"Well here I go" Alexis told herself as she turned da corner. But she bumped into someone and got knocked over."Watch where ya goin' dum-" As i glanced up I was staring into some pretty powerful brown eyes. "I'd sorry, but it wasnt my fault that ya crashed inta me" The boy had fiery red hair and had to be italian, counting on the color of his skin.

He had a smirk on his face "Ah anothera smart ass like me ay? Da name is Racetrack." As he offered a hand to get me off da ground. I shook his hand. "and what would your name be?" I froozed for a sec, "Alex-is... da name, its Alex" He shot me a questioning glance then said "what are ya doing out here all alone anyways on a night like dis?" Its was a chillly fall night and I had gotten lost looken for da Lodgen house for Newsies boys. "I'm here lookin' for work, actually for the newseis lodin' house."

With raised eye-brows he turn on his heel "follow me den, i'm headin' there now" I ran up to catch up with him and stayed quiet till we were in fornt of da loding house where two guys were sittin' on da steps.

I automatically noticed a crutch leaning against one of da guys legs. "Jack dis is Alex, just knocked him down a block overa, and Alex dis is Jack Kelly, Or Cowboy," and pointing at da other boy, who looked roughly my age "dats Cruthie." I said my hellos and then they lead me inta the buildin'.

Inside it was huge. "Listen' up, dis is Alex, he is here to become a newsies with us. got it?" Jack annouced. As i blushed i'd hoped dat no one really noticed. Most da the boys came over and gave me a greetin'. Mush, Skittery, Specs, Romeo and a lot others, but I don't remember da names. I yawned and i guest it was pretty noticable cause Jack told the boy named Cruthie ta show me the bunk room.

Cruthie lead me to a room lined with bunks beds."here dis one will be yours. Its just two away from me if ya evera need anything and Racetrack is the top bunk on yours and Skittery is you neighbor kid." Cruthie explained.

"I anin't no kid, bout big as ya anyways." As i make this smart-ass remark i felt kinda bad. 'His was crippled after all, how could I be so mean?'

Jack Kelly and a group da boys walked in as i said my remark and I recongized da one who pushed me overa and a few i met in da lobby of the building.

"How old are ya kid then?"

"Fifthteen, just last month!" I replied getting used to my new roommates watching my every move.

"Hmm.. Well you look younger," Jack said. "Say you're twelve. The younger ones sell more."

I guess that makes sense, but it was a little of a jump in age.

"So you wanna be a Newsie, kid?" Jack asked and I nodded. "Well if you spend your first day wit me and Crutch 'ere, you'll be ready to go on your own by the end da the week." I plopped down on my bunk and just looked around at my new 'home'.

As I glanced overa at da boys I noticed dat Cruthie was blushin' a bit and so was... Racettrack? Jezz what am I 'bout to get myself into?

(Cruthie's POV)

'There is something bout dat kid tht gives me a funny feelin' and its kinda weird but he is kinda good lookin' for a boy. He gotta get lots of goils.' As I walked overa ta my own bunk, I couldn't help but think bout the new kid.