Hi readers! I am really, really sorry about the other two stories but I am discontinuing he one with the Arcana Familiga, as for the AKB0048, I'll do my best to continue it! I am really sorry! Anyway, let's get to the story!

Aichi's POV

" Aichi! There's a letter for you!" It was kaa-san

" Coming!" I said

I took the letter from her and went back to my room to read it.

When I opened it, I started to read it:

" Ciaosuu, Aichi

How have you been doing? I did not really expect that I would be using your help and power again. Anyway, I am sure that you know very well what Tsuna and the others are doing do you?

I need you to meet up with us at the Namimmori shrine and I will tell you guys everything. See you there.

P.S. Please don't overdo it.



I closed the letter and opened my drawer and took out a black box.

" Never thought I would be using this again." I said to myself

The next day

I woke up and changed my clothes and headed out with my deck and the item that I took out from yesterday's black box.

I took the bus and reached the Namimmori shrine and just in time too.

" Who are you?" A man with a silver hair hissed at me

" Ciaossu! Aichi!"

" Hello, everyone, my name is Aichi Sendou and I am here to help all of you with your Arcobaleno trials." I said

" H-How do you know about this?!" A brown spiky haired boy asked

" Because I am an Arcobaleno too." I said

Cue shock, "EH?!"

" Reborn, is this true?" The brown haired boy ask while pointing at me.

I just smiled.

" Yeah, I am glad you came, Aichi." Reborn said

" No problem." I said

" When are you guys going to come out?" I asked

" Huh? What are you saying?" the brown haired boy asked again

Suddenly a tree rustled... And the other Arcobalenos appeared

" Long time no see, Aichi, kora! Your sensory skills are amazing as ever, kora!" Colonello, the blue pacifier Arcobaleno said

" My, my. Calling me out without paying again" Viper, the indigo pacifier Arcobaleno said

" Verde's not here again?" Fon, the red pacifier Arcobaleno asked

" No, well, knowing him, he would be watching close by." Reborn said

I just nodded in agreement.

" Anyway, we will begin the Arcobaleno trials tomorrow, better rest up before rather trials tomorrow." Reborn continued

All of them left, leaving us, the Arcobalenos to talk.

" Did you bring it?" Reborn ask me

" Yeah." I said and brought out a rainbow colored pacifier

" They might be doing your trial anytime, it's for you to decide." He continued, I nodded

I check my watch and realized that I need to reach the shop soon to go to the Japan VF Circuit, I needed to go now otherwise I will be late!

" I need to go now!" I said and wore the rainbow pacifier around my neck and tried the chain supporting the pacifier around my neck.

" If you do that people will be able to see it." Colonello said

" It's alright, I can make it invisible to the people willingly and if I can trust them then I will only reveal it to only their eyes so that only they can see it." I explained

" Wait... Take this..." Reborn-san said while passing me a blue bracelet...

" It transforms into any kind of weapon for you and it can take it your flames and change it into a flame powered weapon." he explained

" Thanks! I'll be going now! See you!" I said and slip the bracelet onto my wrist and hiding it in my red sleeve

I ran down the steps and took another bus back and ran to the shop so that we will be transported to the Japan VF Circuit location.

We managed to win the circuit with straight wins and then we were transported to the top level of the building and we were told by Takuto-kun a story,

" One day, this planet suddenly came under attack by a mysterious force. In the face of a powerful enemy, all of the formerly squabbling clans of Cray came together to fight back. Three clans became the core of the resistance: Royal Paladin, Shadow Paladin and Kagero. Their efforts were spectacular. The mysterious force was cornered, and vicclose was close at hand. But... Blaster Blade, Blaster Dark, and Dragonic Overlord, who fought and the forefront, were captured by the enemy. Robbed of their leaders, the three clans fell into chaos and lost their strength. That effect even extended to your world, where the decks of their three clans vanished." He explained

" Then..." Misaki-san said

"... The "Royal Paladin" you were talking about, Brother..." Kamui-kun continued

I just remained silent...

" The disorganized clans didn't know what to do when the enemy stepped up its attack. Right now, Cray is on the brink of destruction." He continued

An explosion and we were back in the real world...

" We need strength. Our powerful enemy even sealed away Royal Paladin. We need a strong power of our own to beat them." he said

" Will you be able to save them if you have that kind of power?! Can you save Royal Paladin?! And my avatar... Blaster Blade?!" I ask

" Yes, if we have leaders with a strong power, who can unite all of the clans and make the mysterious force retreat. I held the VF Circuit in order to choose people with that power. Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong and Japan... The winning fighters of these four circuits are the saviors of Cray, our new leaders!" He explained

" Everyone..." I said

" Now, everyone... on this stage, I shall open the door to Cray!" He said

The top of the building opened up...

" The path is open... Leaders... Come!"

There was a huge gust of wind and we were transported into Cray...

" Where are we?" I asked

" Aichi Sendou... And your team, Q4... As a leader, if you would fight alongside us to try to save Cray, please proceed. Head for the true final stage that waits for you ahead. " And he disappeared

" True final stage?"

