It's important to read the first story The Office Predator

Disclaimer – I do not own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi


and maybe some love while we're at it...

Part One

For weeks now baka Kisa has been pissing him off. The raven haired bundle of joy that is Takano's fastest editor and most annoying employee has been strange. (To put it lightly). At first it made the man think that there was something on his face, or perhaps a trick was being played. Though, as the days ticked by, no prank came. (Nor was there anything on his face...Masamune checked, multiple times.) Still, Kisa's goofy smirk stayed firmly in place, just begging to be swiped off with one satisfying punch.

Unfortunately the usually savvy Editor-in-Chief can't quite figure out why this is. Looking at the situation objectively, nothing should be different at all. The Emerald Team comes in for longer than legally allowed, they work, Takano barks orders and then they go home. (Usually to do more work.) So really, there is no need for all this weird staring.

Then Ritsu had to go and make that ridiculous joke (that seemed stupid at the time.) But now Takano is starting to wonder...

It was a regular night at the beginning of the cycle. Both lovers spirits were rather high at this point, but his former Kohai loves being mean to him. Perhaps, it is retribution for all the groping and ambushing that Takano orchestrates. Though really, who is Ritsu kidding. He enjoys those encounters even more than Masamune himself. Well, perhaps not that much.

The first story boards were just finished with two more two go, and the coffee was brewing dependably. Ritsu sat upon the couch with a lazy expression on his face, listening to Takano complain about Kisa and his annoying behaviour.

"Maybe he has a crush on you." Onodera replied cheekily when his boss stopped for air. He was obviously teasing, and made Takano wonder if Ritsu gets off on poking fun at him (Yet again.) However, that snarky smile and those fiery green eyes were enough to push both thoughts to the back burner to be remembered later on.

Sadly, that moment is now and the raven haired leader finds himself glaring vehemently at the back of Kisa's head. If Ritsu is right, which is highly unlikely, then perhaps it is time to reveal his current relationship. Of course, his lover would have an absolute melt down, but Takano would rather that than the alternative. Though, a jealous Onodera is a novelty that has never crossed his mind before...

Shaking his head - no, Takano sighs heavily and glares even harder.

"Kisa!" He finally growls, calling the editors attention away from his work. "Come here."

Slowly, Kisa pushes away from his desk and strolls over to his boss. "What's up?" He questions casually, and very unlike the usual stress ball he is at this time of the cycle.

"You." Takano responds. "I thought I told you not to use those pens." He continues testily, mostly as a guise. Sure, Masamune could come out and ask why he is being odd, but then if Kisa does like him...Oh, the thought is too annoying to bear.

"Sorry chief." The smaller man replies with zero remorse. Still, he hands over the fluffy object to Takano's outstretched palm, eyes twinkling at the grumpy man before him. "Did you and Ricchan happen to see the pen thief? He only strikes at night and I know you two work late." Kisa asks with a smirk, though his voice does not sound any different for the usual annoying tone.

Unfortunately for the editor, the fishing line receives not one little bite as amber eyes narrow dangerously and the tyrant snaps - "No! If I did, I would shake his hand." Then, the pen is thrown into the waste basket to the side of Takano's desk and Kisa is ordered to - "Get back to work!"

Shuffling back to his work station, Kisa Shouta continues to write notes on his latest piece. However, he is unable to help himself from occasionally looking up to smirk at his boss with a knowing stare. It is clear now that he chose the stronger victim and for strategies sake, will have to change targets. Sadly, Takano Masamune is just too hard to crack.

Sorry Ricchan it's your turn now. Kisa thinks evilly as plans cross his mind one by one. Glancing over at the younger man working diligently beside him, a brilliant thought crosses Kisa's positively manipulative mind.

Even the strongest empire has a weakness, and Shouta just found Takano's.

Oh this will be fun...


"Takano-san, I don't think that Kisa-san likes you." Ritsu breaks the silence warily, not completely sure if he should bring up this conversation.

