Another one-shot story for The World God Only Knows! I think i'll do this for most of the heroines in the story! Once this gets enough views, i'll then do a special chapter dedicated to it! Which girl do you want to have a story for next? Leave it in a review or pm me! Hope you enjoy!

Shiori Shiomiya, a seventeen year old student librarian that Keima encountered for a conquest. As well as a re-conquest for the Godess inside her. Keima has helped her with the writing of her stories which she has a a lot of trouble writing. When she needed to write a story before a deadline, Keima decided to hep her during her re-conquest. She writes a monologue story about herself and Keima, and the last words of the story were "And, I love Katsuragi-Kun." She soon fell a sleep from writing but Shiori then wakes, but is surprised that Keima is in front of her.

Keima states that Shiori's novel is complete. In confusion, Shiori says it's only a monologue, talking about the story within. He then states that he loves this story out of all her stories, making her blush. He continues to talk about how she is the only who could have written the story. Shiori realizes that Keima had read to the end. She jumps towards Keima, stating the last part, about her saying "I love Katsuragi-kun", is a lie. She only wrote that because she felt Keima would never return. But then, Keima kisses Shiori in the cheek, saying he will not go anywhere. "The story of of Shiori and me...isn't over yet! It must be...continued!" Thus, the story does indeed continues for the book worm Shiori.

"Umm, excuse me. I would like to to rent this book...hello?" A girl said to Shiori. Shiori was wearing the Maijima high uniform. She has dark straight hair that goes to her shoulders with ribbons on the side. She has light tanned skin with light grey eyes with a darkish outline. Shiori's height is that of a very petite person. Shorter than Keima and most people for sure.

Shiori was too engrossed in her book to notice the girl until she tapped her on her shoulder.

"Ah! Oh...h-hello. S-sorry. Renting right?" Shiori said taking up her book and scanning it then returning it to her.

"Thanks! See ya!" The girl walked away leaving Shiori to sigh with relief. Though thanks to Keima she no longer fears talking to people and communication of any sort. She is still very shy around people, but can now speak her voice if she must. Though she would prefer not to, she was a very shy and timid girl through and through. She looked to her right to see a stand that was selling the novel she wrote. Looking at it only reminded her of Keima, since she wrote it about the both of them. Thought mostly herself, towards the end she mentions her love...for Keima. Getting flustered she dives her face into her book.

"Hmm...I-I wonder...will Keima be here today..." She mumbles to herself finding it hard to read now that Keima is in her mind. She thought of the kisses they shared between each other. Her first kiss when she holed herself up in the library in protest and Keima saved her. The kisses to cheek she has received from Keima that empowered her. Her face turned pink just thinking about it all and she puts her book down on the counter hard. But was surprised when she saw a speak of the devil, Keima with a book.

"Ah...ah..K-keima? W-what are you doing here?" She said quickly grabbing her book and covering her face she knew was blushing.

"I wanted to rent this book Shiori and I wanted to see you as well while I was at it." Keima said simply handing it to her. Who trembled holding it and scanning it. She read the title. "How To Get Rid of A Demon!"

" you wnat..this book?" She read this book just as she has read every book in library. She knows where they all are and what they're about. This book was more of a joke book than anything serious.

"Ah, lets say I have an annoying demon like girl always following me around." Keima said pulling up a chair beside her and reading the book.

"Eh...ehh?" She said pulling away in her seat with the books till covering a part of her face.

"Oh sorry. I don't feel like sitting anywhere where I might be disturbed. I feel sitting by you will be best since I know you respect books and such." Keima said honestly flipping some pages in his book.

Shiori was too embarrassed to say anything and simply tried to go back to reading her book. Though she couldn't finish a sentence without looking at Keima. She hasn't actually stopped to think about what she liked about Keima in a physical sense because looking at him always got her embarrassed but she hoped Keima wouldn't leave her. Likewise Keima was having similar thoughts about Shiori. He soon realized this book wouldn't help as he expected it wouldn't be that easy but it was nice thought to get him away from his little demon problem. He also hasn't seen Shiori in a while, so all in all its a good thing overall.

Though looking at Shiori, he noticed she was giving him looks and struggling to read. Keima didn't want to distract her and thought he should go.

"If I am a distraction then I could-" Keima sat up as he spoke but Shiori spoke up quickly.

"No! Don't go!" Hearing herself speak in a loud voice that made everyone look back at her and shush her, the librarian. She became really shy now and retreated within her book. She was exploding with thoughts in her head about how how embarrassing that was and what Keima thought.

"Then...I won't Shiori" Keima said somewhat taken back by Shiori's outburst and pulled out his PFP and started up a game.

