Okay, not as many reviews as I would have liked. Please be sure to add some for this one.

Chapter 14

As soon as Minerva came back from the first break in the school year, she practically dragged Harry away to master bedroom and didn't come out for almost a whole day. When finally they emerged, both of them looked exhausted but satisfied. At the breakfast table Harry told Minerva about his becoming engaged to Luna, and she became ecstatic again and kissed him soundly.

As the week passed, Minerva helped Susan plan her wedding; they had decided that it was just going to be a small affair at the Ministry, just a few friends and family, and Minerva even making sure that she would have the day off for it.

Luna's wedding, it was decided, would be held at night out in the backyard under the full moon in the summer. Luna had even chosen her dress. When Harry asked her about it all he would get was a slight, and for Luna, secretive smile, and the assurance that he would like it very much.

Minerva asked Harry who he would be marrying first, Susan or Luna?

That was something Harry didn't know, and something that both women in question surprisingly had left up to him. Harry sighed as he thought about it, he loved them both, (Harry had come to love Susan, even though he'd always found her to be quite strong and fun), but he couldn't seem to come to decide whom he should marry first.

He then decided that he should take a walk around the grounds and see if he could find any kind of answers while he was at it. While he walked he realized the answer was pretty simple in and of itself. He could simply check the marriage contracts' date to see when it stated they had to be married by. Dashing back he found that the date stated that he would have to marry Susan first, since it had to be done by midwinter, December twenty-first. Yule. "Well,"' Harry thought, "that's settled then.' He smiled and gave a chuckle as he thought about it.

"Well, my fair Cat, it seems that I'll be marrying Susan first," he announced with a smile when he returned to Minerva; "The contract states that I'm to marry her by midwinter, and we've scheduled my marriage with Luna to be during the summer."

Minerva's smile would've lit up the room just before she kissed him deeply.

The months went by as they prepared for the wedding. Susan was extremely happy about the upcoming wedding, and Luna was absolutely ecstatic about it as well. When the time finally came, Harry was wearing his dark green Dress Robes, on the back of which was the symbol of the Shadow Grove Clan stitched in silver. One the back of one shoulder was a Silver Fox and on the other was a Crimson Cat.

Susan was wearing Dress Robes of pale cream and had her red hair done up in a tight braid down her back. The Ministry Witch who had presided over his other two weddings once again preformed the ritual for Harry and Susan. And when they were done a new mark showed up on Harry and his Robes, a cream colored Badger. Susan, it seemed, was a True Huffelpuff. When Harry kissed her for the first time, he heard her moan deeply and knew that they would both enjoy their wedding night.

That night, Luna, Narcissa, and Minerva all went to one of the other rooms while Harry and Susan went to the master bedroom.

They both paused when they arrived in the room, Harry sensing her nerves offered; "I... if you don't want to Su-"

That was the furthest he got when Susan glommed onto him and kissed him deeply.

"Harry, I've been wanting to do this since we were in the DA together," she admitted as she broke the kiss, her voice deepening as she continued; "I've been wanting you to kiss me, to take me, to make me your own. Even, if only for a little while."

"Well Susan, you are mine," Harry replied with a smile; "You're my wife, and it won't be for a little while, but for the rest of your life. The rest of our lives," he kissed her gently; "I may not be yours alone, Susan, but I am yours, and will remain that way. Always."

With that the two started to undress, Susan was surprised at the size of Harry's cock, while Harry was amazed with the size of her breasts. Susan's body was well toned from keeping up with her DA training even after school, but not overly much, she had 34D breasts, (making her the largest of Harry's wives), and a full red bush between her legs proving that she was, indeed, a natural redhead.

"Wow, Susan, those school robes hid a Lot!" Harry gasped in appreciation, his voice almost a whisper.

"I could say the same Harry," Susan replied with a smile as she cupped his nine inch cock.

When they managed to get to the bed, Harry fell on the bed first; "Have you ever had oral sex?" he asked, Susan shook her head; "Are you still a virgin?" he asked and she nodded her head again and blushed.

"Technically no," she confided, her blush deepening; "My Hymen was torn during the battle of Hogwarts, but... I've never been touched by anyone."

Harry smiled and pulled her to him; "One good thing, when we do make love, it won't hurt," his looked turned serious before he continued; " But I still want to give my Badger whatever pleasure I can. This is what I want you to do," he started then proceeded to tell Susan how to position herself.

For the first time in her life, Susan Bones Potter was receiving oral pleasure, before long her head flew back and she let out a scream of pleasure as her whole being seemed to explode. As she was coming down she rolled to one side and lay on her back; "In me, now, I want you in me now…" she growled even as she tried to catch her breath.

Harry smiled and rolled onto her, positioned himself, and slid into her amazingly tight body. After a moment, in which both of them shuddered in pleasure, getting used to the new feelings of their bodies, Harry began to slowly thrust into her.

Over the next several hours Harry made love to his third wife, doing his best to make sure that her first time was as magical and wonderful as he could make it, to make it everything he had dreamed it would be, just as his was with Minerva.

When they finally finished, both Harry and Susan were both exhausted and sore, but they were also beaming as Harry pulled the blanket up over their shoulders and Susan snuggled as close to Harry as possible.

"Thank you, Harry," Susan said sleepily; "It was wonderful… everything I had hoped it would be and more…" she kissed his chest; "my wonderful Lion."

Harry kissed her gently; "I do my best, my beautiful Badger. Sleep, we have the rest of our lives to make even more wonderful memories like this."

With a final wave of his wand, Harry made sure the curtains were closed and the door to the Master Bedroom was locked as he settled with his wife and dreamt of Cat's, Foxes, and Badgers.

A/N: Hey all, I hope you like this chapter, and remember, the review button is your friend.