The Lake - Chapter 12

A/N: Hey Guys! I know this is a short chapter, but it's still a chapter, right? And to make things even worst, it's a sad chapter...Crying! Yeah, well a little angst and a little heart break is needed I guess when two lovers must part ways. Please don't hate me! I promise it will get better and you will all get the ending you're hoping for. At least I hope it is. Thanks to Jen Rescuemama2007 for her Beta services once again on this chapter. Thank you to everyone who's been patient in waiting for me to get back to this story. I really appreciate it! And for those who never read The Lake, I highly recommend it. It's a beautiful and sad story of how two young lovers come together after years of being apart at a young age. I still get goosebumps reading it! Well, enough drabbles, here is The Lake Chapter 12! Let me know what you think? - Roxy.

(Will's POV)

It was Sunday. To many people, Sunday was a day like no other. You get up, get dressed, have a home-cooked meal and do anything and everything to get yourself ready for the upcoming week, trying not to dwell on what challenges must be faced in the days ahead.

However to me, this Sunday wasn't going to be home cooked meals and preparation for the week. This Sunday was the day that Sonny and I had to part ways.

The time had flown by in the blink of an eye. It was almost like it was a dream. A dream that I never wanted to wake up from. Somehow, despite how hard I tried to remain in wonderland with this amazing man, reality struck and unfortunately, I woke up knowing that this might be the last time I see Sonny for god knows how long.

I hadn't realized how hard it would be to leave behind the person that you're in love with until today. Even at the age of sixteen, which some people would probably say is too young to know real love, I knew that Sonny was the only one for me. After three years and the incredible week that Sonny and I just spent together, I knew so more than ever. He is my true love.

Now I'm faced with going back to Salem. Alone...and suddenly I felt very lonely.

"Hey there handsome. Why aren't you still in bed?" Sonny questioned as he walked over to me, covered us both in the blanket he had brought with him and wrapped his arm tightly around my shoulders.

"Couldn't sleep." I sighed, slowly melting into Sonny's embrace. I was trying not to be a baby about it, but the gravity of knowing that after this beautiful time together we would have to be apart again was almost too much for me to bear. The wheels in my mind kept turning and wouldn't give me a moment of peace.

"Neither could I," he admitted and placed a quick kiss upon my cheek. "I can tell something is wrong. Is it because we're leaving today?"

"I...I don't know if I can do this Sonny," I stuttered, feeling the tears forming in my eyes. "I don't think I can leave..."

Sonny immediately put his arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Will, I love you, and I promise you that it won't be for long. I just need to go home and sort a few things out. Then I'll come and find you. I promise." Sonny was very convincing. "You believe me, don't you?"

I wanted to believe him, honestly I did. But the last time we parted ways and Sonny pushed me out of his life, I was devestated and completely heartbroken. I just don't know if I have the strength to do this again; to go through that amount of pain again.

"You promised me that the last time you left and look how long it took us to find each other? What if the same thing happens again this time? What am I supposed to do then? Pretend like this week never happened and go back to hating you for leaving me? I can't do that, Sonny. Not this time. I love you far too much. This week with you has been life-changing, but if you can't say with certainty that you'll come back to me, then I don't know that I can wait for you." I tried my best to stay calm, but it was simply impossible with everything that was going through my head at the moment.

"Will, look at me," Sonny whispered and lifted my eyes up to meet his gaze. I could see my pain reflected in his eyes. "I love you. More than you could possibly imagine. I know I fucked up before and pushing you away was the biggest mistake of my life. But you have to understand that at the time, it felt like it was my only option."

"I know that Sonny. You already explained everything to me and I understand why you did what you did. Who knows? Maybe I would have done the same thing in your position. However it doesn't change the fact that I went nearly three years without seeing you or hearing from you and having to let you go again...It's like..." I can barely even speak just thinking about how hard it was for me when Sonny never showed up at the lake the next summer after we shared our first kiss. It broke my heart. And now, after being with Sonny in the most intimate way possible, I'm not sure that I could ever get over it if the same thing happened again.

"I'm not going to make that same mistake again, Will. I should have never stopped writing letters to you. I'm stupid and I'm a jerk." Sonny cried out and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm so in love with you, Will, and I would rather die than ever spend another day without you."

"Sonny, don't say things like that." I hushed him with my lips by pressing a soft kiss upon his lips. Then I buried my face into Sonny's bare chest. Wasn't love supposed to be all violins and roses? Wasn't it supposed to get easier once you fell in love? But it wasn't easier and I felt so fragile I thought I might just crack. This was damn hard. "I'm gonna miss you so much," I cried profoundly.

"I know, baby. I'm gonna miss you too." Sonny held onto me as tightly as he could and placed a few kisses on my forehead. "We should get back inside before we both catch a cold."

I nodded, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, and followed Sonny inside the cabin to enjoy what little time we had left together.

To Be Continued...OXO