After Gandalf gave the elvish blade to Bilbo, they, along with Thorin and the other twelve dwarves, prepared to continue on their quest. As they drew closer to Rivendell, with Thorin refusing to pass through the place of elves, they came upon the river, Bruinen, where they stopped to drink. While filling his canteen Bilbo noticed an odd shape floating in the water. He had at first thought it was a log with part of a branch sticking up, but as it floated closer moving along the river's currents, Bilbo noticed several tendrils snaking out of it and figured it to be some kind of animal. But as it continued towards them he noticed a golden sheen to the tendrils as the sunlight shone on them, and he continued to stare until he realized what he was looking at – hair. "Gandalf," Bilbo said capturing the attention of the wizard as well as Thorin, Balin, and Ori.
"What is it, Bilbo?" the wizard asked half paying attention to the hobbit, while watching over the dwarves.
"Is that a person in the water?" That question stilled all movement and chatter, and all fifteen in the company looked out at the river to where Bilbo had pointed and saw the figure, with something sticking out of it's back, floating towards them. Balin was the first to react, and he ran through the shallow water to where the figure was and lightly pushed it to where the wizard stood.
"Gandalf, I believe it is a woman. And she is hurt," Balin said seeing that there was an arrow lodged in her left shoulder as she floated upside down. Her long hair floated beside her head as Balin moved her.
Gandalf placed his staff in Bilbo's hands and moved to the woman's side and gently turned her over; he had a hold on her right shoulder as he righted her and tried not to let the arrow dig any deeper in her back. As her head surfaced her hair, which had been flowing around her, covered her face in a wet mask. Water poured from her mouth as her head lulled to the side. Gandalf felt Bilbo and Thorin by his side as they looked at the unconscious woman. Gandalf pulled her wet hair from her face and studied her sharp angular features until he recognized her.
"Who is she?" Gandalf heard one of the dwarves ask. It had been Ori, who stood to the wizard's right.
"She is Evengel, daughter of Fengel the King of Rohan. And she still draws breath." Gandalf gently placed a hand around her left shoulder and lifted her onto dry land. "You are a long way from home my dear," Gandalf mumbled mostly to himself.
Thorin had been looking down at the young woman, weighing the options. "She cannot come with us."
Gandalf looked up at the dwarf prince. "Shall I put her back?" he asked motioning to the river.
Thorin opened his mouth to speak but decided not to, and a look crossed his face showing the wizard that the dwarf was thinking about leaving her there. "Where we are going is too dangerous for someone who's been injured. Let alone a woman. She cannot even stand, she's barely breathing."
"So you would like me to toss her back in the river then," Gandalf said to provoke Thorin into agreeing to take her.
Balin was still in the river looking at the young woman who no older than twenty, when he noticed something. "Ori, what is that on her wrist?"
"Which one?" Ori asked kneeling in front of her.
"The left one," Balin said moving closer to the bank. Thorin helped Balin out of the river, and looking at the young dwarf Balin sighed. "The other left one, Ori."
Ori's cheeks reddened and he quickly brought up her left hand for inspection. Her small pale, slender wrist was colored black by many bruises, and inflamed, scabbed wounds ran around her wrist and along her thumb. "What do you think caused this?" Ori asked holding her small hand in his own.
"She was chained," Balin said realizing she had squeezed her hand out of a metal handcuff.
"She was kidnapped," Gandalf said. "That would answer for why she is so far from home. Most likely shot down as she tried to escape." The wizard looked up at Thorin and saw him wince slightly as he looked at the woman's heavily bruised wrist.
"We'll carry her until we come across someone who can nurse her and take her home, or until she dies, whichever comes first," Thorin said callously before turning his back on her as he rested for a few moments.
Bilbo, who had been peeking over the wizard's shoulder at Evengel, studied her sharply pretty face. He grabbed a blanket and handed it to Gandalf, who wrapped it around her front;. As they rested, each of the dwarves, at least once, stood beside the wizard to catch a glimpse of the young woman. As the sun dried her hair they noticed the strands gleamed like gold in the light, and it's length, at least, fell to her lower back. Fili and Kili whispered of her beauty, and Balin tsked over her wounds, while Ori blushed every time he looked at her sleeping face, and Nori and Bofur checked often to see she was still breathing, Dori, Gloin, Bombur, Bifur, and Dwalin were all satisfied to look upon her. And Bilbo sat close beside the wizard, still holding Gandalf's staff.
"Are you going to take it out?" Bilbo asked looking at the arrow.
"I'm afraid not," Gandalf answered gently pulling the back collar of her dress down to look at where the arrow was stuck. "I believe removing it without great care might leave her unable to move her arm again. It is best to let it stay for now." Thorin looked up at the mention of great knowing she would receive none where they were going. Gandalf turned away from Thorin's suspicious eyes knowing Evengel would not survive without the help of those Thorin Oakenshield deemed an enemy.
Bifur and Ori had gone to check on the horses to prepare them for leaving, and the others gathered their things. Gandalf, who had been watching her face, noticed Evengel's eyes begin fluttering, before she slowly regained consciousness. She hazily drew a breath as her mind came into focus, making a small choking noise which Bilbo, Thorin, Balin, Nori, and Kili heard causing them to come near
"Give her room, there's no need to scare her," Gandalf said to the five men as they hovered over her staring. They all took a step back but continued to watch her. Her eyes, which were as deeply green as the leaves in the forest, closed again before she was able to stay awake. She had been laid on her side so as not to disturb the arrow in her back, and she looked at the old wizard who was sitting in front of her.
"My dear, Evengel. You were but a child when we met, do you know who I am?" Gandalf asked gently. She opened her mouth to reply and only a whisper of a word was she able to speak. He did not hear most of it, but he heard enough to know that she'd spoken his name. "You are now in the company of dwarves," her eyes widened as she noticed Kili and Fili behind the wizard, who smiled and waved cheerfully, and then confusion settled in her eyes as she looked at Bilbo. "And a hobbit. I assure you, my lady, you are safe. No harm will come to you." She looked back up at the wizard, the only familiar face even though she barely remembered him, and nodded. Gandalf stood and gently took her arms and waited for her to get to her feet. She swayed lightly and Balin steadied her; on her feet she was a head and a half taller than most of the dwarves, but the top of her head barely reached Gandalf's shoulder.
They heard rustling from within the trees as something drew closer – and fast. The dwarves gathered together drawing their weapons, and Gandalf leaned Evengel on Balin, taking his staff from Bilbo, and they all prepared for what came through the trees. Kili and Fili noticed Balin kneeling on the ground, and they stood in front him and the woman who had sat down from dizzied exhaustion, facing the trees. And they all stared waiting for what came bursting through.
So I have been thinking of rewriting my previous story of the same name. This one will probably unfold a little differently, however many things will stay the same. Her father is Fengel, who was the king of Rohan during the time of Hobbit, and he was not a very loved man. More of her past unfolds in later chapters and I may switch that up a bit, but I guess it's mostly the book parts that I will be changing. I will include the new changes from both movies, which I'm excited for the Desolation of Smaug; and then continue on after (maybe). So if anyone is interested please let me know. Thank you for reading.