A/N: This will be a five-part story about couples Hyde X Moune and Alata X Eri. However, in this story, they're not superheroes but regular teenagers.

Introduction to Characters

Hyde – 4th year highschool student. This genius Student Council President was famous for amending the school government's constitution. His famous amendment included allowing 2nd year students to be nominated for positions in the Student Body. However, he's rather aloof and quite persistent for approving only mind-mortifying school festivals. This was enough reason for him to be defeated by a kouhai in the next student council elections.

Alata – 2nd year highschool student. He ranked #1 in the All-Japan Karate meet. He's very much popular with girls but he had a secret that he can't tell to anyone—he's an otomen. And the number one rule in the Karate Club is: No otomen are allowed.

Eri – 2nd year highschool student. She's Alata's childhood friend who just transferred to Gosei Gakkuen recently. She knew of Alata's girlish hobbies that's why she'd always encourage him to be honest to himself. One of her hobbies was to sit on Alata's lap (she used to do it when they were young).

Moune – 2nd year highschool student. She's a transferee to Gosei Gakkuen and was surprised to find out about the inattentiveness of the students towards the pro-environment advocacies. Her recklessness made her nominate herself to challenge Hyde for the position of the student council president. She won and had Hyde on her heels.

Agri – 4th year highschool student. He ranked #1 in the All-Japan Kendo meet.

chapter 1


Moune was all geared up for her first day in Gosei Gakkuen. As soon as she made her first step in the premises, her attention was caught by a poster on the bulletin board. It was an advocacy ad, asking signatures from students to save a portion of a forest from being wiped out by a transnational corporation. She let out a shudder, seeing only a few signatures that won't even amount to 1/8 of the school's population. Her sight was caught by the next poster nearby. It was about the upcoming student council elections. The poster included an excerpt from the amended school government constitution—on allowing a 2nd year student to run for the position of the president. Without hesitation, Moune took a pen and paper from her bag—wrote her name and her contact details—and dropped it on the box labeled: Nominees for SC president.

Alata and Eri

Alata had two lockers in school; one for his fanmail and the other for storage. He opened the first one and scooped all the letters in one plastic bag (he'll read them later). He tried the other locker and smiled upon seeing how all the things inside were arranged neatly.

Alata was nonetheless a morning person. Every morning, he'd get fresh flowers from the flower bed nearby and place them on a vase. That morning, he put Glory flowers, which symbolized "wonderful beauty". But this gesture of his shouldn't be caught by anyone—because the #1 rule in Karate Club was: No otomen are allowed. Alata was an otomen because of his liking for girlish hobbies. Brushing some thoughts aside, he took a seat quickly and grabbed a book from his desk to read.

Few minutes later, his classmates filled the once-empty room. Alata concentrated on reading after being greeted by his classmates. The Karate book took most of his consciousness that he didn't anticipate an unlikely event to occur.

Alata blinked for once and he found a girl sitting on his lap. The girl was the same age as he was and her long brown hair was tied in pink scrunchies. Alata let out a gasp.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked politely, trying not to offend her a bit.

The girl blinked in disbelief, "Don't you remember your childhood friend? It's Eri, baka!"

Suddenly, her name registered in Alata's mind. Eri was his childhood friend from seven years ago. They used to do girlish hobbies together like drinking tea with plushies, making clothes for plushies, baking, etc. But Alata thought, I can't do those now.

When his classmates were chattering gossip, he pushed Eri gently from his lap and guided her towards the sliding door. When they were outside, he said, "Eri, I'm so happy to see you." His eyes caught the sight of her hand. He tried his best to restrain himself from touching it. I used to hold that hand, but I can't do that now, he thought.

"It's great to see you too, Alata!" Eri stretched her arms and hugged her friend. Alata shrieked this time at her sudden gesture.

"Eri—you can't do that anymore" He protested, gently pushing her away, "we're no longer kids. Others would be suspicious about it."

Eri was not the type of person to give up. She tightened her grip on him and made a face, "I don't care—you're my Alata". And then she smiled.


