Whoops, I didn't mean to take so long between chapters, but my boss was not so subtly suggesting I needed to do a lot more work, which means goodbye weekends. I will definitely not be updating often, but I have tried not to completely abandon this fic. This is just a short filler for now.

Belle walks into the kitchen that evening and immediately ducks a swinging spoon from the head chef as he attempts to direct people and cook at the same time.

"Calm down Chief, I'll find Mrs. Potts so you can get back to cooking." Belle offers, glancing around the room for the elusive matron. She doesn't see the woman but she does notice an extremely nervous Cogsworth pacing the back wall.

She heads him off on his next turn and places a calming hand on his shoulder. "You look overwhelmed. Can I do anything to help?"

"Chip came down with he flu and Mrs. Potts is with him. She has all the plans for tonight, and as you can see," He waves a hand at the disorganized kitchen, "no one is listening me."

"Ah...um, I can ask Mrs. Potts for the plans if you think it will help."

"Could you? That would be wonderful."

"Of course. Where are their rooms?"

"i'm not entirely sure where the castle moved them, but-"

"Don't worry about it." Belle waves him off. "Just try to keep things from getting any more out of control. I'll just ask Her to lead me there."

They both stop to stare at the blinking arrow that appears on the wall next to them.

"Huh." Belle eyes the mark. "That'll work. Thanks girl."

She leaves Cogsworth managing the kitchen and follows the Castle's directions. She is lead through several confining passages and up 4 flights of creaky stairs before stopping in front of a wooden door the castle has marked with glittering stars.

Belle knocks softly on the door. Mrs. Potts opens it slowly and turns to Belle. "Oh, Belle, dear," she whispered, "I'm a bit busy at the moment." She turns to look worriedly behind her at the loud coughing from the room.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Potts, I don't mean to interrupt, I merely wanted to get the plans for tonight."

"Of course, dear. I didn't even think of it." She disappears back into the room and returns with a small stack of papers. "Here you are."

"Thank you." She pauses at the door before leaving. "I know Tom's a bit intimidating, but Fire Mages tend to get injured a lot before they get full control, so he's pretty well aquatinted with several Healers. I'm sure he could contact one, if you want, they would be more than willing to do a favor for him."

"Thank you, dear. I will keep that in mind if Chip gets any worse."

Belle nods in response, and heads back to the kitchen.

When she reaches the kitchen she passes the notes to Cogsworth, and steps into a corner out of the way. It doesn't take her long to realize that, despite now having the the instructions, Cogsworth is still being mostly ignored. She sighs in annoyance, before pulling a stool into the middle of the room and standing on it, whistling sharp and piercing. The room silences and she nods.

"Listen up everyone. We have a pretty large feast tonight, so we need to be prepared. I know we are several hands short tonight, and Mrs. Potts is busy as well, but we still need to make sure everything runs smoothly. Cogsworth has the plans for tonight, so he needs you all to listen and help prepare." She glances around the room, but everyone seems to be listening now so she turns to the Head servant. "Good. Proceed Cogsworth." And she steps down, replacing the stool back against the wall. Cogsworth blinks at her a few times in surprise, but manages to hide it quickly and turn to the others, handing out orders as though completely unruffled. She smiles at him and heads back to her spot in the corner until he passes her instructions.