Disclaimer – I do not own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi


and maybe some love while we're at it...

Part Three

The office is flooded with work, but the team hasn't lost hope yet. There is paper work everywhere, piled upon every person's desk. They have little time to complete it, and have been slaving away valiantly for the last 14 hours.

Takano Masamune is no exception. He is actually working double the speed of everyone else, and is the only Emerald member who has more outgoing papers prepared than incoming. It doesn't mean that he can slack off though, or even have time to think.

He wanted to plan revenge, to find out Kisa's secret and use it against him. All he managed to find out though, was that his subordinate is shameless and an absolute brat for his age. Of course, there wasn't much time to scout, in between the weekend of love making and a 2am call from his best mangaka. Regretfully, his mission had to be postponed until further notice.

Which is why his scowl deepens when Kisa places his phone on the receiver, after talking to management. It isn't anything out of the ordinary, but the glint in his mischievous eyes is.

"Takano-san." He sing songs, pushing his finished papers to the side. "The part timers are away on training." He smiles, and the leader wants to wring his neck. There is nothing to grin about, they need those lackeys to run all of this to and from the needed departments! Usually there isn't so much, and he wouldn't even consider using help (why would he when they have the best runner of all, Ritsu?), but it is close to their bi-annual review and everything must be perfect.

"I can get someone in to help." Kisa continues, obviously noticing the visible tick against Takano's temple. "He's worth four part timers." He assures.

Amber eyes narrow in consideration, and he is about to say no, but fate clearly has other plans.

"I'm back!" Ritsu exclaims, bounding through the entry way. His voice is loud but his expression is heavy. There is a fresh pile of fan statistics in his grasp for every single piece they have completed in the past 24 months.

Takano sighs defeated, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"What are you waiting for? Call him!" He growls, turning back to his own work.

Ritsu sits down, ready to crunch the numbers and Masamune goes back to stamping page after page.

Unfortunately, they both miss a calculating smile from the bane of their current existence.

Kisa picks up his phone, dialing a very familiar number.

"Yukina, I need your help." He says into the speaker. If there is one person that he can rely on it is his lover. Maybe they can even have some fun afterwards.

Nothing goes well with overworking like wreaking havoc. Hopefully the over exertion will cause them to slip up, and if not…

Well, Shouta has a plan.


"Phew." Mino exclaims, stretching his arms out behind him. He cracks his neck and moves to stand. "Does anyone want some coffee?" He asks, and a chorus of affirmation comes from the dead Emerald members.

Still, the ever cheerful editor manages to chuckle lightly, turning to Hatori,

"I think I'll need some help." He says with a tired smile. His friend nods just as lethargically, pressing up from his desk.

Seeing his opportunity, Kisa calls out, "Don't worry about me, Yukina-san and I will get our own." Standing up a bit too quickly, he steadies his whirling head and turns to the very attractive man at his side.

"Oh! Right." Kou smiles, and Kisa still marvels at the way he can sparkle so valiantly. It has been hours since he got here, and they worked him harder than an editor's first week. Regardless, the university student looks as fresh as a daisy. It would make Shouta jealous if he wasn't so very attracted.

The four go their separate ways, leaving the two grumpiest workers of them all to their own devices. Kisa grins to himself, thinking of Ricchan and Takano waiting with suspicion. He thinks that it is even more fun having them slowly catching on. So much so that he sort of wants to get caught.

They reach the drink machine on the other side of the building in no time flat. Leaning against the wall, Shouta watches his lover approvingly as he feeds in the money.

"You know that plan I was telling you about?" He asks, knowing full well that Kou remembers.

There is a pause, as the machine clunks out the first beverage. Then, the younger man sighs.

"Kisa-san, can't we just let them be happy?" He questions, handing him a drink.

The dark haired man smiles, ignoring his lovers worried expression. "Soon…and they are happy." He pauses, his smile growing wicked. "If you help me we can get home sooner." He baits, watching with fascination as the rich brown eyes sparkle with understanding. It sits side long with excitement, and Kisa can almost feel the buzz coming off his boyfriend.

