Of Lovely Dwarves.

Slash: meaning malexmale or yaoi if you'd like.

Pairing: ThorinxBilbo….Thilbo Bagginshield.

Summary: Bilbo thinks Dwarves can be quite lovely, some more than others.

Genre: Romance/Humour.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I'm not brilliant enough to come up with my own characters.




A/N Hope you enjoy it, you lovely people! Not proofread, because it's late and I'm tired, so please tell me if I made any mistakes!

That night Bilbo actually did sleep with Thorin again, though he still denied it. He knew they were sleeping together, but definitely not in the way Fili and Kili were implying. When Bilbo had walked towards his own bedroll he had laid down earlier, Thorin had asked him where he thought he was going. Apparently "to my bedroll" hadn't been the right answer, because Thorin claimed it wouldn't be good if their burglar froze to death. So he found himself at Thorin's side again, after stomping to his bedroll and sitting down. He had ignored everything and everyone, especially Thorin's chuckles.

'Basterd was hardly capable of a smile a few days ago and now he is laughing at me.' Needless to say, Bilbo wasn't so happy about all this. Sure, he liked sleeping next to the king, who was warm and quite nice to look at, but he was a proper Hobbit and Hobbits didn't sleep next to Dwarf kings just to be laughed at. Kili wiggling his eyebrows at him didn't really help either. He was now lying on his back, staring at the sky. The fact he was staring at the sky was already weird, not to mention he was out in the wild with a group of Dwarves and a Wizard. He was lucky the snow had melted during the day, because he was not too keen to sleep in the white cold stuff. His neighbours would get a heart attack if they could see him now. Not to mention his poor father. His mother might actually be a little proud. He smiled at the thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

He heard the whisper in his ear and almost laughed at the fact that there was a dwarf king that was whispering in his ear.

"That I'm obviously not much of a proper Hobbit anymore."

"And what would a proper Hobbit behave like, then?" Bilbo shrugged and turned around, so he was face to face with Thorin. "Can you see me?"

Thorin raised an eyebrow, though Bilbo could barely see it. "I'll take that as a yes." Bilbo sighed a little and went on: "A proper or normal Hobbit hardly ever sleeps outside. Bree is a far place for us and there is hardly any different folk then Hobbits in the Shire. Except for Gandalf I don't think I've ever seen anything else. We have at least five meals a day and our clothes are always looking perfect. Yet, here I am, laying underneath the stars in the middle of a group Dwarves and Wizard, whispering to a king." He laughed. "My mother would be so proud. My father would've died from fright."

"Your mother wouldn't?"

"Hm. She was a Took. She even went to Rivendell once." Bilbo explained.

"You're quite something then." Thorin was smiling slightly. Bilbo smiled back, Thorin looked good smiling, it was a shame he always looked so gruff. Though he had to admit, Thorin was quite handsome when he was looking al majestic. Bilbo could feel his ears and cheeks redden and was suddenly thankful it was already dark. He could barely see Thorin, so the other wouldn't notice his blush. "You should uh… do that more often. Uh smile I mean." Bilbo cursed himself for the stutter. Thorin shook his head in amusement.

"Go to sleep, little one."

Bilbo's smile turned wider. "Good night, Thorin."

"Good night."


Bilbo woke up early. After he'd wiggled his way out of Thorin's arms, he helped Bombur making breakfast. If the other was surprised, he didn't show it. They chatted lightly waiting for the others to wake. Slowly, the other Dwarves joined them, watching the two of them cook. Some were cleaning their weapons in meantime, while others were just talking. Even Thorin had joined them, though he was silently watching.

Suddenly, when Bilbo was walking over so he could give the other's some food, Fili stretched and Bilbo tripped. Bilbo fell and could barely catch the food. Before any of the Dwarves could stand to help though, Bilbo cursed loudly.

"Look where you put your feet Fili! I almost spilled the food!" It wasn't until he stopped talking he noticed the dead silence. He looked around and saw all of the Dwarves looking at him in shock. Even Thorin, who seemed to be slightly blushing.


"I said Fili should watch out!" He send a glare towards the prince.

