Author Notes: It's Victory here. After much lurking I have decided to post my first fan fic. As far as the story it's AU and I will try to keep everyone in character but I make no promises : )

I have five chapters written so far and I am working on six right now. But first, please let me know if you like this first chapter!


Disclaimer: I am just borrowing the gang for a bit. I'll put them back soon.


Chapter 1 – That's definitely not normal…

Tori Vega had been going to Hollywood Arts for a few months now and she was finally settling in. At first she had been intimidated by the prospect of going to this new school. It was filled some of the most talented teens in the city. But her fears were completely unfounded. She managed to find her place in the school and she even had a group of friends that she had become pretty close with.

There was Andre. He was the first person that she made friends with. They had gotten pretty close in the last few weeks. Tori would even go as far as saying that he was her best friend.

Robbie was a strange one. He had puppet that he carried around with him named Rex. He was definitely out there but he was a pretty nice guy. Weird but nice.

Cat was hard to explain. She was like a ball of energy that seemed to be in constant motion. And even though she could be a bit much at times, she loved everything about Cat.

Beck was so laid back that sometimes Tori could barely get a read on him. And that's what seemed to draw her in. She felt this need in the pit of her stomach to know more about him. However there were two things keeping her from doing that. The first thing was that she wasn't really sure that Beck liked her. And the second thing was Beck's girlfriend.

The girlfriend was a rather nasty girl who dressed like she was an extra from an Evanescence video. Her name was Jade West and she seemed to live to drive Tori crazy. They had been butting heads since day one.

Today had been different from their usual pattern of bickering and name calling. Actually Jade had been trying to talk to her. It was really weird. And anytime she was with someone, Jade would try to scare them off with her usual threatening ways.

Tori was standing at her locker between classes with Andre and Cat, when suddenly Jade appeared in the hallway.

"Oh no…" Andre said.

"What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth?" Tori asked with a smile.

"My brother had something stuck in his teeth once. It was a goldfish." Cat said.

Tori and Andre just looked at the redhead with a puzzled expression.

"No but here comes Jade. She has been acting weird lately." Andre said.

"God she has been trying to talk me all day. I keep thinking it is a part of her elaborate plan to kill me or something." Tori said.

"My brother tried to kill someone once." Cat said. And of course Tori and Andre gave Cat another puzzled look.

"I don't even know what to say to that. Anyway, what do you mean Tori?" Andre asked.

"I dunno she keeps trying to get me alone or something. It's awkward and kinda scary." Tori said.

"Well she's coming this way. And personally I don't feel like having Jade threaten me today." Andre said.

"Just give me a second to find my book… I know it's in here…"Tori said as she continued searching through her things. She actually had stuck her face inside of the locker.

Andre looked past Tori and saw that Jade was only a few steps away. He wanted to wait for his friend but then again he really didn't want to be anywhere near Jade. He thought about it for a few seconds and did the only thing that felt right.

"Good luck, Tori. Come on Cat…" Andre said grabbing Cat's hand and headed to class.

"God, why is everybody so scared of Jade?" Tori asked with her head still inside of the locker. So she didn't noticed that Cat and Andre had walked away and Jade was standing in their place.

"So you aren't scared of me, Vega" Jade asked.

Goddammit Andre… Tori thought. She pulled her book out and closed the locker door. There stood the terrible and scary Jade West. Tori, however, was not going to be intimidated by her.

"You may scare everyone else. But I am not afraid of you." Tori crossed her arms and stood her ground.

"That's good to know." Jade paused for a second.

"Listen…I…I need to talk to you about something. And I really don't know how to say it…" Jade said.

Again, Tori didn't know how to deal with this new Jade. After all she had pretended to be nice a few times before and every time Tori was left feeling silly. This time, she wasn't going to give Jade the chance.

"Why should I even listen to you, Jade? All you ever do is insult me and generally make me miserable." Tori said.

"I understand that and I am…ugh…sorry for that. But I really need…" Jade started again.

"So now you are apologizing to me? I really don't understand you and honestly I don't want to." Tori said.

Jade stood there for a moment. She was just staring at Tori.

"What?" Tori shouted.

"Fuck this. Screw you, Vega." Jade turned on her heels and stomped away.

"Such a bitch…" Tori whispered.

"I don't know why she is like that."

Tori turned to her right. Beck was standing there. Her heart actually skipped a beat from being near him. She quickly regained her composure.

"And I don't understand how you can be in a relationship with her. Seems like it would be unending torture." Tori said.

"It's complicated." Beck said rather stoically. Tori couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But she was glad that Beck was talking to her.

"That's kinda messed up." Tori said.

"Yeah I know." Beck replied.

"Well if you ever want to talk about…anything at all, you know I am here to listen." Tori smiled.

"Thanks." Beck said. Then he sort of just drifted away from the lockers and down the hall.

Tori could feel her heart fluttering just from that interaction. She took a moment to enjoy the bliss. The Latina smiled to herself and headed to class.

However, she didn't see that Jade had been listening from around the corner.

"I'm not done with you Vega."

A few hours later…

At the Vega House…

Tori climbed out of Andre's car and closed the door.

"You wanna come in and hang for a bit? I got the house to myself for the evening." Tori said sticking her head back into the window.

"I have to go home and check on my Grandma first. Give me an hour and I'll be back. Cool?" Andre asked.

"Hell yeah my brother!" Tori shouted as she held out her fist for a pound. Andre just stared at her.

"Stop it. Be back soon, ok?" Andre said.

"See ya in a bit." Tori walked towards her front door as Andre drove away.

Tori smiled to herself. She had talked to Beck, stood up to Jade and she had the house to herself for once. She unlocked the front door and headed inside.

"Today was awesome!" Tori shouted as she stepped inside of her house.

"It's just getting started, Vega."

Tori froze. There was no way this was really happening.

She turned towards the stairs and saw Jade West standing there.

To be continued...