Chapter 8 - First Steps
The whole morning has been pretty normal. Well, as normal as my life gets, I guess. While I'm in my locker changing up my book for the next class, Johanna sidled up to me and said, "We're going out for lunch." Then went on her way before I could utter a response.
Why would they want me to go out to lunch with them? I'm quite contented with the way I sit with them or sometimes on my own in the library. This will surely bring on a new set of harassment on my part. I'm pretty sure someone would see me out and about with them and they will titter on to everyone until the Careers would have heard of it. I give it the minute I step inside this hellhole after lunch would be pure terror.
I go on with my next class, engrossing myself with the world of my teacher's lecture. I ignore all the crumpled pieces of paper thrown at me.
Lunch time and I'm waiting for the group to arrive. Actually, Peeta's here but he's still talking to some girl about a project they have while the girl tries to flirt with him. I mean seriously, doesn't her eyelid's ache from fluttering the minute they started talking? God, I swear these girls just don't take the hint that a guy is not interested.
Wait, why am I even reacting to this? I don't even like the guy! For all I know, he likes her back and is currently flirting with her. I don't have a say in his relationship. He can be with anyone he wants. Every girl has been trying to get in his pants. Ugh, what a bunch of sluts I surround myself everyday.
"Hey, sorry about that," Peeta stands next to me, pushing back his rumpled blond hair from his forehead. I want to do that for him.
Oh hell, what am I thinking?!
"It's fine."
Peeta opens his mouth to say something but Finnick and Johanna joins us.
"Sup bitches!" Johanna greeted. Finnick just winked at me making me scowl.
Now that more people are coming out, I try to hide from their gazes. I desperately want to hole up in a corner so that people won't find me anywhere. I keep my head down, hoping people won't notice me standing here.
"Where's Annie?" Peeta asks.
"Anniebabes is still talking with her teacher for some extra credit," Finnick explained.
"Anniebabes?!" Johanna looks sick after hearing the pet name, "How the fuck did you come up with that kind of shit, Odair?"
Annie bounds up to us. Finnick winks at Johanna before shouting, "Let's roll, Anniebabes!"
Annie flushes crimson.
Finnick drives us to a McDonald's a few blocks from school. We order our meal then take a seat outside. I'm reluctant to sit here since I will be on plain view to anyone but Johanna insisted she wants to sit outside. What Johanna wants, Johanna gets.
We eat in silence. All of us starved enough to keep our mouth full of whatever we're eating. I noticed that Annie kept glancing at me, as if gauging my reaction to everything. It makes me self-conscious.
After eating, Finnick insists that we go to the ice cream shop and wait for lunch period to end in there. I got my cookies and cream, Peeta got pistachio, Johanna decided on rocky road, Annie basically demanded to the lady in there bubblegum, and Finnick took a long time deciding between vanilla and chocolate and what toppings should he get.
We're seated on a table inside the shop eating our ice cream. Johanna has this glint in her eyes that I can't explain and she kept on glancing at me.
What is wrong with these people?
"Oh shit. First bell is about to ring," Peeta announced. This gets us to scramble out of our seats and rush to the car. Well, except for Finnick who Annie dragged out.
We get to school while the second bell is ringing. In a way, I'm glad for this since the hallways are mostly cleared by then so we can rush through without the possibility of anyone tripping me.
Mr. Heavensbee is just about to close the door when I arrive with Peeta right behind me. We have American Literature together. When the other students notice Peeta and I sneaking into class at the last minute possible, they start tittering amongst themselves about what kind of shit Peeta and I were doing. With our windswept hair, to our ragged breath and flushed faces from running, I'm pretty sure half the school already knows about this newly built rumour.
"Ooohh Mellark, who knew you were into some kinky shit?" Someone taunted from the back. I don't know who it was since I just kept my head down while rushing to one of the seats available. Peeta must be dying to get out of here and as far away from me as possible.
Mr. Heavensbee sighed impatiently while arranging his daily video presentation on the computer. With the teacher preoccupied, the students start talking among themselves. I try not to notice all the smirking faces thrown my way or the giggling behind hands.
The lights dim sucking the chatter around the room and Mr. Heavensbee starts to discuss whatever it is he has prepared today. I turn my attention to him and not at the lingering whispers said behind my back.
Before class ends, Mr. Heavensbee announces that there will be a presentation about an American Literature author to be presented at the end of the semester. It must be done in partners and no, he will get to choose who our partners will be.
I'm partly grateful for it because I will be spared the humiliation of having no one to work with and doing the presentation on my own.
I drown out the names called until my name is announced, "Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark."
