Author's note: Because I have retaken my math exam I just have to wait for the phone call. Principle is gonna call me to let me know if I passed and can come to graduation.

So what do I do to kill time? Write Puzzleshipping fluff of course. This was inspired by some fanart and also by a couple I saw on the way home last night. xP

"You sure this is a good idea?"

"Positive. Why?"

"Because I almost landed on my ass not two seconds ago."


And at that point, Yugi had to stop biking because laughter starting pouring out of his mouth like crazy. He had decided that Yami had to learn how to roller skate. All he did was sit at home, study for midterms and refused to come out of his room. It had taken its toll when Yugi had to drag him out for dinner.

"Can't help it that I got an F for that last exam. I will fail college if I don't study for the upcoming exams!" Yami had desperately yelled when both of them ended up in a heap on the floor when Yugi had tripped over Yami's feet on the stairs. They lived together in an apartment after they had started dating and Yugi was having a hard time getting the facts through Yami's thick head.

And right now, Yami was rubbing his throbbing backside while Yugi was leaning over the edge of the bike to make sure he would not lose his balance because he was laughing so hard. Yami shot him a glare, still rubbing his skin with his gloved hand. He had slipped and his feet had flown straight into the air, causing him to fall in a very un-charming way.

"Don't get me wrong, hanging out with you is fun, but I don't think it's worth this much pain," Yami winced when Yugi pulled him up again. He had ended up on the ground at least five times since they started and he was sure his back was covered in bruises. Yugi gave him a look, a look that Yami did not quite like. "Aibou."

"Come on, you're not even trying."

"I am, I'd just rather not travel with roller skates. I can't even—Wow!" Yugi had jumped up from his bike to keep him from hurting himself again by wrapping his arms around his waist but that only caused them to topple over and both of them ending up on the grass.

"Ow," both of them moaned at the same time. Yami had made sure to break the fall, he was currently lying on the grass with Yugi on top of him. Yugi had automatically buried his face in Yami's chest when he had pulled him close and still had his arms around Yami's waist. Yami raised his finger when Yugi managed to pull his head up from his boyfriend's chest.

"I suggest we never do this again." Yugi rolled his eyes and chuckled, wrapping his hand around Yami's wrist to draw his attention.

"Point taken. But it was fun, right?"

"Sure." Yugi crawled over Yami's body until his face was hovering over his. His grip on Yami's wrist had weakened and was now lying carelessly on the grass right next to Yami's jawline. "I was only complaining about the roller skates, not about you."

"Quite the charmer, are you?" Yugi teased quietly, lowering his face even more until their noses lightly brushed against each other.

"Always been," Yami whispered, tipping his head a little and giving Yugi a small wink. Yugi took his chance and kissed Yami on his lips. Yugi smiled against his lips and closed his eyes to let himself drown into the soft kiss Yami was giving him. Yami intertwined their fingers and his other hand was carefully caressing Yugi's cheek.

When they pulled back, Yugi sighed contently and laid his body right next to Yami's. From the corner of his eyes he saw the bike lying on its side, apparently they had not even noticed it had tipped over.

"Wanna go back to the apartment to study?"

Yami's eyes fell on his and a small smirk appeared on his face. He reached for Yugi and pulled him close, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "Nah, I'm fine."

Author's note: Well. It's just a drabble of course.