" Let's go, Brother!" Kamui-kun said and started walking

" You have to get your avatar back, right?" Misaki-san said as she put her hand on my shoulder and also started walking

I walked and caught up with them...

" Kamui-kun... Misaki-san!"

" We're a team!" Kamui-kun said

" What you want to do is also what we want to do." Misaki-san continued

" Right!" I said

We saw the other teams by our side as well...

" Like Takuto-kun said, we have power. We're leaders. So... let's go! Let's save Cray!" I said

" Not so fast..." A voice said

We stopped in our tracks to see Leon-kun standing in front of us...

" Here's where you turn back." He said

" What are you doing?" Takuto-kun appeared and ask

" It's simple. You people aren't the leaders that Cray needs. That person is me alone, Leon Souryu!" He declared

" Leon-kun?"

" The wind doesn't blow on you. You're not taking one more step. The final stage ends here!" He declared again

" Weren't you listening? The final stage is a fight to free Cray!" Kamui-kun exclaimed

" Unfortunately, my true reason for participating in the Vanguard Fight Circuit was to thwart your plan. The Souryu people are going to regain their power and reign over tThe world. For that grand purpose, Royal Paladin, Kagero, and Shadow Paladin must be sacrificed, sealed away for eternity." he said

" You made a deal with them?" Takuto-kun ask

" That's right. By drawing on their power, Aqua Force will come back." Leon-kun said

" What does that mean?" Misaki-san ask

" Leon Souryu offered them Royal Paladin, Kagero, and Shadow Paladin in exchange for bringing back Aqua Force." Takuto-kun explained

" Leon-kun sold Royal Paladin and the others to the enemy?" I said

" Whether you did it to save your own clan or not, by selling off other clans, you've betrayed all clans... all fighters!" Takuto-kun exclaimed

" How dare you?! You're the one who used all of us when it was convenient to you, Takuto Tatsunagi! I refuse to be your pawn!" Leon-kun said angrily then black mist surrounded him... I sensed something and sinister and my pacifier was starting to glow because of the danger.

" Not only the return of Aqua Force, but your own body...!" Takuto-kun exclaimed

" My ancient clan... resurrect Aqua Force. In order for the Souryu people to once more become the supreme rulers of the world, I'm willing to make any sacrifice." Leon-kun continued

" I won't let you!" Takuto-kun said and his Psyqualia glowed in his eyes

" It's wind is blowing on me. Don't for one minute think Cray's warriors can stop me when they've been stripped of their power!" Leon-kun said

Black mist surrounded Takuto-kun and then he collapsed on the floor and we ran to help him,

" What just happened, Brother?!" Kamui-kun asked

" I don't know..." I said

" He must... be stopped..." Takuto-kun said

" I can use my powers to relieve him from the pain but then... What's the point of hesitating?!" I thought to myself

I closed my eyes. My pacifier glowed in response and then a bright light shone around me and I touched his forehead and he was back to normal but still weak...

" What was that?! My powers are...!" Takuto-kun said and was shocked because he saw my pacifier.

Cue shock...

I was panting because I used a little of my powers and because I was still not used to it...

" It seems that you have a power that can be used quite nicely for the revival of the Souryu people and Aqua Force." Leon-kun said and he was approaching me...

" Persephone!" I called out and a spiral of fire came out from the sky revealing an owl and Leon-kun backed out...

" Aichi!" Misaki-san called out and carried me away...

" I'm fine. Just exhausted. But... It really has been awhile..." I said and touched the pacifier...

" Thank you, Persephone." I said to the owl as it landed on my shoulder

" What's going on here?" Kamui-kun ask

" To be exact, what is that pacifier around your neck?" Misaki-san said as she points to the pacifier.

" I'll explain later, first, him." I revealed the bracelet from my wrist and it transformed into a bow with arrows and tried to fire a normal arrow but as expected the black mist protected him... Then how about...

I shot another arrow and mixed it with purple flames, it separated into many arrows and hit him hard.

" Seems that this works...!" I said but was cut off when I saw him unharmed and he was smirking... Why? Suddenly I felt the force grabbing me...

" It seems that I got you... Aichi Sendou..." He said

" Who are you talking to? I'm over here." I ask him when he realized it was just a rock and I was behind it. I created high level illusions around him, like I multiplied, " Now, who is the real me?" I ask

" Tch..."

This time I'm using a spear which channels illusions, I hit the ground with the spear ( like Chrome and Mukuro although Aichi doesn't know them yet) and an illusionary space appeared before everyone's eyes. I was still maintaining the illusion when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain and the illusion stopped. " AHH!" I shouted, No! not now... I thought before I blacked out...

Misaki's POV

" Aichi!" I exclaimed while trying to wake him up, I just regained my composure after seeing all those stuff that he did...

" Team Q4... Watch yourself because I will come and capture him... One way or another... And you won't be able to do anything about it..." Leon said

" Takuto Tatsunagi... This space that you've constructed is connected to Cray. Thanks to that, I can feel the power from them directly. Leaders who are loved by the wind, you should follow its lead." Leon said as black mist surrounded him and we were blown away...

