Spirify : Let's just start it...

Standing a top a small hill, Aisha sat down, leaning her back against the tree. The branches and leaves blocking out the early morning sun that brightened the day. White, fluffy clouds flew by slowly as birds chirped. A cool summer breeze brushed against her hair as she closed her eyes and thought.

It's been so long since that accident...

As Elsword caught her and saved her from the torturing pain between Caelum and Inferna, she had confessed her feelings to him. When they met, it wasn't a great start, but as he continued his efforts to save her, warm and fluffy feelings grew in to her chest. The mage had finally realized why, it was the longing of warmth and a friendly smile. The bonds that connected her together by the gang itself was something she never wanted to disappear. Something that made her continue to live to the fullest as 'herself' not as a murder that somebody wanted. These feelings grew stronger, making her resolve firm as she remembered fighting against the powers that restrained her.

I wish this peace lasts forever...

The moment Speka and Ran had caught her and told her, they were her father and mother, she absolutely resented her life, thinking it was for the better if she died in vain. Every village she had visited, dissed her, she wasn't an equal to them in their eyes. She was merely a tool of killing, one that had no emotions. But that was wrong. She had emotion. Every kill, a feeling of guilt would bottle itself up in her, every tear would be kept locked in, every sadness would be hidden, every unhappiness was hidden with the silky red blood splattered from a corpse. She was like an Angel with a shotgun, someone who would throw away their faith for the sake of protecting something. One who would throw away everything, for another's sake. But the mage didn't care, she didn't care if Heaven wouldn't take her back, or if Hell wouldn't even accept her, as long as he was protected from harm, she was happy. Perhaps, that resolve was what kept her going.

Maybe one day...

If only that happened. If only the gang didn't die. If only she had protected them. If only... She had stopped Speka and Ran...! Then this wouldn't have happened...! Without her relieving it, salty tears had begun to slip down her face as one hand clamped itself over her mouth. The other wrapped itself around her knees, in a pathetic attempt to make herself disappear. Yes, Elsword died, not just him, but everyone else.

"Your first mistake was allowing us to live!" Speka cackled as she shot a stream of lightning down at the ground, cracking it in half.

Aisha watched petrified as Ran slashed his sword across Rena's stomach before stabbing it in to her heart, the blade piercing right through. Raven screamed out of fury and charged blindly, his love making him lose sight of how to fight. He was immediately destroyed as a flash of silver sliced through his neck. Eve closed her eyes and sucked in a heavy breath, tears streaming down her face as she charged a mega electron ball at Ran. Chung was blocking deathly attacks from Speka as she continued to shoot black balls. Elsword was standing in front of her with his eyes opened and determined. Only Aisha was on the ground, frozen with fear and unable to fight. She watched horridly, as the electron ball was sliced in half, a purple hand appearing out of nowhere and crushing Chung and Eve together.

"Eve, Chung...!" Elsword shouted with angst as he threw a Conwell at the hand.

"Ugh..." Eve coughed out blood as the hand continued to tighten around her.

"I think... it's the end for us... Eve." Chung coughed, wrapping an arm around her.

The silver-haired female nodded and smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck as well. In a minute, the two were crushed to nothing but blood and in the other, Elsword being attacked suddenly by a sword. Everything slowed, the swordsmen's eyes fluttered close as the blade pierced his heart, that's when Aisha lost her sanity.

"AHHHHH...! NO... NO... NO...! THIS CAN'T BE... IT'S YOUR FAULT...! ALL YOURS..!" Aisha screamed hysterically at Speka and Ran, demonic bat wings appearing on her back.

"Ours? When all you did was sit on the floor and didn't fight with them." Speka giggled.

"I... I..." With overwhelmed rage, the dark mage was destroyed to bits on the floor, her blood splattering the other corpses on the ground, "I DON'T KNOW...!"

Ran eyes widened as he stared at the bloody eyes of Aisha, an insane grin on her face. A wand was in one of her wands while a dark red scythe was in her other. The king backed down and turned away, running as fast as he could.

"You can't run~!" The mage sang as she took a step forward.

She continued her simple steps, her scythe whipping around in a circle as Ran continued to run pathetically. In one second, her scythe tore through his back as one foot slammed his head on to the concrete. She stabbed her scythe in to his heart before continuing to destroy his body. With each slash, a maniac laugh escaped her lips.

"I'll never be the same again..." Aisha laughed weakly, her eyes closing shamefully.

The beautiful blue sky, turning to a dark gray as rain started to pour down, drenching the people with sadness.

Maybe one day... Everything would be the same again...

Spirify : -gets shot to death- x ~ x

Aisha and Elsword : So... this is what you do to us... A unhappy ending...

Spirify : -getting chocked-

Raven and Rena : The readers are going to murder you...

Eve : -makes a stand with a bunch of weapons for the readers to kill Spirify- Enjoy.

Please R&R or hate me for what I've done Dx

There's not that many bad endings in my eyes, so I made this one in to a bad ending... But if you want, just hate this epilogue and like the chapter before it...