A/N: I am overjoyed to have so many reviews!

Um, uh, the late update... there is a certain, um, thing called school and AP classes (go die in a hole, calculus) that took up waaaay too much of my time. And the fact that playing Brawl for 'research' purposes ended up being an all out, well, brawl with my brother. Yeah. I need to work on time management. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! *crouches down below you and bangs head on the ground over and over again*

Uhm, I actually do not have Microsoft Office or any spelling/grammar editing program aside from IE, so any mistakes, please do not hesitate to point out to me!

Disclaimer: If SSB belonged to me... well, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, right? :

Pit stared at the ceiling of his room, arms crossed behind his back as he swung is legs up and down. Link was outside his room. And for who knows how long.

It's not like he wanted to make it obvious that Link was being a complete jerk. (I mean, come on, it was pretty obvious... according to Pit anyways.)

But the way he acted. Gods, he was such a girl.

Pit flipped his legs around and sat up, feet dangling just above the floor. It was time he stopped sulking. After all, he had a brawl with Snake the next day. Might as well go and train.

Link was surprised to find that Pit had a brawl with Snake the next morning. The tournament was almost over, with two weeks remaining. So far, Link had no defeats and Pit was indestructible thus far.

Obviously, that first battle with Pit was no beginner's luck.

"Yo, Link!" The Hylian turned around, eyes falling on the spy that stood before him, clad in grey and a grin on his face.

"What's up, Snake?" Link asked, leaning back and crossing his arms behind his head.

"I've been looking for Pit, have you seen the kid around anywhere? The battle's starting in 30 minutes precise."

"He was holed up in his room last night..." Link trailed off, remembering why he was stuck in his room.

"Not even practicing or training? Come on, he knows that I'm not some idiot he can just mess around with and emerge victorious." Snake was about to continue speaking when someone interrupted them.

"I'm fully aware of that, thank you very much." Crap. Crap, crap, crap. How was Link going to face that kid now? He was probably cursing his name from dusk to dawn. Frankly, Link wouldn't be surprised to find a pentagram in the angel's bedroom, preparations to summon some sort of devil to haunt him and torture him and murder him.

"Snake, I've gotta go talk to Zelda real quick... I heard Ganondork- dorf is acting up again." And with that Link left the room, avoiding eye contact with the brunet. He felt sapphires burning holes in the back of his head as he left.

Pit continued to glare at Link's back until the door through which Link hightailed it out of slammed shut.

"So Snake," Pit said conversationally. "Our battle's in a few minutes. Up for a quick spar to prep for the main dish?" Snake was looking at him strangely. The brunet kid never acted so... mellow, so calm and creepy. Like one of those kids in horror movies innocently playing the piano before letting a silent snarl rip through their throat and proceed to gnaw a unsuspecting parent's face off. Yeah, that described Pit right now pretty well.

Was that not a good analogy?

"Haha, no, not now. Kid, maybe you should just stick to being your old self. I don't know what's got your toga in a bunch, but snap out of it."

Pit narrowed his eyes at the spy. "Am I not acting tough enough for you?" Pit asked. "Just because I'm an innocent-looking angel... Gods. You know, I've lived for longer than my face gives away."

"And yet he's still illiterate..." Snake muttered beneath his breath.

"What?" Pit asked, putting his hands on his hips. But Snake decided not to reply, moving to go out of the room and completely ignoring the cherub.

Snake won't admit it but he was actually pretty freaked out about the upcoming brawl, considering Pit's strange behaviour.

Link was in the stands. First row. Next to none other than Peach. Chatting away a storm.

Pit could have sworn Hades was out for his revenge once again, by first making him fall head over heels for the Hylian, then later making him hate him, and back to feeling remorse for not making a better impression.

Snake stood opposite him, arms crossed, feet apart and firmly planted. Pit readied his bow, knowing that the spy was well versed in hand-to-hand combat. It wouldn't be long before he would be in danger should he continue to use just his bow.

And then the battle started; Pit had completely spaced out while shooting daggers at Link.

Snake lunged towards him, head tucked in low, arms brought up to shield his face and hands clenched into fists. One of them flew out to deliver a blow to the angel, but he jumped out of the way, landing in a crouch, one hand on the ground for support. Using the recoil from that jump, Pit leaned back and shot out an arrow, hearing it make contact with something.

He heard a growl and glanced up to see the mercenary clutching at his shoulder. A direct hit. Pit narrowed his eyes, feeling a strange warmth flood him. He felt indestructible.

Pit hopped backward, sending a flurry of arrows at Snake who managed to navigate them through taking the least amount of damage. He calculated that in seconds. Well, he wasn't Solid Snake for nothing.

Pit glanced upwards. Snake was still advancing towards him. Pit made a move to go backwards but found he was at the far end of the ring. Crud.

Snake smirked, lifting his left leg around and up in a roundhouse kick to Pit's stomach. Stars exploded in his vision, burning and blurring as he collapsed on his knees.

"Finished?" Snake asked. Pit didn't miss the concern in his voice. Snake looked terrifying, he acted that way, but deep down inside, Snake wasn't a terrible person.

