'You will work as Sumeragi Kira composer'

She was really happy and flattered when she heard that, as even if she was considered a rising talent in composing she still was new to the show business.

"I'm a bit nervous… They say that Sumeragi Kira is a picky person when it comes to music", she said clutching her music sheet.

She took a long breath and knocked the door where the meeting was supposed to happen, after receiving an answer to enter she slowly opened the door, seeing a woman with deep wine hair and a man with black hair and golden eyes.

"Ah… I'm Nanami Haruka and… I'm the composer supposed to work with Sumeragi Kira", she said shyly.

"Nanami Haruka huh?", said the woman looking at some documents, "I can't say for sure if you will work with Sumeragi-sama"

"Huh? But…"

"It depends of his answer, if he doesn't approve your song then you wouldn't work with us", she explained.

"Oh… W-Well, I picked one of my best compositions so… Can you have a look?", she asked shaking a bit while giving the woman her music sheets, who flipped some pages before giving it to the golden eyed man.

The room stayed silent for a long time while he looked the sheets with attention, making Haruka very nervous to the point that she started to fidget.

The man known as Sumeragi Kira just nooded and gave back her sheets, Haruka just stood there, blinking puzzled while she took her sheets back.

"Well, you're lucky, he approved it", said the woman, "Now, that you will work with us I think that I should tell my name right? I'm Sakurazawa Eri, pleased to meet the first person that Kira approved", said the woman smirking.

"P-Pleased to met you too Sakurzawa-san", Haruka bowed.

"Please, just call me Eri, it will be easier when we are working and we don't have time for long sentences", replied the woman with a gesture, "You won't talk a lot in this job, believe me."

"Ok?", Haruka blinked feeling puzzled.

"So… We will prepare you the best accommodations as you're the new composer for him, so feel free to tell me what you need to help with your creativity ok?"

"Huh… I tend to compose songs when I interact with the person that I'm supposed to work with", she said fidgeting a bit, "I create song only meant to be sang for them"

"Eh… Then you're out of luck as Sumeragi-san… Huh? What's that?", Eri asked when she saw Kira nodding, "Huh? You don't mind?"

"I want her song", the man simply said.

"Ok then… Well, Haruka, he said that he doesn't mind if you tag along", Eri explained.

"Huh? How do you…?"

"Living a long time here", the woman explained, "Don't worry, you will learn how to understand him"


"… I'm busy today."


"He said that you can follow him another day, he's busy today"

"Oh, ok then", she stuttered while the man gave another nod and walked out the room.

"… Good luck Haru-chan", said the woman with sympathy, "I really hope that you don't give up as it's really hard to find another composer that he approves."

Eri just gave her another uncertain look before exiting the room herself, leaving a nervous Haruka, standing in the room feeling lost.

…At first she was flattered to work with Sumeragi Kira, one of the most know idols around the world, but now she wasn't that sure, as she felt hardships coming in the future.

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Now, new fanfic, slow update as Kira is hard to write and I'm being a masochist, I will update the other fics, don't worry.