Kingdom Hearts DxD

Chapter 22.5

Interview Special

A/N: Before you read, as the title implies this is an interview special where I answer a few of the questions I get from fans of Kingdom Hearts: DxD while giving them a break from the momentary seriousness of the story. In this special you'll see different versions of the same character in the same place. For example you'll see the version of Illandria from Kingdom Hearts DxD and the version from the soon to be reposted Sajon's stand-alone story A Sword Between Twilight. Speaking characters will have KH in front of their name if it's the version of them from the crossover fic, DxD in front of their name if it's the version from the stand-alone story, and if there isn't an alternate version of a speaking character then I'll put only their name. With that out of the way I hope you enjoy.

The school auditorium of the ever famous Kuoh Academy is covered in darkness save for a few spotlights focused upon its stage, and the dimmed lights hanging from the ceiling. A small group of people are standing or sitting near the front of the stage seemingly waiting for something or perhaps someone.

"God…. what is taking Jaxson so long?" Rinako impatiently mumbled as the queen or rather king present impatiently taps her fingers, "He's just an ordinary human, so it shouldn't be that hard for him to grab him."

"Don't be so hard on master!" KH Koroyuki yelled as if feeling insulted, "Master has always said that this method of traveling might be pretty fast, but he still has to fight to the other end of the tunnel at times."

"Not to mention assuming he succeeds, Jaxson has to do that and keep the other guy alive." KH Illandria interjected as well.

Half an hour passes and nothing changes in the auditorium. In fact one of the occupants of the auditorium…. a teenaged boy with black hair while wearing a gold embroidered black Taoist robe gets impatient to the point where he can no longer get home.

"Oh for the love of…. I'm going home!" the young Taoist priest grumbled as he started to walk towards the closest exit.

But before the Taoist priest could even take his third step forward, he's stopped by another teenage with blonde hair and blue-green eyes wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform when the former when the latter places his on the shoulder of the former.

"What Sajon!?" the toast priest yelled out of annoyance.

"Now now Loopy…. it'll be fun to talk to the alternate reality version of ourselves for a bit." DxD Sajon said with an almost child-like innocence and curiosity.

"You have an alternate reality version of yourself! I don't!" the teenaged Taoist yelled, "Wait…. hey… for the last time stop calling me Loopy! My name is Liu Biao!"

"Ha ha…. but it sounds like Loopy if you say it fast enough." DxD Sajon chuckled, "Besides….. we're stuck here until their version of Mikuro and I get back from picking up our reality's Mikuro, so no leaving King's orders."

At that moment a swirling portal of darkness opens up from the ground just a few feet away from where everyone has congregated, and a few seconds later a familiar voice begins to exude forth.

"Oh…. it looks like we're early." The familiar voice said.

There were two people who walked out of that portal. The first was a teenage girl who save for the eyepatch over one eye, the fact she was wearing worn yet clearly well cared for version of the Botis family's signature armor, and the ice queen facial expression fit the appearance of the ideal Japanese lady.

"No….. rather it seems like the performers are late Sajon-sama." KH Mikuro said calmly after taking a moment to scan her surroundings.

"Now that you mention it… you're right." Sajon notes.

The second person was of course Sajon or rather the KH version of him. The only difference between him and his DxD counterpart is that KH Sajon is wearing the variation of the Botis family's traditional armor reserved for those with the blood of the first Lord Botis flowing through them.

"Hey other me!" KH Sajon excitedly yelled as ran up to his alternate reality counterpart, "Sorry, but your queen version of my knight wasn't at the meeting point cause she had a high fever."

"A shame, but you can see what I mean when I say our version is far more charming then yours since she actually... oh hold on someone's calling me" DxD Sajon said as he held his phone an inch away from his ear, "Yes dear?"

"Um…. other me… you might want to look at your screen." KH Sajon pointed out as he noticed a purple magic circle starting to form.

Specifically that magic circle was forming in the opening between DxD Sajon's phone and ear.

"Oh damn…. not again." DxD Sajon said as he looked at his phone's screen, and by proxy ends up pointing the magic circle at his face.

DxD Sajon's phone then launches a small geyser of water straight in his face with force as if a Blastoise used hydro pump at point blank. The end result was of course DxD Sajon being knocked on his ass.

"I can't believe she got me again with this trick!" DxD Sajon yelled out of annoyance.