~ Back on Earth~

Shin's POV

The doors separated and I saw a surge of something...

" What's happening?!" I ask

" This is the portal that Takuto opened... The path to Cray..." Suiko from Ultra Rare explained

" Cray?! You're telling me that the planet Cray actually exists?!" Tetsu-san ask her

" Ren and the others are safe aren't they?" he approached the portal but was unable to enter..." You say this is a portal, so why can't I enter it?" He ask again

" My guess is that no one but the chosen fighters are allowed to enter. " she said as she show us an image of what is happening inside...

" Is this what's going on inside? It's too dark to see anything. But I sense it... A huge, evil presence..." Rekka said

" Void..." Kourin finally said, we look at each other before turning towards the screen again when we hear something approaching...

" What is this?!" A boy with a brown spiky hair ask and when he touched the portal he was also unable to enter...

" May I ask who you are?" I ask

He turned to look at us, he had a flame burning on his forehead and gloves that look weird...

" Reborn..." he turned to the baby on his shoulder

" Just friends of Aichi Sendou, that's all we can say..." The baby named Reborn said

Cue shock... " The baby talked!"

" Aichi-kun's friends? Then you should know something about this." I said

" We don't know, I just sensed a dark presence and we came flying here..." The brown haired boy said

" My pacifier is glowing, which means Aichi is in there..." Reborn-san said

The flame went out from the boy's head and his eyes turned from orange to brown...

" Look! There is a glow coming from that screen!" He said

We looked into the screen and true enough there is a glow visible...

" I wonder what is making that glow... Let's check it out... But it will take some time..." Suiko said

" All right... We're counting on you to find them..." Reborn-san said

~ Back to the space between Cray and Earth~

Aichi's POV

I woke up to find out that we were separated and my pacifier is also glowing...

" What happened?" I ask Misaki-san and Kamui-kun

" It seems that Leon has separated all of us..." Misaki-san said

" It seems that Leon's newfound power has destabilized this space and merged the two worlds of Cray and Earth." Takuto-kun said weakly

" Hey..." Kamui-kun said when he saw him starting to collapse

" You aren't the one who sealed away Royal Paladin, are you?" I ask

" The thing that captured Royal Paladin and the others, that gave Leon power... Its name is Void. It's a nihilistic power." He said weakly again

" Void... A nihilistic power... That might explain why my pacifier was glowing upon entering this space..."

"It's Cray's greatest enemy. It's said to have no physical form, existing only as a will. And its power is immeasurable. Void is what sealed Aqua Force long, long ago. But none of the clans have ever been able to help Aqua Force. And now Void has sealed away Royal Paladin and two other clans. "

" Is Void more powerful than before?" Misaki-san ask

" Yes. But so are the clans. The clans have any years of training, so if they join forces, they should be able to save Royal Paladin and the other clans. That's why... I manipulated all of your memories and switched Gold Paladin and Narukami with the clans that were sealed away. You see, a fighter's ability to lead a clan will be necessary for battling Void. "

" Manipulated memories..."

" Fighter's ability...?"

" I gave you new clans, made you compete in the Vanguard Fight Circuit, even encouraged you to level up, all to free Cray." Takuto-kun continued

" You used us... You used us as pawns..." Misaki-san said

" That's correct... But using all of you has led to this. Now the only thing I can do is put my trust in you. My power has been weakened because of Void. While I still have power, I'll restore all of your memories." his Psyqualia glowed in his eyes and I restored all my memories

" I remember. I remember clearly... I remember all my time with Blaster Blade and Royal Paladin!" I said

" That's right... You originally used Royal Paladin... Brother Aichi." Kamui-kun said

" I can't believe I'd forgotten all this time..." Misaki-san said

We hold onto Takuto-kun when we realized that he was falling...

" You must hate me for manipulating your memories and using you as pawns." Takuto-kun said

" No. Just the opposite: I'm grateful to you." I smiled and said

" Grateful?" he repeated

" You gave me a way to help Blaster Blade. And more than anything, you introduced to me Gold Paladin. With them, I'll free Cray and help Blaster Blade!" I said

" Yeah!" Misaki-san and Kamui-kun reponded

" Aichi Sendou... I'm sorry. But... I need to ask you a question... What was that light that you used on me?" he ask

" Well... I used the Sun flames from my pacifier..." I said

" Sun... flames?" he repeated

" There are different elements and factors... Sky, Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning, Mist and Cloud... For example, the Sun flame's factor: Regeneration, that was what I used on you... When I shot those arrows, it was also mixed with flames and when I disappeared and reappeared and multiplied that was the Mist flame, it allows people to create illusions... I have all seven flames and that is why I was able to produce all that power..." I said

" I see, be careful... He is after you that is all I know... And the emptiness will affect you if you stay in this space too long and get exposed to the emptiness too much... Leon will get you when that time comes, make sure that doesn't happen to you..." He said

I nodded... " I'll try to put up a protective barrier around myself to prevent that from happening." I said

He nodded " Void... A fearsome power of emptiness... Right now, emptiness has invaded half of Cray's land... No sound can be heard there, no light reaches through... Nothing moves, and everything is enveloped in silence." he said

" That's Void..." I said, thinking about my powers and the connection with the other Arcobaleno and what happens if I was in Leon-kun's hands of evil and nothingness...

