Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings


Her first feeling was of warmth, kind warmth she had not felt for a very long time. She smiled but kept her warms close. "This must be Mandos. Why else would the evil chill be gone? I just wish I could have seen my brother and my beloved one more time."

"Don't do this to me, Feywen."


"Come on, Feywen. Wake up."

"That voice sounds familiar. Aragorn?"

"Come on, Little Sister. Remember your promise to Glorfindel. You need to wake." She opened her eyes and saw Aragorn sitting at her feet, holding her hand and stroking it, the way their mother did when she was sick. He saw her and smiled. She smiled weakly. "Welcome back to the land of the living."

"What? How long?"

"By the Shire reckoning, it is the eighth of April. But I have decided that the New Year will begin on the twenty-fifth of March, when Sauron fell. It is now the fourteenth day of the New Year."

"Fourteen days? How did we get out of Mordor?"

"Gandalf and the Eagles went in to search for you. Gandalf said you saw them before you passed out. They brought you here and I have been working between the three of you, bringing you back."

"Gandalf is alive?" Aragorn nodded. "And Frodo and Sam?"

"Alive. But Frodo is missing a finger. The ring finger." Feywen looked away. "Feywen, what is wrong?" Feywen couldn't answer. She remembered, she had cut the ring from Frodo's hand with Aragorn's dagger and tossed it into the fire below. She maimed the poor Hobbit.

"How can I face him again?"

"Do not feel guilt about what you have done." Naur replied. "We all had to make sacrifices. Frodo's was his finger."

"Which he would have kept if I had been strong enough! If I had been strong enough to keep him from falling under its power, he would have kept his finger!"

"Feywen, what are you trying to hide?"

"I took his finger." She whispered. She could feel his eyes on her, trying to find out if she was lying. He had fallen to the Ring. Gollum attacked him. I tried to reason with Frodo, but he wouldn't listen. When Gollum attacked, I knew I had to do something. I threw Gollum into the fire and then cut the Ring off Frodo's hand, with your dagger and then threw the finger and Ring into the fire after Gollum. I maimed him." She curled her legs and rested her chin on her knees, refusing to look at her brother. "I won't be surprised if he never wants to have anything to do with me again."

Aragorn was silent. She struggled not to fidget under his gaze. "Do you believe that he may blame you?" He finally asked. She shrugged. "All I can say is this; you did what you had to do to save him."

"That doesn't make it any better."

"I know. But that is my thought on the matter. Whatever comes after, you must decide. Though, I am sure that Frodo is grateful to you." She looked at him and smiled.

Feywen listened to the clamor and smiled. Frodo and Sam were awake and coming to meet her brother. She adjusted her Nardil and the quiver and twitched the cloak so it was even. It had been her decision not to walk with the Hobbits though she had accompanied them on their journey. There was no reason for her to. It had not been her task. She had not born the Ring until the end and then only for a few seconds when she threw it into the fire. She was clothed in clothes similar to what she had worn on the journey, but the Hobbits wore what they had worn in Mordor, including the Orc armor. She knew that nothing would surpass them in regards to honor. The Hobbits ran forward as Aragorn stood.

"Well, if this isn't the crown of all!" Sam cried. "Strider, or am I still sleeping?"

"Yes, Sam, Strider." Aragorn answered. "It is a long way, is it not, from Bree where you did not like the look of me? A long way for all of us, but yours has been the darkest road." She smiled as Aragorn dropped to his knee in front of them. He took the Hobbits by the hand and took them to the throne and set them upon it. "Praise them with great praise!" He called to the host. Feywen didn't look at the Hobbits as the shouting died down and a minstrel came forward. Feywen listened and was glad that she was not mentioned in the lay. She was a silent help, a spirit of guidance for the Hobbits. When the singing had ended, Aragorn led them to a great feast. Feywen wondered how she was going to be able to talk to Frodo and avoided his gaze the whole evening.

Feywen watched as Faramir met Aragorn in the midst of those assembled. Aragorn wanted her to crown him, which she had consented to. Faramir knelt and held out a white rod. "The last Steward of Gondor begs leave to surrender his office." Aragorn took the rod and then handed it back.

"That office is not ended and it shall be thine and thy heirs' as long as my line shall last. Do now thy office!"

