Here is Chapter 3 ENJOY!

I don't own anything from Code Lyoko sadly :(

Yumi's POV

I sat next to the gang after Jim told us that we came for some circumstances.

"Well class, today we're going to have a race to see who can beat our champion, Odd" Odd stood up and walked next to Jim while the class cheered

"Let's see who goes against Della Robbia today"

His eyes scanned around and settled on some ninth grader.

"Ah, how about you Mr.-"He checked his clipboard "Ferno"

I turned to look at the student that Jim was talking to. I never seen him around, he was probably new here. He shrugged, got up, and stood next to Odd at the starting line. He was like 2 inches taller than me, brown shaggy hair, and hazel eyes that looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Everyone started cheering for only Odd and I decided to let Odd know we supported him.

"We support you Odd!" I stated

I stared at the boy Odd was racing against. He seemed frozen and lost in thought, but shook it off and kneeled next to Odd. I saw Odd whisper something to the boy. Jim blasted the horn and they were off. Odd was ahead of the boy and I saw him mouth "sorry" to the boy before looking forward. I saw the boy smirk and he started running faster. He passed Odd and the boy started running in front of him…backwards! Odd gave him a surprised and shocked expression. The boy shrugged, turned around, and started running. He ran pretty fast, but it looked like he was holding back. Where have I seen this before? Odd tried to run faster, but couldn't catch up to him. They were halfway around the track. The boy must have noticed this and I saw him run faster and he reached Jim in about 5 seconds. I looked back and saw Odd a few feet away panting and gasping for air. I looked at the boy and saw him breathing normally. It was like he didn't even run a lap at all. He looked around, shrugged, and walked inside the gym. I saw Odd finish his run and we walked towards him.

"He… runs so… fast" He got out

Aelita handed him a water bottle and he drank half before stopping.

"Thanks. Guys, it was like he ran like that all the time" Odd said "When he passed me, I was sweating, but he looked like he wasn't even trying."

"What's his name?" Jeremy asked

"Blaise" Odd said

"Blaise Ferno" I tried it out "I like it. It has a nice ring to it" I confessed

We walked inside with the rest of the class.


I was currently waiting for Odd to hurry up and finish. Aelita, Jeremy, and I were sitting on the top of the bleachers waiting for Odd when he came out with Blaise.

Ulrich's POV

Once I reached the lockers room, I took a shower even though I wasn't sweating at all. I was use to running like that. How do you think I get away from my uncle? Sometimes I was lucky and sometimes I wasn't. When I was done showering, I put on some jeans, a black long sleeve, a green army jacket, and black shoes. I went to a mirror and ruffled the towel I had on my head trying to dry it. I stopped and looked at the mirror. I sighed and lightly ran a finger across the visible scar on my forehead. It ran from one side to the other diagonally, but could be covered up with my hair. I shook my head and my hair goes back to its original style, which covers up the noticeable scar.

"Hey Blaise, hurry up. I want to introduce you to my friends" Odd said

"But I already know your friends. They're my friends too" I wanted to say, but kept my mouth shut

He still wore his favorite color purple. He had a purple sweater on over a dark pink tank top, purple capris, and red shoes. I also noticed something hanging around his neck. It was some sort of silver dog tag with some black writing. Why did it look so familiar?


"OK class, that's the end of our field trip to the Japanese gardens. Please be allowed to pick out anything you can afford here" Miss Hertz said before leaving

I walked around and saw a turn able shelf full of dog tags. I walked over to it and looked at the names on the tags. They were in Japanese. Thank goodness I learned some Japanese from Yumi. I looked at the names and one of it caught my eye.


This is so cool. I grabbed it and purchased it. I walked to the bus while putting my dog tag on. I sat down next to Odd and he looked at the tag.

"That's so cool Ulrich. What does it say?" He asked

"Samurai Warrior" I answered

A year later…

We were all standing in the courtyard and I watch as my friends look down at the ground trying to hold back tears. I had a pretty hard time keeping back mine as well.