"Don't tell me…. Sona hits you with water magic every time you seem to have a certain level of interest in any woman not related to you or in your peerage?" KH Sajon asked as he helped his counterpart back on his feet, "I know the answer is yes because she did the same thing to me several times growing up."

"Thanks…. I religiously check my stuff for this. How did she slip…" DxD Sajon was saying when he suddenly paused as if having an epiphany, "Koroyuki!"

"Yes, Sajon-sama?" DxD Koroyuki said in her usual emotionless tone as status aside she got on one knee like a knight before her liege.

"Did Sona bribe you with bacon again?" DxD Sajon said as though he wanted to throttle his rook right there.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Sajon-sama." DxD Koroyuki said with a deadpan expression as she's unable to look her king in the face.

"I swear Koro-" Sajon said before being interrupted by the opening of another portal of darkness.

This portal of course forms upon the auditorium stage, and walking out of said portal is an ever familiar black cloak wearing, long brown haired, keyblade wielding main character Jaxson pulling along a length of rope with one hand.

"Finally!" Rinako mumbled as she immediately jumped on stage upon Jaxson's return.

Amongst those present, those familiar with Rinako's personality had originally expected her to open a can upon Jaxson as she walked up to him. Their prediction isn't wrong, but the can being opened isn't the one you'd expect.

"Are you alright? Did the target give you much trouble? Oh…. you got your cloak dirty, so it looks like you'll have to wash that later. Are you hungry? Wait never mind I'll take care of that after today's affairs are over." Rinako said as she asked question after question like a concerned mother hen.

"Mwa mwa, I love you! I love you!" Sajon said in a teasing tone as he attempted to make kissing noises.

The identity of the Sajon who made these remarks; however, remains a mystery as both incarnations of the talented swordsman are pointing their fingers at one another when Rinako turns to give them a death glare.

"Why you?!" a red-faced Rinako yelled as she was about to chuck a pair of lightning bolts, but quickly relents, "No forget it….. you were able to grab him right?"

"Yes, but it was difficult restraining myself from accidentally inflicting se…." Jaxson said when he too was suddenly rendered speechless.

The reason being that as Jaxson was pulling on the aforementioned rope, he eventually reached a section of it that had been torn or cut off somehow. Either way it means whoever was attached to the rope had escaped Jaxson's grasp somewhere in the realm of darkness.

"Oh son of a…. I'll be right back." Jaxson declared just a millisecond before running back into the portal he had created.

Voices begin to come out of the portal one after the other after about 5 or 6 minutes have passed.

"Let me go you psycho! This must a dream….. yes a dream!" a man screamed.

"Shut up! Otherwise, you'll keep drawing them to us!" Jaxson yelled out of annoyance, "I might be able to carry you easily with one hand, but that doesn't mean it makes it easy to fight with only my other hand!"

"It's just a dream, so what do I…. oh you're not going to…" the man said as his voice is suddenly filled with fear.

"The floor has been polished pretty well, so you shouldn't have to worry about splinters." Jaxson said calmly.

With her curiosity piqued due to all of the noise Rinako walked closer to the portal of darkness, but she immediately dives off to the side the moment Jaxson mentions "splinters". It's clear that she knew if not had a strong suspicion towards what her pawn was about to do.

"YOU CRAZY BASTARD!" the man yelled as he was chucked through the portal like a spear.

It was perfect timing as he came flying through the portal just a millisecond after Rinako dived to the floor, but given the speed of his flight the man will clearly hurt himself once he makes contact with something. Realizing this, Rinako quickly uses the power of her family's bloodline and teleports the man safely in an upright position onstage. As for Jaxson however…

"Ahh… son…. bad doggy! Let go of my arm!" Jaxson yelled as he fell through his own portal like it were a wall that just gave way whilst a Rabid Dog type Heartless clamped its teeth on the young man's sword armor.

The portal closes shortly thereafter, however that's an inconsequential detail compared the doggy of darkness biting into Jaxson's arm like a chew toy. Jaxson's first thought was to blast the rabid beast at point blank range with a Dark Firaga.

"No…. don't you'll seriously hurt yourself!" Rinako yelled as she grabbed Jaxson's arm before he could launch the iconic spell.

Meanwhile within the small group of laughing onlookers….

"Ha ha... I wish I could take pictures." DxD Sajon said as he forces his laughter to come to a stop, "Loopy, as hilarious as this is and even though our memories of this event will be wiped later-"

"I understand." Liu Bao interrupts as he sighs reluctantly while pulling out a small talisman written in an older dialect of Chinese characters from his long sleeves.