It seems like the universe hates me so much. It's like the students were waiting for the other shoe to drop and there it is. Some full on laughed out loud, others began typing on their phones. No doubt tweeting about the new guy being stuck with the school's laughing stock.
Thankfully Mr. Heavensbee were able to control the ruckus going on and went about announcing the remaining pairing.
"You may now all go and get acquainted with your partners and start brainstorming for your presentation. I need a draft by the end of the class."
Should I stand and make my way to Peeta's desk? Or should I just wait here? I don't want to seem indifferent towards him after all the nice things he's done for me. However, I do not want to cause anymore havoc between us. Surely when I stand and go to him these bunch of assholes will make a simple task of walking to another desk ridiculously hard.
Someone drops on the chair next to me. Ugh, these fuckers are relentless. I look to the now occupied seat next to me and see that it is actually Peeta. Now that I know its him, my heart starts beating faster.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Are you okay, Katniss?"
I look at the sound of his voice. He's sitting so close, I can feel the heat emanating from him.
It took me a few seconds to remember that he asked me a question. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine."
He gets it, Katniss. No need to be a parrot.
He smiles at me. Despite the other students snickering, no doubt still laughing about us, he still looks like everything is picture perfect even though it is the exact opposite. I don't know why but my stomach feels as though it's doing somersaults in my body right now.
"Um, yeah. So, who do you want to work on?" I ask.
"Hmm, I have an idea," he searches in his pocket for a second and gets a coin, "Okay, you be the heads and I'll be the tails. Heads, you get to pick. Tails, I'll get to pick. Deal?"
I want to tell him its kinda stupid but I acquiesce to his idea, "Fine."
He flips the coin and it lands on heads.
"Edgar Allan Poe."
"That was fast," he comments. I shrug, shading the top corner of my notebook.
I wait for him to initiate our discussion. Maybe he's just like them, leaving me to do the work then claim it as theirs.
"Shall we get started?" I look at Peeta and see that he already has a paper and pen, ready to write whatever it is that Mr. Heavensbee requires.
I meekly nod at him, then turn to look at my notes.
"We should split the work," Peeta said. "You can work on his life and I'll do his works."
I must look like a deer in the headlights since this is the first time anyone ever told me to work with them in a class project.
"Or you know, we can uh.." Peeta starts to look flustered. His cheeks redden slightly as he scratches at the back of neck.
I shake myself out of my stupor and stammer out a reply, "Uh, yeah." I contemplate telling him that I rather do Poe's work than his life.
He seems to brighten however at my reply. One minute he's ecstatic then the next he looks sheepish and starts to rub the back of his neck again, "Or, do you want to um, uh, switch? I can work with whatever, honestly."
He looks like he wants to stab himself or something. I don't know why he gets so flustered over this simple thing. Most people would just tell me to suck it up and get to work.
Him getting all so flustered makes me flush red for some reason.
"Can we?" I look at him slightly embarrased. "Um, switch, I mean?"
He starts nodding his head up and down like a bobble-head. I worry he might get dizzy from nodding too much.
"Sure! I mean, yea, sure, you can work on whatever you want." He smiles at me with that mega-watt smile of his. It makes me want to pinch his cheeks because he look so damn adorable.
Where the hell did that come from?
I nod at him then give him a smile. He's still looking at me with something in his eyes. Adoration? Happiness? I don't know what it is but I'm curious about it.
"Hey, Everdeen! Try to make it to the next class without sucking his dick!"
I try hiding my face behind my glasses and bangs as the raucous laughter roars behind me. However, its no use. I know Peeta Mellark can see through me and he knows that I'm embarrassed.
I feel Peeta tense up beside me and I fear that he would get up himself and demand Mr. Heavensbee that we change partners immediately.
"Marvel Quaid, detention!"
I barely hear Mr. Heavensbee as he tries unsuccessfully to control the class. I close my eyes and will the tears to go away. I want to defend myself, really, I do but I fear that if I do, I would just be humiliated some more. I know no one would want to defend that stupid bitch.
I feel a hand close around my fists. When I look up, startled, I see Peeta's blue irises staring back at me with concern and anger.
I can't look at his face. I close them and angrily wipe the tears that managed to fall before anyone sees. It would just cause another round of laughter from the assholes.
For some reason, the comment made me want to cry. Maybe it's the presence of Peeta or the mere fact that his face shows concern for me but I want to run away and never look back. Leave all this bullshit behind. I want to forgot everything that has happened to me ever since we moved here.
"Katniss, please, look at me," Peeta pleads.
I shake my head, willing myself to calm down. I can't have a breakdown here. No, I won't let my last shred of dignity leave me.