That afternoon, Hyde's Vice president entered the student council room with the three nomination boxes. Hyde opened the 'nominees for president' box and saw two folded papers. He unfolded the first one, only to find his name applying for another term. He tried the other and it read: Moune.

He frowned. That's a new name, he thought. He opened his laptop which he fondly called "Datas" and searched for any information about Moune. There was nothing to brag about her except for the word, "environmentalist".

Then the one week campaign period followed— it was a very tedious process.

Hyde's aloofness and total confidence that he would win another term was prevalent. He thought that a campaign was never necessary. Meanwhile, Moune was assisted in the campaign by her brother Agri and her new found friend (and classmate in section 3), Eri. Moune, Agri, and Eri's charms combined were like a breath of fresh air to the students of Gosei Gakkuen.

Students at Gosei Gakkuen were ever thankful for what Hyde did, but they desired for fun and meaningful school festivals (not the boring and mind-mortifying ones).

So in the end—the students chose Moune. Moune became the new student council president.

Hyde and Moune

A week passed by and Hyde couldn't still figure out why he was defeated by a transferee. But he knew initially that Moune lacked administration skills. When he's not in class, he'd make sure to follow her around and comment every now and then regarding her "poor leadership". The last time he followed her was to the home economics room. He found Moune donning an apron and a bandana. She was cooking a soup from a big pot then.

"kaicho (president), shouldn't you be staying in the student council room rather than doing that?" Hyde had his arms folded when he asked that question.

Moune didn't bother to reply. Her eyes were pretty much focused on the soup pot.

Hyde spoke for another time, "and your allowance—you spent it entirely on toys and on the ingredients to that soup." He forced her to look at "Datas" the laptop, of which screen displayed a book entry of the Student Council's expenses. Again, Moune didn't reply to him.

"what a child." He commented. When she heard this, she stopped herself from stirring the soup.

"what did you just say?" She mocked.

"I'm just saying how reckless you are—you're doing things at random—you don't have a plan for the whole school year—" Hyde tried his best to restrain himself. His pale cheeks had a tinge of red from forcing himself to shut up.

Moune gawked at him for the last time. Old man, she thought. When she was done with cooking, she carried the big pot and headed to the exit with Hyde trailing after her again.

She reached the door of an old building—only to see Agri with a box of toys.

"Moune, everything you've ordered is here." Agri thought that Hyde was going to help Moune so he handed the box of toys to him. Hyde was all perplexed that he didn't know what to do.

"Arigatou oniichan" Moune said without paying attention to Hyde and went inside the old building.

Before Hyde could pop out another question, a group of toddlers swarmed to Moune—giving her hugs and kisses on the cheek. The place that they went to was an orphanage. Moune had to explain briefly that the soup and the toys were for the orphans. Hyde felt instantly embarrassed—but he thought that he can't blame himself because Moune didn't have a concrete plan about anything. Without hesitation, he assisted her in distributing toys and soup to the orphans.

When they were done, Hyde waited as Moune bade goodbye to the orphans. He regarded her in a different view now. But still, she's a child, he thought.

Moune returned to his side and smiled widely at him.

Hyde thought there was a strange and throbbing pain in his chest.

"If not for the fact that you were the ex-president, I would have thought you had a crush on me for following me everyday." She uttered, plain confidently.

"w—what? I d—don't!" he retorted. Hyde didn't have any idea what love or crush is. And he thought that he didn't have time for that.

"Relax, I'm just teasing you, old man."


"I can't do it anymore, Alata, I'm hungry". Eri's judo clothes were smeared with varnish when she slumped on the newly polished floor.

Alata looked sympathetically at her and said, "That's why I told you that you should have joined the flower arrangement club rather than this."

Eri didn't reply back. She wiped her sweat with the portion of her judo (that was smeared in varnish). Alata chuckled at the sight of the varnish on her face. He took a clean towel from the bench and wiped her face with it.

"Let's clean up, I'll cook for you." He said.

Eri got up quickly and said, "Arigatou!". Finally I can see a small part of him coming out now! She said to herself.