" The power of emptiness has begun to move from Cray to this space. And when the emptiness has filled this space, It'll be destroyed and the emptiness will move on to Earth!" He said

" Earth?!" Kamui-kun exclaimed

" The tragedy that once befell the Souryu people will happen to the entire Earth. The land will rot. The seas will dry up. All of Earth's blessings will be lost. All life will be robbed the will to live. Earth will become a planet of death." he said

" That'll happen to Earth...? We can't let it!" I said

" What should we do?" Misaki-san ask

" The only thing you can do to stop Void is to beat Leon Souryu... No one but the Vanguard Fight winners can exist in this space."

" You mean if we win, it'll be possible to send Leon back to Earth?" I ask

" However, it works the opposite way, too. If you lose in a Vanguard Fight, you won't be able to stay in this space either."

" In other words, if we lose, Earth will..." Kamui-kun said

" Leon Souryu may think he's using Void, but its power is vast. He can't control it completely. And Leon's ambition has made him lose his cool-headed judgement. At this rate, everything will be controlled by Void..."

We carried him to a nearby rock for him to rest...

" If he isn't stopped, both Cray and Earth will come to an end. Quickly, go to him..."

" But how can we find him?" Misaki-san ask

" Psyqualia... You should be able to sense Leon's Psyqualia..."

" Psyqualia..." I stood up, my eyes glowed and I turned towards his direction... " That way!"

" Go. Cray is in your hands."

" Right! Let's go, Misaki-san, Kamui-kun!" I said

" Yeah!" " Persephone!" The owl landed on my shoulder and we started walking

~ Time skip~

" Visibility here just keeps getting worse..." Kamui-kun said

" That means the emptiness aura thing is increasing in strength." Misaki-san said

We have to hurry. I thought to myself

" Aichi... I got a question..." Misaki-san said

" Yeah?" I ask

" How did you started with this pacifier around your neck? And how are you related to it?" he ask

" Well... I..."

" Because he is our Arcobaleno's ( Second) Boss!" a familiar voice said

My pacifier glowed even brighter and a hologram of Reborn-san appeared

" Ciaossu!"

" Reborn-san!"

Cue shock from Misaki-san and Kamui-kun... " That baby talked!"

" Relax... Relax..." I said

" He is a Rainbow Arcobaleno and I am a Sun Arcobaleno, also known as the strongest eight. The Rainbow Arcobaleno is an important Arcobaleno because their power can surpass any being and because of that, we Arcobaleno has consistently protected him but one day, Aichi placed away his pacifier for safety reasons and we contact by mails... You will be able to know more soon..." Reborn-san explained to them

" Huh?" they said

" Aichi hasn't told you two yet? He can read the future..."

Cue shock again... "EH?! YOU CAN READ THE FUTURE?!"

" Yes" I said

" But, I advise you not to use it so much, I'm sure the reason why you fainted just now was because you overused its power..."

" Yes... Wait... How do you know that?!" I ask

" Well, the half of the reason why your pacifier was also glowing was because I was sneaking a peek into your conversations." he said

" What?!" I was shocked

" But, really, take my advise... I'm telling the other Arcobalenos to lend their power to create a protective barrier around you... Tsuna's guardians will arrive soon to think of a solution to slow down the emptiness from spreading all over Earth and if possible, enter this space to help you... Hopefully, that will have to do, but I'm sure your guardian pet will still do something about it if anything goes wrong, right?" he ask

" Yeah, you're right... Thank you, Reborn-san." I said

" Don't worry about it, just focus on what you have to do right now... I need to cut transmission now... Don't worry, we can see what you are doing, thanks to this Ultra-Rare blue hair girl's screen, take care and good luck." he said

" Looks like Suiko-san and the others are watching... Wait..." I said and put two fingers on my forehead

" It's no good. I'm not sensing Leon's Psyqualia anymore." I said and turned to them

" Huh?! What'll we do?!" Kamui-kun ask

" We have to beat Leon and don't have a minute to spare! Earth is in danger..." Misaki-san said

"Persephone, are you able to sense him?" I ask my owl

He shook his head...

" I see..." I look up at the sky

" I won't give up... I swear I'll save them... Blaster Blade and Royal Paladin!" I thought to myself "Blaster Blade saved me... He made me stronger... He gave me the courage to stand tall... So, this time... I'm going to save him!" I said

A lightning came out and a ball of light appeared in the sky and flew towards me...

" This feeling... I've had it somewhere before..." I went ahead to try and touch it, it flew towards my hand... Persephone, thinking it was a danger, gave out a warning sound...