"Of course he doesn't. Why do you say so?" Masamune replies nonchalantly, not bothering to look up from the story board he is correcting. Both men are currently sitting in Takano's living room with coffee and papers strewn in front of them, and have been working for the past couple of hours.

"Because he has started to stare at me too." Ritsu tells his boss matter of factly.

For the past two days Kisa-san has done a complete 180 and started paying an awful lot of attention to himself. If it was normal attention, it would be all well and good. However, the young editor senses a malicious intent behind those big innocent eyes. It seems like Kisa is up to something...

Gasping suddenly, his hands come up to cradle his head for a moment, thinking on all the strange topics brought up and running possible scenarios through his head. No...It couldn't be. He was being so careful! Baka Takano! The man thinks furiously.

Turning to the man in question with a face full of worry, Ritsu exclaims - "You don't think he knows, do you?!"

"Knows what?" Masamune replies stoically and it doesn't even sound like he was listening despite replying. Regardless, Ritsu knows Takano always listens to him. It is one of his better qualities.

"BAKA!" He hollars, before lowering his voice to a hiss. "About us." He enunciates, waving his arms about dramatically, before deflating comically against the couch in a heap.

Still, the master editor does not look up. Instead he merely replies, "So you are admitting there is an us?" A small smirk plays upon his lips but he turns the page and continues on.

"BAKAYAROU!" Onodera yells roughly with a face full of red. Then he sighs like a petulant child, banging his head once against the coffee table. "I'm being serious Takano-san." He whines.

"So am I." Takano replies without a beat, pushing his glasses up his nose.

The smaller man huffs in response, murmuring something that vaguely sounds like 'As if I would ever be with you.'

"Ah well then, there should be no problem if Kisa likes you." The man says in an airy tone. Gazing upward, Takano locks his serious amber eyes with Ritsu's flustered green.

A blush crawls over the smaller man's form, dusting his cheeks heavily and Onodera gazes away. "Like you would let that happen." He says just audibly.

Takano almost chuckles, but refrains. "Why should I care, didn't you say we didn't have anything?"

Ritsu merely glares flatly, "I really hate you." He says in all seriousness and the pink hue across his pale cheeks is almost too cute to bear.

Unable to resist any more, the man rewards his lover with a caring smile. "But I love you." Masamune murmurs, leaning toward his love to plant him with a kiss.

Despite the glare the editor sports, he allows the attention all the same. It is true that Ritsu has not formally acknowledged his relationship with Takano yet, but he is certainly aware of it...and both he and his lover know it.

Slowly, the two men drift into a world all of their own, forgetting all about Kisa Shouta's suspicious behaviour and what is to come. Slowly, clothes are removed and work is put on hold as Takano descends down the couch to thoroughly see to his boyfriend. They have tomorrow off, there is no rush.

"Ah, Takano-san" Ritsu gasps as his lovers mouth encases him fully.

Pulling away abruptly with a 'pop', the giving man husks, "That's not my name." He stares lazily at his flushed, very hard lover with an unhindered smirk.

"Shut up." Ritsu retorts. "You know I don't like that." He continues shyly with a panting breath. Takano is always trying to get this out of him, almost as persistently as an 'I love you', but it just feels weird...Too intimate. Which is ridiculous considering the situation they are in right now.

Nodding in defeat Masamune smiles lazily. He knows that he will get his wish later on, during the throes of ecstasy...He always does.

"Shut up what?" Takano enquires cheekily, pumping his lover just once teasingly and kissing to the side of his navel.

Ritsu sighs out a shaky breath, and closes his eyes in frustration. This is another thing they fight about periodically – Being more honest in the bedroom.

He huffs in frustration. "Shut up and blow me." The turned on editor snaps, unable to say it any other way. He is a far cry from executing the sexy talk that his lover dolls out without a thought. Though secretly, Ritsu quite likes that side of Takano.