"Alright." Yukina smiles brightly, stepping closer to him. "You always know just what to say, Kisa-san." He says softer this time, and the editor needs to force himself away, lest he be caught up.

"Uh-ah." He scolds, placing a palm upon the taller man's chest. "None of that - yet."

Turning on his heel, he begins his trek back to the office. "Grab another drink, we'll need it for the plan."

Kou nods somewhat deflated, doing as instructed. Looking up from the machine, he sees his amazing boyfriend waiting from his just a little bit away.

He will do anything for this man.

And so their steps align, and Kou listens very carefully to what Shouta has to say. If he indulges his finicky lover, then his prize will be all the more sweet when they get home to their new apartment.

Still, he questions the reasons behind this endeavor. If two men want to hide their relationship then isn't that their choice?

Of course, there is no telling Kisa-san. He has already decided, and that is that.

Kou will just have to be there for him when he needs him.


The others are back when Kisa walks through the entrance way. They are gathering their things, ready to leave, and it disappoints him a little. Though, it would have to been too easy to catch them together just like that.

Something tells him that Ricchan and Takano-san have gotten smarter than before, because their behaviour has changed drastically over the past couple of days. Before, it was rather easy to see that something is going on between them. Now, Ricchan and Takano-san barely even glance at each other. They have been arriving and leaving together like usual however, so it is doubtful that they are having a fight.

But by the looks of it, they are always having a fight.

Which is why he is bringing in the big guns; or, more to the point, his very very attractive lover.

If anything will get him answers, it is this.

Pulling out his chair, Kisa leans back and inconspicuously waits for the show to unfold…

It happens slowly, as the tall university student traipses over to Takano's desk. He looks rather nervous, but very cute at the same time. It doesn't matter really, all Kou has to do is smile and the whole world spins around him.

"Ano, Takano-san." Kou says to the writing man. The leader pauses, placing his pen down. Gazing upward, he takes in the intruder.

"What?" It sounds harsh, but Kisa has faith in his boyfriend.

"I thought you might be thirsty." The brunette replies, placing down the drink. Yukina flashes a smile, leaning his hand on the desk. It causes him to press forward slightly, and Takano's brows raise in surprise.

Kisa notices out of the corner of his eye, that Ritsu is now watching on. His once tired eyes have become rather large, and his jaw clenches ever so slightly.

Inwardly, the puppet master cackles. However, Kisa picks up his normal pen and jots down a few notes.

Taking the beverage, Masamune looks over to baka Kisa, who seems to be working. Then, he glances to the drink and back at the person in front of him.

Is this a trick?

Someone hasn't hit on him in a while, not counting the female populace, of course.

"Thank you." He settles for, and unthinkingly amber travel over to Ritsu. What he finds there is rather amusing to say the least.

Choosing to see where this will go, Masamune opens the can and takes a drink, leaning back in his chair almost smugly.

"It's okay, you've been working hard." Yukina says, smiling all the while. "I really admire what you do Takano-san."

The raven haired man smirks, seeing Ritsu's face tighten and his lover turns away from the scene. Masamune shouldn't tease, but it is nice to have some affirmation every now and then. Especially the surprise kind like this.

"You worked hard too." Takano praises, and it isn't much at all. But the crash of stationary in the background is enough proof that Ritsu sees something in it.

The attractive man smiles, and Masamune is actually quite blown away. Apparently there is smiling, and then there is smiling, because he can feel a blush rising to his cheeks quite rapidly. Which doesn't happen often at all.

"Only because I had such a good leader." The youth says, and the blush only intensifies. A shuffle can be heard behind them, but Masamune doesn't note whether it is Kisa or Ritsu.

Regardless, he clears his throat in search of a reply. There are so many things that he can say, but none come to mind at this very moment.

Thankfully, Yukina reaches for a pen. Then, he boldly grasps Takano's wrist and goes to write what the older man can only assume are his contact details.

"Here's my number." The model-esq man says flirtily, and his hand is warm against Masamune's skin.

"I -" Takano begins to speak, to turn down the offer, but he is cut off.