" B-Brother...?!" Kamui-kun said

" It's okay... I understand... This is Blaster Blade's soul." There was a sudden flash of light and the ball of light was transformed into a card, then the card shot out a light pointing towards a direction...

" ... Huh? What is this?" Misaki-san ask as she see the light

" I see... Leon-kun is over there... Blaster Blade, you'll lead me there... Blaster Blade, you... All of you will still lend me your strength, right? I promise I'll save you!" I said and kept the card in my pocket

We were still walking when we suddenly heard screams...

We ran towards the direction of the scream and we saw Lee-kun and Ali-kun on the floor all beat up...

" Lee-kun! Ali-kun!" I said

" What happened?!" Kamui-kun ask

" He's the one that did it..." Ali-kun pointed out

A figure appeared before us...

" Leon Souryu?!" Kamui-kun ask

Instead it was Chris-kun... wait... the guy who did this to them was...?!

" Come on, don't scare us... Wait, don't tell me he did this to 'em?!" Kamui-kun said

" Fight me." he said kind of darkly, even Persephone is giving out another warning sound

" You're acting weird..." Misaki-san said

" Stop it, Chris!" Ali-kun said

" We don't have any reason to fight you here!" Lee-kun added

" The strongest Vanguard Fighter... I'm number one." Chris-kun said

" What happened to you, Chris?!" Ali-kun ask again

" Silence..." Chris-kun said and sent out a sort of shockwave on them and they fell to the ground again

" What is the dark feeling that I'm feeling from him?" I said and shivered

" Aichi?" Misaki-san said and tried comforting me

" Brother?" Kamui-kun said and tried as well

" What's wrong?" Misaki-san asked again

" His heart and soul is filled with a huge amount of emptiness... I can feel it... Is this because of Void? The power of emptiness?" I said

" That's right. Can't you dopes feel it? Void can set your heart free!" Chris-kun said

" Wrong! That's the darkness in your heart, which is usually held in check! You can't let out! Don't listen to it!" I said

" Shut up! I'll do anything to be number one." he said again

" Aichi! We have to hurry to Leon, and get Chris back to normal!" Misaki-san said to me

" I can turn him back to normal but that might cause me to faint again." I said

" What should we do then?" she asked again

" Forget about it, Aichi Sendou. You're going to fight me." Chris-kun said again

" But this isn't the time or place..." I said before I was cut off again

" Are you afraid... of my power?!" Chris-kun said

" Psyqualia... I see... Chris-kun is possessed by it..." I thought to myself

" Since that time, I've become way stronger. And it's all thanks to Psyqualia. Psyqualia... Now that I possess the strongest power, no one can beat me." he said

" Just like Chris-kun, I gave myself over to Psyqualia. Before I got back my memories, this darkness is what I was afraid of." I thought to myself " Okay. I'll fight you." I said

" Brother Aichi?!" Kamui-kun exclaimed

" We've got something more important to do!" Misaki-san said

" I can't just let Chris-kun stay like this. I've been where he is." I said and walked towards Chris-kun " I don't care what kind of power you use. I'm going to win. For you and your friends..." I said

" Friends? What nonsense. Only one person can stand at the top. Friends aren't needed there." he said

" That's not true! I'll beat you in this fight and prove it to you!" I said and hold out my deck

~ Back on Earth~

Normal POV

" Aichi Sendou and Chris are going to fight?! What's going on here?!" Tetsu exclaimed

" It's all Void... It's because of the emptiness..." Rekka said

" Only the people in that space will be able to stop that evil presence." Suiko added

" Aichi Sendou..." Kourin said while looking at the screen

" Anyway, looks like the others are finally here..." Reborn said looking at the people hovering in the air as they saw their boss

" Tenth!"

" Yo, Tsuna!"


" Gyahahaha, Lambo-san is here!"

" Hmph."

" Boss!"

" Everyone..." Tsuna said

" What's going on here?" Gokudera ask while looking at the portal

" An Earth-shattering situation..." Suiko said

Cue shock from the guardians especially Hibari with a shocked face( without him saying this, just a shocked face)... " What?!"

" Is there anyway to stop it?" Yamamoto ask

" It's possible... But we only can slow it down... Look at the screen... Remember him?" Reborn ask

" Ah! It's that kid that said he was an Arcobaleno! And he's just playing that card game instead of helping!" Gokudera exclaimed which he got a kick from Reborn

" Ow! What was that for Reborn-san?!" he ask the hitman

"Idiot, he's inside that portal and that card game is what caused this to happen... Void... Emptiness... If we don't slow this destruction down while Aichi is trying his best to save the world, Earth will soon turn into a death planet." Reborn said

" What?!" Gokudera exclaimed

" Then..." Yamamoto said

" Tch!" Was all Hibari could say

" Earth... will..." Chrome said

Lambo was choking on his lollipop...

" I EXTREMELY DON'T UNDERSTAND! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!" Ryohei's screams echoed the whole floor and everyone covered their ears

" Use your flames to surround the portal, hopefully we might be able to slow down the process..." Everyone nodded and light up their flames, for now it seems that the emptiness has stopped its flow for awhile.

