a/n: sorry you guys had to wait so long! but hopeful this chapter makes up for it, i was really excited to write this part :) please review and let me know what you think!

also a big thanks to everyone who has reviewed/favorited/followed this story and kept with it through my hiatus! also check me out on tumblr at stilescavanaugh, where you can give me drabble prompts or ask about my current fics :)

always in the twilight

chapter eight

the things we do for love

by colorshow

"I'm glad you told me Toby." Spencer whispered in Toby's ear as he kneeled in front of the grave.

He chuckled mirthlessly in response, "I tell you everything Spencer."

"I know."

A silence fell between them as Spencer sat down next to Toby and laid her head on his shoulder feeling renewed by the steadiness he provided, he was her rock, her safe place to land. Now it was time for her to be his.

"Have you told anyone before, or did everyone just assume?" Spencer asked slowly, trying to formulate the question in a way that Toby wouldn't find offensive. Of course, he knew her intentions were always good. It seemed that he was the only one who knew that sometimes. People always assumed she was trouble, a bad influence who had strayed away from her sister's path.

Wrapping his arm around her shoulder he muttered "Assumed. People would never believe how much I loved my mother."

"Well, I believe you and that's all that matters, okay?" Spencer told him, her brown eyes locking with his blue ones.

He nodded giving her a small smile, "I don't know what I'd do without you Spence. Whenever I used to miss her I'd hold unto this." he paused briefly to take a silver locket from the pocket of his jacket "It belonged to her. She used to tell me I'd always be close to her as long as I had it."

Gently wiping away a tear that trailed down his cheek she whispered "And you always will be."

Shutting the passenger side of the truck door behind her Spencer gave Toby a rather passionate good morning kiss. Running her hands through his hair she pulled him closer to her.

"What's gotten into you today?" Toby whispered, pulling away. Groaning Spencer fell against the back of her seat "Does there need to be a reason?"

Toby looked at her, raising his eyebrows "Spence, I know you. What happened last night?"

Spencer gave him a tired look, slouching down farther into her seat.

"In my opinion you know me a little too well." She chuckled mirthlessly "Let's just say that Melissa's fiance is a British Asshole who is practically perfect to my family with his doctorate and perfect manners. It just makes me so mad, the minute after Melissa and Wren went back to their apartment my mom and dad try to tell me I should find someone like Wren Kingston. But can't they see I love you?" Spencer whispered.

She knew that he hated this, that her parents hated him. Spencer could tell by the way he would square his shoulders and slightly shake his head, attempting to give her a shaky smile.

"Yeah, I wish they could too."

Her day couldn't possible get worse, until it does.

It starts with the note she finds in her locker, Better seek me out before I seek out you -A.

She was tired of this game, who was messing with her? What made her more worried than anything was that this sounded like something Ali would do, or did do.

Because Alison DiLaurentis was dead, and the body was found to prove it.


Spencer glances around her English classroom as she takes a seat. Times like this she really wished she wasn't sober, or that she had skipped class with Toby and made it up to him for being busy last night.

Damn. Now was not the time to get horny.

Grabbing a hairband she pulled her hair up from her face, which had been rather unmanageable today. Glancing around she noticed Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Jenna talking in hushed voices is the corner of the classroom. They had distressed looks on their faces but it only took Jenna a moment to notice Spencer was looking at them, causing her to quickly avert her eyes to the handout they had been given in class yesterday.

Just as she looked up she saw it. She saw Mr. Fitz slip Aria a piece of paper, watching the girl blush in response.

Oh, Aria, always getting involved in the worst situations.

Quickly sitting down she wishes she could avoid the world, spend the day curled up with Toby in bed, preferably naked, but really anything would be fine with her at this point. Picking at the threads of her oversized black cardigan she wishes that she could disappear, her and Toby could run away, and start a new life.

Could Ali have? No, she couldn't think about things like that, she only needed to focus on herself. Quickly checking her phone for Toby's obligatory text he always sends her she's surprised to find no new messages on her phone. That was weird.

Maybe it was instinct, or the fact that her and Toby had been attached at the hip for over a year that she knows something is off, no something is very wrong.

It's the police sirens that really set her off.

Spencer knows, she knows, it's Toby.

Quickly grabbing her bag she rushes out of the room, rushing towards the front door. It's happens so quickly and everything is so blurry and confusing that she doesn't know what to do, all she can register is the police officers grabbing Toby and putting the handcuffs around his wrists. Her eyes go blurry from her tears.

"Toby!" she yells, watching his eyes go wide as he shakes his head. Running forward she yells at the police officers "What did he do?"

Some sleazy looking detective shakes his head "He's being arrested for the murder of Alison DiLaurentis."

Spencer furiously shakes her head, not caring if she's making a scene "He didn't kill her!" she protests, glaring furiously at the officer, who simply shakes his head. Becoming increasingly angrier she shakes her head "I was with him the entire night, I know he didn't kill her."

"We have proof." The officer says shortly, Spencer nearly gasps when he dangles the locket from his fingers, the one that Toby always kept with him that belonged to his mother. "This was found where Alison's body was found, deep in the ground, and it has Toby's finger prints all over it. Don't expect to see your boyfriend for awhile." He snapped, causing Spencer to recoil.