""I'm going to miss you guys so much" I said

Suddenly, Aelita ran towards me and threw her arms around my waist and started crying.

"We're going to miss you too Ulrich, promise us you'll be safe" Aelita chocked out

"I'll try Princess" I said as I hugged her back. Jeremy came over and carefully pulled Aelita away after her not wanting to let me go. He put his hand on my shoulder and patted it.

"Be careful Ulrich and good luck" I nodded and slowly made my way over to Odd and I was shocked when I saw tears streaming down his face. I never saw him cry before and we had been best friends for a long time.

"Ulrich, you were the best and only roommate I ever had. Thank you for putting up with me ever since I got here. You're the best friend I could ever have"

I nodded and I suddenly got an idea. I grabbed my dog tag and took it off and held it out to him. He looked at it in shock.

"Take it Odd. I want you to have it"

"Ulrich, I can't take that thing. It's a part of you"

I shook my head and I took his hand and place the tag in it and closed his hand into a fist.

"I trust you to hold it for me"

He gave me a small smile before he ruffled my hair and I smiled at him.

"Never forget us Lyoko Warriors"

"Never could, never will" I heard a car honk and I sighed. I turned around and grabbed my backpack and duffel bag from the ground and slowly walked over to my parent's car. I threw my stuff in the trunk and walked over to the car door. I reached for the handle, but I stopped midway. I looked around looking for my missing friend. She didn't know I was leaving today, no one did, not even me. We had an argument yesterday and she had the last word before she ran off and I haven't seen her since. I looked over to Odd and he shrugged and mouthed "Sorry buddy"

The car honked again and I winced. I slowly opened the car door and took a look around one more time before I sighed and got in. I looked out the window and I will forever remember the last words that Yumi has said to me that broke my heart and I will never see her again. I repeated her words over and over before I said it in a soft whisper.

"I hate you Ulrich"

Flashback Ended…

Wow, I didn't mean for my flashback to go that far. I slowly shook my head and I smiled at the thought that he actually kept it even after I left. I snapped out of thought and I followed him out. When we got out, we walked over to the bleachers.

"Blaise, the blonde is Jeremy. He is one of the geniuses of the group alongside the pink haired girl Aelita. The tenth grade girl of the gang is Yumi" Odd explained

"Hey the name's Blaise" I said

"It's nice to meet you Blaise, welcome to Kadiac Academy" Aelita welcomed

"Again" I thought "It's good to be here" I said aloud

"Do you have a room?" Odd asked

I took my schedule out of my jacket and looked at it. "Um… room 255B" I said looking up

Odd's face brightened up at this. Wait a second, isn't that the same- oh no.

"Great! I'm your new roommate" Odd said

"Should I be scared?" I joked

The gang laughed except Odd who kept mumbling about not having respect or what knots. We headed to what I recognized as Jeremy's dorm.

"Whose dorm is this?" I acted confused

"This is Jeremy's room. He just needs to see a…project" Yumi said

I mentally smirked. I knew project actually meant Lyoko, because that was the same excuse we used 3 years. At least they still fight against Xana even after I left. I always saw the white glow of the return of the past and always saw myself at the beginning of the same day. This actually helped me in my grades at school. I always missed fighting Xana's monster with the gang and saving the world all the time. If only I didn't leave.

"Blaise?" the voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at Aelita "Are you alright? You blanked out for a minute?"

"Yea, just thinking about my family" That wasn't a lie. These guys were practically a family to me, except for Yumi of course.

"Oh. Are they great people to be with?" she asked suspiciously

"Defiantly" I said

She studied me for a minute before heading into Jeremy's dorm. I breathed out in relief.

"For a second there, I thought she figured out who I was"

So what did you think? This is only my 3rd fanfiction, so I'm not really that experienced.

Can't wait to update the next chapter!