A chair scrapes loudly, and Ritsu stands in a flash. His head is lowered, causing his fringe to obscure his dark expression. His hands rest flat against the desk, and Takano watches in awe. His chest pangs, all the while being frozen in place.

Yukina turns also, just as Kisa does. It takes only a moment for the fun to leave the atmosphere as the smiles fall to leave shock in its wake.

"Don't give it to him." Ritsu gets out, still not looking up. There is a long pause before he turns, facing Kisa with a set expression.

"You're doing this aren't you?" The meek Ricchan has left the building, and they are faced with a familiar determination; one that he uses when met with a hard assignment. "Even if you're not," he turns to Yukina. "Don't give it to him."

Takano's wrist falls to the desk with a thump and Kou says, "Okay." It's soft, and he looks sorry.

Kisa's expression is downturned as well. Something that started out fun has very suddenly turned into something else, and he is starting to wonder if Kou was right all along. It's surprising, and takes away all productive thoughts.

It's too late to back down though.

Ritsu looks at Masamune, he has been watching for long enough. He isn't stupid, he knows what Kisa-san is trying to find out. All of the different ploys that have come up have been out of the ordinary, and every single one has made his heart tick in some way. This is the worst though, it's painful. Whether this is staged or not, it makes his heart clench tighter than ever. It's a feeling that he hasn't felt since Yokozawa, and he doesn't ever want to feel it again.

But he isn't ready to be exposed…

Ritsu supposes, that he is never going to be ready. He hasn't been for any mile stone in his life, and this isn't any different.

It's terrifying all the same.

Emerald meet amber as he murmurs, rather meekly, "He already has my number."

It isn't an outright confession and feels rather lame, but his heart flutters when Takano's eyes widen a fraction. The blush that annoyed him so much (only moments before) intensifies, and it's like there is no one else in the room.

Takano doesn't speak, but Ritsu can imagine it in his head. His name falling deeply from lips that he has kissed hundreds of times.

The part timer steps away from the desk and Ritsu is brought back to reality. He sees the eyes glued to him, feels the cool air that has turned hot, realizes that they aren't really alone, and for some reason…

He doesn't feel embarrassed at all.

Power runs through his veins, making him feel confident and strong. Purposefully, Ritsu picks up his bag. Glancing at Kisa, there is a weighted pause before he asks boldly,

"Is that what you were fishing for?" He is direct, but the tiredness shows through in his tone, upon his face.

Takano is completely silent, and so is the rest of the office.

Kisa nods dazedly. His eyes follow Ritsu as he exits the office in silence, walking steadily away from sight.

He is gone, and when Kisa turns he sees that Takano isn't glaring at him, like he expected. Instead, he watches the entrance with a mixed expression.

Then, he stands swiftly.

Without so much as a word, the editor in chief runs after his lover, leaving all of the unfinished work behind.

For some reason, it is this that makes Shouta realize. He saw the video and thought that he understood what Takano felt…but he didn't. Leaving work like this, it says it all.

It also makes him remember the other times that Takano has done so, but only for Ritsu.

"Shit." He mumbles, raking his fingers through unkempt locks.

Kisa wonders what will happen now – to them, as his chest constricts with something that he has felt too many times before.


He got his answer in the end, but for some reason it doesn't feel as satisfying at all.

His pens being stolen seems ridiculously petty, and now he just feels like a massive dick.

"Let's go home too." Yukina says to him softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

It takes a moment for him to reply, "Yeah, okay."

Looking across the office, Kisa notices that they are the only ones left. He didn't even see his co workers leave. Did they see Ricchan's outburst?

Not for the first time in his life, Shouta wonders,

Why did I do that?

He thinks that he'll leave them alone now. He has no right to know their secrets, just like he had no right from the beginning.

Still, he sends apologetic thoughts their way…


a/n One or two more chapters left :D Sorry it got so heavy! I tried to think of it like this- Poke a sleeping bear, your friend gets eaten and then you have the results to deal with.

I hope you liked it anyway,

Next chapter will be a little bit (or alot) smutty and fluffy, as well as a few answers. :)