Shiori thought to herself. "Oh gosh! That was soooo embarrassing! I would do something like that, its hard for me to express my feelings already. I want to tell him in more detail how I feel won't come out. Yet I can do embarrassing outburts. Way to go brain...only good for books and not boys..."

Shiori gazed over to Keima slowly and tried to look at him play his game. She noticed the girl on the screen was a librarian like herself as she saw a library and a book she was holding. She gathered her courage and spoke. Though two different things happened. What she thought she said was...

"Do you like playing those games Keima?"

What was really said.

"Do you like the library girl Keima?" She said being completely frozen still with embarrassment. "Oh god!" She thought. That's like basically asking do you like me?! Though...I...want to know...if he does..."

"Hmm? Well library girls are very common in games..."

In Shiori's head she thought, "Oh so i'm just a common girl to you then...?" And covered her secret angry expression with her book.

"...but are an important representation of the girls who are eloquent and don't speak." Keima said looking at Shiori who pulled away shyly with her book.

"Do you books Shiori?" He asked pointing to the book she was holding.

"Ah...this...oh...well I wanted to get better at cooking..." She said shyly mumbling a bit over her words. She couldn't tell Keima the truth which is she is studying to be a wife one day for him.

"Ah, you would make a really good wife one day Shiori." Keima said returning to his game. Shiori was sad the talk was so short and flipped through the pages of her book until she found a little excerpt from it. "Want to impress the person you love? Why not make them a gift and appeal to them that way!" She then got a great idea of what she could do close the gap between her and Keima.

"Ah...K-keima..." She said shyly.

"Yes Shiori?" He said looking at her.

"Ah, umm...could you come back tomorrow...when the library closes? I have...something I want to give you!" She said giving Keima a blushing look which even made Keima notice her cuteness. She was definitely a cute girl, Keima noted that her cuteness could distract him from his game. A powerful cute trait to this heroine he thought.

"Sure Shiori, i'll come back if you like. What is it you want to show me?" He asked interested.

"Umm..i-its a surprise!" She said simply.

"Hmm, okay. Well i'll be off then. See ya tomorrow Shiori."

"Ah...uhh...mmhmm..." She wanted to say goodbye as well. But she couldn't make out the words. She was mad and ashamed with her shy self. She wanted him to know so badly how much she...loved him! So badly! She thought about Keima a lot and when she did, she found it hard to read books. She even attempted to read...more "adult" books to understand what a girl and a boy should do together. She couldn't get past the first page of the story since it was so intense! But it did make her think...what if Keima...and her did those "adult" things. She looked down at her chest and thought about her body.

"No way! No way! My body isn't ready!" She yelled out again making everyone in the library shush her again.

"S-sorry..." She sunk low behind her desk and his herself.

Her House

She worked all on Keima's gift ever since she got home and all throughout the night. Eating dinner near midnight and not coming out her room. She became engrossed in her little project. She felt the same excitement and rush she gets when she becomes completely in tune with her story. She wants to make this story, especially good for Keima. She wanted him to know exactly how she feels about him, she wanted to be chosen by him. She didn't want him to be going out with pretty girls like Kanon or anybody else! She wanted him to stay by her just like today. She imagined how life would be if they were married. Her, reading her books, and then Keima come sin from work and sweeps her off her feet like a knight from her stories. She imagined herself saying the old fashioned line..."'re home from work! Oh would you like your dinner first, a bath," She shook her head to get rid of her delusion.

"As...if...I something like that..." She mumbled to herself blushing. "Keima...isn't like that..." But then again she doesn't know Keima all that well. Only that he cross dresses and plays games. He is an odd person, but she loves him regardless. He is her hero after all. The first guy she ever got along with(the only guy she has ever gotten along with), and he was pretty cute she thought. She put her pencil to her lips. And remembered her first kiss, was she good at it...he certainly was. She wonders if he has kissed another girl before? Was she her first? She realized she was kissing her pencil and jumped back in her chair causing herself to fall.

"Ow..." She looked over to the novel she wrote on the floor next to her. And rpeated the last line from that book she wrote..."And" She said to herself smiling with love in her heart. "I love him so much..."

She woke up in the afternoon. She realized she slept all day through schoola nd then looked at the time. The Library closed an hour ago! She quickly grabbed her gift for Keima and ran out the door and headed for school. When she got to the library she looked at herself in a window to see her hair a mess, and she didn't take a bath, nor did she do any other personal hygine.

"Oh...shoot! I totally forgot about how I look.." She mumbled to herself. She decided to go in anyway hopefully Keima was still there and she could drop the gift for him and run away. But that won't change anything. She creeped inside the library looking around for Keima. She didn't see him at any of the tables.