Liu Bao then throws the talisman and thanks to being guided by his qi, it easily attaches itself to the Rabid Dog type Heartless before both are destroyed in a puff of smoke. Jaxson quickly checks his arm now that he's free from that particular discomfort, and thankfully he only got away with a few bite marks.

"Thankfully Xehanort at least makes his clothes out of durable materials." Jaxson thought as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think I have some lotion for bite marks somewhere." Rinako mumbled as she rummaged through her pockets.

"Oh you mean from the time I accidentally bit your a-" Jaxson was saying.

"Ahem." goes the crowd of onlookers.

"As much fun as unintentional innuendo can be, we still have things to do so hurry it up and you two love birds can get a room later!" Liu Bao yelled out of annoyance.

Meanwhile, a few minutes after Liu Bao stopped having muscle spasms on the floor due to being struck with a magical bolt of lightning that may or may not have been chucked by a purple haired maiden in retribution for a snide comment…

"Alright everyone, now that the main guest has arrived we can get this show on the road." Rinako said as she spoke into a microphone.

"Show? What show?" the kidnapped said aloud.

"An all-powerful deity who happens to be a major fan of Kingdom Hearts DxD and Sajon's stand-alone what-if story was the one who gathered us together. After hacking into your computer he decided to host this interview special where you answer 13 (an iconic number I know) questions that you've been messaged by various fans." Jaxson said with a smile.

"I was hacked by a god! Why would someone so mighty need to hack my laptop?!" the man yelled out of shock.

Then the man finally registers the fact that the title of two of his fanfictions were just spoken.

"Wait…. holy shit, I recognize you all now!" the man yelled as he had an epiphany, "You're all characters who have showed up in or I have planned to show up in both fics. You all completely imagine the picture in my mind."

"Thank you for the compliment, and to answer your question….. I said all-powerful not all-knowing." Rinako politely explained, "Oh and the reason we're not all in a state of frenzy about discovering we're work of fictions is that the same being messed with our sense of perception so we consider this as normal."

"I see." the man sighed, "And I suppose until I answer all 13 questions…. I'm stuck here correct?"

"Yes, but don't worry about how whatever you'll say will affect us. Our memories of today's events will be wiped from our minds" Jaxson revealed, "Also the same being is already listening in so there's no reason to worry about that."

"Now then… before we start, what would you like us to refer to you as?" Rinako asked as she passes the kidnapped man a mic.

Right after doing so, Rinako and Jaxson rejoin the small gathering of onlookers below the stage.

"Whatever… but just for the sake of things refer to me by the first part of my penname Terminus." Terminus depressingly sighed as he decided to accept his situation, "Now what's the first question?"

One of the spotlights in the auditorium begins to shine over both incarnations of Sajon Botis, and both incarnations are holding the same mic with one hand.

"Yeah which version of us is stronger?" both Sajon's curiously ask.

"Most people say me since I've gotten more screen time." KH Sajon pointed out.

"But I haven't gotten a chance to show what I can do." DxD Sajon points out as well.

"Obviously it'll be my aniue-sama." KH Illandria said with confidence.

"Excuse me? It's obvious my super awesome nii-san that will win." DxD Illandria declared as if she were a typical teenage girl who overhears their favorite popstar getting insulted.

The ever classic forehead clashing lightning bolt of rivalry begins to form as both incarnations of Illandria bring out their Forsaken Flame sacred gears.

"Woahhh…. Before this breaks out into a sib... I mean cat-fight, let me just say now the answer to that isn't straight forward!" Terminus yelled as he urgently waved his hands out of fear of being burnt to death.

"What do you mean?" both incarnations of Illandria asked as they put away their swords.

"If the question was which version of Sajon would win in a fight…. then the crossover incarnation would win 8 times out of 10, but…. and again I say but that's only because that incarnation of Sajon has about 5 more years of combat experience and it be easy to predict how his other incarnation would move. Against other people their win/loss ratio would be similar if not the same." Terminus explained, "If you put down their stats on a character sheet then you'd see what I mean."

"But they're not just characters in a game!" both incarnations of Illandria yelled as if taking offense to that.

