Snuggle : Hi hi guys! My first uploaded story on fan fiction, though this isn't my first story~ I would have uploaded sooner but I kinda sucked at understanding how to upload and stuff... I was really confused when I first made an account xD

Elsword : She looked so stupid trying to figure out stuff TROLOLOLOL


Rena : But you didn't have to keep researching how to do stuff on Google xD Could have just read the guideline thingy LOL

Snuggle : WUT EVER ~ Enjoy and I love constructive crictisims, so go ahead and help me :D


Elsword : Infinity Sword

Aisha : Void Princess

Rena : Night Watcher

Raven : Wepon Taker

Eve : Code Battle Seraph

Chung : Tactical Trooper

The heavy smell of blood entered Elsword's nose. The stench sent a shiver down his body as he watched the very people in Ruben get slaughtered to death. A swirl of purple pig-tails was the only thing he could see as the girl twirled around, laughing a maniacally. Fire scorched the Earth in blazing flames that licked at the dead bodies. The only thing she didn't kill was... him. In the dark lights of the night with fire as half it's source showed one eye with the color of a vibrant scarlet while the other as a beautiful violet. A sick grin plastered her face as she looked at him with total glee. Her mouth moved.

"Remember this night, my little bird... I will come for you next."

Leaves from a nearby tree floated down gracefully. A cool breeze brushed against a sleeping body. His hair was a brilliant, blazing red with only a few blotches of black, two swords were crisscrossed on his back, and he wore light armor. His eyes slowly opened, revealing scarlet eyes that were indeed frightening. A light smirk crossed his face for a split second. The swordsmen rubbed his eyes and stood up, glancing at the castle behind him.

"I better get back before Rena starts yelling at me

With those words said, he picked up a light jog to the castle.

A huge white gate loomed over Elsword as he sauntered in. There stood Rena, hands on her hips as she looked at him displeased.

"Where were you? I've been waiting for ten minutes! You know you shouldn't have kept the quest waiting!" She scolded him.

"Sorry, Rena. And what did you mean about the guest? We have a quest?" Elsword replied.

Rena huffed, "Remember? We have a new member in the El Gang, the Commander told us about her."

New member? I guess I wasn't listening when the commander was talking to us. Elsword sighed and shook his head, continuing to walk forward and pass Rena. She followed behind huffing and pouting every once in a while. They reached the grand door and Elsword pulled it open with one hand. Just as the door opened he could see everything. Purple pig-tails and purple eyes. In one swift motion both swords were in his hand and one was pointed at her neck while the other at her heart. The girls eyes widened and terror filled them.

"You..." Elsword hissed pressing the metal deeper in to her neck.

"Elsword!" Rena gasped, pulling the swords away and smacking him on the head.

Blood lightly spilled down from the girls neck as she touched it gingerly. Her entire body was shaking, when Chung came over and gently pulled her hands away to examine the wound.

"It's okay, Aisha... You'll be alright, " Chung spoke soothingly, his eyes glaring at Elsword from a distance. " And now what were you thinking?! Attacking her like that!"

Elsword clenched his fist and glared at Aisha with complete hatred and the intent to kill.

"S-she's the one who murdered everyone in my village. It's her! I know it is!" He snarled, gnashing his teeth together.

"V-village? M-m-murder? M-me?" Aisha stammered, clearly shaken from the events that just took place.

Rena had left the scene and brought back a first-aid kit, quickly treating the wound on Aisha's neck. Aisha wore a very showy outfit, a piece of purple cloth wrapped around her chest area with blowy long gloves. She wore a buckled skirt and thigh-high purple boots. A bat wand was in her hand as she gently touched the wound on her neck.

"Don't try to lie. I know you know what you did..." Elsword's reply was harsh and cold.

"W-what?" Aisha cocked her head to the side and a puzzled but frightened look crossed her face.

Chung slammed his palm on the table and stood up. "Elsword, I think your mistaking her for the other person. Remember, you told us she had one red eye and one purple eye? Aisha has two purple eyes."

From what Chung said, Elsword could finally see what he had done. Aisha did have two purple eyes, and she was perfectly innocent. But he took his anger out on her and damaged her on their first meeting. Completely ashamed of what he had done, he mumbled out a small sorry before shuffling his way to his bedroom.


Aisha : To short :c

Elsword : You ain't gonna put me with Aisha right...?

Chung : Nupe, this time, you guys are a couple, while I'm with Eve 3 *runs to glomp Eve*

Eve : *slaps* Back off, fool.

Please R&R~ Thank you xD

P.S - I'm the slowest updater ever... Probably in history lol