Faramir took the rod and stood. "Men of Gondor, hear now the Steward of this Realm! Behold! One has come to claim kingship again at last. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, chieftan of the Dúnedain or Arnor, Captain of the Host of the West, Bearer of the Star of the North, wielder of the Sword Reforged, victorious in battle whose hands bring healing, the Elfstone, Elessar of the line of Valandil, Isildur's son, Elendil's son of Númenor. Shall he be king and enter into the City and dwell there?" Feywen twitched her cloak and drew back her hood as the people cried yea in once voice.

"Men of Gondor, the loremasters tell me that it was the custom of old that the king should receive the crown from his father ere he died, or, if that might not be, that he should go alone and take it from the hands of his father in the tomb where he was laid. Since things must now be done otherwise, using the authority of the Steward, I have today brought hither from Rath Dínen the crown of Eärnur the last king whose days passed in the time of our long fathers of old." Faramir took the crown from the casket and held it to Aragorn. He took it and held it up saying in the tongue of old:

"Out of the Great Sea to Middle Earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world." Feywen looked at him and nodded. "By the labor and valor of many I have come into my inheritance. In token of this, I would have the Ring Bearer bring the crown to me and Lady Feywen of Celebrant set it upon my head, if she will. If not for she and Mithrandir, the mover of things, we shall not have been victorious." Frodo went to Faramir and retrieved the crown and bore it to Feywen and Gandalf. Aragorn knelt. Feywen lifted the crown and placed it on her brother's head.

"Now come the days of the King. May they be blessed while the thrones of the Valar endure!" Feywen and Gandalf said together as she did so. Aragorn rose and there was silence. In him, Feywen once again saw the king she knew he was.

"Behold the King!" Faramir cried. They passed into the city amid the sound of trumpets and music.

"Feywen!" She turned, startled.

"Yes, Brother?" She asked.

"Come. Your people have arrived." Hope blossomed in her heart and she put down the sewing she had been working on and followed her brother to the gates. She watched as Elladan and Elrohir rode through. Then she saw him and her heart swelled. Her saw her. He dismounted his horse and she ran to him. He caught her and spun her round in the air before kissing her. Only Gimli saw the dark look upon Legolas's face as he watched the two and knew trouble was brewing.

"You came." She whispered as he set her down. He pulled her into a loving embrace.

"Of course I did." He said as the rest of the Elves of Rivendell passed through the gates. "I am glad you are alive, Melamin." She started crying.

"I made you a promise. And I keep my promises."

"I know you do." Glorfindel said as Elrond and Arwen passed through the gates last. Elrond gave them a knowing smile and then turned to Aragorn. Feywen and Glorfindel did not let go of each other the rest of that day, nor that night as they watched Aragorn and Arwen be wed. It would soon be their turn. Of Legolas's glares towards Glorfindel, only Gimli knew of and begged his friend to tell him the reason. The Elf remained silent. He was brooding that she had chosen the Elf Lord over the Elf Prince. There was only one way to remedy that. Legolas tried to enjoy the celebration, but thoughts of Feywen's choice kept him distracted.

Feywen and Glorfindel departed the celebration early and went to sit in the gardens in the House of Healing. They sat together in the quiet, neither one wanting to talk for the moment. "When do you want to?" He asked.

"Soon. But not here. I want to have it back home, in Rivendell. Aragorn said he wants to give me away."

"So he gave us his blessing then?"

"I told you he did. When I left him to follow Frodo. Remember?" He shook his head and she sighed. "He told me to make sure I came back to you and that he knows I am happy with you and that we are happy together."

"What are you not telling me, Melamin?"

"Nothing of great importance."

"Feywen, I saw the way Prince Legolas was looking at us. Did he try to woo you?" She looked at him, the smirk in her eye. They began laughing. "Well then, I shall be prepared to fight for you, my Lady."

"Don't," she laughed and she felt his finger tips start to tickle her side. "Glorfindel," she said warningly and they laughed.

She turned at the knock on her door. The woman who stood there looked very familiar but she could not place her. "'Quel re." Feywen said politely, recognizing the woman was an Elf.

"Nae saian luume'" The woman replied. Feywen was confused.

"Why does she look so familiar?"

"Has it been that long?" The woman asked, still in Elvish. "It has only been a few months, Lady Feywen."

"Carolani?" The woman broke into a smile. "Carolani!" The women embraced.