"I just mean their strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, etc are exactly the same if not a negligible difference." Terminus said as he wiped the sweat off his brow, "Granted KH Sajon has in game terms a greater degree of active and passive skills due to (Obvious spoiler alert) the differences in the flow of time between worlds."

"Pardon me, but wouldn't the variety of skills KH Sajon has improve his win rate against other people?" Jaxson asked as the spotlight momentarily shined on him once more.

"You would think, but most of KH Sajon's time was spend performing tasks for his (evil bastard) of a master rather than actually training his skills or stats. As a result he's only trained a few skills to a combat practical level and only trained so his base stands don't go down." Terminus answered, "Conversely DxD Sajon would be able to make up for this lack of skills against other opponents thanks to possessing a far greater mastery of his family's swordsmanship compared to his counterpart. In a nutshell it's better training versus greater experience"

"Okay… I'm satisfied with that, but before the person who brought us together wipes our memories…. What you say we put that to the test?" DxD Sajon asks of his crossover counterpart.

"Certainly." KH Sajon said as he too looked forward to such a duel.

Moving on…

"The second question from your fans is…..who is stronger between both incarnations of Illandria, Koroyuki, and Rinako?" Jaxson asked.

"I don't want to waste time going into the same amount of detail, so whether you like it or not I'm keeping it short and with minimal to no spoilers." Terminus said.

"Hey!" said all incarnations of the characters mentioned in that question.

"DxD Illandria is stronger due to not suffering from a long period of depression and being able to focus more on training, DxD Koroyuki though barely thanks to her methodical fighting style compared to her counterpart fighting like a wild animal most of the time, and KH Rinako for reasons that would be a spoiler." Terminus quickly answered.

One bathroom break later…

"What kind of people would be in Sajon's peerage? Specifically the DxD version." KH Mikuro asked as she read off a piece of paper.

"Well Koroyuki and Illandria would obviously be members. You've already been hinted at in a chapter of KH DxD, but since I don't want to spoil too much I'll only give a basic character profile on you and Liu Bao" Terminus was saying as he took a deep breathe, "Both incarnations of Mikuro Kurogane is the revered OC elder sister of Ikki Kurogane the main character of the series Chivalry of a Failed Knight. Before becoming a devil both incarnations possessed even less ability than their younger brother. In terms of personality the KH Mikuro is an Ice Queen, the DxD incarnation has a *spoiler* personality. Her DxD incarnation serves as DxD Sajon's secretary/bodyguard. While I'm at it DxD Koroyuki serves as a bodyguard maid, Illandria serves as *spoilers*, and Liu Bao I'll get to in a second. KH Mikuro specializes in using a scythe while her DxD counterpart specializes in a naginata, however both incarnations are highly competent in the other's Mikuro was Sajon's knight while DxD Mikuro had a different rank."

"Okay what about me? And while you're at it why isn't there a KH version of me here?" Liu Bao asks as Terminus catches his breath.

"Though the exact circumstances are different, there isn't a KH version of you for the same reason there isn't a DxD version of Rinako present." Terminus answered much to the questioner's shock, "As for the OC profile… Liu Bao is a 2nd year foreign exchange student at Kuoh, is originally from China, and serves as DxD Sajon's bishop. He works for that Sajon as his strategist and information officer. In terms of personality he's as hot-blooded as Kaiba Ichijou, is extremely prideful, but can reign that part of him in most of the time due to the position he serves. As for his fighting style…. he is a cultivator…. part of a group of humans who manipulate Qi in a matter similar to how ninjas from the Naruto series manipulate chakra. If you're not familiar with what Cultivators are I recommend reading Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, or Cult of Sacred Runes to get a feel. The reason Liu Bao is in DxD Sajon's peerage is for mutual gains that'll be revealed in the stand alone story.

"Wow… don't you feel so special Loopy? To be talked about in such detail." DxD Sajon says sarcastically.

"At least I get the attention I… stop calling me Loopy!" Liu Bao screamed.

After taking the time for Terminus to inhale a lot of air…..

"How would my trauma conga line of family dynamics with my situation play out in the stand alone story?" DxD Illandria asked.

"I can't answer that in any way or form without it being seriously major spoilers." Terminus answered.

"What exactly is our master's personality like? Not counting his Heartless, whenever he showed up; it was only his reactions in a serious situation." asked both incarnations of Koroyuki.

