A/N: Hi there! Last Chapter~ Boohoohoo. QAQ oh well. Let's get this going!


Warning: Cute Mpreg fluff! If you don't like Mpreg, don't read! Also, i decided the last one should be a smut chappie. Just cause I only gave you guys one! Love you all! And thanks bunches for the kind reviews! :)


***Chapter 9***

Happily Ever After Plus One

Sherlock let out a contented sigh and held John closer. It had been a year since he returned. John had been very mellow and relaxed after the initial reunion. All he had wanted to do was make love with Sherlock at every given moment. Sherlock didn't disappoint. He smiled to himself and rubbed a hand over John's back.

"Need another rub?" He asked, noting the way his lover flinched. Well, husband actually. John nodded and pulled himself up into a sitting position. Sherlock began to rub John's shoulders, then slowly down to his lower back. More like wife. Did I forget to mention they had a little one on the way? He reached a hand around and rubbed a hand over his wife's rounded belly. 6 months ago, they had found out that John was pregnant. It had been startling, considering that John was indeed male, and definitely not a transvestite. The whole situation was very confusing. It was all thoroughly explained when Sherlock had remembered the tests he'd been doing on John before he faked his death. John had been furious with him, and didn't even look at him for an entire 2 weeks.

Luckily, Greg Lestrade had come to the raging couple's rescue. He had talked some sense into John, he only had to punch him once! The git had given in and apologized to Sherlock and eventually even let the brunette near him once more. It had been a loud and grouchy ordeal, but thankfully it had all blown over smoothly. Much to Sherlock's delight, John was extremely dependent for comfort and food in this state. He was all over Sherlock at some moments, and ready to punch him in the face the next.

He had started to eat the most random of things. He would eat strawberry jam, straight out of the jar. Other times he would mix tea and decaf coffee (since Sherlock was adamant about letting John have caffeine) then drink it cold. He also had started to walk around in nothing but his red pants and Sherlock's robe. His rounded belly was completely exposed. Except, now it was winter again. So, now he was back to warm jumpers and sweat pants. Sherlock loved observing John in his impregnated state. It was absolutely fascinating! Of course, he had comforted the mood swings, quelled the cravings, and rubbed the pains away. Not only was John fascinating, he was absolutely adorable! He always slept curled up on his side, with a little pout upon his brow. He was just the cutest thing!

Sherlock shook his head and continued to rub John's belly. They had yet to feel the first kick. It was such a waiting game, pregnancy. The brunette blinked at the contented sigh he received from John. Noticing the inquisitive look from his husband, the blonde let out a slight chuckle.

"He's be squirming around like crazy, not kicking however, and you rubbing my belly seems to be calming him down. It's the first peace I've had in 2 weeks." John explained, turning his head and kissing Sherlock lovingly. "I can't even imagine sleeping even less once he starts kicking." He murmured, laying his hand a top Sherlock's. The world's only consulting detective's face showed absolute smugness. He kissed John right back and decided a bit of French kissing was in order. He bit John's lower lip, causing the other to involuntarily give up his mouth to the enemy.

Sherlock smirked and crawled on top of his little ex-soldier. He kissed him more passionately than before, set on mapping every centimeter of John's mouth. Said blonde was practically limp beneath him. He squirmed here and there in retaliation, but didn't do much more than that. Sherlock had full access to every bit of John if he wanted. Surely, the brunette absolutely wanted it! He pressed his face into John's neck, licking the newly sensitive skin there. He made sure to stay on his knees, so not to press against the child growing in John's belly. He smiled slightly and pulled John's jumper off. Bare skin was revealed beneath.

"Oh, John~," Sherlock purred, "You've really let yourself go." He chuckled at John's indignant expression. "I'm kidding, love. You should know." He murmured. Sherlock delved lower, nipping at a perked pink bud with gusto. He tweaked the other roughly. John hadn't had time to reply, he was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure he was receiving. His skin had become overly sensitive in the past few months. Pregnancy had made him more sensitive than usual and Sherlock had taken this to his advantage.

John mumbled out a terse words before giving in and letting himself be pushed beyond the point of no return. He moaned softly and gripped the cushion below himself.

"Sherlock...don't prepare me...I'm ready!" He panted spreading his legs. His entire body was begging for a release that only Sherlock could give him. The brunette smiled knowingly and removed John's sweat pants. He quickly lubed up his own erection before pressing against John's entrance. It had always been so much better with the real John, than his imagined one, and his John Palace. He pressed in and slid in up to the hilt with ease. It surprised him at first, but then he remembered he had come inside last night. John still seemed to be stretched from last night endeavors as well.

Sherlock smirked and licked John's collarbone, smiling widely.

"You know, I just can't get enough of you." Sherlock murmured, right next to John's ear. He made sure his hot breath with brush against his wife's chilled skin in all the right ways. John replied in a bunch of broken up sentences and syllables. The brunette smiled, knowing that John was pushed into a place of pleasure that he wouldn't be coming back from for a bit.

Sherlock began to move. Pulling slowly out until the head of his member was in and then slowly pushing back in all the way to the hilt. He did this for several minutes, kissing John's neck at random.

"Sh-Sherlock...faster..." John moaned. Sherlock looked at him with a curious expression,

"Are you sure?" He asked, slowing to a halt. John gasped a bit but nodded. "If you say so." Sherlock said with a smirk. He began thrusting as fast as he could. John knew it was all or nothing with Sherlock, he had been prepared for this kind of treatment. John was a lump of moans within a minute. A constant stream of 'Sherlock' and groans came from the blonde. He wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. Sherlock realized this and sped up his pace. He was fairly close as well.

"John..." He breathed out, barely keeping the sanity in his voice. John suddenly tensed up and threw his head back, letting out a loud moan. Sherlock gasped as John clenched around him. They came together, moaning loudly. Sherlock waited until he was soft enough, then pulled out with a pop. John was covered in sweat and still panting. Sherlock smiled and leaned down, stealing a kiss from the blonde. John kissed up at him softly, since he didn't really have much energy.

"I love you, John." Sherlock murmured.

"I love you too, Sherlock." John said softly. The blonde then gasped. Sherlock furrowed his brow, looking John over,

"What's wrong?"

"The baby kicked." John said with a grin.


A/N: Well, the end! I hope you guys liked it! :) Now I think i'll go start on a Mystrade or something. ;)