"Oh...of course he wouldn't be here...I missed my one chance to tell I feel..." She got up against a bookshelf and looked at her gift. She at least remembered to wrap it up in a present. Though all for nothing it seems as she started to weep.

"Shiori?" She hard a voice call out to her. And she looked around to see no one around until she saw Keima right behind her pulling out a book.

"K-keima!"Her faced turned a deep red and she put the present up to her face.

"H-hello...Keima..s-sorry I kept you waiting..." She said looking Keima in the eyes as he walked around the bookshelf to her.

"Its fine. It was a nice quiet place to be to play my games." He said proudly making Shiori giggle a bit. She led him to a table and handed her present to him shyly.

"W-what is this...a present..I didn't do anything for this did I?" Keima said examining it.

"N-no...w-well yes...and it!" Shiori said yelling at Keima who looked at her. Causing herself to hide her face behind the present. She was shy about her appearance. Keima went ahead and opened his gift to unveil a white flip book of sorts with pink flower drawings on it. It also had the drawings of a girl giving her heart to a boy that the both of them vaguely resembled Keima and Shiori he could tell. The title was My Feelings For You. He opened the book to discover it was a Choose-Your-Own Adventure book. A book where you make a decision and then go to the page where it directs you to continue the story.

"A choose-your-own adventure story? You made this for me Shiori?" Keima asked feeling pretty embarrassed himself. Its not very often he gets a gift from anybody. Let a lone a girl. Despite her being a real girl. He started to notice the feelings behind this book. He never really thought about it completely. But how did Shiori feel about him? He shouldn't care he thought but he admits he has begun to care more about the real world. And looking at this girl before him, with messy hair and a very shy look. He couldn't ignore the real feelings of this girl and he opened the book and began.

As he went through, he found himself in a setting similar to the school and playing as a character quite similar to himself. Making a few choices, he found himself immersed in this book. It was begging to play just like one of his games he plays. It was just like playing a game as a book. He encountered several heroines, though one certainly stood out to him. It was a library girl that was very similar to Shiori. But choosing choices to speak with her, she was much more open and not shy about anything. She spoke honestly to Keima, and more and more Keima felt...odd with this girl. The other girls were the ideal 2D girls he always seen in games. But this library girl was new to him, library girls are usually quiet characters.

He chose the route to go down with the library girl. It was obvious that this girl loved him, apparently for a while. She revealed that she was having difficulties with conveying her feelings to him. But here in this world, she could say it all clearly. She loved how unique he was, how caring he can be. How nice he is despite what people think. How attracted she was to him, and how much...she was in love with him. All of her feelings she couldn't say. Keima got to the end of the story now, and he had to choose a girl to be with. Naturally he found himself drawn to choose the librarian. And going to the marked page, he discovered it was the last one and held it up to his face. It was just a hole in the page and he could see Shiori. Tears in her eyes that quickly reached over the table and kissed Keima. Keima was taken back but, he didn't pull away and let her have her way. Her realized what this book meant. It was her feelings for Keima, and she wnated to know if Keima would choose her.

"You...chose me..hehe..i'm so happy! I..I didn't t-try to cheat or anything. I researched how characters should be...and I didn't make my character try to stand out anymore than a librarian should but...I didn't make her the quiet girl like I usually am...I wanted say what I couldn't..and..see if you would still choose her Keima. Despite the fact she was an average girl compared to the other girls...i'm so happy!" She smiled with tears in her eyes. Keima truly felt compelled to hold this girl. He didn't fully understand why, but through this 2D world of a story. She conveyed her 3D and real feelings for Keima.

"I'm...sorry Shiori...I should've noticed...though...i'm still...being acquainted with the real world...just like how you are with it together then?" Keima shyly blushing.

"Yes...sure Keima...but are you sure you made the right choice...I look a mess...and...i'm just Shiori Shiomiya...the quiet girl."

Keima kissed Shiori and made her stop talking. Which was odd thing to do since she usually never talks.

"I...I do have one complaint with the story. I like quiet girls more, they convey their feelings in a more unique way it seems." He said looking away.

Shiori jumped across the table and embraced him.

"I love you Keima! I love you! I love you! much...Keima..." Despite Keima's struggling and not like being touched. She held him tightly and kept saying how much she loved him. She spoke her true voice...straight from her heart.

"I guess...this is a good the book then..." Keima said shyly giving up on getting free. He looked down at the Shiori who tried her hardest and looked a mess. Still the cutest girl ever he noted to himself and noticed the back of the book with the hole on it. On the edges it said words that surprised him.

"I can see the ending! I love Katsuragi-Kun!"

END! Leave a REVIEW! FAVORITE! And keep an eye out for the special chapter once this chapter is read enough!