Hi all,
Thanks to everyone who still stayed with this story, it was my very first attempt at fanific and OMG how I've evolved as a writer. I truly apologize for the time it took in between updates, weeks...months but I'm very busy socially and professionally. If you guys want I will continue this story as I have ideas... if you don't I will do shorter stories to fit my lifestyle. I know how it is, waiting for an update then you get one weeks later and you're like shiiiiit I have to re-read the whole damn thing! Yes I know... and again sorry. thanks to lexielou93 for urging me to write as I was afraid to just show her. Also editor my twin sis but she doesn't have a twitter, well she does its disguised behind my dog as Junostanley. I appreciate the support for my first baby- fanfic, promise to give you more if you want :) later babes twitter superdenise6 peace.