Not wanting to take up too much of the Burrows' time and space, especially with a new baby, Rebecca went back to her own home that night. It had been an eventful day, but one she wished not to repeat.

"You're home?" her father called from the kitchen when he heard the door open. Rebecca nodded her head and walked to the living room. She took a seat on the couch and turned to the TV to tune him out. Her father walked in, grabbed the remote, and shut off the TV.

"Have you eaten?"


"None of that crap fast food, right? You know that's not good for you or the baby…"

"I want to adopt," she said. It had been a decision she had thought long and hard about, but never said anything to her father beyond when she first tried to raise the issue and he shut her down. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.

"Rebecca, this child is your responsibility…"

"And I'm fucked up, dad," Rebecca shook her head. "I've done a lot of thinking lately, especially today. You've screwed me up…"

"I apologized, Rebecca."

"You kept a family hidden from me and mom for fourteen years! I'm sorry doesn't begin to erase that pretty little lie!"


"Your whole relationship started from a lie! You were married when you and my mom hooked up!"

"I loved her!"

"You lied! You killed her! When she found out, you didn't even try to handle it! I heard you! I heard you from the top of the stairs. You tried to brush the issue under the carpet like it meant nothing! You abandoned your old family and lied to your new one!"


"Mom shouldn't have run away that night, it should have been you! You should have been walking those streets…"

"Rebecca Daniels!"

"You abandoned your wife and son, and they're the lucky ones! Troy's still got scars from that, but at least he found a happy family! But then you go with mom, you lie to her, and then you let her get killed…"

"I didn't let anything happen to her, Rebecca. It was an unfortunate… it was unfortunate…"

"It was murder! You let mom run away because of your lies, she gets murdered, you bury her in the ground and then forget about her. Not even two years later you're asking some bitch to be your bride…"

"Don't you dare talk about your step-mother like that!"

"How do you think I feel, dad? Did it ever cross your mind to maybe spend some time taking care of your daughter? Or any of your children? As soon as shit goes bad, do you just stick your tail between your legs and abandon the people who need you most? Now you want me to keep my son? You want me to bring a child into this dysfunctional…"

"Rebecca, lower your voice!"

"No! We're a dysfunctional, fucked up…"

"Young lady, you watch your mouth."

"We're a dysfunctional, fucked up family, and you're a horrible father! You care more about yourself than your two kids or wives! I am not bringing my son into this hell hole!"

"I am your father and you will not speak to me that way!" her father shouted and before Rebecca could do anything she felt the back of his hand slap her cheek. She stumbled backwards, placed her hand on her cheek as her eyes really began to water. She looked up at her father in horror and disgust.

Carl immediately regretted his action as he looked down at his hand and then to his daughter. She was distraught, and she had every right to be. He had lost control.


He reached out to her, he tried to take her into his arms to apologize for what he had done, but Rebecca shoved him aggressively and ran from the house.


Mrs. Burrows was tired, but wide awake in the middle of the night. Though Ryan was a true gift, she was also a pain in the ass. It was three in the morning, but that didn't stop the young girl from demanding a snack.

"Hopefully that holds you until lunch," Mrs. Burrows whispered and lowered her daughter into the crib. "Mommy's not as young as she used to be."

She raised the side of the crib and left the room quietly. As she crossed the hall, she thought she heard something outside. Slowly and carefully, she walked down the stairs to the front door. She peeked out the window first, to see who was on her porch, but all she saw was someone curled up against the wall of the house. She stepped outside and heard the girl crying.

"Rebecca?" she asked as she turned on the porch light and saw her ex-husband's daughter was on her door step. Rebecca looked up, and then seemed horrified for having come. She scrambled to get up to her feet and leave.

"I'm… I'm sorry. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go," she rushed out as she tried to rush off. Mrs. Burrows grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug.

"You came to the right place," she told her and walked her inside. "The guest bedroom is the way you left it. Go get some rest."

"I can find somewhere else…"

"I insist. A young girl like you should stay off the streets at this hour. Head upstairs. I've got some pyjamas you can borrow. You'll be more comfortable."

"Thank you, Mrs. Burrows."

Rebecca walked upstairs, followed by Mrs. Burrows, who went to get the girl a set of pyjamas.

"What's going on?" Mr. Burrows sat up in bed.

"Rebecca's going to be staying with us for a while."

"For a while?"

"Is that a problem?"

Mr. Burrows shook his head. "Troy's family is my family. Are you okay with it, though? This is your ex-husband's daughter. This is the child he conceived with another woman while he was married to you."

"He hit her, Chris. I saw a mark on her cheek."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm okay with it. I'd hate myself for turning her away because of the way I feel. She doesn't deserve that."

Mr. Burrows nodded and got out of bed. He helped his wife find a set of pyjamas, and then took out the pillow she had been using during her pregnancy. He gave it to his wife with a smile.

"You loved this thing more than you loved me for the last few months," he teased. Mrs. Burrows hugged the pillow and nodded her head.

"Looks like Steve's going to get a new lady friend," she teased her husband back by using the name she had affectionately given the pillow. "I'll miss what we had, but it's for the best."

Mr. Burrows stuck out his tongue and let his wife go to deliver the pyjamas and pillow to Rebecca. Mrs. Burrows knocked on the guest bedroom door before walking in. She gave the pyjamas to the teenager and then put the pillow on the bed.

"Do you know what this is?"

"A funny looking pillow?"

"Have you been having trouble getting comfortable in bed?"

Rebecca nodded her head and rubbed her stomach, "Basketballs don't make great bed partners."

"This helps. His name is Steve," Mrs. Burrows smiled. "I used him while I was pregnant with Troy, and again with Ryan. He's the greatest man I've ever slept with."

Rebecca chuckled lightly at the joke. She touched the pillow, "Thank you."

"We'll see about getting you some more stuff tomorrow. I'll have Troy or Mr. Burrows take you out. This should be good for tonight."

"I don't want to impose…"

"You're family, Rebecca. You'll stay as long as you need."


"Insist. I'll ask you for help with some chores around the house. A little babysitting here and there. Some cleaning. You know, the usual."

"Thank you, Mrs. Burrows. This means a lot."

"Good night, sweetheart."