"It is good to see you, Mellonamin." Carolani said.

"I didn't know you were coming. Why haven't I seen you?"

"I have been attending Queen Arwen while I am here. She has asked me to stay with her if I wish. "

"But," Feywen prompted.

"I want to meet the prince. When I heard you were here, you being a lady and all, I was hoping you would introduce me to him." Carolani said quickly, staying in Elvish so no passerby would know. Feywen began to laugh. "It's not funny, my Lady."

"I know. But it is a huge relief for me. You see, he,"

"Lady Feywen!" The women turned and saw Gimli huffing towards them.

"What is wrong, Gimli?" Feywen asked.

"Legolas. Fiancée." The Dwarf gasped.

"Legolas has a fiancée?"

"No, my Lady. 'Ur's." Feywen understood.


"The stables in the lower circle."

"Come Carolani." The two women raced out of the room, leaving the exhausted Dwarf to catch up.

He dodged another fist aimed at his face, though just barely, and retaliated with his own punch. He had no idea what the other Elf's problem was. His fist connected with the other's face and sent him flying into a nearby house. The Elf picked himself up and shook the blow off. "You punch like a woman." He said. "Why she would choose you is a mystery to me?"

He understood. "Prince Legolas, mae govannen."

"I wish I could say the same, Lord Glorfindel." Glorfindel heard the disdain in the other man's voice. "I am much younger than you and a better husband for her."

"She made her choice."

"Are you sure you didn't trick her?"

"You've quite an imagination." Glorfindel said. The younger Elf lunged at him. Glorfindel dodged and Legolas lay sprawled in the street. "Lle tela?" Legolas jumped up and drew his knife and rushed Glorfindel again. Glorfindel drew his own long knife having left his sword on his horse's saddle. The two weapons met with a metal clang.

"You don't deserve her." Legolas sneered.

"Oh, do tell." Glorfindel chided.

"You did not ask permission." Glorfindel just shrugged. "Couldn't help that. Things were moving quickly. Though, I hear that Aragorn forgave me and gave us his blessing."

"Something I will be quick to remedy." Legolas pulled back and swung at Glorfindel's legs. The older Elf jumped back, staying on the defensive. He found it incredibly funny and ridiculous that he had to fight to keep Feywen. She had chosen. If she had not wanted Glorfindel, they would have remained only a student and her teacher. But she had decided to try and grew to love him. Legolas tried a different tact this time. He threw one of his arrows at Glorfindel and then charged him. Glorfindel dodged the arrow and then blocked Legolas, the blades meeting in the middle.

"Tampa!" Both men looked and saw the woman they fought over standing just off the street. "What is going on here?" Glorfindel withdrew his knife and sheathed it and faced her.

"I honestly have no idea, Melamin. I was preparing our horses for the journey home when I was attacked by the prince here."

"I have the right to challenge someone if I will."

"And what are you challenging him for?"

"Your hand." Everyone stared at them. Feywen looked at Carolani and saw the tears in her eyes.

"I told you, I am off limits. Aragorn told you that I am engaged."

"But I am a prince. He is only a lord."

"So," Feywen said. "He is more of a fit for me than you are. I am a lady and he is a lord."

"A lady can be made princess and queen."

"And what of someone who is not a lady?"

"What do you mean?"

"You break her heart, trying to win my hand when hers is willing and wanting." Feywen gestured to Carolani who had stayed in the crowd. "This is not how I wanted her to meet you and now, you do not deserve her." Feywen took Glorfindel's hand in her own and led him toward Carolani. "It is your choice now," Feywen whispered. "Meet him or walk away. I have the one I love. And so does Arwen. It is your turn." She heard a grunt and saw Legolas on the ground at their feet. "I didn't do that. Kemen,"

"What, he was going to try to hit Glorfindel." Feywen shook her head and continued walking back to the citadel with Glorfindel.

"Feywen," she stopped and looked at Legolas. "You are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, especially when you are happy. I hope that one day, a light like that of your happiness will shine on me."

"It may, one day."

"Melamin, wake up."

"What?" Feywen asked groggily as she straightened against Glorfindel.

"We're home." She opened her eyes and saw the familiar lanterns and lights of Rivendell. She heard the cheers as the Elves saw her and Elrond, safely returned from their travels. Glorfindel kissed the top of her head as she leaned against him again.

"What is today?"

