Chapter 10

Tori sat next to Jade, patiently waiting for her to explain. Jade took a deep breath and look up at Tori. Its now or never, she thought.

"You already know how things were back in the eighteen hundreds. Carriage rides instead of cars, electricity was new around town, only men wore trousers, etc. Back then it was just me, and Jace against the world. We were a lot closer back then." Jade shut her eyes tightly as the memories played through her head of her and Jace. "I was different from the other females back then. I wore the trousers of men but hid them under my dress because it wasn't "Ladylike" to wear pants. I also yearned for the touch of a female. The only one that new of this was Jace. I remember when I first told him we was so ecstatic"

(Flashback Begins)

"Jacai can you keep a secret?"

"It's a rarity when you use my full name….what's eating my dear sister?"

"I am not like those other girls"

"Ain't that the truth"

"I'm being serious brother!"

"I am too Jade. You're way stronger than them and you also wear trousers under your dress when no ones noticing"

"SHUSH! I don't want father to hear! But that's not what I meant…."

"Then what is it?"

"I…I enjoy the company of another female. Like how you do…."

"Wait… like females the same way I do? That's…..great!"

"You're okay with this?"

"Okay? ? This is amazing! Me and my baby sister breaking the hearts of every damsel alive!"

(Flashback end)

"The West siblings became known fast in the town as the most mysterious euphoric pair around. Especially after our father died. We've captured the attention and hearts of many women and men, sadly on my part, combined. One of which was Aliya herself. She was so beautiful and different from those other girls. She was adventurous, sarcastic, mischievous. I wanted her. But she showed Jace more attention than me but her never paid it any mind. I knew he would one day so I never pursued her fore me and Jace made a solemn swear to never go after the same girl. Marked by blood and all. But one day I was changing in my room and she walked in….I though it was by accident…..but I was wrong….."

(Flashback Begins)

"Aliya? What are you doing here? Jace isn't back home yet"

"Now Jadelyn why must I always come visit to see your brother? You do know I enjoy your company just as well right?"

"Is that why you constantly annoy me by calling me by my full name?"

"Hmmm maybe"


"But in all honesty I'm actually here to see you"


Aliya walks up to Jade and plants a solid kiss on her lips. Jade falls back in shock.

"Wait…..what about Jace?"

"Aren't you interested in him?"

"More so you than him"

"Its not right…."

"Does it feel wrong?" Aliya says, kissing Jade once more. This time Jade didn't resist and the two fell back onto Jade's bed.

(Flashback Ends)

"We made love that night. Afterwards it was like we were inseparable. We did everything together. After while I started feeling different. I felt colder and weak. I noticed I had become paler and suffered a bite mark from Aliya but I paid it no mind. However on night we snuck out for a late walk and was attacked. Surprisingly the attackers wasn't what I was afraid of at the moment...she attacked the attackers…..ripping their throats out. What scared me was that she drank from one of them and the mere sight made me hungry and I didn't even know why she beckoned me over to do the same thing and I barked on her. She said explained she made me like her…a vampire…..saying that I was destined to be this way alongside her. In my mind I wanted her and only her so I drank. The blood tasted like sweet wine to me….I wanted more so we stalked the night. Soon after I discovered she had did the same to Jace. I was furious…

(Flashback Begins)

"Jace how could you?!"

"Jade don't give me that you knew I had her first!"

"I never pursued her she pursued me! You never showed interest in her until we together!"

"She made me into something better than I was before!"

"So you slept with her?!"

"Things got out of hand!"

"Jace I loved her! She was mine!"

"And how you don't figure I don't love her either?!"

"Then you would've paid attention to her you fucking bastard!"

(Flashback Ends)

"We literally fought that day. We destroyed half the house going at each other but afterwards we went our separate ways. That night the townspeople began rioting because a "demon spawn" left a trail of dead bodies down the river, all drained of blood. I knew it was either Jace or Aliya. Before I could make it out my house the people we chasing Aliya down the street. I tried get past them but some of the people nearly attacked me. I ran away and went in search of Jace. When I found him he had killed a bunch of townsmen. That's when I knew he let our secret out and had to leave. Jace looked at me then took off. I went in search Aliya but could not find her anywhere. I disappeared and never returned after that. I traveled for years. When I finally come back the first person I saw was you. I thought you was Aliya but I knew you were totally different from her. You were the complete opposite. You are not her in any way and I love you way more for that. She is my past….but you are my future"

Tori took in everything Jade told her and she can see the sincerity and love in her eyes. She cupped the girl's face. "I believe you. But you have to promise me that I will never lose you. Especially to her."

Jade caressed Tori's cheek "I promise with all my eternal heart and soul. You are my life, my love, my everything. If I had the choice to give up this damn curse to spend a lifetime with you I would in a second. I love you Tori Vega"

"And I love you Jade West" Tori said, bringing the girl in for a kiss. The two began a make out session before passing out in each other's arms. Jade woke up looked down to see Tori fast asleep on her chest. She kissed the girls forehead before falling asleep again with one thought in mind.

I will not make the same mistake again. I refuse to lose her and have time repeat itself. No matter what it takes.