The bell rings. As the students start to run out of the room still tittering, Peeta grabs my hand on one hand and our things with the other. He pulls me out of the room and quickly leads me somewhere. I keep my head down while following Peeta down the corridors. I just follow Peeta's feet and try not to look around my surroundings. I don't want to know how many students got the latest gossip already.
Peeta pulls me through a set of double doors and I glance around quickly to know that he brought me to the library. He somehow knows that this is the only place in the school that calms me down.
We get to the secluded area and when he puts down our bags, he pulls me to him and hugs me tightly.
This type of treatment from a fellow schoolmate is very rare that I tense up but Peeta just tightens his hold on me.
The gesture makes the tears come back and soon enough, I'm sobbing into Peeta's chest. Huge body-racking sobs that makes me heave. All the pent up emotions I've been bottling up for the past few years come back up which makes me fist Peeta's shirt and continue to sob.
Peeta doesn't mind that I'm most likely damping his shirt. He just keeps on rubbing circles on my back and whispering soothing words in my ear.
After some time, I calm down but Peeta still keeps his hold on me like he never wants to let me go. I don't know why he did this for me. I could have rushed home and avoided all of this but for some reason, Peeta went out of his way to comfort me, a girl he barely knew.
When my tears dried up and I'm no longer heaving, he lets me go and wipes the wetness on my cheeks. I keep my head down because I am so embarrassed at my lack of self control. I shouldn't have sobbed my heart out on Peeta. I'm sure he has better things to do than take care of a hysterical girl who can't keep her emotions in check. However, he was the one who made me follow him and comfort me. I want to know why.
I feel his finger tip my head up. I keep my eyes anywhere than his. I don't want to see the pity in there.
"Katniss," I keep my eyes down, "Please look at me."
I reluctantly raise my eyes to his to see him looking at me with something in his eyes that I can't place. It makes me slightly uncomfortable, no one has ever looked at me like that.
"I-I'm sorry," I say quietly, wiping the dampness in my cheeks, "I don't know what came over me."
Peeta shakes his head, "No, don't be," he smiles slightly, "It's good that you let it all out."
I bow my head and fidget with my braid.
"Look, there is something that I want to talk to you about," Peeta said.
I glance at him nervously before nodding my head, "What is it?"
"Um, you know how uhh," he runs his hand through his blonde locks rumpling it giving him a perfect tousled look, "We're planning something."
He sucks a deep breath, "We want to help you gain your confidence back." He said it in one breath that I look at him dumbly.
"I mean, uhh," he takes a deep breath, "Look, I know its none of our business but we want to help you gain your confidence back. I know that you were not like this before and I'm aware that something horrible has happened which you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to but we want to help you show them that you're not this person they are making you out to be."
He looks at me so intensely that I take a step back but he grabs my hands and holds them in his, "I know that you're this beautiful, fiesty girl, who doesn't take shit from anybody but you were so trampled down by these assholes that you let yourself believe that is who you are. But you're not, Katniss. I know somewhere deep inside you that you're still there, struggling to come out and show them that you're better than they are. You are better than them, Katniss."
He's looking directly in my eyes during his speech and he said it so passionately that I can't seem to breathe.
"Peeta," I sigh, "I-I-I don't- I mean-," I don't know where he got this stupid notion that I'm that girl he described. Hell, we only knew each other for a few weeks!
As if he can read my mind, he goes on, "I know that we only knew each other from a short amount of time but I can just feel it, you know?" He shakes his head and looks at me sheepishly, "I know this is a lot to take in but can you please just think about it?"
In my muddled brain, I manage to nod slowly and try to catch up with all these stuff he just said. He gives me a sweet smile and thanks me.
"Now, c'mon, I'll give you a ride home." He hands me my bag and gestures for me to go first before following me through the hallways.
"Can we stop by my locker please?" I ask quietly.
He nods his head and lets me lead the way. I think he feels like I need some quiet time to process what he just said. It's a lot to take in and I definitely need to think this over.
I notice that he walks slightly closer to me than before and it makes me hyper-aware of my surroundings. I walk quickly to my locker and get the books I need.
"Ready?" Peeta asks after I'm done.
I nod my head slightly. He gives me a smile and I follow him to his car.
When we get home, I bid Peeta goodbye and go up to my room and lock myself in.
I've got a lot of thinking to do.
Sorry everyone for being MIA again. RL and all that shit. Lemme tell you that engineering sucks the life out of you. For real.
Anyway, I have no idea when to post the next chapter and if you've got any ideas, do tell me! I appreciate it!
Talk to me on tumblr! I'm casuals-of-mfgb
'Til next time, mfgb