It sure as hell didn't feel like that with his entire body smarting.

"No, not yet," Pit gasped. The sapphires lifted to scan the ring. He was in the right hand back corner, and he slid his gaze over the area. He spotted a fan (wouldn't be of much use, he'd probably just drop it) and... wait. Was that... food?!

Pit jerked his body to the left, hoping to trick Snake into thinking he was moving that way. Snake fell for it (which was a surprise... guess cockiness got to everyone) and sidestepped to his left in an attempt to block Pit. Pit quickly changed directions and snatched up the strawberry. A bit away was a heart container. He was in so much luck. He rolled forward rather than just running (made things much more faster) and snatched it up. Instantly he felt much more better.

Then he glanced up. A flash of green caught his eye, topped by a mop of messy golden hair. The heat flashed through his body again. Pit's eyes narrowed and he remembered his goal.

A few seconds and a set of very effective Angel Rings later, Snake was lying on the ground, panting hard, covered in bruises and a gash on his abdomen (not too deep, Pit made sure of that).

Pit had won.

It finally occurred to Link that he had some sort of effect on Pit.

Yeah, the Hylian was oblivious to the point where he assumed that the kiss was nothing.

Pit was a pretty cool kid in reality. I mean, come on, he beat Snake in a matter of seconds after finding that heart container. The kid had potential. And not just any potential, he had defeated so many opponents stronger than him (not to mention taller... better not say that in front of the angel). Particularly that one technique he calls the Angel Ring. That shit is deadly.

Link felt a slight thrill run through his body when he thought about the angel. The brunet was a small cherub capable of twisting his gut up and making his stomach churn. Why?

Link let out a sigh found his way down to the residential quarters. There was some thinking that needed to be done.

And with that fantastic luck that was his, Link managed to bump into a certain redhead that he despised. Ganondorf.

"Shit," Link muttered rubbing his head where he had collided with the Gerudo man's back.

"Link, just what do you think you're doing?" Ganondorf asked. Uh. Link hadn't done anything but bump into Ganondorf. And here he was, picking a fight with the boy who had defeated him over and over again, approximately 17 times.

"I'm going to my room, thank you very much. Is that too much of a blasphemous issue that you must call upon the goddess Hylia and have her bring her terrible wrath on me? Oh, that's right, Zelda is the goddess, and I am so certain she will not side with you." Link put his hands on his hips, ready to take down this asshat.

Ganondorf guffawed, rolling his eyes. "Link, don't go around picking fights with men twice the size of a shrimp like you."

"Well, this 'shrimp' is the same one that saved Zelda time and time again, obliterating pesky, oversized bugs-on-steroids such as yourself along the way."

Ganondorf narrowed his eyes. "Link, you speak far too much for your own good. That fresh mouth of yours needs some discipline."

Well, that could be taken two ways.

Just as Link was about to smirk to himself about the excellent joke he had made, he felt his entire body go rigid. Ganondorf had one hand raised, a faint red glow emanating from his palm.

"Don't try anything, pixie boy," Ganondorf growled.

It's official. This guy is a complete, total, utter, downright -

Oh god, what was happening? Link's vision began to blur, his head spinning. Feeling his body swaying, Link wanted to throw his hands out in front to catch himself, buckle his knees, something to make the fall less painful.

But of course, there was nothing he could do, especially when this jerk decided to use magic on forbidden grounds.

The last thing Link saw was the obnoxious smirk on Ganondorf's face. How ironic, he used Ganondorf as a getaway earlier and lied to Pit. What goes around comes around.

Pit scurried down the hall towards Link's room. He heard from Zelda that Link had left and had not returned for some time. Everyone had been celebrating Pikachu's victory over Samus, both of them being excellent sports about it. No one noticed a single missing Hylian.

But Pit had.

And that's why he was dashing down the hall, making a beeline for a mop of golden hair.

"LINK!" Pit shouted. He ran over to where the blonde lay, fingers ghosting over his unconscious form, checking for any obvious injuries. He pressed his index and middle fingers to Link's neck, feeling for a throbbing of blood pounding through his veins (Lady Palutena had taught him this once, that humans had this thing called a pulse that told you if they were alive or not). It was soft, but there was a pulse there.

Pit nearly collapsed in relief. Link was alive, but someone had hurt him. There were no bruises, no broken bones, no cuts or scratches. Just an unconscious Link.

Pit leaned in, gazing at the blonde boy below him. His eyebrows were furrowed together, creased in a worried expression. His eyes were shut, as if he did not want to see what was about to happen to him.

And, oh gods, his mouth. His lips looked so lush, so... kissable. They were pink, blood failing to rush out of there. As if Link's body cared as much about his lips as it did his core and vital organs. They were so soft-looking, so sweet-appearing.

The next thing Pit knew, he was pressing his mouth against Link's. He continued to kiss the beautiful blonde below him, not caring that he was pretty much taking advantage of the boy. Pit snaked his tongue into the Hylian's mouth, tangling with the other muscle in Link's mouth. Gods, this felt so good.

And that's when all of Pit's horrors came to life.

Link woke up.