Everyone fell onto their knees, exhausted... " Good job, now, it all depends on Aichi." Reborn said, turning back to the screen

" Won't he be affected inside that space as well, Reborn?" Tsuna ask

" Yeah, and we Arcobaleno has put up a protective barrier but... I don't know how long it will last..." he said

" Then...!" Tsuna exclaimed

" The enemy is after him... If we don't do something soon, if the emptiness or enemy get him... We're done for." Reborn said

Cue shock from everyone ( including Suiko and the others)

" If Aichi-kun is fallen into bad hands, if he gets captured, what will happen to him?" Shin ask

" Not only will Earth be filled with emptiness or turned into a death planet... Aichi will disappear." Reborn said

Another cue shock...

" And he doesn't know that fact?!" Tsuna exclaimed

" He knows... but he kept it a secret but there is a way to prevent that..." Reborn said

" How?! Reborn-san?!" Gokudera ask

" If the protection barrier is strong enough, we might be able to keep the emptiness aura away from him..." Reborn said

" Then let us help!" Yamamoto exclaimed," All of the guardians including Tsuna only met him this morning but to trust Aichi this much is amazing."

" Then, insert some flames into my pacifier and I will be able to transfer all the energy onto that barrier." Reborn said, they nodded and proceeded and true enough, the flames was enough for the barrier until it was visible to the eyes.

~ Back to the space between Cray and Earth~

Aichi's POV

I was still fighting with Chris-kun when I noticed a flame hitting the barrier and the barrier was made stronger and I could see it, in fact, everybody could see it. It was a dome-shaped barrier, built with strong flames.

" Thank you, Reborn-san, Vongola Decimo and his guardians. Now then..." I whispered

~ Mini time skip~

" I won..." I said

They disappeared after that...

" In this space, losing is the same as death. Those three lost their rights to be leaders and were sent back to Earth." We heard Takuto-kun's voice

" So it's true, if you lose a Vanguard Fight even once here, you forever lose the chance to defeat Leon-kun." I said

" Then Royal Paladin and the fate of Earth ride on our fights in this plane." Misaki-san added

" That's perfect! After all, I haven't even considered the possiblity of losin'!" Kamui-kun exclaimed

" Let's go to Leon-kun!" I said

~ A few minutes later on Earth~

Normal POV

" Let's go find Ren's team." Suiko said as she scrolled the screen

" There they are. Looks like Kai Toshiki and Leon Souryu are going to fight." She continued

" Yeah. Right now, we can only watch." Kourin added

Everyone nodded... " While we're at it... let's have a little training with everyone..." Reborn said with a glint in his eyes...

Tsuna and the others have a bad feeling about this training...

~ Back in the space between Cray and Earth~

Lightning strikes the sky even more...

" I have a bad feeling about this... Let's hurry!" I said

" Let's go, Brother! Let's go defeat that Leon guy!" Kamui-kun exclaimed

" Which way?" Misaki-san ask him

" Um... Brother?" he ask and face me, I nodded

" The nihilistic aura is strong. This way." I said

" I-I thought that was the right way!" Kamui-kun said again, only to find out we are already walking

" Don't leave me behind!" he shouted

" The power is getting stronger... and the barrier is starting to weaken..." I said

" Are you going to be alright?" Misaki-san ask with concern

" Yeah. As long as the barrier doesn't get broken by the force, it'll be alright. If it comes to the worst, I might have to-!" I got cut off when mysterious chains broke the barrier.

" Aichi!" Misaki-san shouted as she pulled me away from the chains

" Thank you." I said

" What was that?" Kamui-kun ask

" It seems that Leon-kun has started his plan to capture me. I kind of knew this would happen but I did not expect it to be this soon." I said

" Their coming again! Run!" Kamui-kun shouted

We ran as fast as we can, the chains were also moving at a fast speed too, we might not be able to make it!

~ Back on Earth~

" ! Someone broke through our barrier for Aichi!" Reborn shouted

" What?!" Gokudera shouted

" What now?" Tsuna ask in panick while panting because of the training, the guardians are too

" I don't know and it seems that the power has started to go after him!" Reborn said

" Tch! Isn't there anyway to get in there and help?!" Gokudera ask in frustration

" No. We just have to figure it out." Reborn said in frustration as well

~ Back in the space between Cray and Earth~

We were still running, with no way to hide, the chains were everywhere, no matter where we go, they are everywhere!

" Brother! Are you alright?!" Kamui-kun ask

" Yeah, I'm fine! But this won't end!" I said

" What should we do?!" Misaki-san ask

" I'm just going to have to use my powers then!" I said

" Don't! You'll just exhaust yourself and that is exactly what Leon wants!" Misaki-san said

" Then what should we-!" I shouted as I see a chain heading towards me

" Aichi!"

" Brother!"

Suddenly, a flame spiral shot out from Persephone and melted the chain.