"Yes Sir." Masamune husks happily, leaning up to lavish his lovers neck with open mouthed kisses. His hand sneaks up the hindering cotton shirt while the other begins to pump the erection steadily and he sighs when Ritsu reaches up to touch his own torso. Sitting backward, he discards his black shirt and unzips his pants. Then, Masamune descends like a cat with unbelievable grace. His mouth comes into contact with Onodera's hardness and the quivering man's head snaps back over the couch arm.

"Fuck." He hisses, and his lover begins to suck in earnest.

Let's see if we can get that first name before curtain call. Takano muses briefly before getting lost in his actions also.

Needless to say, the rest of the night is spent in blissful ignorance; and most of the following day as well. Although Ritsu will not say that they are together, he now spends most of his time at Takano's apartment and even has a few spare clothes littered here and there. With that in mind, both men laze around the house and complete the needed paper work for the next day. Takano cooks dinner for the both of them and TV is watched in comfortable silence. Bed time is a regular affair, with tooth brushes sitting side by side and unabashed showers.

Of course, if someone told Takano this would be happening six months ago he would rejoice and laugh all at once. Ritsu would probably react in exactly the opposite way, but that doesn't matter; The younger of the two is always one to say one thing and mean another. But really, how did it get this way? It seemed that Takano Masamune would have to resign himself to a relationship that wasn't quite there, but not quite not there for the rest of time. It was that or give up...and Takano was not giving up his Ritsu! It took one small moment for everything to change, and the ball began to roll steadily from there, heading further away from denial city and closer to love town.

It all started with a sick Ritsu and a dirty apartment, and slowly escalated from there. It turns out that the love stunted young man is a sucker for hot soup and a bit of TLC. That and Takano was still as persistent as ever, breaking down poor Ritsu's softened walls due to bad health.

Eventually, life started to get easier and both Takano and Ritsu realised that they were actually happy – Are happy. They may be a long way off from going on dates and declaring love (In Ritsu's case), but it is certainly a good start.

Both editors are polar opposites and glaringly similar, and just as stubborn as two very big mules.

They really do work well together and are just getting used to being a unit again.

If only things could stay this way all the time...


The following day isn't as lovely for poor Onodera Ritsu, as work is just as gruelling as ever and it would seem that he has a new fan...

"Kisa-san is there something on my face?" Ritsu asks testily, trying to keep his attention on his laptop screen.

"Not at all." He friend replies, smile growing even bigger.

"Then what do you want?" The frustrated man tries again, wishing to be left alone. Takano smirks at him from the corner of his eye and Ritsu finds himself hating two people right now.

"Nothing..." Kisa says airily, leaning his chin upon open palms and continuing to gaze.

After a moment, the irritated man can't take it any more. Why does it always have to be him? Doesn't Takano tease him enough as it is? Does Kami hate Ritsu that much that he has to make others both him too?!

"Kisa-san, why are you staring at me?" The younger man asks abruptly, fists balled beneath the table in frustration. He turns to look at the other editor head on with an unhindered glare. Still, Kisa just smiles goofily.

Then he says it and Ritsu just about dies. "You're cute when you frown." The dark haired editor tells him as Kisa's smile morphs into a lazy smirk full of intent.

Needless to say, Takano's smug expression disappears and is replaced by barely repressed rage and Ritsu's eyes grow very wide, coupled with his ajar mouth.

"I need to use the bathroom!" He finally exclaims, clamouring from his computer chair and making a bee line to the rest rooms.

Reaching the safe sterile haven, the brunette locks himself in a stall and hangs his head.

"Just what the hell is going on?" He voices aloud, with clear confusion. Leaning back against the wall, he allows himself a moment or two.

"Ritsu, open up." Takano's familiar voice sounds throughout the tiled room and the editor sighs heavily before unclicking the door. He is in no mood to be claimed at territory.

Both editors are locked in a kiss of frustration, hidden behind closed doors, while Kisa sits back in his chair and smiles knowingly.

This is so much fun. He thinks, and he is only getting started...


an this is unedited