"No I meant before that."

Bilbo looked at him with surprise. "Uhh I don't know?"

"That wasn't a language we know." Ori suddenly chimed in. Bilbo's eyebrows rose and he felt a blush rise on his face. Even his ears were turning pink when he realised he had cursed in the language they sometimes used in the Shire.

"It sounded like cursing." Well thanks, Fili, for your input. Bilbo felt himself turn even redder.

"I uhh.. yes… I cursed." His eyes flitted to Thorin, who still seemed slightly shocked.

"Some Hobbits can still use the language the first Hobbits used." Gandalf. Bilbo's saviour. "Bagginses are one of the older families who still speak it."

"Well yes we can. Thank you Gandalf. And if you all don't mind I was busy." When he had given Nori and Dori their shares, half of the Company was still staring at him.

"Would you STOP staring?" Bilbo suddenly snapped, halfway done with filling Thorin's share. The King just raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, you guys curse all the time and half of that time it is in Khûzdûl! I curse once and you look at me as if I'm an elf with an axe!"

"Well yes, but you're…you're Bilbo!" Bilbo turned around, still standing in front of Thorin. He put one hand in his side, the other still clutching the pan." He waved the pan in Kili's direction, frowning a little. "You guys just have a bad influence on me!" Some of them laughed.

"I think we have a good influence on you, laddie." Dwalin said. Bilbo huffed and turned to give Thorin the rest of the food. Thorin was still looking slightly bewildered. Bilbo decided to ignore this for the time being.


Later that day the sun was actually shining for once and Bilbo had almost forgotten about that morning. Though it was still chilly outside, it wasn't as cold as a few days ago. There was less wind and the snow had melted. The scenery was beautiful and Bilbo was enjoying himself for once on this journey. He was smiling and chatting lightly with Bofur, who was telling him some stories. Everybody seemed to be in a good mood because the weather was better now and they were moving faster again. Even Thorin seemed to be in a good mood, walking in the front as always, keeping up a fast pace. Bilbo was happy the path was good and he could ride his pony, because there was no way he could actually walk this fast. After some complaining from his nephews, they even stopped for lunch, near a little stream, so they could wash themselves. Bilbo hadn't had a proper bath for a long time, but taking a bath did mean he would have to get naked with thirteen dwarves. Though most of the Company had already undressed and was swimming, Bilbo was still dressed and standing on the bank, staring longingly into the water.

"Not taking a swim, my dear hobbit?" Gandalf had joined him.

"I'd love to." Bilbo sighed. "But I don't think I can."

"I thought as much." Gandalf's eyes were twinkling. "That's why I came to tell you there is a little stream up there" he pointed to the right "where you can bath in private."

Though Bilbo didn't trust the look in Gandalf's eyes, but his need to bath won. He found the place Gandalf meant quite easy. It was actually the same stream, but with some boulders in the middle, which separated the two places. Bilbo undressed quickly and slowly went into the water. He had thought it was going to be cold and he hadn't been wrong. With all the snow lately how could it be warm? But it was clean water and it was worth the cold so he could wash quickly. He dipped under when he had washed his body, wanting to get his hair as clean as possible. Hobbit's were creatures who cared a lot about the way their hair looked and sleeping outside hadn't done much good to his curls. They were pretty long too. Maybe he could ask one of the dwarves to cut his hair. When he came to the surface, he immediately dipped under again from shock. He had been expecting to see a blue sky and some sand and grass when he opened his eyes, not Thorin's face. When he came up again he had slightly calmed.

"You okay?"

"Yeah sorry, just surprised." Thorin's eyes flickered down and Bilbo was suddenly very aware he was naked.

"I uh… just let me get dressed." When Thorin didn't turn around immediately, Bilbo gestured with his hand. As soon as the king had turned away, Bilbo scrambled to get some clothes on. He dropped himself on the grass, exhausted from his hasty climbing and putting his clothing on.

"You done?"

"Uh yes. Yes you can turn around." Thorin turned and smiled when he saw the hobbit lay down on the grass, hair still damp.

"Why were you here anyway?" Bilbo asked, quite curious.