" Thank you for saving me, Persephone." I said to my guardian pet

" Hoot!" was his response

I took out the bracelet again. It transformed into a sword. I tried slashing the chains, but they were very persistent. " No use, huh?" " Then how about this?" I mixed it with rain flames, tranquility factor, I slashed the rain flames onto the chains and I somehow managed to slow their movements.

" Now!" I said and we continued running

A red lightning flashed in the sky. I suddenly sensed something.

" I sense an image of intense fury. Kai-kun?! Is that you?!" I thought when I saw the image " Who is he fighting?" then I saw an image of Leon-kun.

" Keep running straight!" I said

I tripped and was panting, " Aichi! Are you alright?!" Misaki-san ask me while holding me up while Kamui-kun supports

" Keep running...!" I said and noticed a chain grabbing my leg, Persephone tried to burn it again but got hit by a bundle of chains and onto the ground, " Persephone! Are you alright?!" I ask

" Hoot!" was his response meaning he's alright

" Don't worry, we'll-! AH!" Misaki-san was hit too

" Misaki-san! AH!" Kamui-kun too

" Misaki-san! Kamui-kun! AH!" I was being grabbed by chains and unable to move then I was engulfed by black mist and I blacked out, the last thing I did before I blacked out was throwing my deck to Misaki-san's and Kamui-kun's direction for safekeeping, I smiled at them.

Misaki's POV

" Aichi!" I said as I see the black mist surrounding him and he threw something to us, his deck, he smiled at us and blacked out and the mist took him away to Leon

" It's his deck, Gold Paladin..." Kamui said as he picked up the deck case

" He smiled at us, as if he knew this would happen..." I said

" We have to hurry! He said to run straight and that's where we are going! Let's go, Kamui! Let's go save him!" I said

" Yeah!" Kamui said

" Hoot!" It was the owl, if I remember his name was... Persephone!

" Do you want to come with us to save him?" I ask and putting a hand out

He nodded and flew forward to show us the way

" It seems that he's saying that Aichi is that way!" I said

" Alright! Let's go!" Kamui-kun exclaimed

We started running... " Please be safe! Aichi!" I thought and prayed

Kai's POV

I was in the middle of my fight...

" Kai Toshiki... Do you want to see something?" Leon Souryu ask

" What?" I ask

He smirked in a very evil way... " Very well."

Black mist suddenly rose at the side of the battle and when it dispersed... inside it was... Aichi! His arms were being lifted up by chains and his legs were also chained up and his mouth was covered by black mist, unable to move or talk, unconscious.

" Aichi! Leon Souryu, what have you done to him?!" I shouted

" I just captured him. Just like I said I would. HAHAHAHA!" Leon Souryu let out an evil laugh

" You! Aichi! Wake up! Aichi! Please wake up! Aichi!" I called out

Aichi's POV

" A voice is calling me... Kai...kun?" I thought in my consciousness " Aichi! Wake up!" No doubt it was him.

I started to open my eyes... " Aichi!" Kai-kun... huh? I can't talk!

" Kai...kun!" What is this?! I can't move! I look to the other side... Leon-kun?!

" I see you're awake, Aichi Sendou. Don't worry, after I deal with him, I can proceed to my plan of using your powers!" he said

" I won't allow it!" Kai-kun protest

" Kai...kun...stop..." I tried saying

" I'll save you, just wait there." he said

" No... stop... It's... impossible." I tried again

" Just wait..." he said again

I can't move or talk, what am I going to do?!

I kept watching the match but Kai-kun was still having difficulties, even when ' Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, THE BLOOD' is out.

Kai's POV

I can't believe this... My Final Turn is...!

" Final Turn!" Leon Souryu declared

" What?!" I said

" Kai...kun!" I turn to see Aichi with worried eyes

" Dragon spun into existence from the warp of the wind and the weft of the sea, live up to the legend in your ideal form! I crossride Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom! Observe. This is the ultimate Aqua Force, resurrected by my power! "

" No!" I heard Aichi screamed

" If there's a Maelstrom in the Soul, this card has 13000 power. Call. Cyprus's counterblast. You've got a fine dragon, but I'm going to end it right here. You should be honored. Diamantes! Attack Dusty Plasma!"

" I guard with Desert Gunner, Raien!"

" Don't... do... it!" Aichi screamed again

" Maelstrom! Attack Dusty Plasma!"

" No guard."

" I attack " THE BLOOD"! Receive the judgement of the wind. Glory Maelstrom's Ultimate Break!"

" Stop!" Aichi yelled again

" Spark Edge! Old Dragon Mage! And Garuda intercepts!"

" Still intend to resist? You should accept your fated destruction like a man. Toshiki Kai!"

" Enough of that nonsense! I'm going to win this! I'm going to save Aichi! I'm going to win for the proud Vanguard Fighters who try to find their own way!"

" Check... First... Second... It's over. Divine Blowing!"

Aichi's POV

I saw Glory Maelstrom attack went through to " THE BLOOD", Kai-kun collapsed, the sixth damage...