She can only watch blankly as the police car speeds away, pretending she can't hear her classmates' whispers, none of what they say is true anyway.

Taking a shaky breath she hears the telltale beep of her phone, quickly grabbing it from her bag, careful to not let her shaky hands drop it she reads the message.

I put him in and I can get him out, but I'll need your cooperation first. Meet me tonight at 11 at the drinking hole, make sure no one follows you. -A

Making sure no one sees she quickly puts her phone away, she doesn't have a choice, does she?

After crying on Cat's shoulder for awhile Spencer headed over to the drinking hole at 10, bringing a bottle of vodka with her and a pack of cigarettes. It was trashy, the cigarettes, but she always associated them with sadness, and that was all she felt at the moment. And anger, always anger.

Letting out a puff of air she watched the smoke stream from the butt of the cigarette, the world seemed tilted and hazy through the smoke that seemed to surround her. Spencer's head felt muddled from the alcohol as well, she was a fucking mess. Was it bad, that she was so dependent on Toby?

Yes, it was, it was toxic. But he was her family, maybe the two of them were hot headed and fought a lot but they always could depend on each other and their make up sex was the best. If only he was here right now, she could use a good fuck, clenching her thighs together she pulled the cigarette away from her lips to take another drink from the bottle of vodka.

Scuffing her Doc Martens against the the leaves of the forest she looked at her phone, the screen brightly flashing '11:00'. Looking around her mind somewhat inebriated she startles when she hears the voice from behind her.

"So you came, I knew you would"

Spencer quickly stands up and turns around and lets the cigarette fall from her fingers. It was no other than Mona Vanderwaal, the girl who Spencer had never gave a second glance and who Alison loved to torture, of course she looked nothing like the four-eyed pig-tailed girl she once was. Her and Hanna were best friends now, having gone through a makeover together and taken the status of the 'it-girls'.

Mona looks at her curiously, glancing down at the bottle of vodka in her hands "You know I always thought you were cooler than Alison, with your bad girl attitude and your perfect relationship, but who knew it'd be your downfall. Look who's begging for her boyfriend to be released now?"

Spencer nearly sneers at her words "And you're pathetic for stalking me, did you get off watching my boyfriend go down on me in a police car?"

"You act like you and Toby were so secretive, everyone knows you've been sexually active for god knows how long. But that's not what we're here to talk about, are we? No, you want me to get your boy toy out of prison, and in exchange you will both become a part of something bigger than both of us, and I know Toby will agree, he'd do anything for you."

"What do you mean 'bigger than either of us'?" Spencer asks her words not fully coherent.

Mona shakes her head "Oh, is someone a little drunk? Hmm, going a little crazy are we-"

Spencer pushes Mona, grabbing the girl's shoulders, "I want answers and you better give them now Vanderwaal!"

Pulling herself away from Spencer's grip she givers her an icy glare "You're going to be a part of the A-team, basically we're all people who hated Alison or who Alison hated, and we're trying to torture the people close to her, originally you were going to be tortured too, until we realized that you aren't one of those little liars anymore. Plus, we could use your brains and Toby is useful in more than one way."

"Torture people? That's illegal, I don't need any jail time, and do you mean like those text messages you sent me?" Spencer asks.

Mona nods "Like that, I knew you'd need more than a little persuasion, and that's why I'll get Toby out of jail if you two join the team, it's as simple as that. The two of you can be even more disgusting with your 'criminal relationship', we won't harm either of you, as long as you follow the rules. Deal?" Mona simpers, her cold eyes meeting Spencer's.

"Fine." she spits, "But if you back out of your deal I'm out. If you get him out before this time tomorrow we'll both be a part of your sick game."

"I knew you'd agree" Mona smiles "And don't worry, it won't take too long before you enjoy, the darkness can only avoid you for so long."

In what seems like a flash Mona is gone and Spencer is alone.

But she needs Toby, whatever the cost is. They made their promise to each other a long time ago.

"Come on, I need you." Spencer whispers, her lips soft against his earlobe. Toby smiles shakily "I worry Spence, I know it's been two months since Ali's death, but what if someone had killed you, I don't think I could cope." he laments, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear."

Sighing she curls up against him, "I'm not Ali, she's been laying in her grave her entire life, okay? Plus we have each other, I know you'll always protect me and I'll always protect you, okay?"

Toby nods, leaning closer towards her until their lips collide, his tongue entering her mouth and stroking hers in the way she loves. "Why don't I show you how much I love you?" he whispers, quickly unclasping her bra and sliding her underwear off her legs. She doesn't hesitate to undo his pants in response, her naked body straddling him with only his boxers on, grinding against him until she feels his arousal against her. "Do you want me Toby?" she asks, her eyes glistening.

He lets out a guttural sound, "I'll always want you Spence"

"Good, now I want to feel you, all of you." she murmurs, quickly pulling his boxers, watching as Toby looks up at her, giving her a slight smirk before he quickly flips off the light switch and reattaches his lips to hers.

a/n: ahhhhh, i've been waiting for this moment for a long time, the story really begins here. i really also wanted to touch on the flaws in their relationship, like their dependency on each other, which is good and bad.

let me know what you think! and also heck out the other story i just posted we were made for the darkness which is spoby and american horror story, which i really enjoy writing!

please review :) it makes me happy!