purple. He jerked his arm out to shrug up his sleeve before he brought his wrist to his mouth and bit into himself. He let out a small hiss. The taste of his coppery blood disgusting himself. He placed his wrist to her mouth and waited with baited breath.

He waited for the small jerk of life. Her hot breath to hit his skin. Her lips to move against his wrist. Her blunt human teeth to press against his wound. He pleaded. But her body ran cold almost as fast as his undead heart did. He looked down at her. She was dead. She was really dead. He was too late. He laid her back down and stood up. The all too familiar grey tone overtook her body. Her veins raising up and turning a sickly green. A solitary tear ran down his cheek as he stared at her corpse. He needed to leave. He walked to the door testing the invisible barrier that had kept him locked in. It was no more. He flashed out of the Gilberts home and back to his to drown his sorrows in alcohol.


Caroline's eyes jerked open. She lay still for a moment recalling the events that just took place. She remembered having a talk with Klaus. Then she remembered… dying. She had died. That damn bastard didn't do anything to save her. Oh when she got her hands on him he would… wait. Caroline jerked up into a sitting position. She was lying on a small bed-if you could even call it a bed-in a dimly lit room. She stood up and swayed slightly. She pressed a hand to her neck where she had been bitten. She let out a hiss when her fingers pressed into the still tender flesh.

"Oh miss. You're awake. You shouldn't try moving. You should lie back down." A small woman came into the room. Caroline was instantly drawn to her cloths. They looked old, 500 years old.

"What year is it?" Caroline questioned the woman. Caroline swore she saw two of the woman.

"1492. Why do you ask?" The woman gave her a suspicious look.

"I have been at sea for quite some time. You lose track of the months when out at sea." Caroline quickly lied. She swayed on her feet.

"Oh my." The woman seemed to believe Caroline's story.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Caroline gestured to her surroundings.

"I was out picking berries when I found you passed out in the forest. Quite the large wound you have there." The woman gestured to Caroline's neck.

"I would think that the wolves in this area attacked you." The woman pointed to the blood that covered Caroline's clothes. She looked down, she still had the now-dry spot from where Klaus had shoved the lamp through her. She also had droplets of blood across the chest of her shirt. Her brow scrunched in confusion.

"We wouldn't by any chance be in England, would we?" Caroline looked up at the woman with hopeful eyes. Caroline's vision improved slightly.

"Yes we are." The woman was doing something at a wooden table pressed against the wall of the room.

"Do you know of a man named Klaus?" Caroline asked leaning against the wall for support.

"You mean Lord Niklaus?" The woman glared at Caroline.

"Where is he?" Caroline choose to ignore the woman's gare.

"His castle is just up the hill. They won't let you in though." The woman eyed Caroline. Looking her up and down. Caroline cursed under her breath. What was the point of her coming back in time, just to die. Again!

"You seem to know his lordship. I can take you there. They will let me in. I am friends with Lady Katherina." The woman wiped her hands on her dress. Katerina. How could Caroline forget.

Caroline sighed. "Yes. Please. That would be great." She offered a small smile which the woman did not return.

The woman gestured to the door and Caroline followed. Caroline's movements were sluggish and she stumbled once in awhile. They approached the castle and the woman straightened her posture.

"What business do you have?" A guard at the door said. Caroline was still a baby vampire. But she knew a vampire when she saw one.

"We are here to visit Lady Katerina." The woman said with her head bowed.

"I am not allowed to let you in." The man eyed Caroline. She knew, that he knew, she was a vampire.

"Yeah well, I'm kind of dying, so I don't really care." Caroline reached out and twisted his head until his body went limp. The woman screamed and she turned to run but Caroline grabbed her arm, jerking her in front of her.

"You will forget me. You will forget seeing me break his neck. You will go home and forget this ever happened." Caroline's pupils dilated as the compulsion took effect. The woman nodded and walked away, with a dazed look.

Caroline remembered hearing about the way Klaus was during this time. She sucked in a big breath and jerked the doors open.

"Klaus, where are you?!" Caroline screamed into the house. She stormed down the hall which opened up into a dining room. Klaus and Elijah were sitting at the table. Two girls were standing next to them. No doubt they were feeding.

"Who are you?" Klaus growled at the intruder.

"We need to talk." She placed her hands against the wall. Her vision was dimming and she was having trouble breathing.

"What business do you have with my brother?" Elijah stood from his seat. He could see the young vampire was having some trouble.

"I'm from the future. You may not believe me but in my time I was bit by a damn wolf." She paused to glare at Klaus. She altered her words and avoided 'hybrid'. "I know all about you and your special blood. If you heal me, I'll tell you what you want to know." Caroline wheezed out.

Klaus stared at the blonde. He had heard talk of time travel but never believed it.

"Well Niklaus?" Elijah glanced at his brother.

"I don't believe you." Klaus glared at the audacious baby vampire.