" KAI-KUN!" My pacifier reacted and glowed brightly and I broke out of the chains...

" What?!" Leon-kun reacted

" Aichi!" " Brother!" " Hoot!" It was Misaki-san and Kamui-kun and Persephone

" Kai..." Ren-san was behind

" Kai-kun! Kai-kun!" I called out and lifted him up

" Kai-kun! Wake up! Kai-kun!" I said

" Aichi... I... I didn't fight alongside you, didn't even encourage you... I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

" That's not true! When I didn't know what to do, when I didn't understand anything, you were the one who showed me the way, Kai-kun! Our paths aren't over yet. I'm sure they'll cross somewhere!"

" Next time, will you show me the way?"

" So let's keep doing our best, Kai-kun...!" he is disappearing,

" Defeated fighters lose the right to exist here. That must be it."

" No Don't disappear, Kai-kun!"

"Go, Aichi... to our paths..." and he disappeared

" Kai-kun!" ( I almost cry everytime I watch this part)

" Aichi Sendou, you're coming with me." Leon-kun said while reaching his hand out to grab me

" Persephone. Fire tornado." I said, a fire tornado came out of Persephone and fired at Leon-kun, he dodged it

" I guess this cardfight is fated between us."

" Let's settle this, Leon Souryu!" I declared

~ Back on Earth~

Normal POV

Kai, Ren and Asaka were transported back to Earth.

" Ren-sama..."

" I'm wiped out... Please let me sleep."

" Me too..."

" Kai! Wake up!" Tetsu said while shaking Kai

" I think they're exhausted." Lee said, all of Team Genius woke up

" Like we were" Ali added

" Let them rest for now" Chris said

" Got it. Are you guys okay?" Tetsu ask them

" We're fine! We're young, you know, unlike you, old man!" Ali replied

Cue sweat drop

" Old man?" Tetsu said

" If you're an old man, Tetsu-kun, what does that make me...?" Shin ask

They lean the worn out Team New AL4 on the wall as well and continued watching Aichi and Leon on the screen.

~ Back in the space between Cray and Earth~

In the middle of the fight, my vision suddenly went blur...

" What? What's going on?"

Further into the fight, I was surrounded by black mist and I fainted after Maelstrom delivered a blow...

" Can you keep fighting?" A voice ask

" That's right... I want to fight..." I said in my mind

" In that case, we'll lend you our power..." A light surrounded me and I got up

" Stand up my avatar! Call! Blaster Blade Spirit!" I said

And soon, with Platina Ezel, Blaster Blade Spirit and my Gold Paladin friends, I won...

" The time has come!" I hear Takuto-kun's voice

" Is this... the planet Cray?" I said looking at the portal that appeared in front of us

" Please take care of Leon-kun." I said and passed the unconscious Leon-kun to Sharlene

" Aichi Sendou... Your clan is the leader of planet Cray... Now... Hold up your deck..." I held up my deck as Takuto-kun instructed and a ray of light went into the portal and we finally freed planet Cray and I fainted...

~ Dream~

" My Royal Paladin friends... Blaster Blade!" I said and faced the finally freed clan and my avatar

" Thank you, my leader." Blaster Blade said and tried to bow

" Don't do that! We're friends, aren't we?"

" Royal Paladin's been saved... You can use Royal Paladin again." Takuto-kun's voice echoed

" Gold Paladin and I have... Everyone in Gold Paladin is my dear friend, too. We travelled together, we fought together... So..." I said

" You treasure your friends? That's just like you, Aichi Sendou." Takuto-kun voice said

" Everyone!" I said as they disappeared

" Let's make a vow, my Vanguard. We will be with you for eternity." Blaster Blade said and disappeared

~ space between Cray and Earth~

I woke up and I saw Misaki-san and Kamui-kun holding onto me..

Leon-kun's team was also transported back to Earth.

We were starting to transport back too and when we were, we were already worn out and asleep...

~ Earth~

" Good job. Aichi."

The next day

The next day, Team Q4 won the final stage and everything was back to normal, well, not so normal...

The next day

" Hello!" I was in Card Capital

" Welcome! We've been waiting for you!" Manager said

" Huh?"

"Ah, It's Aichi Sendou!" one boy exclaimed

" He won the VF circuit!" another boy exclaimed

" Fight me!"

" No, with me!" And all the kids gathered around me

" W-Wait a second... You can take turns! Ride!"

" Ah! It's Blaster Blade! It's Gold Paladin!"

" Yeah"

" Huh? Brother, you're sticking with Gold Paladin!" Kamui-kun ask

" Why not? They were your friends who travelled around the world with you." Misaki-san said

" Yeah."

" Now, who wants to fight me?" Kamui-kun ask the kids

" I'll fight too!" Misaki-san said

" Stand up, Vanguard!"

Tomorrow is the Arcobaleno Trials... I'll do my best and observe and test them, Vongola Decimo and his guardians...

How was the chapter? Took me a week to write this! I am sorry and please read and review! Thanks for reading! Get ready for chapter 2!