"Hmm…. honestly to describe Sajon's personality in a casual situation it would take several lines of text, so instead I'll compare him to the character of another series." Terminus explained after a moment of thought, "Specifically his personality in a normal situation would be an exact copy of Victor Nikiforov from the series Yuri on Ice right down to the letter and type face."

"Actually now that he mentions it…. I totally see the similarities." Mikuru and Loop… I mean Liu Bao thought.

"Alright…. my turn to ask a question." Jaxson mumbled, "What exactly are your plans for my friends and I in future chapters of Kingdom Hearts DxD?"

"In terms of future arcs I have planned for now….. first I intend to get back to DxD canon with the battle with the Khoas Brigade on Kuoh Academy grounds, a short yet meaningful arc dealing with Master Seraphim, and finally (at least for now) an arc to cover the duty of the Seere family." Terminus said after a moment of thought.

"Question number 10: Who is your favorite character amongst OCs and franchise involved in this fanfiction?" asked a young girl.

Suddenly everyone's attention is drawn to the figure who spoke, of whom no one seems to recognize. Based on her height and voice she couldn't be any younger than 11 or older than 13. She's also wearing a Organization 13 cloak that's covering her head, but it's nowhere near as detailed as Jaxson's cloak…. rather it's closer to a fan-made costume.

"Who…. wait….. now I remember who you are." Terminus laughed as he thought of a punchline he wouldn't be around to see, "I couldn't really say that I have a favorite character above all else, but I do have a top pick amongst each individual categories. Starting with OCs…. Koroyuki cause dog ears beat cat ears, Riku from Kingdom Hearts since he was an inspiration for Jaxson's character, and from High School DxD Kiba split evenly between his past and skillset."

There's also one other person present who knows the identity of this cloaked figure, but that for now shall remain a mystery.

"How is she here? This is way before she's supposed to show up in the story." KH Sajon thought.

Damn you KH Sajon!

"Counting this question only three remain, but… what species of canine am I in animal form? All that you mention is the color of the fur of my counterpart and I." DxD Koroyki curiously asked.

"Now that you mention it…. I've never mentioned what species of canine you are in animal form at all, but…. the answer to that question is an easy one. Just give me a second to remember the name." Terminus said before taking a necessary pause, "Ah yes I remember now! I…. can't remember the name of the species at all. Don't worry though…. I'm sure when I do that the divine powers that be will make the necessary adjustments.

"But… fine…. I suppose it was a bit of a stretch after all." DxD Koroyuki mumbled as she admits defeat with this issue.

"Okay… just 2 more questions and I'll be able to get out of this crazy factory alive….. hopefully." Terminus thought as he saw the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel.

"Do you plan to continue Kingdom Hearts: DxD and Sajon's stand-alone story?" asked everyone in the room.

"I do…. I've never planned to stop updating this or any of my fanfics for that matter, but it's just that I've been extremely busy so I haven't found time to write until now. Rest assured while I'm on break from school you'll all see updates soon." Terminus answered as if he was somewhat disappointed with himself.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, someone or rather a certain short loli gets the courage to ask the final question.

"Do you have a favorite ship?" the hood covered girl asked in a cheery tone. "Oh I do hope it's with me and master."

"Ha ha ha… sorry… sorry. I just couldn't help but laugh in response to that one. In all seriousness though….. I don't have a favorite ship in this fic, of which is weird considering I have one with all my fics." Terminus sighed, "One I will cover soon is the SajonxSona ship in an exclusive flashback."

At that moment all of the lights in the auditorium turn on in order to signify the end of this little gathering.

"Alright everyone, thank you for coming and please be sure to clean up any mess you made or Sona will have my ass before the memories of this gathering are wiped from our minds!" Rinako declared at the top of her voice since she didn't have a mic.

"Ha… don't I know how strict she is." DxD Sajon laughed.

"Ah yes… that's right you mentioned your version of her is far more strict." KH Sajon noted as he turned to face his alternate reality counterpart.

"Oh totally… I mean she needs totally needs to relax more or her face will be filled with wrinkles pretty quickly. Also… what's wrong with me thinking another girl is cute. Granted in our reality only a few people know about her engagement, but I'd never do anything with her around." DxD Sajon explained with a laugh as he failed to realize how he was signing his own death warrant.

He failed to realize because he didn't register that the expression of his alternate reality counterpart switched from casual enjoyment to one that shows a steadily growing sense of dread.

"Umm…. other me… you might want to shut up like right the hell now." KH Sajon declared.

