"Maka!" Kid called. Maka turned, her emerald green eyes quickly spotting Kid. She bid goodbye to Tsubaki and began walking towards Kid. Kid was mesmerized. She was walking so perfectly, with a cute confident gait, looking beautifully symmetrical as her two dirty blonde pigtails flowed behind her. Before he could catch his breath, she was there, standing no more than a couple of feet away from him. He gazed at her beautiful symmetry, taking it in and inhaling the beauty of it.
"Maka's really something," Kid thought.
"Erm... hello, Kid?" Maka blushed slightly, as she noticed he'd been staring at her.
Kidd noticed too. "Ah-um hey, Maka!" he chuckled nervously as he straightened his tie, and leaned against the lockers behind him. "I was just ah, wondering... w-what I mean to say is... argh!" Why in Father's name was he so nervous? 'Just ask her,' the impatient voice in his head pleaded. His palms were sweating, his stomach was full of butterflies, and his heart was thumping faster than it had ever thumped while he was on Beelzebub.
"Kidd-kun... are you feeling alright?" Maka sounded worried.
'Just spit it out already!' "Maka do you want to work on Sid-Sensei's meister project with me?!" The words came out all jumbled together, barely understandable, and Kid mentally kicked himself for sounding like an idiot. Gritting his teeth, he waited for her answer.
Maka smiled. "S-sure," she stuttered. Dammit, she'd stuttered! She unconsciously looked down at her boots. "I-I was planning to ask you anyway-"
She'd been planning to WHAT!? Kid slipped from the locker, and fell.
"Kid! Are you okay!?" Maka's face flushed a violent pink, but it was nothing compared to the fiery scarlet on Kid's own face. He quickly jumped back up, brushing himself off, and fixing his tie, being sure not to look asymmetrical.
"I-I'm fine!" he stuttered. "Just being, y-you know me, C-Clumsy old Kid!" he gave a shaky grin, but the scarlet on his face was impossible to disguise.
Maka's own face began to turn from pink to a sharp rouge, as she asked shyly, "So when should we work on the project?"
"Gallows Mansion... at... say, eight?" Kid stuttered.
Maka smiled. "Okay~ see you then!" She turned, walking towards her dorm.
"Bye... Maka..." Kid sighed. He summoned Beelzebub, and hopping on thought, 'Now, to make sure everything is absolutely perfect... and symmetrical!"