"The 21st of September. Why?"

"Tomorrow is Bilbo's birthday. What a coincidence." Glorfindel smiled at her. The two Elves did not see much of the Hobbits after the celebration. They were busy planning a celebration of their own. Now that the war was over, they could start a family of their own and renew the line of Celebrant. They knew that they would have to summon Aragorn soon so he could travel before the snow got too bad if they were to have the wedding that year. She hoped that he would not mind staying until Yule when they had planned their wedding. A fortnight after their arrival, the Hobbits prepared to leave. She met them with Elrond and gave them each a brooch she had crafted herself many years ago on a whim, never knowing why.

"These will protect you, no matter the danger." She said, placing them on their cloaks. "I wish I could have gotten to know the two of you more." She said to Merry and Pippin. "Be careful now."

"We promise, my Lady." They said in unison and bowed at the waist. She turned to Frodo and Sam and took Frodo's maimed hand in her own and leaned to his ear.

"I am sorry about your hand, Frodo. But it had to be done."

"Do not worry, Feywen. I hold no ill will toward you. Instead, I thank you. Had you not cut the Ring from my hand, things would have been very different now."

"That they would." She said, straightening. "I am honored that I was able to travel with the both of you and I do not let debts go unpaid. For you, Samwise Gamgee, I have a special gift." Glorfindel handed her Sam's brooch. "This brooch I have blessed with my own magic. Attached to it are four spirits of the elements." She pinned it to his shirt. "Wherever you are, as long as you were this brooch, the elements will help you and your heirs."

"Thank you," Sam stammered. "I will cherish it and I will let it be an heirloom. Thank you, Miss Feywen."

"No Samwise, thank you, for saving my life." Gandalf nodded and then led the Hobbits farther north. Feywen leaned against Glorfindel. "Lord Elrond, can you please send word to my brother. He needs to begin his travel if he is to be here before the snow makes it impossible." She said. He nodded.

"In the Light of Eärendil, I pledge to thee my eternal love.

I swear on my blood to never let it die,

Even when I fade, my love shall not.

In the presence of those here, in Eärendil's Light

I swear to forever love you and only you."

Glorfindel and Feywen kissed as the star shone brightly above them. The Elves all cheered as the couple finally tied themselves together for their long lives. It had been long in coming, they knew. Glorfindel spun Feywen and she laughed. The sound made Aragorn's heart soar and knew that he had done right by giving them his blessing. Once she had been put down, he walked up to the newly married couple, so he could be first to give his congratulations.

"I am happy for you, for the both of you. Don't let her push you around, Glorfindel." He laughed as Feywen swatted him. "For you, Little Sister, I give you this." He pulled out the dagger he had given her when she left to follow Frodo. "Forget what you had to do with it, for that is what makes it yours. I never could have done what you did." She took the dagger and hugged him.

"I love you." She said in his ear and he held her close. The day after the wedding, Glorfindel and Feywen were moved into their own house in the surrounding wood and spent the next year and half there in happiness. In March, Feywen fell ill and the chill returned to her, burrowing deep into her veins. Glorfindel never left her side and on the twenty-fifth of the same month, the chill left her and she recovered. She and Glorfindel considered the possibility that it was because, the week she had been ill, had been the one year anniversary that she and the Hobbits had been in Mordor. They kept it a secret from everyone and no one asked about her absence at the same time the following year.

That September, after her second illness, the Elves prepared to leave Middle Earth. When Galadriel arrived, they set off to the Shire for it had been decided that all the Ring-Bearers would sail to Valinor and it included Frodo who had born the One Ring to its doom. She stayed with Glorfindel, out of sight of the Hobbits. To see her leaving would only further sadden them for she was of both the Elven and Men. While farewells were being exchanged, Glorfindel and Feywen boarded the ship and waited. Finally, the time came and Gandalf and Frodo boarded the ship. They stood near the back end and watched the land slip away. Frodo stood near them, not knowing that he stood next to one who shared his illness. So passed the Great Rings and the Elves into the West.


quel re-good day

Nae saian luume- it has been too long

mae govannen- well met

lle tela?- are you finished?

tampa- stop

And so ends Feywen. Thank you all for reading. I hope you liked it. Be on the lookout for the sequel, Darkness Rising where Feywen and Glorfindel return to Middle Earth so Feywen may fulfil her destiny.