"We didn't know where you were so I thought I'd look for you."

Bilbo grumbled a little under his breath about stupid wizards, but Thorin didn't say anything and lay down next to him instead. They lay like that for a while, not saying anything. Bilbo was watching Thorin silently, observing his face. Even when he was lying down like this, worry could still be seen in his face. There were hard lines in his face, created by years of hardship and the weight of his kin on his shoulders. His eyes were closed, but Bilbo knew those bright orbs could look haunted at times.

He wished he could kiss the worries away. He did not linger on that thought, not wanting to think about it too much.

Suddenly, Thorin's eyes met his. He turned, so he was on his side, facing Bilbo.

"Why do you do that?"

"Hm what?" Bilbo was still slightly distracted, even more now the eyes he had been thinking about were looking at him. He sometimes felt Thorin was looking right through him.

"Looking at me like that." Thorin was frowning slightly, making slight creases in his forehead.

"You frown too much." Bilbo observed. He didn't think about it, but poked with his index finger between the other's eyebrows. Thorin looked slightly surprised but didn't say something. Instead, he relaxed his face, or tried to, at least. Bilbo laughed a little at the reaction. Because Thorin tried to make his face relaxed, he just frowned harder.

"And here I thought you were in total control of your face."

"I am." Bilbo snorted a little. "Obviously."

Thorin rolled his eyes. "You just make it hard."

"Do I?" The question was rhetorical and Thorin didn't answer. He reached out slowly, touching Bilbo's hair. "It's wet, you might catch a cold." Bilbo shrugged.

"I think I'm gonna cut it. Or make one of you cut it."


"It's too long. It's annoying. I have no idea how you do it." Bilbo grabbed a strand of Thorin's hair and waved it between their faces for a while, indicating how long it was.

"I'm used to it." Bilbo laughed again, tucking the strand behind Thorin's ear without thinking about it. He realised with a little jolt how close they were, since he moved to put Thorin's hair back behind his ear. His eyes locked with Thorin's, but he didn't move away. Thorin smiled a little and again, without thinking, Bilbo moved forward his lips touching Thorin's. As soon as he realised what he had done he moved back with a speed he didn't know he possessed.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what overcame me! I honestly… I mean! Argh! If my neighbours saw me…" Bilbo rambled on a bit until Thorin silenced him by putting a hand on his mouth.

"Who said I didn't like that?"

He removed the hand but before Bilbo could retort, Thorin closed the distance again.

The kiss was soft. Their lips moved slowly together, as if they were careful to make a wrong move. Bilbo's hands were tangled in Thorin's dark hair, while he felt the hands on his back tighten, moving him closer. They deepened the kiss, Thorin's tongue slowly making his way into Bilbo's mouth. They didn't move, just lay there, kissing and savouring the moment. Just when Thorin cupped Bilbo's cheek, they heard a stumble and a loud "EW."

They broke the kiss and Bilbo shut his eyes, burrowing his face in Thorin's shoulder, refusing to look up. He heard Thorin sigh and felt him move a little.

"Get the hell out of here. Both of you." Bilbo heard some scrambling and footsteps running away quickly. It wasn't a question who that had been.


Bilbo looked up, knowing he was bright red. Thorin raised an eyebrow, questioning if he was okay.

"I'm fine. That was just… well. Awkward." Thorin laughed, the sound rumbling from his chest. Bilbo joined in the laughing. Everything was just too ridiculous.

After the laughter died down they laid like that for a while.

"We ought to go." Thorin suddenly commented. Bilbo nodded, moving so he could get up. They both straitened their clothing and left to walk towards the camp.

Bilbo was smiling to himself. He had no idea what just happened, but he did like it. He wondered where this was going in the future. Just before they entered the camp, Thorin opened his mouth.

"You know. The cursing you did this morning was quite hot."

Bilbo tripped over his own feet.

Stupid dwarves.


YEAH DONE! Sorry for the long wait. I'll update ASAP. I have nooo idea if the Shire has another language. I looked it up but couldn't find it anyway. Ah well, I thought I'd be funny. Please review!

With love,