"She's behind me… isn't she?" DxD Sajon asked as he finally registered the expression of fear on his counterpart's face.

To which KH Sajon only bobbed his head up and down in response.

"Shit." DxD Sajon thought as he slowly turned around.

If one lacked the ability to read the situation then you'd see the DxD version of Sona giving Sajon a faint smile as if happy to see him, but most people here shouldn't so instead you can see it looks like the student council president intends to have a discussion.

"Oh hi Sona my dear, I know how everything sounded earlier. I swear it's not what…. ouch.. okay stop it! That hurts!" DxD Sajon before his reality's Sona started dragging him by the ear.

"I have to talk to Saji about his recent behavior and Rias has to do the same for Issei, so at least you won't be alone with what will happen next." DxD Sona said with a straight face.

"What do you mean?" DxD Sajon asked as he starts sweating out of fear whilst trying to break Sona's grip, "Koroyuki, get me out of here!"

This incarnation of Sajon knows that if he really wanted to escape Sona's grip he could do so easily, but he's also smart enough to know that it will make things several times worse.

"As you wish master. I'll-" DxD Koroyuki was saying in a stern expression as she started to walk towards her master.

"Triple my last offer of gourmet bacon." Sona quickly interrupts.

"I'll bring the lotion and icepack." DxD Koroyuki said.

"TRAITOR!" DxD Sajon screamed.

Eventually Sona is able to drag Sajon through a double door leading into one of the school's hallways. The double doors slowly rock between opened or closed like a pendulum, and each time they reveal a rapidly growing sense of fear on the DxD incarnation of Sajon's face. Everyone present becomes silent as if waiting for what will happen next, but another person is having completely different thoughts.

"Oh…. it was totally worth bringing his Sona here without telling the other me while setting him up." KH Sajon internally snickered.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" three teenaged boys screamed in agony.

"Well time toooo… ohhhh shit." KH Sajon thought as he turned around to come face to face with his reality's version of Sona, "Oh other me totally planned the same thing…. I just know it.

"Since whatever you needed the auditorium for is done.,,, can we talk?" KH Sona asked with an expression that matched her DxD counterpart.

"Certainly." KH Sajon quickly and fearfully said.

"Oh this I have to see." Terminus thought as he jumped off the stage.

Terminus quickly found it weird when he realized that his feet never touched the round, but he turned around only to notice Jaxson was lifting him by the collar of his shirt with one hand.

"I'll have to knock you out so you don't try escaping during the return trip, but I do apologize for how you'll feel when you wake up." Jaxson explained as he starts to pull back his free arm.

"Oh come on that's no-" Terminus tried to say before getting a forceful yet free trip to dreamland.

To Be Continued

A/N: Rest assured the next chapter will appear as plan, but it's weird…. when I woke up a few minutes before posting … I found this exact file open on my laptop and a big bruise on the back of my neck. Heck now that I think about it… I had a similar dream too. Still to add on to this special I'll give you a short preview of a future chapters of Kingdom Hearts: DxD.

Trees were uprooted, grass was burned, rivers had their flow forcibly changed, and the ground was littered with craters from the start of this fight to the end. Still…. as the smoke cleared from our final combination attack, our friends could see our figures hunched over our swords as we used them like canes. The Heartless created from that creature that was in turn created by one of the Longinus.

"It's finally dead…. not bad for our first time workings together, don't you think?" Sajon asked.

"Yeah…. I'd like to think that given the number of times we tried killing each other." I laughed.

At the end we were covered in dirt, lost a lot of blood and the upper body sections of our armor were ripped to pieces. Despite all that… we could still laugh like friends.

"Ha ha very funny Jaxs… oh that's right you remember everything now… including your real name. How… ouch it hurts to laugh." Sajon grunted as he passed me a small vial, "One of my last two elixirs. Take it while I drink the other."

The medicine lived up to its name as our injuries healed, our fatigue restored, and back then we put 10 feet of space between one another knowing what we'd do next.

"The first time we were both exhausted and injured so that doesn't count, the second time was my Heartless plus you had help so that definitely doesn't count, and now it's time we really settle our differences." Sajon explained as he and I took a ready position.

A/N: Yes it is a spoiler, but there are a few lines for this section I purposely left out so it doesn't spoil what most of you may obviously think it does. Either way…. see you again in the next chapter of Kingdom Hearts DxD. Terminus Zwei – Signing off.