Bardock, Son of Gohan

Bardock knew of peace; the definition that is. He never really had peace in his life. He was born when two monsters roamed around, killing the weak and innocent.

When they were disposed of, he still had to deal with things. Never in his life was he able to shrug his shoulders without the weight of the world pulsing pain and burdens on him.

He was both sad and glad that the other saiyans shared the same problem. But they all had a sort of salvation. His grandfather, Goku, had his grandmother, Chi-Chi. His supposed uncle, Vegeta, had his supposed aunt, Bulma. His uncle Goten had his innocence; he was still able to look at the world as if he were a child. His mentor, the Trunks from his timeline, knew of the pain but not to extent he did. Present Trunks had everything, so he never really had conflict with burdens. His friend, Trunks' sister, Bra had everything as well. His father, Gohan, had his mother, Videl. For that, Bardock was grateful.

His father was exactly like him; having to carry the world on his shoulders against his will, and forced to deal with it. He was glad that his father found his mother because they were made for each other, in any timeline.

Bardock did have a salvation; Pan, his sister. No matter how bad things got, all he had to do was think of her. Once he knew she was safe, he was happy. Pan was his everything; he didn't need another person in his life because he gave his life and heart to his sister once he was born.

Yes, he loved his family; he did, full heartedly, but Pan was the only one he needed. Through and through, Bardock had others, but Pan was a constant, and that's what made him happy and content.

Peace was something he never experienced, but it was something he made happen. He was selfless, never wanting things for himself, always putting others before him. Maybe it was a family trait, or maybe it was his hero complex, but he had it.

Peace was like his family; he had always felt like he didn't belong, but it was something he would lay down his life for over and over again, no matter what.

Gohan clenched his jaw when he saw his blood enter the tube from the needle puncturing his skin. He was glad he never inherited his father's fear of needles; he probably would've been in the fetal position by just the thought of a needle.

He exhaled in relief when the needle retreated. Videl snorted, taking the blood and putting some under a microscope, "You're such a baby."

Gohan laughed incredulously, "Oh please, like anyone likes a needle puncturing their skin. I'm just like anybody else."

Videl laughed and shook her head, looking inside the microscope. Gohan smiled at her. He was glad and grateful that he had Videl in his life; without her, he'd be dead.

"Well," Videl said, backing away from the microscope. "It seems that you were right. The serum did change your cells, taking away your human half."

Gohan furrowed his brow, "How?"

Videl shrugged, putting the blood away, "I guess since your dominant trait is your saiyans cells, and you were injected with another type of alien blood, your alien side took over."

Gohan chewed on his lips before nodding, "It makes sense, I guess." It explained why he got his tail back. When he had first come to the underground camp, he was as good as dead. With the help of the doctors and Videl, he was able to get back on his feet. Being in great danger, Gohan was able to discreetly contact Trunks, Bulma, and his mother to tell them he was safe, but he couldn't get to them until the androids were taken care of.

He would've hated this isolation if it wasn't for Videl. He didn't want to fall in love. Falling in love meant another loved one in danger, and he couldn't risk that. But, try as he might, falling in love with Videl was inevitable, and he didn't regret it.

Gohan ignored the twitch of his tail at the thought of Videl. Being a twenty year old with no sexual experience and Videl looking like a goddess, it was hard for him not think of her that way. Hard not to touch her when he could. Hard. He groaned inwardly when he thought of another thing that was hard.

Videl raised a questioning eyebrow at Gohan's pained expression, "What're you thinking about?"

Gohan shook his head, shifting to get a little more comfortable in his situation, "Nothing." It wasn't like his love was one sided. He knew Videl liked him. Her kisses and touches showed him; he was just embarrassed about how easily aroused he was. But they hadn't done it yet, so why not start now.

He cleared his throat and creeped up behind Videl. "I can think of something really fun to do," He whispered against her neck, smirking once he saw her shiver. He kissed her neck, and wrapped his arms around her.

"Gohan," Her tone was meant to be stern, but he couldn't help but smirk wider when her voice wavered deliciously.

"Videl," He whispered back and trailed kisses up her neck and to her jaw, his hands caressing her sides and hips.

"Gohan," She said again, this time in pleasure. He grinned when she turned in his arms, her eyes darkened; he was so getting lucky.

10 months later…

Gohan's smile never left his face as he trailed his fingers over his children's cheeks. Pan was a beauty, already taking after her mother, except she had his eyes to which he was a little disappointed; he would've loved to see Videl's blue eyes on his beautiful baby girl.

He smiled a little wider when he saw his son. Bardock, the name struck him out of nowhere, but it seemed to match up so well with the boy. He looked just like him, with black eyes as well; it seemed to be the dominant trait. Though Trunks had blue eyes, he never did get that.

"Hey," Videl whispered as she came in, her arms wrapping around his waist, "Whatcha doing?"

Gohan returned the hug, still staring at the babies, "Nothing." He kissed her forehead, "Just can't get enough of them, that's all."

Videl chuckled, "I'll hold you to that when they're waking us up in the middle of the night."

Gohan nuzzled his face in her neck, "I'll love them no matter what. But if they interrupt our time, I won't." Videl laughed, and kissed his cheek.